Chapter 551 Let Me Accompany You!

When Huang Zhao was taking Guo Zhengchang's pulse.

Chen Xiao could tell from Huang Zhao's eyes and facial expression that something was wrong.

But, speculation is just speculation.

The moment Huang Zhao said it himself, Chen Xiao's mind suddenly went blank.

Huang Zhao even noticed at a glance that the blood color on Chen Xiao's face disappeared in an instant.

He held Chen Xiao tightly and said anxiously:
"Are you OK?"

As he spoke, Huang Zhao also grabbed Chen Xiao's wrist.

Realizing that Chen Xiao was just anxious, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Chen Xiao slowed down and forced a smile:
"I'm fine, Mr. Huang, I just suddenly felt empty in my head."

"It seems that you have a very deep relationship with your elder brother."

"It's not that I have a deep relationship with him, but he has always been the one who has paid for me. If...if I hadn't gotten into trouble this time, he wouldn't have gone to Shencheng. If he hadn't gone to Shencheng, how could his health have gotten so bad!"

As Chen Xiao spoke, he felt more than just self-blame and guilt.

More regret and heartache!
It can be as short as a few months or as long as half a year!

At this moment, Chen Xiao really hoped that Huang Zhao was a quack or a fake doctor.

But Chen Xiao was very clear that it was precisely because of the medical skills demonstrated by Huang Zhao that he realized the seriousness of the other party's words.

The so-called fractional month.

It won’t last more than three months!
Chen Xiao couldn't imagine that Guo Zhengchang would suddenly pass away a few months later. How would he accept such a reality?

Seeing Chen Xiao was in a trance again.

Huang Zhao pressed one of his acupoints and after massaging it for a few times, Chen Xiao's face began to gradually turn rosy.

"Mr. Chen, everyone has their own destiny. Of course... my diagnosis may not be very accurate. Both Western and Chinese medicine have their own ways. I suggest you go see a Western doctor."

"After all, when it comes to things from the West, people still prefer to rely on data as the truth."

Chen Xiao nodded slightly and said with a forced smile:
"Thank you for your hard work, old man. I'll take you to rest first."

Huang Zhao didn't say much, just nodded lightly, and followed Chen Xiao to the room.

After waiting for Huang Zhao to be arranged, Chen Xiao walked to the edge of the mountain top alone.

It was very windy at the top of the mountain.

Especially since there was no vegetation to cover the edge, the wind was so strong that Chen Xiao could hardly open his eyes.

He wiped his eyes.

The wind somewhat blinded his eyes.

The temperature of the wind also made him gradually feel a little chilly.

He didn't want to stand.

In just a moment, I felt extremely tired.

He sat down directly on the grass and took out his cell phone.

At this moment, he really wanted to talk to Lin Xi.

But because of his affairs, Lin Xi hasn't reported to work for several days.

She must be very busy today.

Although couples don’t need to care so much.

But the nature of his wife's work is different.

Chen Xiao didn't want to distract her because he didn't know whether Lin Xi was at work or out on a field trip.

If you are out on a field trip, you could get into danger if you get distracted.

Just like that, Chen Xiao gave up the idea of ​​calling Lin Xi.

He lay on the grass with his eyes closed, his mind filled with the image of Guo Zhengchang.

When they first met, he and Guo Zhengchang had very ordinary interactions.

Even though he solved the Xiaofeng Village case, he and Guo Zhengchang were only partners.

All the changes began from the press briefing on the Xiaofeng Village case.

Chen Xiao used the power of painting to attract the attention of reporters and cover up the scandal of the Guo family. At that time, Chen Xiao left everyone with the impression that...

He is very low-key, does not like to be in the spotlight, and even extremely hates being in the spotlight.

Therefore, Guo Zhengchang was grateful to him.

Guo Zhengchang is an old man who will repay a favor. It is precisely because of this character that, during their later time together with Chen Xiao, their relationship began to become difficult to explain.


It is no longer the case.

It has already surpassed this level of relationship.

Chen Xiao had thought that Guo Zhengchang should treat him the same way as Guo Qing.

Guo Qing is his relative and his descendant.

Chen Xiao felt that Guo Zhengchang also treated him as a junior.

This feeling.

In a sense, it is stronger than blood ties.

But precisely because of their stronger feelings, Chen Xiao never knew how to handle his relationship with Guo Zhengchang.

Now, Guo Zhengchang's life seems to be coming to an end.

For Chen Xiao, who has made countless profits through Guo Zhengchang, he feels that he is about to lose the most important elder in his life!
Chen Xiao felt very uncomfortable, and the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

After his rebirth, making money was not his first priority in life.

Neither is solving the case.

His first priority has always been to make up for the debt he owes to his loved ones.

His wife, parents, and those who are good to him.

But he tried his best to make up for those people.

However, he never thought that after his rebirth, he would owe a person whose fate should have had nothing to do with his.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao took deep breaths.

He wanted to use this to ease the heavy emotions in his heart that were like a huge rock.

But before long, he noticed something, then sat up straight and looked behind him.

Guo Zhengchang was watching him quietly not far away, but didn't come over, as if he was afraid of disturbing Chen Xiao's peace.

Chen Xiao stood up and walked towards Guo Zhengchang.

When the latter saw him coming, they also came to greet him.

"What are you thinking about? Why do you seem like you've lost your soul?" Guo Zhengchang asked with a smile.

Chen Xiao, who possessed the power of sophistry, didn't know what to say for a moment.

I finally thought of a good excuse and was about to speak it out when Guo Zhengchang said:
"Chen Xiao, I don't think I'll have much time left, right?"

Chen Xiao's eyes suddenly narrowed, and Guo Zhengchang continued:

"Although you are very smart, I, an old man, admit that I am not as smart as you. But, Chen Xiao, don't forget that I am several dozen years older than you."

"In these years of growing up, the number of people I have seen and thought about is probably dozens of times more than you, or even more."

"So, reading people's expressions is not just a detective's ability. As a businessman, and a relatively successful one at that, this is also my basic skill. So I can probably tell something from the look in your eyes and the expressions of Dr. Huang."

Lying is not a good option in front of someone like Guo Zhengchang.

Lying in front of him also means that Chen Xiao is avoiding reality.

Seeing that Guo Zhengchang was looking at him seriously, Chen Xiao no longer planned to say false nice things.

After nodding, he said, "Doctor Huang suggested that you go see a Western doctor. After all, Western medicine is more scientific, while Chinese medicine relies entirely on experience."

"There may be some discrepancies, but they shouldn't be that big. My personal doctor has been very worried about my health recently. After all, if anything happens to me, he will lose a well-paid job."

"So I think I guessed correctly what Dr. Huang said to you in private."

Guo Zhengchang looked at the city at the foot of the mountain with a calm face, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

After Chen Xiao saw the nostalgia, he said, "Grandpa Guo, I don't have much work to do next, so let me accompany you!"

(End of this chapter)

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