I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 500: Shocking hypothesis, little brother, come and accompany me!

Chapter 500: Shocking hypothesis, little brother, come and accompany me!
Qi Wei walked out of the office.

Zhang Xian's expression changed to another look again.

He kept looking at the door until Qi Wei was gone, then he stood up and opened the door of the inquiry room where Chen Xiao was.

When Chen Xiao saw Zhang Xian coming, he knew where the case was progressing.

"Have you finished meeting Qi Wei?"

Chen Xiao asked, Zhang Xian nodded and sat down:
"We just finished chatting, what do you think she is in?"

Chen Xiao thought briefly and said:

"She is Zuo Shu's wife. She arrived at this time after Zuo Shu died. Obviously the relationship between them was not very good."

"But because she met a boy who once looked like Zuo Shu, she neglected her identity and even lost a little bit of her brain. It can be seen that her relationship with Zuo Shu was not completely gone as originally thought. Friendship.”

"I guess maybe Zuo Shu has forgotten why he desperately wanted to get married to Qi Wei in the past few years, right? Of course, Qi Wei has also forgotten."

"She should be more of a hater towards Zuo Shu. Hateful words can sometimes be a form of love, so Dao Zai can get close to her smoothly."

Zhang Xian gave a thumbs up: "You are here, but you know everything about the outside world!"

"After considering the situation, it's not difficult to guess." Chen Xiao said, looking at Zhang Xian seriously.

When he found that those scheming eyes were full of a different look, Chen Xiao asked tentatively:

"You won't prick her heart, will you?"

Zhang Xian was a little embarrassed, but he still said righteously:

"I am the leader of the task force on this case. Am I that kind of person?"

Chen Xiao laughed: "When I first came into contact with criminal investigation, everyone praised the Dongzhou Police King. They said that the Dongzhou Police King is the one with the most innovative methods of solving crimes in Dongzhou."

"Now I see it again!"

Listening to Chen Xiao's words, Zhang Xian smiled and said: "I have not harmed the interests of the victim's family. Under this premise, I can make some things happen and finally achieve the purpose of solving the case."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with that."

Zhang Xian expressed his thoughts, and Chen Xiao also became serious and said seriously:
"Speaking of which, I have to say thank you. Your words will indeed make things progress faster."

"Okay, let's not talk about these topics that are not suitable for us to talk about. You can clearly see the eight words on the wall, leniency for those who confess, and severity for those who resist! Where is Zuo Shu's head!"

Zhang Xian felt that Chen Xiao must have thought about where Zuo Shu's head had gone, so he deliberately changed his attitude to interrogating Chen Xiao.

It's a pity that Chen Xiao has no idea about Zuo Shu's head now.

"You don't have to force me to confess. I really don't have any thoughts about Zuo Shu's lost head." Chen Xiao said bluntly.

Zhang Xian could see from his expression that he was not joking, so he could only sigh secretly.

But just when Zhang Xian was about to get up and leave, Chen Xiao suddenly thought of something, or thought of a case he had solved before.

Chen Xiao mentioned that case many times, but it was still Chen Xianzu who was responsible.

When they were young, Chen Xianzu and his brother Chen Ding killed the deceased Cheng Qinghou. In order to cover up the crime, they also killed the insider Wan De.

In the end, in order to avoid the attention of Han Zai, the most powerful police detective in Dongzhou at the time, Chen Xianzu could not help but fake his own death and fled to Xiangdu.

Many years later, due to Chen Xiao's investigation, the two men's crimes came to light.

At this time, Chen Xianzu made a decision, that is, to help Chen Xu, whom he cultivated, annex Zong Yuanmao's industry!

Of course, this series of operations was eventually discovered by Chen Xiao, leaving Chen Xianzu in vain.

At this moment, Chen Xiao suddenly remembered this matter, so he couldn't help but ask Zhang Xian:
"Has there been any feedback on the Qi family's situation in Shencheng?"

"What feedback?" "Let me put it simply, what is Qi Wei's status in the Qi family?"

After Zhang Xian thought for a while, he replied: "Of course her position in the Qi family belongs to the top, but her focus is still on Zuoshu's Lihai Group! But whether it is Lihai or the Qi family, through the feedback information from the Guo family, It can be seen that both sides have placed people in their respective careers.”

"In other words, Li Hai and the Qi family are deeply entangled now."

Chen Xiao frowned: "Can it reach the point where both prosper and suffer losses?"

"I think it has been achieved. Whether something happens to Lihai or something happens to the Qi family, it will be a heavy blow to both companies."

Chen Xiao hummed heavily: "Okay, let me make a hypothesis. If Qi Wei and I are both suspected in the end of the case, who will be the final beneficiary?"

Zhang Xian's eyes suddenly widened and he shouted: "Qi Wei's father and his brother!"

"Think about it again, think carefully about it, have you missed anyone?"

Zhang Xian's mind sank: "Are you talking about Zuo's parents who have come to Lanshan County?"

"Besides parents, is there anyone else in Zuo Shu's family?"

"No! Zuo Shu's mother is over sixty years old, and his father is close to seventy. Although according to your guess, assuming that you and Qi Wei are both murderers, Qi Wei will also lose the opportunity to fight against the Lihai Group. Control, then Zuo Shu’s Li Hai will obviously be controlled by his parents.”

"But what can his parents do to fight with the Qi family?"

Zhang Xian asked Chen Xiao in return.

However, Chen Xiao fell silent at this time.

His silence also made the entire inquiry room suddenly become extremely quiet.

After Zhang Xian waited for a while, he felt that his mind was suddenly confused by Chen Xiao's assumptions.

However, it is actually very simple to verify Chen Xiao's guess.

That is to see if Zuo Shu’s head is with Qi Wei!
Once there, the case will be really interesting!
With this in mind, Zhang Xian left the inquiry room, and immediately asked someone to secretly monitor Qi Wei's activities in Lanshan County.

After the latter checked into the hotel, he stood in front of the window and drank wine with his eyes wandering.

I don't know if it's because of alcohol or emotions.

She couldn't control the sadness in her heart, and the tears that would fall from time to time.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, so she picked up her mobile phone and made a call:
"Brother, where are you?"

"You don't care where I am, if you fart, just let it go!"

"Can you come and stay with me?"

"not good."

"Are you coming?" Qi Wei's voice suddenly rose, and the other end of the phone no longer hesitated:

"Are you still in the police force? Did those stinky policemen bully you? MD, wait for me there, I'll be there soon!"

"No...I'm in Jingkai Hotel."

"Master, is Jingkai Hotel far away? Ten minutes? I'll give you five hundred. Can it be there in five minutes? If not, I'll drive it myself!"

The voice on the other end of the phone stunned Qi Wei who was on the phone.

However, the phone call had already been hung up.

It wasn't until a few minutes later that she opened the door and saw the silly boy who had given the taxi driver five hundred yuan just a few minutes away!

(End of this chapter)

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