Chapter 485 is too simple!

The time limit for being summoned is twelve hours!

The police will release the person summoned after more than twelve hours.

If you want to extend this time limit, the police must produce more favorable evidence.

Lin Xi is Chen Xiao's wife and also a policeman.

While she knew the rules, she also knew what Chen Xiao was thinking.

Since Chen Xiao is sure that the deceased is Zuo Shu.

Then she can determine what Chen Xiao is thinking.

Both Chen Xiao and she felt that after Zuo Shu was killed, Chen Xiao played a special role in the murderer's mind.

But this is special, and there is not only one possibility.

One: The purpose of the murderer was to come after Zuo Shu, and Chen Xiao just wanted to use Chen Xiao to escape after knowing some things, so as to frame him.

Second: The murderer’s purpose is to come after Chen Xiao!

As for Zuo Shu's death, it was just to put Chen Xiao in danger!

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, the murderer came here for Chen Xiao and Zuo Shu!

This possibility exists, but the premise of this possibility is that Chen Xiao and Zuo Shu may have offended the same person at the same time.

But Lin Xi didn’t know about this person for the time being.

Chen Xiao didn't say anything, which means that in Chen Xiao's mind, this possibility is not high yet.

While waiting for Lin Xi to bring the tea that Lao Chen and the others had prepared, Zhang Xian did not wait any longer and asked:
"In other words, according to Chen Xiao, the murderer's purpose may be exposed after twelve hours, or at the twelve-hour mark?"

Lin Xi nodded: "It's very possible."

"What could that be?" Zhang Xian couldn't help but muttered.

Lin Xi was not sure either, but after thinking for a while, he thought of Chen Xiao's words.

"Before going to the county bureau, Chen Xiao called me and said that he saw the forensic doctor extract a hair from the body of the deceased Zuo Shu. He suspected that the hair belonged to him after observing it."

Zhang Xian suddenly frowned: "Chen Xiao had physical contact with the deceased before?"

"Well, Chen Xiao hates Zuo Shu's behavior the most, showing up uninvited. The most important thing is that there is still a conflict between him and Zuo Shu."

As Lin Xi said this, his eyes couldn't help but look at Xie Wensheng.

It’s just that Xie Wensheng had his back turned to them at this time.

Lin Xi knew that Xie Wensheng must be feeling uncomfortable.

Chen Xiao and Xie Wensheng are close friends, but Zuo Shu is also his uncle, and he and his father are brothers in the same school.

That is to say, after Zuoshu started doing business, the relationship between the two families gradually became shallow. Otherwise, Xie Wensheng would be the most uncomfortable at this time.

But even so, Xie Wensheng was extremely eager to find out about this matter.

But his mind had been severely damaged in the previous surgery. As long as he thought about something deeply, he would have a severe headache.

The reason why he turned his back to everyone was because he didn't want people to see his pain.

"Brother Wen Sheng, don't you still have confidence in Chen Xiao?" Lin Xi interrupted Xie Wensheng's thinking at this time.

The latter turned his head and looked a little pale:
"No, I have full confidence in him!" "I told you about Chen Xiao because I didn't want to hide it from you, for fear that your emotions would be more severely affected. Now that things have happened, you still take care of me as usual. Just take care of Dong’an.”

Xie Wensheng shook his head: "I was thinking, should I go to Shencheng with Xiaoji and the others? After all, compared to them, I am from Shencheng and have worked there for more than ten or twenty years!"

"It's most appropriate to let Xiaoji and the others go."

"But in this case, it seems to me that if you want to figure everything out, you have to figure out what happened to Zuo Shu!"

Although Xie Wensheng cannot think too deeply about one thing, it does not mean that he cannot think about it.

He is also an experienced criminal policeman.

After coming into contact with the case, he was able to think of key issues.

But Lin Xi smiled slightly: "Don't worry, Chen Xiao knows what's going on."

Zhang Xian also nodded at this time: "Yes, although the three of us have higher positions and more experience in solving crimes, in fact, the three of us know very well that no one can compare with the ability to solve crimes. Pass him."

"That's what I said, but isn't it that Chen Xiao can't get away now?"

Lin Xi smiled and said, "That's because he doesn't want to come out. If he wants to come out, who can lock him up?"

Listening to Lin Xi's determined voice, Xie Wensheng patted his head and said:

"That's right. I'm not as good as him in terms of ability. Even my current understanding of Zuo Shu is probably not as good as his."

"I left you here because I actually wanted to discuss how to confirm the fact that Chen Xiao committed murder when the twelve hours mark comes?"

Of course Lin Xi didn't think Chen Xiao was the murderer.

What she said meant that she thought it was more likely that the murderer was coming after Chen Xiao!
Zhang Xian and Xie Wensheng could also understand. After thinking for a while, the former replied:

"It is not easy to prove that Chen Xiao committed murder, even if the hair belongs to Chen Xiao and there is evidence that Chen Xiao and Zuo Shu had a dispute."

"Because Zuo Shu didn't die during the dispute, but died three hours after leaving Chen Xiao's house!"

"Yes, under such circumstances, it is difficult for that hair to constitute direct evidence that Zuo Shu was killed by Chen Xiao. Unless someone can prove that Chen Xiao left home three hours later and even sat in Zuo Shu's car superior."

Lin Xi mentioned a possibility.

But Xie Wensheng shook his head: "This is the most direct possibility and the easiest one to guess. However, the murderer who planned this case should have been very clear about the person he was facing when he executed it. who is it."

"One is a former policeman, and the other is a detective who has repeatedly solved major cases. Faced with such two people, it is impossible for him to do such a simple frame-up. In that case, he only needs Chen Xiao to provide an alibi, and he will not attack himself. broken."

Lin Xi paused for a moment and then said:
"Ju Zhang, Brother Wen Sheng, we came in a hurry and have not been to the scene. But we also know a lot of information about Zuo Shu's death, so what did Zuo Shu lose after he was killed?"

When this question was asked, both Zhang Xian and Xie Wensheng reacted immediately and said in unison:

"Yes, Chen Xiao told me before that Zuo Shu's head disappeared after he was killed. When I heard the news, I subconsciously thought that Zuo Shu might not have died, but that it was just another person who died."

"But Chen Xiao said it was most likely Zuo Shu, so if the murderer cuts off his head and puts it in a place directly related to Chen Xiao, wouldn't this confirm the fact of Chen Xiao's murder?"

Zhang Xian and Xie Wensheng nodded at the same time: "In this way, it would be difficult for Chen Xiao to escape even if he jumped into the Yellow River, but..."

Zhang Xian was about to speak but stopped, Lin Xi asked: "Just what?"

"I always feel that if it were the head, wouldn't it be too simple?"

Hearing this, Lin Xi couldn't help but frown and muttered:

"Yes, it seems that it is easier this way!"

(End of this chapter)

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