Chapter 521 Luck is strength!
Sister Yan's employees had a lot of joy on their faces when they came back.

From her joyful expression, it is not difficult to guess that the ending should be what everyone wants.

"We contacted her. That sister is now married somewhere else and is living a very happy life!"

Anyone who lives a happy life is worthy of blessing.

But Chen Xiao feels that a life without any concealment is more worthy of blessing.

Otherwise, it would not be fair to the other person.

Of course, in the final analysis, whether the sister in the girl's mouth is doing well or not actually has little to do with Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao saw that her phone had been hung up, so he asked:
"She did stay at the Qianzhan Police Station, right?"

The girl nodded: "Well, she went in three times in total, and she was caught by the police station at the front station every time."

"Did you ask who the officer who arrested her was?"

"She said there were two. One was called Officer Zhao and the other was Officer Zuo."

"The Zhao of Qian Sun Li, or the omen of omens?"

"Well, I didn't ask that!"

"That should be a sign. The two of them are brothers in the same discipline, and it is not impossible that they serve in the same police station."

Chen Xiao said with a smile, and then started negotiating with the girl, preparing to talk to the old man in the massage industry in person.

Zhang Xian, on the other hand, looked helpless.

When working on cases with Chen Xiao, he always felt that Chen Xiao was very lucky.

This time again.

How big is your motherland?

How many people are there?
In this vast sea of ​​people, Chen Xiao actually found the masseuse who had been captured by Zuo Shu.

But, then I thought about it.

None of this seems to be pure luck.

Because this is not a probability event, but a targeted search.

Sister Yan is an old Jianghu, and she also has a group of similar people under her.

They hang out in Xiangdu and Shencheng all year round.

Zuo Shu and the others were once policemen at the police station, and then grew into excellent criminal policemen.

Therefore, searching for the identities of the two made Zhang Xian no longer envious of Chen Xiao's luck after a brief analysis.

Because luck is often a reflection of strength!


Chen Xiao has already dialed the phone number of the woman with quite a story.

Because Sister Yan's staff had said hello, the other party also knew the purpose of Chen Xiao's call.

After the two chatted for a few words, Chen Xiao got down to the topic.

After hearing this, the other party asked in surprise:

"So you want to find out about Officer Zuo from me?"

Chen Xiao agreed; "Yes, you still remember him after so many years. It seems that you have a deep impression on him."

"How could I not be profound? When I was in our line of work, it was really not like it is now. Maybe I was lazy, maybe I was eager to make quick money. In our time, such a proportion was much smaller."

"Some people are deceived because they meet unkind people. Some people are deceived because they are really poor and really need quick money. Of course, it is undeniable that some people have their own ideas that are wrong."

Just from these words, Chen Xiao felt that the other party was indeed a person who had experienced a lot.

Moreover, Xiangdu and Shencheng were not really developed at that time.

At that time, many people who went to Xiangdu and Shencheng, or those areas, did so to go to another place - Hong Kong City!
Once you are far away from home and meet a person with bad intentions, your whole life may be ruined.

It is no exaggeration to say that those who were far away from home in those days and returned to their hometown with healthy limbs were already lucky enough. "So you were arrested three times, all by the Zuo police officer himself. You are so impressed by him, is it because he is very strict, or because he takes good care of you?"

"I'm so grateful to him!"

"What did he do?" Chen Xiao asked softly.

The other end of the phone gave a long sigh: "There are two police officers who impressed me deeply. One is Officer Zhao, and the other is Officer Zuo. Officer Zhao is very scary. He can intimidate many people with just one look."

When he heard this sentence, Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly froze, and his heart even skipped a beat.

Because what the other party said seemed to match what Xiang Xian said!

But Xiang Xian is also Lin Zuming. He is a person who has experienced great storms.

On the other hand, the woman on the other end of the phone might be frightened by a policeman's casual look.

So Zhaocheng may have a very typical harsh image.

Chen Xiao did not interrupt the other party's story, and the latter continued:

"Every time we were caught by Officer Zhao, he really wanted us to learn a lesson we had never experienced before. But every time, Officer Zuo was the one standing by and said forget it. It's not easy."

"And what many people don't know is that Officer Zuo has always cared about those who have been caught by him. After we were arrested, Officer Zuo learned about us and would often help us."

"The most vivid memory I have is when we offended someone and were almost beaten to death in the street. Officer Zuo came and saved two or three of us sisters."

"That time, Officer Zuo offended someone because of it."

As the woman narrated, she suddenly sighed: "But then he didn't seem to be a policeman anymore. When I saw him on TV, he had become a big boss. I remember what he said to me, life depends on you. What are you doing with so much money?”

"I didn't expect that he ended up making money."

This sentence is the most valuable sentence that Chen Xiao heard during this phone call!

"Was he joking, or was he serious?"

"I can't remember clearly, but my impression is that he was very unsupportive and opposed to us doing this to make money on our own. However, after we told our reasons, he was angry and helpless."

"Come to think of it, he probably just wanted to warn us!"

"Maybe." Chen Xiao agreed.

After a brief silence on the other end of the phone, the woman asked:

"How did you find Xiaodie and ask about Officer Zuo?"

"Because there is a case and we need to know something about him."

"Case? What happened to him?"

"He has passed away." Chen Xiao replied.

The other end of the phone was replaced by silence again.

For a person, the sudden death of an old friend will give rise to an indescribable and extremely complicated feeling in an instant.

After waiting for a while, Chen Xiao continued: "Thank you for providing us with the information. I'll hang up the phone first."

"it is good."

The woman's voice was unnatural as she spoke. Chen Xiao ended the call without saying another word.

After handing the phone to the girl, Chen Xiao looked at Zhang Xian: "How about we touch your feet before going back?"

Zhang Xian shook his head like a rattle and said subconsciously: "No, no, my wife will call later."

These words that came out of his mouth made many girls snicker.

Chen Xiao grinned and said, "Okay, let's go to the next stop!"

"Next stop?"


"They're almost there."

(End of this chapter)

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