I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 423 Problem Solving: Based on the above words, form a chapter!

Chapter 423 Problem Solving: Make a paragraph based on the words listed above!

Ye Jiadong.

He was 51 years old at the time of death.

At the age of 48, Ye Jiadong gave up his teaching career of years and went into business.

In the interview transcript, the police asked Ye Jiadong's children why Ye Jiadong abandoned education and went into business three years before the incident.

Ye Jiadong's son's answer was relatively simple: teaching was too boring and he wanted to change his life.

However, Ye Jiadong's daughter said in the transcript: "My father has always been very dull and honest, and is not good at interpersonal relationships. As a result, he has been teaching for many years and has always stayed in the same place."

"My mother has a strong personality. At first, she valued my father's career as a teacher and thought it was an iron rice bowl. But later, after my father brought her into a circle that she didn't originally belong to, she met many people who climbed up the ladder. . So she became disgusted with my father, thinking that my father was just a clean university teacher on the outside, but in fact he was a loser who didn't dare to step out of his comfort zone. "

"Actually, my family is not short of money. My father's salary is more than enough. However, he really couldn't stand my mother's nagging, so he followed the example of others and went into business."

"It's just that my father's business acumen came from him. His brain was used in teaching all his life, so soon my father lost all the original entrepreneurial capital."

"After losing everything, my mother resolutely divorced him. This incident dealt a huge blow to him. Since then, he has been wandering around and never returned home."

"And my mother has been pampered all her life and has developed a arrogant and domineering attitude. My father can tolerate what others can't. A year before my father's accident, she was beaten to the point of paralysis, and she didn't even dare to hold anyone accountable. ”

"I think my brother may not tell you these things because of his face or something, but I think the case has been re-investigated. Regardless of whether it is useful or not, I will tell you everything about my father. I just hope it can be useful to you."

"As for whether he is a tomb robber, from the perspective of a daughter, I don't think so and I don't want to think so. Because when he started his business in the early years, he built a warehouse, and after that warehouse was demolished, it unexpectedly became a My brother and I started our business with the original capital.”

"But if I look at his state of mind at that time rationally, I think he might do anything for a windfall."

"Even though he is an old man over fifty years old, tomb robbing is his professional counterpart."

After reading the transcript of Ye Jiadong's daughter.

Chen Xiao feels that Ye Jiadong is quite thinkable.

Because from his daughter's words, it was completely clear that his daughter actually suspected that he might have engaged in tomb robbing.

This is the only one among all the records that believes that the death of the deceased may be related to tomb robbing.

Chen Xiao continued to look at the transcript, and inexplicably wanted to talk to Ye Jiadong's daughter.

But it was already late at night, and Chen Xiao was not prepared to disturb.

Close all records.

Chen Xiao didn't look at anything else.

He leaned back in his chair and thought about possible connections between the six dead men.

Just connecting everything, including the last information left by the other five people before the accident, it is really impossible to find the common ground between them.

Chen Xiao doesn't like to get into trouble.

Since there is no breakthrough found in the transcript, Chen Xiao will not continue to waste time on this.

Putting the transcript aside, Chen Xiao looked at the records of the investigation process that year.

In 95, I was responsible for this case. The person in charge of the criminal investigation was the deputy director of the criminal police team of a district branch in the provincial capital.

Judging from the entire recorded process, there were no problems with the police investigation.

The reason why the deceased was determined to have died due to tomb robbing was also determined from their method of death and the circumstances of their death.

Even why the six of them died in the ancient tomb at the same time, there is a conclusion in the case file.

Life reasons, economic reasons!
In the 1990s, there were many fierce bandits and fierce people in various places.

Not to mention the soul-stirring and priceless treasures in the ancient tomb.

Even if there is only 10,000 yuan inside, or even no need for 10,000 yuan, it may lead to a murder!
Combined with the living conditions of the six deceased. A pair of idle brothers without stable jobs.

A pair of sisters who sell goods in a grocery store.

A migrant worker who works as a coolie, and a university teacher who suffered a serious setback in life.

Will these people engage in tomb robbing for the valuable treasure in the tomb?

Totally possible!
However, Chen Xiao felt that the determination back then was a little too impatient, or that the archaeological work on the Jinguang Tomb case overshadowed the importance of investigating the facts.

Many valuable gold and silver treasures were unearthed from the ancient tombs, and there were no obvious signs that the treasures had been stolen.

In this case, such a characterization itself is already unreasonable!

Furthermore, how did the six of them get together?
Thinking of this problem, Chen Xiao couldn't help but write down a few numbers: 35, 33, 42, 41, 31, 51.

This is how old the six deceased were at the time of their death.

Among them, Jiang Pinggui is the youngest and Ye Jiadong is the oldest.

The oldest one is twenty years old from the youngest one.

The middle two sisters, Wu Qing, are also over forty, ten years older than Jiang Pinggui, and a few years older than the Wang brothers.

The jobs are different, the ages are different, and the places of origin are different.

It’s completely different no matter where you go. How do you do Lianliankan?

Chen Xiao wrote down the names of several more people.

But this time it is not the same as before. To be precise, this question should be called forming a sentence based on the above words!

"Yes, these are not names but words. This question is to combine these words into a logical and reasonable sentence!"

Chen Xiao had a feeling of enlightenment and began to solve the problem in his mind.

And this question can be reduced from six words to four words.

The Wang brothers.

Wu sisters.

Jiang Pinggui.

Ye Jiadong!
Chen Xiao even made a change, no longer using names as the title, but using their identities.

What is a socially idle person?

In fact, he is just like Chen Xiao before, a street kid or, to put it more bluntly, a second-rate kid who doesn't like to do things, well... a second-rate kid who hangs out in the provincial capital of Jiang Province.

The person who should replace the Wu sisters should be - Haicheng seller.

Jiang Pinggui - Mason.

Ye Jiadong - Entrepreneur.

When the question was written here, Chen Xiao encountered the first pause in the process of solving the problem.

He began to review all the information he had just read. After thinking about it, he always felt that it was difficult to contact the Wu sisters from Haicheng for the time being due to geographical reasons.

And Jiang Pinggui also found it difficult to integrate with them because of his status!
After thinking about it, two words suddenly became extremely clear in Chen Xiao's memory.


Ye Jiadong’s daughter said that when Ye Jiadong started his business in the early years, he built a warehouse to store goods!
Jiang Pinggui is a mason, so when the warehouse was being built, would Jiang Pinggui, a mason, also be hired to build it? !

(End of this chapter)

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