I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 478 It seems you are threatening me too?

Chapter 478 It seems you are threatening me too?

Zuo Shu really doesn’t understand.

He has been to almost everywhere Chen Xiao has been.

Except Xiangdu!

In Qingxi, he saw what Chen Xiao relied on to start a business.

The words "bringing home appliances to the countryside" are extremely amazing in the mind of a serious businessman like him.

He also visited the lobster base and the food city in Dongzhou.

Although he thinks this is a small business, it will undoubtedly benefit the local area.

As for Shencheng, he came from Shencheng, and he knew better how Wang Longding took the land in Yanghu under the competition of countless competitors.

So in his heart, Chen Xiao is definitely not simple.

"Brother, don't say I'm unreasonable. How about we watch how we drink today?"

As soon as Zuo Shu said these words, Lao Chen couldn't help but ask: "How can you drink so well? How about you two stop it, and Chen Xiao will...!"

Zuo Shu believes that if he can cooperate with Chen Xiao on a project, he can solve his current crisis!
But Chen Xiao actually refused!
He already said that he would pay for it, and he would be able to split the money 50-50 afterwards.

However, Zuo Shu still treated Lao Chen politely using Chen Xiao's seniority.

"It seems you really don't understand me. If Wen Sheng were sitting here, he probably wouldn't even dare to mention the word drinking."

Just when Chen Xiao was about to speak, Zuo Shu calmed down and said quickly: "It's okay, it's okay. It's normal for brothers to argue about things. Don't mind."

In fact, Lao Chen is really not much older than Zuo Shu.

After waiting for the latter to sit down again, Chen Xiao imitated his brother's tone and said:

"I'll lie down first, then everything just happened will be easy to talk about."

Chen Xiao didn't know how Old Chen and Zuo Shu got along during the day.

Chen Xiao nodded, and Zuo Shu continued: "Then how do you want to drink it?"

And he also knows that Chen Xiao can cooperate with an overseas Chinese, why can't he cooperate with him?
Zuo Shu stood up tall, his face not only full of confusion, but also a little angry.

Zuo Shu immediately grinned: "Are you sure?"

Especially Chen Xiao's reputation in the local area, from officials to some people, is full of praise.

"What's...what happened to you?"

Lao Chen asked himself that he knew Chen Xiao's drinking capacity quite well.

Who wouldn’t immediately agree to do such a good deed?

At first, it was because Chen Xiao was good at drinking that the family was uneasy.

But he could tell that Lao Chen still liked Zuo Shu very much.

Lao Chen took out a few bottles of wine from the house, happened to see this scene, and couldn't help being a little stunned:

Lao Chen also had a very good brother, so Zuo Shu said this with a smile on his face:
"Isn't that what friends are like, just spend the night arguing and it'll be fine. However, I took out most of the wine in the house today, can you two handle it?"

But Zuo Shu just happened to find something he was good at, so naturally he couldn't help but say:
"It's okay, we've got it!"

Chen Xiao also nodded: "Don't worry, Dad, it's okay."

"Okay, I'll have a drink with you."

After saying that, my mother also brought the last plate of food to the table.

However, my mother said that she didn’t want to eat the food, or maybe she didn’t like the smell of the liquor on the table, so she kept watching TV in the house.

Waiting for three rounds of wine.

Chen Xiao finally knew why Zuo Shu was so interested in his proposal.

Now both of them drank a bottle of 53° white wine each, but Zuo Shu didn't seem to have any reaction.

Chen Xiao estimated that Zuo Shu's weight was definitely 2 pounds. Previously, Chen Xiao had heard many people say that he could drink two and a half kilograms of liquor and drink beer casually.

But in reality, anyone who can really drink two kilograms of liquor and drink beer casually is definitely a person who knows how to drink.

When the second bottle is over.

Seeing that Zuo Shu's face was red with wine, he couldn't help but say:
"It seems that Mr. Zuo is bound to win today."

"Everyone has some abilities beyond ordinary people. Drinking is one of my abilities. Of course, if I think we can stop here, I am willing to put down the glass and let's talk about business!"

Chen Xiao shook his head: "Brother, you might as well take a look at me. Do you think there's anything wrong with me?"

Zuo Shu frowned, looked Chen Xiao up and down, and immediately opened the third bottle:
"It seems that I really met my opponent today, but your wine is so good, don't you mind drinking more?"

"It's okay, it's all given by others, just open it and drink."

As he said that, Chen Xiao also saw the worry in Lao Chen's eyes, so he shook his head and said:

"It's okay, Dad, nothing will happen to us." Chen Xiao's tone was normal.

Lao Chen knew very well how Chen Xiao would react after drinking too much.

But now he still speaks clearly, which makes Old Chen a little suspicious.

Then he nodded and Lao Chen also stepped back from the table.

Zuo Shu glanced at it, put down his wine glass, and said:
"Does our cooperation really have to rely on a drinking game?"

As a businessman, Zuo Shu also knew that many business deals were concluded over the wine table.

But he doesn't think Chen Xiao is such a person!

Chen Xiao let out a long breath: "Actually, I want you to quit before the difficulties. I know that you have a good drinker, but I have a better drinker than you. If you don't believe it, we might as well put the wine on the table directly It’s all open, can you withstand it?”

Lao Chen actually only brought out three bottles of wine in total, and he felt that this was enough.

But as the wine party progressed, Chen Xiao returned to the room and took several bottles.

Now the two of them have two bottles each, but there are still four bottles of wine on the table.

Zuo Shu looked at the four bottles of wine with a look of disgust on his face.

It can be seen that Zuo Shu has already had a little too much, and only when he has too much will he become resistant to alcohol.

Furthermore, he had already heard the meaning, and Chen Xiao really had no interest in him.

"It can be seen that Mr. Chen really doesn't want to have anything to do with me."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao put down the wine glass in his hand and said:
"You used the wrong method. If you had informed me that you were coming to Dongzhou from the beginning, instead of asking my dad to tell me that you were coming to my house, there would still be hope for our cooperation."

"I hate your way, and something must have happened to you, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to beg me like this. You obviously didn't use a pleading method, but you ended up pleading. This is very wrong. "

Chen Xiao expressed his thoughts, and Zuo Shu put away his drunken eyes, his face gradually became calmer, and said:

"As expected of the famous Chen Xiao, but since you are unwilling to cooperate with me, our friendship may have to end here! Also, do you think why I want to meet you in this way?"

Zuo Shu said with a smile, Chen Xiao looked at him with a calm face and asked:
"Why do I hear this sound like a threat?"

"Whether there is, you can figure it out for yourself."

After leaving these words, Zuo Shu turned to leave.

But the next second, before Zuo Shu's steps could reach the ground, he felt himself rising into the air.

Turning around, he saw that Chen Xiao had picked up his collar.

Zuo Shu's face darkened: "Mr. Chen, are you going to use force with me?"

Chen Xiao didn't want to respond at all.

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person. Since Zuo Shu doesn't want to pretend, there is no need for Chen Xiao to be polite to him anymore.

After saying this, Chen Xiao directly threw Zuo Shu out.

The huge movement not only attracted the parents, but also the neighbors in the village to go out to check!
(End of this chapter)

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