Chapter 409: Mingmen!

Xiaoji left.

Chen Xiao thinks that among his brothers.

Xiao Ji is the smartest person and the one with the most overall view.

Liu Dayou has his own unique abilities and a cunning mind, but his flaws do not hide his flaws.

Only the sword man seems to have no other strengths besides being muscular and able to carry and fight.

But in Chen Xiao's contact with him, she didn't feel that Dao Man was really the kind of person with well-developed limbs and a simple mind.

As for Luo Dali, Chen Xiao is too lazy to comment now.

The person who used to clamor to follow him to solve the case is now the first person around him to go into serious business.

Chen Xiao is quite satisfied with the current situation.

At least everyone's life is moving in a good direction.

The same is true for himself.

After taking a shower, Zhang Xian's call didn't come, so Chen Xiao sent a text message to Lin Xi.

Lin Xi had sent him a message before, saying that he had been meeting to discuss the case since arriving in the provincial capital.

After sending the text message, Lin Xi called the phone:

"Hey, hubby, we are going to Jinguang Village right now!"

"The meeting lasted so long?"

"Yes, a whole afternoon! But I have reorganized the case. Do you want to hear it?"

"This is against the rules."

Chen Xiao refused directly.

Lin Xi smiled and said: "Of course it's against the rules for others, but the team leader chatted with me for a long time today, and I understand what he meant. In fact, it's a pity that you didn't come with me."

"No way, my reputation has spread to the provincial capital?"

"Isn't that right? I finally thought about participating in a case alone, but I didn't expect that there is a big mountain like you here, huh!"

Listening to Lin Xi's pretending to be angry, Chen Xiao smiled and said:

"You guys haven't gotten in the car yet?"

"We're getting on the bus right away. Arrangements have been made over at Jinguang Village. But the team leader said we might go there tonight, and we need to go to the tomb again to be with the archaeological team!"

As Lin Xi spoke, Chen Xiao asked in confusion: "Didn't the inside of the tomb be checked before?"

"Eleven or twelve years have passed. Although it has been discovered inside, Team Liao feels it is necessary to return to the scene. After all, the biggest problem at hand is to first determine the identity of the six corpses found in the tomb. Are they grave robbers?"

Lin Xi said, and soon someone called her on the other end of the phone.

When Chen Xiao saw this, he said: "You go to meet up first and pay attention to safety."

"I know, just wait at home for me to come back."

After Lin Xi finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Chen Xiao smiled and put down the phone, and just then Zhang Xian finally called.

But the first thing Zhang Xian said was: "I understand why you want me to see it. There really is a kind of person in this world who can determine whether there is an ancient tomb by just feeling it with your fingers, and even the year of the ancient tomb and even the owner of the tomb." A magical skill of identity?”

"Creation must have the addition of art, but creation is very likely to come from real life. Just because we haven't been exposed to it doesn't mean it doesn't exist in this world, right?"

"What you said makes sense, I agree."

"It's an honor for you to recognize me."

"Let's get back to the subject. I want to check on the six-fingered uncle Xiaohu mentioned. He is currently being interrogated by me."

As Zhang Xian spoke, a cry came from the other end of the phone: "Uncle Chen, save me." "Uncle, I can't save you now. Frankly, please be lenient, but resist being strict. I don't think you want your butt to be swollen, right?"

"But that uncle with six fingers doesn't look like a bad guy. He was very interested in me and said I was a good prospect. If the teacher at the summer camp hadn't pushed me, I might have learned it all."

"You bastard, I am a policeman and you are the son of a policeman!"

Zhang Xian was angry, but Zhang Xiaohu seemed to be born with a sharp tongue: "Then you take me to catch the bad guys!"

"I..." Zhang Xian was choked and speechless, while Chen Xiao burst out laughing.

"Director Zhang, it seems that your interrogation work is not going well."

"Stop making trouble, I'm too lazy to talk to that bastard. Let's be serious. We have a lot of things to do together now. First, someone called to report that the six people in the tomb were not grave robbers."

"But as far as I know, the six people who died in the tomb looked at the things they carried with them and the way they died. Even if they were not tomb robbers, they must have been engaged in the tomb robbing activities at that time."

"Otherwise, why did they go to the tomb? And why did they die under some mechanisms and poisonous plants and animals in the ancient tomb? Of course, one or two people were killed in the tomb."

"But judging from the investigation at the time, there was no case of killing people outside the tomb and hiding corpses inside the tomb."

"Now that someone has called this reporting phone number, there must be a reason. This reason must be persuasive. What do you think it will be?"

"The identities of those six people were not announced back then. Have they been announced now?" Chen Xiao asked another question.

Zhang Xian sighed: "After all, it was a case that happened in the provincial capital, and I was still young at the time, so I had no contact with it. Why don't you ask Xiaoxi?"

"She just asked me if I wanted to hear the case, but I refused. I was afraid of causing trouble to her. Besides, Director Zhang, after all, this case is within the province. It is really inappropriate for us to inquire too much."

"I agree with what you said. But aren't you idle? Take Xiaohu to find that uncle with six fingers tomorrow?"

Chen Xiao thought about it and felt that there seemed to be no problem, so he nodded and said:
"Okay, I'll go meet him tomorrow."

"Really, Uncle Chen, I will go with you tomorrow?" Zhang Xiaohu stopped crying immediately and asked excitedly.

"Yes, I will take you there tomorrow."

"Mom, I want to take a bath, I want to sleep, and get up early tomorrow to find Uncle Chen!"

Zhang Xiaohu immediately went to find his mother.

Zhang Xian sighed: "I don't know if this bastard will be able to become a talent when he grows up. I'm worried about him now."

"In that game, you have to think about what it was like when you were a child."

"Haha, of course my seed is the same as mine. Well, I won't go into details. If you are interested, just look it up. I'm quite interested in that case. Also, that book you mentioned is really exciting. It’s been a long time since I updated it, it makes me heartbroken.”

"Well, Director Zhang, go to bed early and send Xiaohu to you early tomorrow morning."

Chen Xiao said and did not talk to Zhang Xian any more.

After the two hung up the phone, Chen Xiao was about to fall asleep.

Not long after I closed my eyes, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Xiao opened his eyes and asked, "Who?"

"Brother, it's me."

It was the voice of the knife man.

Chen Xiao stood up and opened the door, and the knife man walked in with a tired look on his face.

"What's going on with you?" Chen Xiao asked, and then added: "Tsk, you won't be caught, right?"

"How is that possible? It's just pure exhaustion! MD, it's scary when a woman goes crazy!"

The knife man poured himself water as he spoke. After drinking a glass of water, he took out a USB flash drive from his pocket.

Chen Xiao stared at the USB flash drive and asked, "What is it?"

The sword man grinned with a red mouth and white teeth, and said with a smile: "Che Hongguang's destiny!"

(End of this chapter)

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