Chapter 513 It can’t be him!
Chen Xiao never thought that Chen Yan, who had always troubled him, would be by his side.

But the shadow of Chen Yan caught in Qingxi has already told him that that person has been paying attention to him.

But who is he?

When this question appeared in Chen Xiao's mind, he sat quietly in the back seat of the car.

Lin Xi drove the car silently towards Songshanping.

Chen Xiao has come out, although the case is still in stalemate.

But those who care about him are waiting for his return.

For example, her parents-in-law, her whole family, and even Zhao Xiaoyu came over.

Along the way, Chen Xiao took paper and pen and wrote down all the people he knew.

However, Chen Xiao did not include his parents, parents-in-law, or any of his relatives in this list.

Chen Xiao knew that this seemed not rigorous enough.

But that's the kind of person he is, or maybe this is how he views his relatives after his rebirth.

If he doesn't have enough trust in his relatives, then he doesn't think his rebirth has any meaning.

But in addition to relatives, many acquaintances were also taken away.

He knew Luo Dali, Xiaoji, Dao Nan and Liu Dayou all very well.

In fact, Chen Xiao grew up to where he is today just by watching them.

But, who else could be Chen Yan?

Chen Xiao's thoughts kept diverging, but the figures one after another could never form the image of Chen Yan in Chen Xiao's mind.

I don’t know how much time passed, but Lin Xi stopped the car and said softly:
"Husband, we are home."

Chen Xiao withdrew his mind and looked at his familiar hometown, which made him couldn't help but smile:
"I've been worrying you these days."

"I don't have any big feelings, but our parents can't keep their spirits up these days."

Chen Xiao nodded, opened the door and got out of the car.

As soon as we arrived in the yard, everyone in the family ran out.

Parents and parents-in-law were the most worried, and Chen Xiao patiently explained to them what had happened to him.

Parents and parents-in-law didn't really understand the twists and turns in the case. They only knew that Chen Xiao was released safely, and then everything was really fine.

My mother was very happy and immediately went to the kitchen to work, saying that she would make the richest dinner to celebrate tonight.

The same goes for mother-in-law Han Meixiang, who also followed her into the kitchen.

Just when Chen Xiao was about to go back to the room to continue thinking, a group of people, one large and one small, suddenly walked in from outside the door.

"Brother-in-law, you are finally back!"

Sister-in-law Lin Yao exclaimed in surprise, but another person threw herself into her arms.

"Brother Chen Xiao, are you okay?"

When looking at Zhao Xiaoyu, Chen Xiao couldn't help but be stunned, and looked at Lin Xi with doubts:

"Did Xiaoyu come back with Xiaoyao?"

Lin Xi smiled and nodded: "Mr. Zhao has been busy recently, and Xiaoyu has been entrusting Xiaoyao with him. So she wanted to come back, so she brought Xiaoyu back with her."

Chen Xiao made a sound, then pulled Zhao Xiaoyu and asked with a smile:
"Is Xiaoyu also worried about me?"

Zhao Xiaoyu nodded repeatedly: "I must be worried. Sister Xiaoyao said that you were arrested, and then you were locked in a dark small room and couldn't even move, just like on TV!"

Chen Xiao immediately narrowed his eyes and looked at his sister-in-law.

Lin Yao suddenly laughed: "Well... I just want to instill in Xiao Yu the idea of ​​knowing and abiding by the law since she was a child!"

"Seeing that you still care about me as your brother-in-law, I won't settle the score with you this time. But have you brought Xiaoyu back and told her father?"

For Zhao Xiaoyu, it may just be his hometown.

But for Zhao Hai, the entire Dongzhou is a sad city.

He didn't want to return to Dongzhou, so he stayed away from the city and went to Shencheng.

Now that Lin Yao has brought Zhao Xiaoyu back, Chen Xiao will naturally ask questions. Lin Yao nodded repeatedly: "We agreed before coming here."

Chen Xiao hummed and didn't say much. He just took a deep look at Zhao Xiaoyu and pulled her aside.

Lin Xi watched silently, also speechless.

Now she can already see that Chen Xiao likes children very much.

Whether it’s Zhao Xiaoyu or Ah Yu.

After Chen Xiao put Zhao Xiaoyu on his lap, he asked about her studies.

Although Zhao Xiaoyu has just entered elementary school, the word academic is a bit harsh.

But Zhao Xiaoyu is still very proud to say that she scored 100 points in every subject and ranked first in the class!

Chen Xiao immediately gave a thumbs up and asked, "Is dad very busy at work recently?"

"I'm busy. I haven't seen my father for several days. But my father works very hard every day and has been working hard."

Chen Xiao smiled and nodded: "Is dad still in Shencheng?"

"Yes, I called dad. His tone sounded very tired. Xiaoyu felt so distressed."

"Then when Xiaoyu gets back, I'll rub your father's shoulders and legs."


The child nodded seriously.

Just the next second, Chen Xiao put her down again, and then found a branch.

"Xiao Yu, you have learned new Chinese characters, right? Let me check how your handwriting is!"


Zhao Xiaoyu said happily, and then used branches to write the Chinese characters she learned after entering elementary school on the ground.

Looking at those Chinese characters, Chen Xiao's expression could not be seen to be any different.

Only full of smiles.

After waiting for Zhao Xiaoyu to finish writing, Chen Xiao suddenly said to Zhao Xiaoyu:
"Xiao Yu, my brother is squatting on the ground and his legs are numb. Please help me."


Zhao Xiaoyu used his greatest strength to help Chen Xiao up.

This scene happened to be seen by Lin Xi.

She knew Chen Xiao's physique very well, and it was not like she would be unable to get up after squatting on the ground for a while.

She quickly walked up to Chen Xiao and asked:

"What's wrong with you? Why do you feel like you're not feeling right?"

"Let me be quiet for a while and call me again when it's time to eat."

Chen Xiao waved his hand, and then didn't say anything more to Lin Xi and Zhao Xiaoyu, and went straight back to the room.

Lin Xi found it strange, but the words on the ground were nothing strange to her.

Lin Xi was confused, but Chen Xiao wanted to be quiet, so she could only take Zhao Xiaoyu to play in the house.

After just two steps, Lin Xi stopped.

She looked back at the words Zhao Xiaoyu left on the ground and asked:

"Xiao Yu, you write these words so beautifully. Did the teacher just teach you them after you went to school?"

"Yes and no, my father taught me these words a long time ago. I can write many, many words!"

Hearing this, Lin Xi's eyes couldn't help but widen a little.

An idea popped into her mind.

The moment the thought popped up, she wanted to squeeze it to death.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible, there is no way it could be him!"

(End of this chapter)

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