I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 455 The good news is all for 1 yuan!

Chapter 455 All the good news is here!

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi originally did not agree with letting Ayu come to Haicheng.

They worry that this will ruin Ayu's current life.

Yes, Ayu's current life is very lonely and poor.

Not everyone envies those wealthy days, especially a child.

Ah Yu just wanted to stay in the old house that her grandma gave her, and go to her grave to weed when she had free time.

That's it.

but now.

It's not like Chen Xiao and Lin Xi can do it without disturbing them.

Because it is basically certain that Gao Qinfang is Ayu’s biological mother.

So for the sake of the case, Ayu should come to Haicheng.

However, Chen Xiao called Liao Cheng, and after the latter went to find A Yu, Chen Xiao said this:

"Ayu, my brother and sister need you to come over, are you willing?"

"Are you going to go for a long time?" Ayu asked.

Chen Xiao replied: "It shouldn't take long, just two or three days."

"Yeah! But brother, isn't Haicheng a very big city? Are the buildings there dozens of stories high?"

"Yes, there are dozens of floors, and even more than a hundred floors. It's very big here, and there are cars everywhere."

"I'm a little scared." Ayu expressed his feelings.

Chen Xiao thought for a while and said, "If Ah Yu is afraid of coming, then brother and sister should go back."

"Will it be troublesome?"

In fact, the troubles will not increase or decrease depending on the place.

The only reason why Chen Xiao felt that Ayu was suitable for coming to Haicheng was that Haicheng's technology was more advanced in all aspects and it would take much less time.

After thinking about it, Chen Xiao said truthfully: "It won't be a lot of trouble, but it's better to come here."

"Hmm...Okay, then I'll go, but who should I go with?"

A Yu asked, and Chen Xiao thought for a moment and said, "How about asking the two uncles who are following you to bring you here?"


Ayu simply agreed to Chen Xiao's proposal.

After the fight, Chen Xiao immediately contacted Liu Dayou and asked him to check the ticket as soon as possible and rush to Haicheng as soon as possible.

After arranging all this, Chen Xiao returned to the lounge.

Lin Xi has been chatting with Su Qiu and her daughter about something.

But judging from Lin Xi's expression, the rest of the chat must be of dispensable content.

When he saw Chen Xiao coming back and nodding towards him, Lin Xi stood up and said with a smile:
"Ms. Su, Miss Su thanks you both for your help. We will contact you later."

"Okay, I also want to see what Gao Qinfang's daughter looks like now."

Hearing this, Lin Xi replied: "If it's not necessary, I think it's better for you guys not to meet each other. That little girl is having a hard time, and she has been living alone now, so it's better not to disturb her if you can."

"Living alone? She is only 11 years old, how can she live alone?"

“She was doing her own laundry and cooking when she was eight years old and was self-sufficient.”

Su Qiu was surprised, but Lin Xi didn't want to tell them too much about Ayu, and finally sent the mother and daughter away.

Waiting to come back, Lin Xi sat on the chair and stretched for a long time.

"It seems we will just have to wait."

Chen Xiao nodded: "You can't turn even if you are made of iron, so let's just take a rest."

"Okay, how about you accompany me for a walk?"


The couple hit it off immediately.

Chen Xiao drove Lin Xi through the streets of Haicheng.

After shopping until night, Chen Xiao looked at the time and went to the airport to pick up Ayu, Liu Dayou, Wu Liuxian and the others.

As soon as the two parties met at the airport, Ayu ran over carrying a cloth bag.

When he ran to Lin Xi, Ayu said excitedly:

"Sister, sister!" "So that's what it feels like to fly!"

"The plane is really big, and the blue sky and white clouds are really beautiful!"

"But I get scared when the plane takes off and lands!"

"And the airport, my God... This airport is simply the biggest and biggest place I have ever seen! If it weren't for two uncles taking me, I would really be lost!"

"It's even easier to get dizzy here than in the mountains!"

When listening to Ayu's endless expression of feelings, Lin Xi was not impatient.

After waiting patiently for her to finish, Lin Xi took Ayu's hand and said:

"How about my brother and sister take you to visit the big city now?"

"Okay! But can I eat something delicious?"

"of course."

"Hehe, I don't have any money, so you and your brother treat me to food!"

"no problem."

Lin Xi agreed to A Yu's proposal.

Chen Xiao also took Ayu to eat delicious food with a happy face.

After just over an hour, Ayu's belly was already round.

When they got into the car again, Ah Yu fell asleep not long after.

As soon as she fell asleep, Wu Liuxian took out the photo.

"Mr. Chen, this is the photo album left by my father. After I looked through it, I found the photo of Master Duo in it."

Chen Xiao took the old photo.

Inside should be a photo of Wu Liuxian's father, Wu Yuanzhong, and Zhang Duo.

In the photo, both of them had their hands behind their backs, combed their clean hair, and looked at the camera with smiles on their faces.

This was probably taken near a river.

Moreover, the words were left on the photo, taken in Guohe on March 1995, 3.

Chen Xiao didn't know where Guohe was.

This place name also seemed strange to him.

However, Zhang Duo and Wu Yuanzhong can be seen in the photo in a good mood.

Chen Xiao paid careful attention to Zhang Duo's feet. Although his complete feet could not be seen clearly in the photo, it was not difficult for Chen Xiao who had already mastered the code tracking technique.

Liu Dayou was asked to continue driving, while Chen Xiao began to calculate Zhang Duo's feet.

When the data was obtained, Chen Xiao couldn't help but turn his head and look at Ah Yu who was sleeping in his arms and said:

"The foot code data matches!"

Lin Xi's face lit up: "That means Zhang Duo is one of the seven suspects!"

"My data will not be wrong, but it is a pity that it cannot be used as evidence!"

Just when Chen Xiao felt sorry for it.

Liao Cheng's phone number came over.

"Hello, Group Liao?"

"Chen Xiao, Ms. Ye came to our task force just now, and she brought us a major discovery!"

After finishing the video call with Ye Muchun during the day, Ye Muchun didn't reply for most of the day.

This overturned Chen Xiao's original speculation that she had photos.

Because as long as things like photos are saved, they can be found quickly.

The longer time passes, the more inconspicuous it becomes in life.

Chen Xiao did not hesitate and asked quickly: "What did she bring?"

"A newspaper! One of the few times that Ye Jiadong won an award! It was published in the newspaper at that time, and one of the award guests was the Deng Xiang we are looking for!"

"It turns out it appeared in a place like this! Please ask Team Liao to send me your email immediately so I can take a look!"

As Chen Xiaozheng was talking, his cell phone reminded him that there was a new call.

When he saw that it was Shen Shuming who also called him, Chen Xiao could only say to Liao Cheng immediately:
"It seems... the good news either doesn't come, or it's all a piece of cake when it comes!"

(End of this chapter)

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