I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 493: Do you think there is a dragnet above my head?

Chapter 493: Do you think there is a dragnet above my head?
When I heard Zhang Xian say the three words "Shimozi".

Even with Chen Xiao's determination, he couldn't help but change his expression at this moment.

He even asked in disbelief:
"Zhang Ju, what did you just say?"

"Ten Demon Son, a piece of wood carving. Do you need me to describe the appearance of the work to you?"

Zhang Xian's tone was already wrong.

Not many people know about the wood carving "Ten Demon Sons".

Lin Xi knew.

Xiaoji, Dao Nan, and Liu Dayou also know.

Even Pan Huiping knew it.

But Zhang Xian and Chen Xiao never told him.

And it can be heard from his current tone that Pan Huiping has not told him either.

Moreover, Chen Xiao can be sure that Zhang Xian's tone is not the same as the previous exchange, but has truly entered the stage of torture.

Since Zhang Xian is so serious.

That means that there has been a big discovery in Qingxi!
It's just that Lin Xi was not the first to tell him about this discovery, but Zhang Xian!

This is enough to show that after Hu Yue from Qingxi discovered those things, he notified Lin Xi but also Zhang Xian!

In this short moment, Chen Xiao has already analyzed a lot of things clearly.

But it was only through clear analysis that Chen Xiao could determine what attitude he should take to cooperate.

As a person who often interacts with the police and is a friend of Zhang Xian, Chen Xiao knew that if he acted smart at this time, he would probably screw not only himself, but also the people around him.

So without any hesitation, Chen Xiao said directly:
"The work "Ten Demon Sons" was mailed to me by Hu Yue, the criminal police captain of Qingxi City Bureau, who Lou Xiaodong asked before his death. Lou Xiaodong is the father of Lou Yang, the murderer in the Xiaofeng Village case."

"He used to be a policeman, but later he was kicked out of the police force because of some things. But even so, Lou Xiaodong has been helping Qingxi police catch criminals."

"It is precisely because of this that Lou Xiaodong sacrificed his life to save Hu Yue during a subsequent inter-provincial arrest. It was also at that time that Lou Xiaodong promised to hand over "Ten Demon Sons" to me."

"Although he gave an explanation in a hurry and did not say how he got the work. But in my feeling, Lou Xiaodong should think that there is something wrong with that thing."

Zhang Xian did not express any opinions after listening, and just continued to ask:
"What about the piece? Where is it?"

"It was burned by me! After getting that thing, Da You gave me a divination. He said that the thing would bring me bad luck, or even misfortune! The bad luck would be implicated in me, or maybe... my family."

"We have known each other for so long, Director Zhang. You know that when it comes to the safety of my family, even if I want to believe in science, I will definitely be superstitious."

Zhang Xian nodded: "Of course I can be sure of this. It's just that Xiaoxi called Hu Yue in Qingxi and asked him to help search all the places you visited to investigate the Xiaofeng Village case."

"Search with a detective's eye! So, Hu Yue followed her request, but he didn't find anything in the place where you went to investigate the case. Instead, he found a package in another place."

Chen Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes and asked, "Package? What's in it?"

"You and Zuo Shu have met a year ago!"

"This is impossible!"

Chen Xiao replied almost without thinking. There is no way he knows Zuo Shu!
There is no such person as Zuo Shu in his memory!
Zhang Xian still looked calm: "There are photos as evidence, and Hu Yue has already done an appraisal. If the photos are definitely not synthetic, Chen Xiao, do you know what it means?"

"This means that everything you said before may be false, so your biggest advantage is gone!"

After the initial shock, Chen Xiao had already regained his composure.

He was listening to what Zhang Xian said, but he didn't take Zhang Xian's words into consideration in his mind.

He was thinking, why did he meet Zuo Shu?
This question surprised him at first, and he even answered that it was impossible without hesitation.

But when he calmed down, he thought it was possible!

Even if he didn't remember any scene of meeting Zuo Shu.

But when was that memory?

It was a year ago!

One year before 2006, that was 2005.

That was the worst year Chen Xiao had ever lived!
But does the reborn Chen Xiao have deep memories of the first year?

No, it is no longer profound.

His rebirth was equivalent to a gap of more than ten years!
Such a long time is enough for those bad memories for him to be gradually erased by the years.

So, maybe he met Zuo Shu in 05.

But why they met and what happened, Chen Xiao has no memory.

But scratching one's head and racking one's brains to recall things now is of little use, just as Zhang Xian said.

If memory is what really happened, then Chen Xiao can treat it as if it really happened.

Thinking about the next things that should be solved along this possibility is the top priority right now!
But, how should he resolve the crisis now?

"No, it should be this little trouble. Crisis? With all my arrangements, they can't possibly succeed! They don't even really know what methods I have to survive in this world!"

"So the trouble they gave me probably came from my first meeting with Zuo Shu. After that meeting, Zuo Shu must have had an impression of me, but he didn't say it out loud. He might even have made an impression at that time. Made a plan."

"The fundamental reason for setting up this plan should still be the land in Yanghu. As for the place where Hu Yue found things, apart from several special places in the Xiaofeng Village case, where else can I find things related to me? thing?"

"Oh, I know, in the pilot project of bringing home appliances to the countryside! The scenes from when Dali and I were there are still preserved there. Even the room I lived in was deliberately locked after I left. !”

"It's just that I discovered that Zuo Shu and I met before and what does it have to do with Shi Mozi? I didn't know about Shi Mozi until I came back from the deep city. How did Zuo Shu and the others know about it before that?"

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao couldn't help but raise his head.

Seeing this, Zhang Xian asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Do you see a few people pulling up a net above my head? Just like what you used to say to those criminal suspects - a dragnet!"

Zhang Xian took a deep breath: "The current situation is very unfavorable to you, and your biggest advantage is the trust that our police have in you, so Chen Xiao, no matter what the relationship is, you should stop being careless. You must do this." Tell me clearly, otherwise how can we help you?”

"Thank you Zhang Ju, you are right, your trust in me is my biggest trump card. But, why do I need to use these trump cards in this matter?!"

(End of this chapter)

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