Chapter 444 Meeting an acquaintance again!

From the provincial capital to Haicheng.

The flight lasted nearly three hours.

During this period of time, Chen Xiao was almost thinking.

However, when there was still half an hour before arriving in Haicheng, Chen Xiao opened his eyes.

"Asleep?" Lin Xi leaned his head and asked with a smile.

Chen Xiao glanced at the hands that had not moved away from his arms since getting on the plane, and smiled:

"Do you think I'm asleep?"

Lin Xi snorted at him, then looked at the white clouds outside the window:
"Husband, although we are on a business trip, I have never traveled with you like this before."

Chen Xiao was stunned for a moment.

Lin Xi has a job, so when Chen Xiao often goes out of town, she can only wait at home.

Later that time in Shenzhen, Chen Xiao said "I miss you", and Lin Xi ran over thousands of miles away.

But even that time, Lin Xi came back first alone.

This time it is indeed rare for the couple to travel at the same time.

Chen Xiao couldn't help but hold Lin Xi's hand and said:

"Do you know why Bureau Zhang recommended you to the task force this time?"

Lin Xi glanced at Chen Xiao and replied, "I know. Although I am now the deputy captain of the Criminal Police Team of Hongshan Branch, I still have the least qualifications in the entire team."

“So if I want to gain a foothold, I have to accumulate more capital.”

Chen Xiao shook his head: "No, Sister Liang has stayed in the Hongshan Branch for a long time and has always been the deputy team leader. Therefore, she may be transferred to other places for a transition and then be promoted."

Hearing this, Lin Xi was not too surprised, but said seriously:
"No matter how fast I am, it is impossible to promote me again. And getting promoted is not necessarily a good thing."

"Yes, everything is a double-edged sword. There are advantages to being fast, but there are also advantages to being fast. But if Sister Liang is transferred, who in the team would Zhang Ju most want to take over her position? Of course it is you!"

"Originally, this matter was basically hopeless, but I accidentally brought Qiu Huasheng to Dongzhou for investment. And Qiu Huasheng's investment can be said to be the largest investment in Dongzhou since the city was founded!"

"So, few people will object to letting you go up at this time!"

Chen Xiao said it so clearly, how could Lin Xi not understand.

But there was still deep worry in her eyes. Chen Xiao held her hand again and said:

"Don't put too much psychological pressure on me. At least I think you are competent! If you really encounter any problem, let's solve it together."

Lin Xi rested her head on Chen Xiao's shoulder:
"I know, I'm not afraid of trouble, I just feel like I'm flying on a plane right now, but my career is like riding a rocket."

Chen Xiao raised his eyebrows and said with a smile:
"You have to sit on the rocket. Now I'm looking forward to the day when you become the director, so that I can eat leisurely with peace of mind."

Chen Xiao's words seemed like a joke.

But only he knew it, from the first day after he was reborn.

His goal is to let Lin Xi return to the position of director one day.

But at this moment, he was also thinking, when he and Lin Xi met for the last time in their previous life, was she really just the director of the Hongshan Branch?

Lin Xi's personal ability is only partially obscured by the cheating Chen Xiao.

When they met in their previous life, Lin Xike had already been in the police force for more than ten years!

Chen Xiao couldn't get an answer.

So I didn’t bother to think about it any more.

Lin Xi hugged his arm and muttered: "When you say this at this time, does the feeling in your heart come out again?"

"Feeling?" "Don't you even know that you have a habit? That is, when the case is about to end, you always say that you feel better!"

Chen Xiao suddenly realized, looked out the window and smiled:

"Not yet. I still lack a few accurate targets in my mind."


"Yes, you see, when the Jinguang Tomb case first occurred, a total of thirteen people's footprints appeared. In addition to the six deceased, there were seven people left."

"To be precise, we can't identify even one of these seven people now. But as long as one person is identified, the rest will be much different."

Lin Xi still didn't seem to understand Chen Xiao's words, and said quietly: "But haven't we almost locked in on a target now? Moreover, that target is probably the mastermind."

Chen Xiao shook his head: "We can't be so optimistic yet, and what's more, we are taking a clever path now, not directly investigating the case."

"Of course, the most important thing is that even if we find this path around Ah Yu, it's hard to find who that person is!"

Lin Xi hummed, closed her eyes silently, and leaned on Chen Xiao's shoulder without saying another word.

Not long after, the flight landed, and Chen Xiao took Lin Xi straight to the parking lot.

Pan Huiping had already driven over to pick him up at the airport.

But before Chen Xiao met Pan Huiping, a shout suddenly came from behind:
"Mr. Chen!"

The voice behind him made Chen Xiao feel familiar.

Looking along the sound path, Chen Xiao couldn't help but look at Shen Shuming, who was dressed casually and carrying a suitcase!
Lin Xi was confused and asked, "Who is it?"

"Shen Shuming, Dai Hong'er's classmate, a young man with a manor in Haicheng."

Lin Xi suddenly realized that Shen Shuming had also trotted up to him:
"Mr. Chen, I didn't expect that we could meet at the airport! Are you new to Haicheng?"

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "Yes, come here to do some errands. Is Mr. Shen coming back from playing outside?"

"Yeah, haven't you seen how dark I am now, haha!"

As Shen Shuming spoke, he also looked at Lin Xi and asked, "Who is this?"

"My wife Lin Xi."

Shen Shuming immediately said hello: "Hello, sister-in-law."


Shen Shuming: "Mr. Chen, do you have a friend to pick you up? If you can't wait long enough, you might as well take my car!"

"No, the people to pick us up are here too." Chen Xiao said, his eyes already noticing Pan Huiping, who was walking towards him.

After waving at the latter, Shen Shuming saw this and said with astonishment on his face: "It turns out to be Team Pan from the Tiangu District Criminal Police Team! But Mr. Chen, a talented person like you, must be connected with the police."

"So you know Captain Pan too, why don't you say hello?" Chen Xiaoxiao asked.

Shen Shuming's head suddenly shook like a rattle and said:
"Forget it, Captain Pan is not easy to get in touch with. I met her when I was playing in a bar before. At that time, I just said something and my arm was almost broken by her."

As he spoke, Shen Shuming waved his hands repeatedly: "Mr. Chen, sister-in-law, please contact me again when you have the opportunity. I'll treat you to dinner."

After leaving these words, Shen Shuming ran away quickly.

As soon as he left, Pan Huiping also came forward, looked at Shen Shuming's back and asked:

"Who is it? It feels familiar."

"Shen Shuming, the one whose family has a manor."

"Oh, that person from the Shen family, no wonder he ran away when he saw me." Pan Huiping muttered, then stretched out her hand towards Lin Xi:

"Hello Lin Xi, I'm Pan Huiping. Nice to meet you for the first time!"

(End of this chapter)

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