Chapter 452 Contradiction, impression!
Wu Liuxian's father had been outside the case before.

Therefore, his friend Zhang Duo was almost not included in Chen Xiao's investigation.

But now Wu Liuxian's father is likely to be at the center of the case, so Zhang Duo will have to investigate!
After Wu Liuxian heard Chen Xiao's inquiry, he also answered seriously:
"As for Mr. Duo, I actually haven't seen him many times. I only remember him three times in total. One time was when he was a child. He was very young at that time and I didn't have much impression of him."

"The second time was on the day of my coming-of-age ceremony. He also came. We didn't communicate much, but we had a glass of wine with him."

"As for the last time, I can't remember exactly which year it was. He didn't communicate with me that time, but he kept communicating with my father in the room."

"I remember when he left, my father looked happy."

Having said this, Wu Liuxian paused, and then said:

"In terms of time, I think it should be before the Jinguang Tomb incident, that is, before 95. As for what the two of them said, I asked my father but he didn't tell me."

"But after that time, my father went out for a period of time, about ten days. Where he went and what he did, he didn't tell anyone, including my mother and I."

After listening to Wu Liuxian's story, Chen Xiao understood the meaning of his words.

"You mean that your father probably did something related to the Golden Light Tomb case that time?"

Chen Xiao asked.

Wu Liuxian sighed: "Although I'm not a detective, I can relate to many things. So you asked so many questions, so I have to think about it."

"But after thinking about it, I feel that the mystery of his disappearance has become clear all of a sudden."

Chen Xiao hummed and asked while thinking:

"So about Zhang Duo, do you think there's anything special about him?"

"I'm really not sure about this. My father and they are actually quite solitary, unless we need everyone to be together."

"Then do you have any photo albums or anything like that left at home, especially the photos of your father and Zhang Duo."

"That's true, but it's not here now, it's at my home."

"Then I'll ask Dayou to drive you back to get it, and I'll ask Dayou to send me an email later."

"it is good!"

Wu Liuxian was also very straightforward. He hung up the phone without saying anything more and went to find Liu Dayou.

After Chen Xiao put down his phone, he looked at Lin Xi.

During the call time, Lin Xi had been listening to the conversation between Chen Xiao and Wu Liuxian.

When she saw Chen Xiao looking at her, Lin Xi knew that Chen Xiao wanted to ask her opinion.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Xi said seriously:

"Although we still couldn't find the reason why the Wu sisters appeared at Jinguang Tomb during the call, we can now roughly confirm that the Jinguang Tomb case was probably caused by Wu Liuxian's father!"

"Then let's pretend it was caused by him."

"If he caused it, then the last time Zhang Duo went to find Wu Liuxian's father, he probably found something that Wu Liuxian's father was interested in!"

"Based on this guess, let's expand on it. Could that thing be an iron tool? After all, Wu Liuxian's father was obsessed with iron tools. In order to get the iron tool, he used the Golden Light Tomb in exchange."

"Of course, in my opinion, the weight of just a handful of iron tools is a bit low. There should be other things in it. But let's first set the condition of the transaction as iron tools, and Wu Liuxian's father's transaction partner is Lin Zuming."

Listening to Lin Xi's analysis, Chen Xiao couldn't help but interject: "Maybe there is another condition that has already appeared in the transaction conditions, and that is the news about the ancient tomb that led to the death of Wu Liuxian's father!"

Lin Xi's eyes lit up: "It's very possible! As long as this transaction is possible, then Zhang Duo will play a vital role."

"He may be the matchmaker between Wu Liuxian's father and Lin Zuming! But if there is a native like Zhang Duo in the team, why do we need a teacher like Ye Jiadong?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Indeed, if there is Zhang Duo, then Ye Jiadong's existence will be dispensable." "Yes, this is a very contradictory place..."

As he spoke, Chen Xiao felt new clutter come to mind again.

But while the two of them were talking, Liao Cheng's video request came in.

Lin Xi answered immediately. The person sitting on the other side of the computer was Ye Muchun, Ye Jiadong's daughter.

It was still Lin Xi who asked.

"Hello, Ms. Ye." Lin Xi said first.

Ye Muchun nodded and asked, "Officer Lin, is there anything else you want to ask me?"

"The main reason is that there are a few people who want you to identify them." Lin Xi said while taking out photos of Deng Hu, Deng Xiang and Lin Zuming.

This information was all found with Pan Huiping's help after finding them.

Just when he was getting the information, Ye Muchun smiled bitterly and said:
"I'm pretty sure I didn't know those people who died with my father."

"No, what we want you to identify is not the dead, but some other people. For example, this one, his name is Lin Zuming. Have you ever seen or heard your father mention this name?"

Lin Xi asked, and Ye Muchun also observed carefully.

But after seeing it, Ye Muchun shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before, and I have no impression at all."

Lin Xi was not surprised, and then picked up Deng Hu's photo:

"What about this one? His name is Deng Hu, and he is also from Haicheng."

Ye Muchun carefully identified it again, but finally shook his head:
"I have never seen or heard of this name. Do these people have anything to do with my father's death?"

"We can't be sure at the moment, we just want you to make an identification."

Lin Xi explained, and Ye Muchun nodded without asking any more questions.

Then Lin Xi finally took out Deng Xiang's photo.

Deng Xiang is the son of Deng Hu.

Among the dozen or so people who appeared in the Golden Light Tomb, he was also the most powerful person!
Ye Muchun looked at it and shook his head again.

She still doesn’t know him!

Although such a reaction was expected for Lin Xi.

After all, when Ye Jiadong was doing this whole thing, he almost didn't say a word to his family.

Even the construction of the factory was hidden from his family at the beginning.

Faced with this situation where family members were unaware of everything, Lin Xi was helpless.

But at this moment, Ye Muchun suddenly lowered his head.

The moment she lowered her head, the other end was still stuck due to network reasons. It happened to be stuck at the moment when Ye Muchun was about to lower his head.

It was also at this moment that Chen Xiao actually read a hint of uncertainty in Ye Muchun's eyes!

She just said she didn't know Deng Xiang.

Why are you not sure the next second?

Could it be that she still has some impression of Deng Xiang? !
(End of this chapter)

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