Chapter 490: Sword man, left wife!

"What's the reason Zuo Shu had to die?"

In the inquiry room.

Chen Xiao thought about this problem again.

Today, he has no information about the outside world.

But this does not prevent Chen Xiao from thinking about this issue.

Zuo Shu was originally a well-known policeman in the police force. Everyone felt that with his ability, he would have a bright future.

But no one expected that Zuo Shu would abandon the police force and go into business at the critical moment.

Such a decision also made Xie Wensheng's father, Captain Xie Yan, extremely angry, feeling that Zuo Shu was wasting his talent and future.

But Zuo Shu, who left the police world, became prosperous in the business world.

As a child of a commoner family, he relied on his wife's family's abilities to become a well-known real estate tycoon in the Shenzhen business community in just ten years.

No one can be sure whether Zuo Shu's original choice was correct or a foolish move.

But based on Xie Yan's life, and then judging in terms of wealth, Zuo Shu's choice may be the right one.

After all, Xie Yan finally reached the position of criminal police captain.

As for wealth, there is no comparison between the two.

However, Zuo Shu's ability to make a fortune came entirely from his wife's family.

Chen Xiao had never met Zuo Shu's wife, but he had heard some rumors from Guo Qing before.

Guo Qing spoke highly of Zuo Shu's wife.

Even if his ability is not as good as Zuo Shu's, it's only a hair's breadth short of it.

Furthermore, without Zuoshu's wife, Zuoshu's rise would be much slower.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but think deeply:

"The Yanghu land alone is definitely not enough for Zuo Shu to be abandoned by his wife's family, or even end up dead."

"Zuo Shu must have done other things. That incident may have touched the back of his wife's family. Otherwise, it would never have been like this."

"Now Xiaoxi has been investigating this case outside. Because Zuo Shu is from Shencheng, Xiaoxi must arrange more people to understand the situation. Therefore, if he arranges for people to go to Shencheng, the most suitable person is Black Cat."

"She has special abilities, but her safety cannot be guaranteed if she goes alone. Xiaoxi may arrange for Xiaoji to come with her, and finally let Guo Qing be responsible for protecting her abilities."

Thinking about it, the sword man appeared in Chen Xiao's mind for no apparent reason.

When he imagined the smiling face of the sunny boy with a sword in his mind, he was stunned for a moment:
"Why do I think of the sword man? Among so many people, this guy is the only one who has no ideas."

"Heimao and Xiaoji are in Shencheng. We just need to find that point. It should be easy to find some inside information about Zuoshu's company."

Chen Xiao thought, but soon he became alert again:
"No, Xiao Ji has been following me. If this matter comes against me, then Xiao Ji will be discovered by someone with intentions as soon as he arrives in the deep city."

"So this is why I thought of the knife man!"

Chen Xiao himself found a reason to think of Dao Man.

This reason seemed to him to be very positive, and he had no other dirty thoughts at all.

With this decision, Chen Xiao thought about passing on the idea.

Not sure how long later, Lin Xi, who was looking for the lobster base built by Chen Xiao, received another text message.

There are still four words on it: "Sword man, left wife!"

When seeing these four words, Lin Xi was confused.

She even couldn't help but look at Dao Man and asked, "Do you know Zuo Shu's wife?"

"I don't know you, sister-in-law, why do you ask that?"

"Now go to Shencheng and use your skills to get in touch with Zuo Shu's wife Qi Wei!"

The knife man was stunned: "Huh? What are you doing contacting Zuo Shu's wife?" "Find out what kind of conflict there is between Zuo Shu and Qi Wei's family."

"Okay, okay, but haven't Xiaoji and Black Cat already gone?"

"We don't know enough about Zuo Shu, so it may not be easy to start a plan after Black Cat goes there. Furthermore, after all, I still don't have the overall view, so it is right to arrange for Zuo Shu to go there."

Lin Xi understood the content of the text message.

Liu Dayou asked doubtfully: "What about me? Don't you need me to go again?"

"You can't go, you're not a knife."

Liu Dayou didn't understand, but the sword man became thoughtful and continued:
"Then I have to ask Brother Wen Sheng before I can leave. No...and Brother Wen Sheng's mother, I also need to find out. They should know something about Qi Wei. Only by knowing ourselves and our enemies can we be better. It’s close.”

Lin Xi gave a thumbs up: "Sure enough, as long as it's about women, your mind will suddenly light up. It seems that your brother Chen is not wrong about you."

The knife man had a serious look on his face: "Sister-in-law, if you say this, you will make me look bad. I am fighting for justice!"

Liu Dayou directly kicked him over: "Stop talking nonsense here and do things quickly. When I think about Brother Chen not being able to eat well or sleep well inside, my heart aches. You are the only one who has the time to joke around here."

"Liu Dayou... your flattery is so loud!"

After saying this, Dao Man quickly got out of the car and headed back to Dongzhou.

Liu Dayou looked at his wind-like figure and couldn't help but envy:
"It's really good to be young."

Lin Xi said nothing.

But when she looked back and thought about the people around Chen Xiao, they were really not simple.

Xiaoji: The former gangster is now almost Chen Xiao’s disciple.

Knife Man: The same former gangster, but he has really gained good muscles, looks masculine and handsome, and looks like a complete sister killer.

There is also Liu Dayou: fortune telling and divination, Feng Shui and Yu.

Even big hackers like Black Cat can be recruited by Chen Xiao.

Lin Xi didn't dare to think about what kind of brothers and friends Chen Xiao would meet in the future.

But as she thought about it, Lin Xi always felt that she had missed someone about the people under Chen Xiao.

But after thinking about it, I didn't remember who it was?
Lin Xi didn't waste any more time on such an issue. After wandering around the lobster base to no avail, she decided to give Lao Chen a call.

She wanted Lao Chen to lead her and walk again where Zuo Shu had walked.

Lao Chen came quickly and took Lin Xi around the lobster base without asking any questions.

However, Lin Xi carefully observed every place Zuo Shu walked, but found nothing else.

Looking at the time, twelve hours are approaching.

Lin Xi first comforted Lao Chen and let him go home.

Just after Lao Chen left, Liang Yan finally called.

Lin Xi answered the question immediately and asked, "Sister Liang, how is the situation?"

"I'll send you a photo first, and then you can go and see it yourself."

Liang Yan said and sent a photo on her mobile phone.

Lin Xi opened it and saw that it was taken by Liang Yan in her kitchen.

And the only photo taken was the tool holder!

The knives on the entire tool rack are a set, including kitchen knives, boning knives, and slice knives.

No knives were left behind, and no extra ones were found.

But in the photos taken by Liang Yan, it is obvious that one of them looks particularly clean!

After Lin Xi discovered it, he couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "It seems like this is the murder weapon!"

(End of this chapter)

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