Chapter 532 Bang!
More haste less speed.

This is a truth that has been passed down from ancient times to the present day.

Impatience often leads to bad things.

The smarter a person is, the calmer he tends to be.

But no one will miss the opportunity.

Chen Xiao wasn't sure where the opportunity would come from.

However, he was still very confident in Dao Nan's attentiveness and skills.

So now he just waits.

Waiting for the thing he expected to happen.

Whether it was him or that him, they both knew that Qi Wei didn't have much time left to stay in Dongzhou.

She might even leave now, if there were any flights available.


Just a sad place.

No...disgusting place!

Qi Wei thinks so.

The first thing she did after returning to the room was to call the bodyguard she brought with her.

"Book me a flight back to Shenzhen as soon as possible. The sooner the better."

"Um... Mr. Qi, have you been released from the police force?"


Qi Wei didn't explain much to her bodyguards.

She didn't notify anyone when she came out.

Because Dao Nan scolded her well.

She is a woman who has no brains when it comes to emotions.

A woman who has lived half her life but is still as brainless as a little girl who loves love!
She is disgusted by Dongzhou.

I feel disgusted with myself too.

After finishing the call, Qi Wei sat in the room in a daze.

She reflected on herself.

Not long after, the bodyguard called.

"Boss Qi, I've checked the flight information, and the earliest flight is tomorrow morning."

"it is good."

Qi Wei still only replied with one word, then hung up the phone and continued to sit in the room in a daze.

I didn't know how long I was in a daze when I heard a knock on the door.

"Boss Qi, it's time for dinner."

"I'm not hungry, just take care of yourselves." Qi Wei was not angry at all, but there was not even a trace of warmth in her tone.

It seemed that her words made the bodyguard feel cold.

So after saying this, the bodyguard never showed up again.

Until late at night.

Qi Wei still didn't feel hungry at all.

But she was no longer as distraught as she had been in the evening.

She has already begun handling some of the company's affairs remotely.

Just as she was engrossed in handling the matter, a person appeared behind her without warning.

Where did this person come from?
He did not touch Qi Wei, but stared at the few drops of dried blood on the ground.

It’s a pity that he was wearing a crying clown mask on his face.

While looking at the drop of blood, he turned back to glance at Qi Wei who had her back to him.

His gloved right hand clenched and unclenched.

He seemed hesitant.

Finally he shook his head, as if realizing that something was not quite right.

Even his footsteps were covered by the carpet and made almost no sound.

He stared at the bed that still bore traces of warmth.

Finally he found a black button-like object in a gap near the bed.

No one could see the corners of his mouth curled up under the clown mask.

And that light in his eyes!
After looking at Qi Wei again, he left the room without any hesitation and seemed to be silent.

Qi Wei hardly noticed this at all!
The clown left the room and stood on the balcony, observing the downstairs.

While observing, he also kept an eye on the time.

But he didn't check the time on his phone, but on his watch. When a familiar figure appeared in a dark place outside the hotel, the corners of his mouth under the clown mask curled up again.

He immediately took off his mask, put on a baseball cap, then left his room and went downstairs.

More than ten minutes later.

Qi Wei, who was in the room, received a text message.

The moment she saw the text message, a hint of joy appeared on Qi Wei's face.

But the next second, Qi Wei became cautious again.

But her caution only lasted for a few seconds. The only thing in her mind was the overbearing sentence in the text message: "Are you coming or not?"

Finally, Qi Wei got up, opened the door and walked downstairs.

After leaving the hotel, Qi Wei finally saw a car as indicated.

She didn't think much about it, she just opened the car door and got in.

"What are you looking for me for again?"

Qi Wei asked with a grim expression.

But the other person just looked out the window without saying a word.

Qi Wei was stunned and pushed the man next to her, but his head instantly tilted to the side.

Suddenly, Qi Wei's face changed drastically, and she said in shock:

"Xiao Nan, what's wrong with you? Don't scare me!"

"Don't worry, Mr. Qi, he's fine, he just fainted."

Suddenly, a sinister voice came from the back seat.

Qi Wei then looked behind her in horror:

"Who are you!"

The man in the cap slowly raised his head, showing a row of cigarette-stained teeth and smiled:

"Boss Qi is really a strange man!"

"It stands to reason that a business woman like you shouldn't be tied down by feelings, especially this kind of fleeting pleasure."

"But I didn't expect that President Qi would actually come down. And this guy is also a strange man. He actually has such a great attraction to women of your age!"

Qi Wei already understood what kind of predicament she had gotten into.

She opened the car door almost without thinking.

But the man in the hat obviously guessed her thoughts and said with a smile:

"Mr. Qi, please be rational and let me kill you. This kid can still live. But if you run away, you will all die."

Qi Wei's face darkened, and the man in the hat continued:
"Of course you can ignore his life or death, but whether you care or not, can you really run away?"

Qi Wei was extremely calm at this moment.

She looked at the unconscious knife man, then at the strange man behind her, and squinted her eyes and said:

"who are you?"

"You can call me Chen...Yan!"

The man in the baseball cap smiled again as he spoke.

Qi Wei looked at him indifferently: "Zuo Shu, did you kill him too? You two conspired to use Zuo Shu's life to exchange for Chen Xiao and me, right?"

"For someone who is bound to die, I don't think it's necessary to hide too much."

The meaning of this sentence is quite obvious.

Qi Wei nodded and looked at the knife man again.

Deep in her pupils, there was a hint of suppressed expectation as she said:

"Then what exactly do you want? You have a grudge against Chen Xiao, but what does it have to do with me?"

"Please don't ask too many questions, Mr. Qi. I have always understood one thing. We need to do things quickly, so I have already told you everything I need to tell you. Close your eyes. It may hurt a little for a while, but it will disappear soon."

Fear suddenly appeared in Qi Wei's eyes.

She originally wanted to delay for some time.

As long as there is time, as long as she is still alive, no one knows what kind of turn will occur in the next second!
However, she didn't expect that the other party had no intention of talking at all.

A dagger with a cold glow appeared on the gloved hand at this moment.

She had also seen the dagger.

It’s the one that Daoman played with!

All of a sudden, Qi Wei understood that the other party had planned that Dao Nan would definitely come to find her tonight!
It is precisely because of this that the other party wants to pin the blame for her death on the knife man!

Qi Wei, who understood all this, immediately put her hand on the car door lock.

However, her hand just moved.

The dagger also stabbed towards her!
But at the same time, a huge fist outside smashed the car window directly!

(End of this chapter)

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