Chapter 538: Life is so absurd!
"Hearing this, do you know the real reason why I want to die?"

"This world is beautiful. Even though I appear to be successful, I still don't feel happy in reality. But I don't want to die."

"But when a person appears in my world, those people will immediately target him."

"So, I had to do something, including my life, to protect some people."

After hearing this, Chen Xiao already knew that perhaps the reason why Zuo Shu died might be the same as the reason why Zhao Hai killed people.

Zhao Hai didn't want his daughter to die like his son.

Similarly, a child broke into Zuo Shu's world.

Zuo Shu had no children.

But would he want to have a child?
He might think about it, otherwise why would he say that even if the person who broke into his world had no blood relationship with him?
Chen Xiao didn't think much about it and continued watching the video.

"You also know that I have no children, but it is God's will. I am destined to be childless."

"Of course, you would have said that. Someone like me could have as many illegitimate children as I wanted, right?"

"Haha, but why would I quit the police and go into business? You might be wondering if the Lumingling Reservoir case was too much of a blow to me. You might also be wondering if I did something illegal and therefore don't dare to stay in the police force anymore."

"No, actually. Regardless of whether I am a police officer or not, I am still a human being. I have always seen things clearly. As long as human power is limited, there will always be limits."

"I couldn't catch the real culprit in the Lumingling case. I couldn't accept it in my heart, but it wouldn't make me quit the police force and go into business. The real reason was that I was injured once during a mission."

"I concealed the true extent of the injury. So, the child Qi Wei and I had was a gift from God. But, in the end, we didn't keep him."

"After I was injured that time, I had the idea of ​​quitting for the first time. It just so happened that Qi Wei and I were very close at that time, so I simply left the police force, and no one persuaded me to return."

"But when did I come into contact with the people of the Sacred Heart Church? It was when I entered the Qi family and was having a hard time at the beginning."

"I was panicking at the time, worried that I would be looked down upon and that my secret would be discovered. So when they approached me, I thought I had encountered a spiritual beacon."

"With their help, I gradually came out of the haze. I originally thought they really just wanted to save people like me who were stuck in trouble. But later I found out that their purpose was actually to use me to snatch Rikkai away!"

"Although I built Li Hai with the help of the Qi family's power, there are so many people in this world who can take advantage of others, and how many of them succeed? Li Hai is my hard work!"

"So after I realized their purpose, I have been on guard. But I don't know who they have planted in Li Hai, so I can only support the people of the Qi family as much as possible."

"Because I know that no matter what, Qi Wei will still regard Li Hai as her hard work. As long as Qi Wei is here, Li Hai will never be usurped by others."

"As time went by, I thought they would give up. But I never expected that their patience would last for so many years, just waiting for me to show my weakness."

"So, when I met a little girl who was a few years old that day, everything began to change. That girl was an orphan, and I paid for her schooling and took care of her life for many years."

"But I never thought that the cute and sensible little girl would become a completely different person when she grew up. She was madly infatuated with me, but this was seen by a servant of the Qi family." "I didn't think it was a serious matter at first, until the servant used it as a threat. After I agreed a few times, he started to get worse."

"Finally, when I was tired of asking for help, the servant suddenly disappeared from this world! As a former police officer, I know very well that such anomalies are problematic."

"It was not until I investigated that I found out that she had gotten rid of the person! In order to cover up this matter, I could no longer maintain my original intention as a police officer."

"As the saying goes, one wrong step leads to another. Everything started to change when she killed that servant. I thought I had done everything perfectly, but I didn't expect that I would still be discovered by that group of people!"

"Even though I sent my daughter abroad, they still found ways to get her back, and even used this as a threat countless times to get me to do things for them."

Having said that, Zuo Shu let out a long sigh.

He appeared in front of the camera with a strong sense of powerlessness.

"Chen Xiao, life is really absurd sometimes. Because I don't have any children, I felt compassion for a child who has no blood relationship with me. After taking care of her and getting along with her for a long time, I regard her as my own daughter."

"But there are many things that I can't control just because I say so. So when I was making the choice, I was very distressed. I wasn't afraid of the price I would pay, I just wondered if she could be saved."

"If she can be saved, then I will take care of everything. For me, I have already had everything in my life. As for the future, I actually lost my goal a long time ago."

"So when I thought she could still be saved, I made the final choice. I didn't want to resist anymore, so I used my death to open the door for them to devour Rikkai."

"As for my death, it doesn't matter to me what they are going to do. It's just that I never thought that this matter would involve you. So, before I died, I went to the place where you have been and left as much as possible behind."

By this time, Zuo Shu had explained everything clearly.

The reason he went to die was not for Rikkai.

Whether Li Hai will be swallowed up depends on Qi Wei.

With Qi Wei around and all the arrangements he had made before, it was still possible for Li Hai to escape from danger.

The real reason he died was to protect his adopted daughter, who even Qi Wei didn't know about and who had killed someone!
In the video, Zuo Shu also knew that he had explained everything he needed to explain.

So he, who had been depressed all the time, smiled at this moment:
"Okay, my story and my secrets have all been explained. I know this is ridiculous and even makes me look stupid. But in this world, how many people can escape the word 'love'?"

"Love, family, friendship... every kind of love is like this at times, absurd and without any logic at all!"

At this point, no more sound came from the computer.

Zuo Shu’s figure in the video was also frozen there forever!

(End of this chapter)

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