Chapter 407 The six-fingered one

Mi Qin looks like he is in his early thirties.

She has long hair and wears a plain skirt.

She was wearing an apron and no makeup.

The facial features do not give people a very stunning feeling at first glance, but when they smile at everyone, they give people a very peaceful and comfortable feeling.

"Hello, sister-in-law." Several people greeted Mi Qin.

The latter welcomed them into the house with a smile on his face, and then poured tea for everyone with his hands and feet.

"You guys sit down first, there's still food cooking in the pot."

Ye Xiu stood up immediately after hearing this and said, "Sister-in-law, let me help you."

"No, it's not troublesome to have a small table of dishes!"

Mi Qin politely declined Ye Xiu's kindness, and Zhang Xian also said: "Although I don't want her to work so hard, but every time I help her, I get disliked. The more I help, the more trouble I get."

Others may care about Zhang Xian's identity, but Chen Xiao doesn't, and he also dislikes it:
"You don't look like someone who knows how to do housework."

"My dad can do it, he can wipe my butt for me!" The Zhang family kid on the side said quickly. Zhang Xian was speechless for a while and quickly pulled Chen Xiao aside.

After lighting a cigarette, he grinned and said:

"Thank you so much this time. If it weren't for you, Xiao Pan wouldn't know what was going on!"

"Why are you saying such kind words to me? Besides, I should also thank you. If it weren't for your help, Xiaoxi's work wouldn't have been so smooth!"

Zhang Xian snorted: "That's also her ability. To be honest, if you weren't so perverted, Xiaoxi would have been a rare and capable police detective."

"Hey, Director Zhang... I'm a guest today. Do you think it's inappropriate for me to be a pervert?" Chen Xiao said with a dark face.

Zhang Xian chuckled, took a puff of cigarette and asked:

"I usually call you this to recognize your strength. Please tell me what you think about the Golden Light Tomb Case? Are you really not going to help Xiaoxi?"

"As you said, my presence has definitely affected Xiaoxi's reputation in Dongzhou. Therefore, it is better for me to stay at home quietly if I don't show up when she is working."

"You are wrong about this. You are not a police officer. Your superiors only care about your performance. The case you helped Xiao Xi solve is ultimately Xiao Xi's credit. As for what people at the same level think of it, what does that have to do with Xiao Xi? "

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xian added: "Don't think your wife is just a docile little cat in front of you, but in fact she is a very capable person. After she became the deputy team leader, her subordinates No one is dissatisfied!"

"And you know the title of Dongzhou Police King, right?"

Chen Xiao was a little surprised when he suddenly heard this title, but he quickly came to his senses.

"You remember correctly, our Dongzhou Bureau Zhang is the first and currently the only one to receive this honor, right?"

Zhang Xian nodded: "Tsk, why do you like to praise others when you have nothing to do? I really am not bragging, but I am reminding you that if Xiaoxi really makes a contribution to the task force this time, the title of Police King will probably not escape him."

"Once she wins, Xiaoyan may not be able to compete with her. Especially, your achievements in attracting investment will definitely be taken into consideration!"

Chen Xiao couldn't help but frown.

Regarding Lin Xi's career, Chen Xiao naturally hopes that she will get better and better.

But Liang Yan is also a friend. Liang Yan contributed a lot to Linxi when she joined the Hongshan Branch Criminal Police Team and became the deputy captain.

If Lin Xi wants to step on Liang Yan, this is something Chen Xiao doesn't want to see.

Zhang Xian also seemed to see what he was thinking, patted his shoulder and said comfortingly:
"Don't put any psychological pressure. Everything is operational, as long as Xiaoxi is good enough! When the time comes, Liang Yan will also have new transfers."

Chen Xiao doesn't know whether there will be any major personnel changes in the Dongzhou Municipal Bureau in the second half of the year, or even the first half of next year.

But when Zhang Xian speaks, he usually doesn't speak out of thin air.

"As long as it doesn't affect Sister Liang," Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Xian finished smoking his cigarette, looked back at the people behind him, and said:

"What do you think about the Jinguang Tomb case? I heard that you seemed to have given Xiaoxi a lot of information, right?" "Yes, you gave some information, but it was just the information you saw from the reports, and then you analyzed it. Some speculations.”

"I used to take your guesses as guesses, but now I have an inexplicable confidence in you. Besides, I think you must be hiding something!"

As Zhang Xianzheng said, Chen Xiao's cell phone rang.

After looking at the caller and seeing that the note was "Pan Huiping", Zhang Xian said in surprise: "What does Xiao Pan want from you?"

"I asked her to do a small favor and I answered the phone first."

Chen Xiao walked aside to answer the phone, and Pan Huiping said: "I found the information you asked for. There is a businessman named Li Ting in Haicheng and he is engaged in the same industry. The scale is larger than Huang Zhaozhong. The two are currently very competitive. fierce."

"Which one?"

"The Li of the Li people, the courtyard of the courtyard, I will send the detailed information to your email later."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but ponder: "Is there anyone else named Li besides him?"

"Judging from the current investigation results, there is no other competitive relationship with Huang Zhaozhong."

"I understand, thank you very much, Captain Pan!"

"You're welcome, feel free to contact me if you have any questions."

Pan Huiping ended the call after saying this.

Chen Xiao held the phone and stood there thinking.

In Chen Xiao's opinion, Huang Zhaozhong's opponent would most likely have the last name of one of the six criminals.

But I didn’t expect that the other party’s surname was Li!

As he was thinking about it, Mi Qin, who was quick and agile, had already prepared all the dishes and was shouting:
"The dishes are all cooked, come and eat!"

Chen Xiao immediately calmed down and walked to the table with a smile.

Mi Qin is really amazing. There are fifteen or six dishes on the table, all of them are well presented and the aroma is overflowing!

This made everyone sitting at the table unable to help but praise him. Even Ye Xiu said that he would study hard with him.

But just as Chen Xiao was looking at the dishes, someone grabbed his hand.

Chen Xiao looked down and saw that it was Zhang Xian's son. He couldn't help but smile and asked, "Xiaohu, what's wrong?"

"Uncle Chen, do you really have three heads and six arms?"

Chen Xiao was immediately stunned by this question.

Three heads and six arms?

Of course...he can't have it!

If so, wouldn't he become our good friend Xiao Nezha?
Thinking about it, Chen Xiao looked at Zhang Xian speechlessly, then smiled and said to Zhang Xiaohu:
"Three heads and six arms is an adjective. A person only has one head, one pair of arms, and five fingers on one hand..."

Chen Xiao said, but as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Xiaohu shook his head and said:
"No, people do have six fingers, I've seen it before! I called him Uncle Six Fingers, and Uncle Six Fingers said his children also have six fingers! When he said that, he also said six fingers were bad, but I thought it was cool. !”

Listening to Zhang Xiaohu's words, Chen Xiao remembered that he had ignored the six-fingered person.

That's a form of polydactyly.

There are genetic reasons.

There are also reasons such as the environment during pregnancy.

It is very likely that the person Zhang Xiaohu met was the kind of person who has the inheritance of six fingers.

What Chen Xiao didn't expect was that Zhang Xiaohu suddenly leaned into Chen Xiao's ear and said, "I'm telling you, Uncle Chen, people with six fingers are really powerful. That's all he needs to do for that six-fingered uncle." Put your hands into the ground!"

After saying that, Zhang Xiaohu put his right index finger and middle finger together and made a downward thrusting motion!
 There are two more updates tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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