Chapter 519 He is so proud!
Zhang Xian originally had no idea what Chen Xiao was going to do.

He didn't know much about Sister Yan either.

I have only heard of this person's name from Chen Xiao's deeds.

However, as a policeman, he could tell at a glance whether Sister Yan's place was clean or not.

Furthermore, when Sister Yan's employees all stood neatly in front of him, Zhang Xian couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

He looked deeply at Chen Xiao, lowered his voice and said:

"Talk it over with your friends, but don't make any mistakes."

"Sister Yan knows her well."

Seeing what Chen Xiao said, Zhang Xian naturally didn't bother with this matter.

But the next second, Chen Xiao took out some cash from his pocket and put it on the table.

Zhang Xian looked at him in astonishment again, and even had a thought in his mind:

"You can't really come here to play, can you? Chen Xiao shouldn't be able to do such a thing!"

Just when Zhang Xian was curious, Chen Xiaoze did not pay attention to him, but looked at the girls who looked a little nervous with a smile on their face.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. I'm Sister Yan's friend. I'm here today without washing my feet or taking a bath. I just want to have a chat with you."

After hearing this, the girls looked at each other even more.

Chen Xiao didn't let them guess on their own.

After glancing at them, he asked with a smile: "I want to know if any of you have been to Shencheng? If so, please take a step forward."

Girls, you looked at me and I looked at you. There were eleven or twelve people in total, but nearly half of them stood up.

"Then have you been to Xiangdu?"

The girl who stood up had nearly half of the nods.

Zhang Xian has been listening carefully to Chen Xiao's inquiry.

But at this moment, Chen Xiao asked two questions in a row, but the doubts in his heart were still not solved at all.

Although Zuo Shu is from Shencheng.

But now things are clear.

It has nothing to do with where it is!

So why did Chen Xiao come to this massage parlor to find these girls who had been to Shencheng and Xiangdu?
Zhang Xian did not interrupt and continued to listen to Chen Xiao's exchange with the girls.

"Then have you ever had contact with men in Shencheng?"

Chen Xiao raised a question again.

The girls were also stunned again.

What kind of men have they never been exposed to?
Forget about the men in Shencheng.

Even if they come from all over the world, all over the country, and even from abroad, it's not like they haven't encountered them before.

However, Sister Yan had already given the explanation, so they did not hesitate much and said directly:
"Many of the local men in Shencheng are very pragmatic and motivated!"

"Yes, people over there love doing business, and many of them have really big businesses."

"Have you ever had any contact with the police in Shenzhen City?"

Chen Xiao asked again.

At this moment, the girls all felt embarrassed, and they all hesitated and didn't know what to say.

Sister Yan came over at this time. Seeing her employees coquettishly, she suddenly said in a deep voice:

"There's nothing bad to say in front of my brother, and who in our profession has never had any dealings with the police?"

Seeing that Sister Yan said this, the girls nodded:

"Who doesn't have wet shoes when walking along the river? We've all been caught by police more or less."

Saying the word "tiaozi" in front of Zhang Xian really means that he doesn't regard Director Zhang as a policeman.

But these days, due to the influence of various movies and TV dramas, many people in life like to call the police this way. Until many years later, people generally no longer call it that when they see it.

"So, have any of you, or anyone you know, been arrested by the police station at the front station?"

Qianzhan police station?

Zhang Xian was stunned when he heard this title.

Because he seemed to have seen the name of this police station somewhere, but for a moment he couldn't remember where he glanced at it.

It wasn't until the girls recalled it for a while that Zhang Xian suddenly realized it.

Isn't Qianzhan Police Station Zuoshu's first job? !
It turns out that this is Chen Xiao’s purpose!

But if you want to know about Zuo Shu's past and past, wouldn't it be better to find Qi Wei?

Or do different people bring different understandings?

Zhang Xian thinks that Chen Xiao probably thinks so!
In fact, Chen Xiao came to do this seemingly meaningless thing with this purpose in mind!
At this time, a girl who just said she had stayed in Shencheng Xiangdu seemed to have thought of something.

"Boss, can I make a call?"

Chen Xiao nodded quickly: "Of course, who did you think of, right?"

"Well, I used to have a good friend in Shencheng. She was an older sister. She was detained by the Qianzhan Police Station a long time ago. Every time I listen to her story, it's like reading a novel. It's so exciting!"

Chen Xiao liked people with stories, so he didn't stop him and even urged the girl to fight quickly.

After the girl left, Zhang Xian finally spoke and asked in a low voice:

"Do you want to know more about Zuo Shu?"


"What is the role of understanding this? Do you think the breakthrough will eventually come from Zuo Shu, who has been killed?"


Zhang Xian frowned:

"Who is Zuoshu? He used to be a policeman, but later he felt that there was no future as a policeman, so he chose to abandon the police force and go into business. Finally, he relied on the abilities of his wife's family to rise up and eventually became the boss of Lihai Group. "

"Commercially speaking, Zuo Shu is undoubtedly very successful. However, if you want to know more about his police experience, why not ask Qi Wei? Or isn't there another senior brother of Zuo Shu?"

"Wouldn't it be better to find him?"

Zhang Xian asked while analyzing.

Chen Xiao did not answer Zhang Xian's inquiry, but asked:

"Have you ever guessed why Zuo Shu went to the place I went to?"

"Huh? Isn't this just for the convenience of putting the blame on you?"

"Then is it really necessary to go to distant Qingxi?"

"But apart from the Yanzi Lane fish bone case, the one that really got your name is the Xiaofeng Village case."

"I know, but there is really no need for Zuo Shu to go there. He went there and only left the photos of me and him when we first met, and the news about "Ten Demon Sons". In fact, he was sending me a signal!"

"What signal is being sent?"

"He must have known that "Ten Demon Sons" was given to me by Lou Xiaodong. Lou Xiaodong is Lou Yang's father, and Chen Yan is inseparable from Lou Yang. So, this is why he asked me to associate Chen Yan with this clue!"

Zhang Xian's eyes suddenly tightened: "You mean, Zuo Shu may have left clues about who Chen Yan is?"


Chen Xiao answered this word again.

But Zhang Xian said a little irritably: "Why didn't he tell me?"

"He must be very proud in his heart. In fact, whether he is in the police or business, he is very successful. In addition, in my first meeting with him this year, I can feel that Zuo Shu is an extremely confident person."

"It is impossible for such a person to tell me openly. Therefore, he left clues for me to discover."

"And the prerequisite for me to discover the clues he left behind is that I have to understand him from every angle!"

(End of this chapter)

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