I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 429: Infanticide and sacrifice, human explosives?

Chapter 429: Infanticide and sacrifice, human explosives?

Chen Xiao opened his eyes and looked at the way into the ancient tomb.

But the next second his eyes closed again, and then pictures began to appear in his mind.

In the picture, thirteen people slowly walked down from the entrance to the tomb.

Chen Xiao could clearly see the figures of the six people.

Those six people were all headed by Ye Jiadong.

Everyone's expression is different.

But there were seven people whose faces Chen Xiao couldn't see clearly.

They walked step by step, but when they arrived in front of Chen Xiao, it seemed that their expressions began to change.

Everyone seems to have their own thoughts.

There was even one person in the crowd who kept his hands inside his clothes!
With his eyes closed, Chen Xiao seemed to have an extra perspective in his mind as before.

His eyes swept over everyone's face, as if he was looking for the person who could talk to him.

Finally, Chen Xiao glanced around, and finally his eyes collided with Jiang Pinggui's.

Jiang Pinggui's eyes always had a strong look of fear.

When he looked back at the way he came, and then turned his head again, he seemed to see Chen Xiao.

Jiang Pinggui: "Who are you?"

Chen Xiao: “My name is Chen Xiao.”

Jiang Pinggui: "Where is this?"

"It's in an ancient tomb."

"Then what the hell am I doing here?"

"Tomb robbing! In other words, digging up ancestral graves."

Jiang Pinggui: "Digging people's ancestral graves? How could this happen? It's not that... it's not that..."

Jiang Pinggui's face immediately showed panic in the picture.

But just when Jiang Pinggui wanted to finish his sentence, a cold light suddenly flashed across his face.

The younger brother of the Wang brothers, Wang Shiji, was suddenly stabbed through the neck with a knife, and blood splattered everywhere.

When Wang Shidu saw that his brother was dead, he immediately resisted in anger, but when he came closer, the dagger also pierced his neck!
The sudden change caused everyone else in the ancient tomb to run wildly.

Whether it's Ye Jiadong, Jiang Pinggui, or the Wu sisters.

They all ran towards the depths of the tomb passage.

At that moment, everything that could be touched but not touched was sprayed by them in a panic.

The traps in the tomb, the restless poisonous snakes, rats, and ants all saw the opportunity.

In the emergency, Chen Xiao kept calling Jiang Pinggui's name consciously.

"I didn't want to come. I didn't know... I didn't know that I was going to dig up people's ancestral graves!"

"I don't want to die. I still have a wife, children, and parents!"

"Help me...help me!"

Amidst Jiang Pinggui's shrill screams, Chen Xiao opened his eyes fiercely.

The scene just now was no longer in his sight.

Jiang Pinggui was nowhere to be seen, nor were the Wang brothers, Ye Jiadong, and Wu sisters.

There are only empty tomb passages and white lines marking the place where the deceased died.

Liu Dayou saw Chen Xiao open his eyes and asked:

"Brother Chen, what did you think of?"

Chen Xiao stretched out his hand to signal him not to ask any more questions.

He needs silence now and time to analyze why Jiang Pinggui talked to him like that just now.

As a person with the power of cultivation, Chen Xiao knows it very well.

Whenever he simulates a case, most of it is his subjective guess.

The only objective thing is that his conjecture is based on the facts of the case he has.

But no matter what, Chen Xiao knew very rationally that the reappearance of the case of Xiu Xian Power was actually his subjective conjecture. So he couldn't be sure if that was true.

All I know is that he simulated the conversation between him and Jiang Pinggui based on Jiang Pinggui.

Who is Jiang Pinggui?

Ye Jiadong is the least knowledgeable, most easily deceived, and most straightforward person in the team.

There are almost no good words for these adjectives.

But why does Chen Xiao think of Jiang Pinggui so much?
Because there is a person who is very similar to Jiang Pinggui.

This person is Chen Xiao’s father, Lao Chen.

In his early years, Lao Chen also worked with others all year round.

Wherever there is work, the foreman will contact them.

No matter which foreman is better or which boss is better.

As long as someone is good enough to take it to heart, Lao Chen and the others will follow him wholeheartedly.

Even if the later foreman or boss does something that hurts their hearts, as long as they are not hurt completely, their simplicity will still drive them to continue to be determined.

Perhaps because of his understanding of Lao Chen, Chen Xiao used these adjectives to describe Jiang Pinggui.

Words are not good words.

But Chen Xiao thought that the person least likely to commit a subjective crime was Jiang Pinggui.

So in the conversation, Jiang Pinggui will ask where the ancient tomb is.

When Jiang Pinggui knew that he was digging ancestral graves, he would panic or resist.

But the conversation with Jiang Pinggui was too short.

This is why Chen Xiao's current grasp of the case is not enough.

However, Chen Xiao felt that this restoration was of great help to him.

Because he noticed a big contradiction in the whole case.

He cast the Wang brothers in a negative light.

But do the idle elements in society really have to be bad?
In the end, it was the Wang brothers who wanted the treasure and got into a dispute with other people in the team and were killed.

Or are the Wang brothers showing another side of themselves as layabouts - cleverness?
They cleverly discovered that there might be two gangs in this 13-person team.

The six of Ye Jiadong and the others are in a group, or in other words, the team of Ye Jiadong and the others is less than six people!
For example, it is difficult for the Wu sisters to establish contact with Dongzhou geographically!

So after Chen Xiao's restoration, he guessed that there might be four people in Ye Jiadong's gang except the Wu sisters!
The two groups finally collided and entered the ancient tomb together.

But in a place like this, will everyone have their own agenda?

The Wang brothers discovered their purpose, so they wanted to rise up and resist, but were eventually killed in the ancient tomb!
Although Chen Xiao had no evidence to prove the possibility of this speculation, he thought of one person.

A fish!

Why would a swaddling baby be brought to the ancient tomb?
Is it possible to have a “sacrifice”!
Infanticide and sacrifice!
Good to open the door!

As for Ye Jiadong and his group, even if they are not offering sacrifices, is it possible that they are detonating explosives from human bodies?

Because everyone knows that there are poisons and mechanisms in ancient tombs.

Then they need some scapegoats to help them remove obstacles!

Before this, Chen Xiao had never thought of this possibility.

But when he calmed down and thought about Jiang Pinggui and the Wang brothers, he had new ideas!
People who give people a bad impression may not really be bad.

And those people who should give people a very decent first impression may not be!

For example, Ye Jiadong!

He was once a university teacher.

But he has already gone into business, so why would he still appear in an ancient tomb that corresponds to his profession?
Thinking of this, Chen Xiao did not rush to explain anything to Liu Dayou, Wu Liuxian and the others, but said:

"Let's do a simulation."

Wu Liuxian and Liu Dayou both showed doubts.

But Chen Xiao pointed to the white line of the deceased drawn at the front and said:

"Let's simulate how they died!"

(End of this chapter)

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