Chapter 473 Butterfly!

Xiaoji was still a little troubled.

But then I thought about it, if it weren't for Black Cat, it would be difficult for Chen Xiao to find that crucial evidence.

Without that evidence, it would be difficult to break through the suspect's inner defenses one by one.

Thinking of this, Xiaoji felt that it was time to accompany Black Cat on his travels.

Of course, he felt that this time could not be too long.

Three to five days is fine, or a week is fine.

But in ten days and a half, once Chen Xiao stops playing with him, when will his dream of being a detective come true?
After finishing the meal, Chen Xiao arranged for Xiaoji to buy a flight ticket back to Jiang Province tomorrow.

Of course, he and Lin Xi don’t have to buy anything, they can be reimbursed at public expense!

However, when he walked out of the hotel, Liu Da smiled with a mean look on his face.

However, Chen Xiao did not expose it, patted him on the shoulder and said:

Chen Xiao noticed at a glance that he had opened a text message. After reading the text message, Liu Dayou hurriedly threatened to leave in advance.

"Just do whatever you have to do privately, and don't forget to go home."

"Okay." Liu Dayou nodded happily, then looked at his phone.

Although the final result was later than Lin Zuming was brought to justice.

The mother's name is Gao Qinfang.

Otherwise, he would not insist on returning to the country.

"Brother Chen, can I go back the day after tomorrow? My sister still has some things left in Xiuzhou. It's only a hundred kilometers from Haicheng. I can go back the day after tomorrow after I get my things!"

Perhaps Lin Zuming is also living in regret now.

Looking at the ghostly look on his face, Chen Xiao knew there was something hidden in his heart.

The only thing that is certain is that her father is a completely cruel and ruthless person.

The reason why she came to Haicheng was to conduct a kinship test with Su He.

Although she always pretends to be a seller to visit Ayu.

Her father's name is Lin Zuming.

It is difficult for Chen Xiao to determine whether her parents truly love each other.

Chen Xiao is also difficult to determine whether she really loves A Yu.

But the fact did not surprise everyone. Ayu and Su He were indeed half-sisters.

She also had reasons not to recognize A Yu, for fear that Lin Zuming would be found out and have murderous intentions towards A Yu again.

But Chen Xiao always felt that this reason was not that sufficient.

Chen Xiao ignored him. After the group got into the car, through the rearview mirror, Chen Xiao felt that Ayu seemed thoughtful.

and her mother Gao Qinfang.

Looking at Ayu's unhappy look.

Chen Xiao felt that she might know something, or sense something.

Although Chen Xiao is a detective, he has seen too many dark sides about everything.

But in his heart, most of the various emotions that exist in the world are positive.

With this idea.

After Chen Xiao sent everyone to the hotel, he specifically asked about Ayu.

"Ayu, do you want to meet the aunt who sells the goods?"

Ah Yu is still young now.

Although she is more mature and independent than her peers.

But Chen Xiao always felt that some things would be revealed sooner or later.

He and Lin Xi have been asking A Yu about something for the purpose of protection.

But then I thought about it, if one day Ah Yu knew everything, would Chen Xiao and Ah Yu deprive Ah Yu of his right to know everything?

When Ayu heard this question, he was subconsciously surprised.

"Think! Is she in this city?"

Chen Xiao nodded: "Yes, but she has passed away." Ayu was stunned for a moment, with a sad look on his face: "Then can I go pay her respects?"

"I'll take you."

"Okay, brother, can you take me to buy incense candles and paper money first? My mother-in-law said that you need to buy things to pay homage to the deceased."

Chen Xiao smiled and said hello.

But just as he was about to set off, Lin Xi called.

She has woken up.

When he heard Chen Xiao say that he was going to Gao Qinfang's cemetery, Lin Xi came downstairs.

After the three of them bought things, they accompanied Lin Xi to eat something before heading to the place where Gao Qinfang was buried.

After Gao Qinfang was executed, Lin Zuming's body was collected and finally buried in the cemetery.

From the photo, Ah Yu could recognize Gao Qinfang as the country seller at a glance.

While Ayu was kneeling to worship, Chen Xiao and Lin Xi stood quietly aside.

Lin Xi did not ask Chen Xiao why he suddenly told Ayu about Gao Qinfang's whereabouts.

She knew that Chen Xiao had his own considerations in doing this.

Ah Yu knelt in front of the tomb, saying nothing, but silently burning the yellow paper.

Time also passes quietly in such silence.

Only when Chen Xiao and Lin Xi walked up to A Yu from behind, they discovered that there was actually a butterfly on A Yu's cheek.

The butterfly has no flapping wings and just hangs so quietly.

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi were a little curious, but Ayu stiffened his body and made a "shhh" motion.

She was reminding Chen Xiao and Lin Xi not to disturb the butterflies.

Chen Xiao and Lin Xi both quietly took two steps back, while Ayu continued to burn paper.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but all the yellow paper Ayu bought has been burned.

After the flames were extinguished, the butterfly hanging on Ayu's face started to move.

It flapped its wings, seemed to "peck" Ayu's cheek three times, and then flew away far away.

Ah Yu kept watching it leave, and then slightly puffed his mouth.

"Brother, sister, and mother-in-law said that butterflies are all transformed from dead people. The one just now must be the aunt who sells goods to see me, right?"

"Well, she knew you were coming, so she came to see you too."

Ayu nodded gently, then kowtowed three times to the tombstone and said:
"I'm going home. I'll come see you when I grow up. Goodbye...!"

After Ayu finished speaking, he stood up, turned around and took Lin Xi's hand.

Chen Xiao and his wife didn't say anything, they just quietly left the cemetery with Ayu.

When waiting to return to the hotel, Chen Xiao could only lie in a room by herself because Lin Xi wanted to take Ayu to bed.

All night, there was no more words.

Chen Xiao was lying on the bed peacefully, but the butterfly hanging on Ayu's cheek inexplicably appeared in his mind.

He couldn't help but wonder, were Granny Ayu's words true?
Are butterflies really transformed by deceased people?

If so, that butterfly should be Gao Qinfang, right?

She knew A Yu was coming, so she came to see her.

After Ah Yu finished burning the paper, she knelt for too long, so she flew away, urging Ah Yu to leave quickly.

Chen Xiao couldn't figure it out, and couldn't figure it out either.

But he knew that there were many folk legends about soul-turned-butterflies.

With such faint thoughts, Chen Xiao gradually fell asleep.

Early the next morning, Chen Xiao had just woken up when a call came on his cell phone.

I originally thought it was Liao Cheng from the task force, or an acquaintance from Haicheng.

Unexpectedly, when I looked at the caller ID, I saw that it was Wang Jun, the son of my teacher Wang Dahe whom I hadn’t seen for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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