I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 471: Diverting trouble to the east!

Chapter 471: Diverting trouble to the east!

The atmosphere in the box suddenly became weird.

In case of Germany as the game organizer.

He is also the leader of this small group and has the fastest response ability.

After being stunned for a short time, he immediately calmed down.

"Azhong, this brother is... a policeman?" Wan Yide asked first.

Hou Yuan's face changed drastically: "Huang Zhaozhong, what the hell do you mean!"

After saying that, Hou Yuan seemed to realize that his tone was wrong, and at this moment Wan Yide also glared at him.

Huang Zhaozhong explained with a calm smile: "Don't worry, everyone, Mr. Chen is not a police officer, he is just a police consultant. And Mr. Chen is not from Haicheng, but from Dongzhou, Jiang Province."

At this moment, Chen Xiao shook hands with Wan Yide and others one by one.

When he arrived in front of Hou Yuan, Chen Xiao took the initiative to reach out his hand and said:
"Boss Hou doesn't need to be as nervous when facing me as he is when facing the enemy..."

"I'm not nervous!" Hou Yuan said quickly.

Wan Yide suddenly frowned: "What are you in a hurry? Mr. Chen is a guest. Is it polite for you to interrupt Mr. Chen like this?"

Hou Yuan bit his cheek and said in a deep voice, "I'm sorry, Mr. Chen."

"It's okay. I'm here to meet the bosses today. It has nothing to do with the Deng family. So, let's talk about our stuff and eat our stuff."

Wan Yi De nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, I just heard from A Zhong that Mr. Chen is still the boss of Shencheng Longding, right?"

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "Yes, Longding in Shencheng and Dong'an in Dongzhou are both my companies. In addition, do you know about the Chinese investment that made a lot of noise a while ago?"

"Of course I heard about it! But it seems that things changed later. The Chinese boss only invested a small amount in Tiangu, and the large investment was placed in other places. It seems to be Dongzhou!"

Wan Yide said, his eyes showed surprise.

Chen Xiao smiled: "It seems that Boss Wan has already guessed it, yes...that's me too."

Wan Yide gave a thumbs up: "What a strange person! In the past, I always thought that the police were policemen and businessmen were businessmen. Only today did I understand that a person can be the same as a policeman and be a businessman at the same time. Business world! ”

"The most important thing is that Mr. Chen was able to use police methods to attract such a large amount of investment for himself! It is said that that investment was the largest investment since Dongzhou, Jiang Province was established as a city!"

"You can say that!"

"It's amazing! Wan is so impressed that he is so impressed!"

Chen Xiao has been able to determine what kind of person Wan Yide is.

The expression on this man's face, if matched with his mouth, would definitely be enough to confuse people.

Even Chen Xiao once doubted whether Wan Yide really admired him.

It's a pity that Chen Xiao still remembers the purpose of coming here.

This game tonight is to deal with Huang Zhaozhong.

How to clean up?

Of course Wan Yide, Hou Yuan and others would not dare to kill Huang Zhaozhong directly.

But there will obviously be commercial pressure, and then we will use this opportunity to eat away at Huang Zhaozhong bit by bit!
After several people sat down, Hou Yuan seemed a little absent-minded, and his face kept getting more and more anxious.

After taking the first sip of wine, Wan Yide did not let his good brother Hou Yuanduo wait, and took the initiative to say:

"Today, I am fortunate to meet Mr. Chen, a genius who can span the two fields of criminal investigation and business, under the introduction of Azhong!"

"It's just that Mr. Chen came here by chance today. I think the cases we heard about before were also investigated by Mr. Chen, right?"

"If you are talking about that post on the Internet, which then triggered Jiang Province to restart the investigation into Jin Guanghou's tomb case, then of course it is." Chen Xiao replied. Wan Yide smiled and nodded: "It is said that the case has been settled and all the suspects have been arrested, right?"


"Then I wonder if I can ask who posted that post on the Internet?"

Chen Xiao pursed his lips: "Of course this question can be answered, but before answering this question, I thought of another thing."

"Oh?" Wan Yide looked curious.

Chen Xiao continued: "In the online posting, we also found a recording. In that recording, we have been unable to tell who the people talking were before, but after contacting you today, I suddenly discovered How come there seems to be a person whose voice is very similar to Boss Wan!”

At the beginning of the resumption of the investigation into the Jin Guanghou tomb case, Huang Zhaozhong exposed the audio material in order to force Chen Xiao to take action.

At that time, in order to grasp the clues to the greatest extent, Liao Cheng arranged for a group of police officers to come to Haicheng.

Half of them monitor Wan Yide and the other half monitor Huang Zhaozhong.

However, until the end of the case, this arrangement ultimately did not take the next step or achieve results.

In other words, neither Wan Yide nor Huang Zhaozhong knew that they had been monitored.

Now that the case is over, neither Wan Yide nor Huang Zhaozhong, nor even everyone at the dinner party, are willing to admit that they are the people in the recording!

Chen Xiao came with Huang Zhaozhong for one thing, and that was to help Huang Zhaozhong, and to see if Wan Yide's De Yitong could be used by him.

Now Chen Xiao asked Wan Yide, who shrank his eyes and said with a smile:
"How can it sound like my voice! Did Mr. Chen hear it wrong?"

"Probably not, and after reasoning and analysis, it is very likely that it is Boss Wan!" Chen Xiao said with a smile, looking at Hou Yuan, and then said:
"Among the criminal suspects we captured, Boss Hou's father-in-law and brother-in-law are the most important suspects. Boss Hou is Deng Hu's only son-in-law, doesn't he know anything?"

Chen Xiao seemed to have turned on the reasoning mode, and his eyes became extremely alert.

"Furthermore, looking at Boss Hou's behavior, this is because Boss Wan is following suit. So if Boss Hou knows the secret of his father-in-law, will he tell you, Boss Wan, in detail?"

"Now the recording really sounds like it matches the two voices!"

Having said this, Chen Xiao looked at Wan Yide fiercely and said as if talking to himself:

"Is it possible that I missed something? Or maybe you two are also related to..."

Wan Yide's face suddenly changed.

Today's banquet was just in case Yide wanted to take the opportunity to bully Huang Zhaozhong.

Although Huang Zhaozhong’s Zhaolitong cannot compare with his Deyitong.

But Huang Zhaozhong still occupies a large part of the market!

Furthermore, although a small team of several people has long existed in name only, it can still be used while it still exists in name.

For example, Huang Zhaozhong was directly charged with betraying his brother, and then several other people joined forces to suppress Huang Zhaozhong, and finally each took a piece of flesh from Huang Zhaozhong!

However, Wan Yide never thought that Huang Zhaozhong was actually with Chen Xiao!

What's more, they didn't expect that after Chen Xiao's unexpected incident appeared in front of them, he would start to cause trouble and push them into a place of eternal destruction.

Wan Yide is sure, and as long as Chen Xiao is willing, it can be confirmed in an instant that it is them in the recording!

If they were them, Chen Xiao had full authority to take them away!
Once they are taken away, Hou Yuan may not be fine, but what if De can't bear it?

His reputation, along with his De Yitong, will be like an avalanche in a short period of time!
Because he is planning to go public these days!

So Wan Yide picked up the bottle without thinking, bent down with a smile on his face, and walked to Chen Xiao respectfully:

"Mr. Chen, in today's wine party, we will only drink and talk about relationships, not business matters!"

(End of this chapter)

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