I'm a street kid, but my wife, a policewoman, won't divorce her

Chapter 511 He seems to be a resentful woman!

Chapter 511 He seems like a resentful woman!
"A woman named Xiao He transferred more than three million yuan in total."

"Although this amount of money was not a lot of money for our family at that time, it was not a small amount after all."

"I arranged for someone to investigate Xiao He, mistakenly believing that she had some shady relationship with Zuo Shu. But in the end, I found out that the woman was already in her forties at the time, had lived abroad for a long time, and had no experience of returning to China. ”

"Besides, your mother and I focus entirely on you, thinking that you will suddenly return to normal, so the money can be regarded as buying peace."

Qi's father's words made people deeply feel the gap between the rich and the poor.

In the 1990s, more than three million yuan was thrown away.

Not to mention at that time, even now, or in future generations.

Unless you are a rich person, who doesn’t treat three million as an astronomical number?

However, when Chen Xiao heard Qi's father say a completely unfamiliar name, Chen Xiao negotiated with Qi Wei and answered the phone:
"Hello Mr. Qi, I would like to ask if you checked Xiao He's information carefully at that time?"

"I tried my best to check, but I only know that her ancestral home is Haojiang, and she had already gone abroad in the 80s."

"Is there anyone else? Like her family or something."

"No, I arranged for people to go to the local area to investigate. People who know her told me that her family moved abroad. And from the local people's stories, the woman named Xiao He has a pretty remarkable family background."

"Besides, something happened to Weiwei in Haojiang. I wonder if she told you about it?" Qi's father said, and Qi Wei answered:
"When I was young, I liked to play some cards. I lost a million in one night in the Haojiang area."

"Well, we learned from the local area that Miss Xiao used to work in a casino, so after going back and forth, we also suspected whether it was a gambling debt owed by Weiwei before."

"Besides, we really didn't dare to ask more about her condition at the time, and we didn't dare to delve into it. Once we see that she's healed, the matter will be over."

Hearing this, Chen Xiao thought for a moment and said, "The old gentleman shouldn't have any information about her now, right?"

"No, after Weiwei recovers for a while, I will have all that woman's information destroyed."

After listening to his father's words, Qi Wei also looked over.

After Chen Xiao said thank you to the phone, he returned the phone to Qi Wei.

Soon, the phone hung up and Qi Wei asked:
"Mr. Chen, have you noticed anything wrong?"

"The money you transferred is the problem, it's just that it's hard to find an answer now."

After saying that, Chen Xiao paused and then continued: "Mr. Qi, please stay here for a while while Bureau Zhang and I will check again."

Qi Wei said hello, Chen Xiao and Zhang Xian got up and left.

But when he reached the door, Chen Xiao remembered Dao Man's words, so he smiled and said:

"Mr. Qi, Xiaodao asked me to bring you a message. He... will wait for you outside."

Qi Wei was stunned for a moment, then a smile appeared on her lips, and she just hummed lightly without saying anything more.

Not long after, Chen Xiao and Zhang Xian returned to the office.

But after sitting down, neither of them spoke, each of them sorting out the information they had just obtained.

However, after Zhang Xian thought for a while, he immediately asked someone to investigate Xiao He.

Although I don’t know if I can find this person, if I don’t check, I really will have no information at all.

Chen Xiao did not interfere with what Zhang Xian was doing. His mind was now filled with the motive of this case.

In any case that occurs, there are vested interests.

Including vendetta, the same is true!
Avenger, after taking revenge, he has achieved his main interests.

And Zuo Shu's death was obviously not a vendetta.

The possibility of love killing is almost non-existent. The most reliable benefit that can be thought of from Zuo Shu is the Lihai Group and even the entire Qi family.

However, Chen Xiao was also involved here.

And judging from the entire case, their main target seems to be Chen Xiao himself.

Chen Xiaosi thought about it and realized that the only one who seemed to have had irresolvable conflicts for so long was Chen Yan.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao once again wrote the words "Chen Yan", "Sacred Heart Hall" and "Ten Demons" on the paper.

As he was writing, when a figure walked into the office, an idea suddenly flashed in Chen Xiao's mind.

He raised his head, looked at the empty chair where Zhang Xian was no longer sitting, and said something in his mind:

"MD, Chen Yan is not from the Sacred Heart Church!"

As soon as these words came to my mind, Lin Xi's voice came from behind:

"What did you think of? So excited!"

With that said, Lin Xi walked closer.

Chen Xiao did not hide anything and said directly: "Daughter-in-law, do you think Chen Yan is from the Sacred Heart Church? For example, he is one of the twelve senior officials like Zuo Shu, or even higher than the twelve senior officials! "

Lin Xi was stunned when he said this, and even didn't say anything for a short period of time. He kept thinking about the probability of this possibility!
After thinking for a while, Lin Xi said with a vigilant look:

"It seems we have to go back to the city."

"Yes, let's go directly to that fake Chen Yan!"

Lin Xi nodded, picked up the car keys and walked out.

But Chen Xiao remembered someone and said, "Let's pick up Dayou first and take him to see Chen Yan."

"it is good."

Lin Xi responded, Chen Xiao went to explain to Zhang Xian again, and then the couple picked up Liu Dayou and headed to Dongzhou City.

Today, Chen Yan is still being held in the Dongzhou Detention Center. As long as his affairs are not investigated clearly, he will not be able to escape!
Two hours later, Chen Xiao took Lin Xi and Liu Dayou to the Dongzhou City Detention Center.

After chatting with the person in charge of Chen Yan's cell in the detention center for a while, Chen Yan was brought to the front of Chen Xiao and the others.

Seeing Chen Xiao and Lin Xi, Chen Yan's face was extremely calm.

But as soon as he saw Liu Dayou, he showed a look of discomfort.

Presumably Liu Dayou's appearance reminded Chen Yan of the scene when his bones were touched.

"Huh." Chen Yan snorted coldly and asked impatiently:

"Mr. Chen, are you missing me again? What a pity. The food and accommodation here are delicious. If you hadn't appeared in front of me, I would have almost forgotten the existence of a person like you."

"I hope you forget me soon, but we are so entangled that it is too difficult to forget each other."

Chen Xiao said, looking at Chen Yan.

But before the two of them could say anything, Liu Dayou, who was also sizing up Chen Yan, suddenly said:

"Brother Chen, this bitch's mood seems to have changed. Look at his eyes, it seems that he has been trying to show us his calmness, but if you look carefully..."

"His eyes look like a resentful woman who has been left out for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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