Chapter 469 Mr. Chen, save me!

"What did you say? Sacred Heart Church!"

When Lin Zuming told about the Sacred Heart Church, both Chen Xiao and Lin Xi were extremely surprised.

The first time I encountered the Sacred Heart Church was at the Leigongshan Female Corpse Case.

Unexpectedly, Lin Zuming, the most important criminal in the Jin Guanghou tomb case, also knew about the Sacred Heart Church.

"Do you know about Sacred Heart Church? Not many people in China know about this church!"

Lin Zuming was also very surprised.

"Not much, but I met someone who knew about this congregation. What about you, how much do you know about the Sacred Heart?"

Chen Xiao asked Lin Zuming.

The latter shook his head: "Not many either, but I have met one of the twelve senior leaders of the Sacred Heart Church. He is also from China. But I don't know his name. I only know that he is from Shencheng."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zuming seemed to be worried that Chen Xiao would misunderstand, and said again:
"There are three presidents in Sacred Heart Church, and below the three presidents are the twelve top leaders. Originally, I was not interested in any organization or church, until after the fire, I met the church's believers, so I participated a few times out of curiosity.”

"The church does not charge any fees, and in many cases it is more like a charity organization. Of course, it may be that I don't have many contacts, and they may have other income channels. At least, in my opinion, there is no such good thing in this world. "

"No matter what, you are indeed the first person I have met who has been in contact with the senior officials of the Sacred Heart Church." Chen Xiao said, and Lin Zuming shook his head:

"The person I met seemed to me to be very extraordinary. Let's put it this way, in my opinion, even if that person was not a police officer, he must have been a police officer."

"When I came into contact with him, he seemed to ask me if I had done anything. After that, I didn't dare to contact him anymore."

Lin Zuming said, with a look of fear in his eyes.

His reaction made Chen Xiao feel interested, but it was a pity that Lin Zuming didn't know the other person's name.

Seeing that Chen Xiao had no more questions to ask, Lin Zuming said: "I hope that Consultant Chen will fulfill my previous request. From now on, if I have not been executed yet, you can come to me at any time if you have any questions about the Sacred Heart Church. "

"it is good."

Chen Xiao didn't say much and asked Lin Xi, "Have you recorded everything?"

"All right."

"Then the rest of the matter will be dealt with when Team Liao and others arrive, and we can wait until we return to the provincial capital. You and I can go back to bed."

Lin Xi nodded.

She was really tired.

Chen Xiao took Lin Xi out of the interrogation room, and then called Su Qiu.

Su Qiu on the other end of the phone was silent for a long time when she learned that Lin Zuming was still alive.

Only at the end, when Chen Xiao told her everything about Lin Zuming and asked her if she wanted to meet Su He with Lin Zuming, Su Qiu said firmly:
"I hope you don't tell Su He about this!"

"We have already informed you. It is your choice whether you will tell Su He or not."

"That's good. We, mother and daughter, have thought he was dead for so many years. From now on, let's just think he was dead long ago."

Chen Xiao didn't say much, and Su Qiu also hung up the phone soon.

After getting in the car, Lin Xi sat in the passenger seat and said:

"Husband, I think you can pay attention to how the Lin family and the Shen family fight in the future."

Chen Xiao looked at him in surprise: "How do you say that?"

"If Lin Zuming is an old fox, then Shen Shuming is a little fox. Shen Shuming clearly knows the Lin family's weakness, but he didn't tell you what it was until the end. This shows that he also has his own worries, for fear of self-defeating."

"Now that you have caught this weakness, it means that the Shen family will definitely take action. But when we interrogated Lin Zuming just now, he had obviously expected it and had a way to fight it!"

"No matter what method Lin Zuming uses, the competition between them must be a fierce struggle. If you pay attention, it may be helpful to you!"

Many times, if someone hadn't reminded him deliberately, Chen Xiao would have forgotten that he was still the general manager of Longding and the boss of Dong'an.

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "Okay, I'll pay more attention in the future."

"Obey, don't bother me then, and let me relax for a while on the way back."

Chen Xiao was stunned, wondering where he made the noise?

After getting in the car, Lin Xi didn't say a word even though it was Lin Xi who spoke on his own, okay?

But seeing how tired Lin Xi was, Chen Xiao felt that it was better not to worry about it.

Moreover, Chen Xiao thinks her daughter-in-law looks pretty when she is asleep. In order not to disturb Lin Xi's sleep, Chen Xiao did not drive the car back to the hotel.

He knew that once he stopped, Lin Xi would definitely wake up immediately.

So he kept driving on the road and finally reached the suburbs of Haicheng.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Chen Xiao noticed that the phone screen kept turning on, so he lowered his voice and answered:

"Hey, Team Liao, you guys are here? Well...Xiaoxi was boiling so hard that she fell asleep now. I didn't even go back to the hotel for fear of interrupting her rest."

"Okay, then I'll leave the rest to you."

After answering Liao Cheng's call, Chen Xiao just put down the phone and noticed something.

Lin Xi was looking at him with blinking eyes.

Chen Xiao smiled and said, "Is this enough?"

Lin Xi glanced at the fuel gauge and said, "There's no charge for gas? It's been driving for so long!"

"Ha, it's just going in a circle anyway, we can go back to the hotel quickly."

"I feel uncomfortable sleeping in the car. Let me borrow you to sleep for a while when I go back to the hotel."

Chen Xiao's eyes immediately brightened up: "As expected of my wife, she's okay even when she's so tired!"

"It's up to you, what I said is that I can sleep comfortably by leaning on you!"

Chen Xiao laughed: "I know, I'll take you back to the hotel."

After changing direction, Chen Xiao took Lin Xi back to the hotel to rest.

After returning, Chen Xiao also gave Ayu a special warning.

When the latter heard that Lin Xi had not slept all day and night, he wished he could take care of Lin Xi himself.

Fortunately, after Lin Xi sent Ayu away smartly, he lay comfortably in Chen Xiao's arms.

Although Chen Xiao didn't feel sleepy, he didn't move around.

It wasn't until Lin Xi rolled to the side that she got up.

He noticed that it was already evening.

Black Cat helped him a lot as soon as he arrived in Haicheng, and he would treat someone to a good meal regardless of the circumstances.

After leaving a note for Lin Xi, Chen Xiao quietly walked out of the room.

Then he called Ayu and Liu Dayou out of the hotel together.

Along the way, Liu Dayou was asking about black cats.

But the reason he was asking was not because the black cat was female.

It's because the black cat is the female friend Xiaoji called!
This guy's gossipy heart is not much lower than that of women.

Just when Chen Xiao arrived at the hotel he had agreed with Xiao Ji, his phone rang.

This call was from Shen Shuming.

Chen Xiao looked at the incoming call and couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Are you okay? Master Shen." After answering, Chen Xiao was still very polite.

Shen Shuming replied: "That's it, Mr. Chen, I would like to treat you to a meal at the manor where you were last time. Is that okay?"

"Your manor may be suitable for parties, but it is not suitable for me and my friends to have dinner. Let's try it next time."

"Mr. Chen, how about changing to another place?"

"No need, Mr. Shen. My friends and I have already arrived at the hotel. Next time."

Chen Xiao directly rejected Shen Shuming's request.

He really didn't feel like sitting at the same table with Shen Shuming and eating would have an appetite.

After rejecting Shen Shuming, Chen Xiaogang put down his cell phone, but the phone rang again. This time it was Huang Zhaozhong calling.

When the phone call came through, Huang Zhaozhong's tone sounded like he was about to lose his mind:
"Mr. Chen, save me!"

(End of this chapter)

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