Chapter 557 Woof woof woof!
Listen to what the knife man said.

Chen Xiao's brows were furrowed.

Although it was he who asked about the Qi family.

But he didn't want to hear words like the Qi family had great power.

Because the greater the power of the Qi family, the greater the resistance Long Ding will encounter.

Seeing that Chen Xiao didn't say anything, Dao Nan didn't want to continue talking.

After waiting for a while, the knife man asked:
"Brother, how about I and Dayou go over and help you? Although I'm not as smart as Xiaoji, maybe I can be of use to you."

Speaking of Xiaoji, Chen Xiao has not contacted him since coming to Shenzhen.

He should still be wandering around with the black cat.

"Xiaoji is here with me. Dayou has been busy for a while. Give him some time off. He has his own things to do."

Chen Xiao explained.

The knife man asked hurriedly: "What about me?"

"Dong'an needs help. Brother Guang Wensheng may not be able to handle it alone. You should continue to help him."


Although Chen Xiao understood the meaning behind Dao Nan's words, under such an arrangement, Dao Nan still did not speak his true feelings.

Chen Xiao pretended not to understand. After hanging up the phone, he began to study the three children of the Qi family.

The eldest is Qi Dong, the second is Qi Nan, and the third is Qi Wei.

The relationship between the three people, coming from the knife man's mouth, didn't seem good, even a little bad.

But Chen Xiao believed it?
Of course not!

It's not that he suspected that Dao Nan deliberately lied about military intelligence.

In fact, a woman like Qi Wei, would she really be completely lost in a boy?

This possibility has always been debatable.

The reason why Qi Wei and Dao Nan made rapid progress was that she was even heartbroken because of Dao Nan.

However, the emotional expressions of a strong woman cannot be trusted at all.

There was absolutely no need for her to reveal her family situation, especially her relationship with her siblings, to Dao Nan.

However, she revealed it, which means she most likely did it on purpose!
If Chen Xiao just believed it so naively, then he would start with Qi Wei's two brothers and prepare to target Li Hai.

If it's really as they say, then everything will be easy.

If not, the other party would have enough time and opportunity to dig a pit big enough to bury Chen Xiao and Long Ding alive!

Chen Xiao was looking at the information and also researching a solution.

He felt that the more impregnable a barrier seemed, the easier it was to find its fatal weaknesses.

Chen Xiao is very patient.

He was not in a hurry to finish the two things he was doing overnight.

I don’t know how long I watched it.

Chen Xiao closed all the information.

Seeing a car key on the table, Chen Xiao realized that it was left for him by Guo Qing.

So I picked up the car keys and prepared to go out for a drive.

Or revisit the route that Zhu Nianying used to take to go to the clinic every day.

Or you can go to the old ancestral hall of the Qi family and take a look.

Chen Xiao had just picked up the key and taken two steps when he suddenly stopped.

He walked back quickly, then picked up a current map of Shenzhen's street layout and compared it with the previous one.

When Chen Xiao saw that the two places in his mind actually overlapped on the same street, he couldn't help but widen his eyes in shock.

"What a coincidence?"

Chen Xiao grumbled, but this coincidence was actually a convenience for Chen Xiao.

Happy, Chen Xiao quickened his pace towards the ancestral hall.

But only halfway through the journey, Chen Xiao's memory became clearer and clearer. He had been on this road before.

Even came more than once.

Moreover, there was a scene that happened on this road that he would never forget.

I remember that day when he and Xie Wensheng arrested Jiang Anguang and were on their way back to the Criminal Police Team, they walked along this road.

When the car drove here, Duoduo, the domestic dog that caused the deaths of six people, caught up with it.

It was also at the moment when it caught up that Jiang Anguang, who had killed six people, regretted his decision!

Chen Xiao came to this road again. If he went further, he would reach the small street with many clinics.

There is the Miao medicine clinic, Jiang Anguang’s clinic, and Huang Zhao’s clinic.

If Chen Xiao remembered correctly, Zhu Nianying lived on this street and went to the clinic to work early every morning.

After remembering these information points, Chen Xiao simply parked the car in the parking space.

Then I walked towards Clinic Street step by step.

Chen Xiao's route this time includes the street where Zhu Nianying lives and the street where the clinic is located.

There is another road, which is where the old ancestral hall of the Qi family is located.

The three are considered to be in a relatively small range!
It’s a pity that times change too fast.

The streets are no longer the blue brick paths they once were.

There are no more potholes and bumps like before.

Some only have shops with increasing rents every year and wide and smooth roads.

Looking at the shopping guides standing at the store doorways, especially those at the shoe and clothing stores who were shouting their products hard, Chen Xiao felt inexplicably familiar with them.

Because in later generations, such scenes have become difficult to see.

Chen Xiao walked and felt at the same time.

From time to time, I would go into those old shops and have lively chats with some aunties and sisters.

When Chen Xiao left, he didn't know whether he really needed it or was fooled, but he bought a lot of shoes and clothes from those shopping guides.

Even when he left, the eldest sister sent him off as if he were the God of Wealth.

If Chen Xiao hadn't declined, the eldest sister really wanted to get all of Chen Xiao's contact information.

Poor Chen Xiao already had several bags in his hands when he arrived at Huang Zhao's Chinese Medicine Clinic.

Huang Zhao is seeing patients in the clinic.

Seeing Chen Xiao arriving in such a hurry, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Mr. Chen, where are you from?"

Chen Xiao put down bag after bag of shoes and clothes and said with a wry smile:

"I just walked here from the street where Zhu Nianying lived before. Mr. Huang, you are an old man here and you know that there are many shoes and clothes sold there."

"But the quality of the clothes there varies greatly, and you will wear them too..."

Huang Zhao hadn't finished speaking yet, but he seemed to have understood why Chen Xiao had so many bags.

"I understand. Mr. Chen is using the excuse of buying clothes to chat with the shop assistants about things that happened in the past, right?"

Chen Xiao immediately gave him a thumbs up: "Mr. Huang is amazing. You saw through my thoughts in just a few words."

"I'm not that great, I just felt that this didn't fit your behavior so I thought about it a little more."

Chen Xiao didn't care about these small details. After sitting down, he looked at the situation in the clinic and replied:
"There are quite a lot of patients. Has an epidemic broken out recently?"

"Most people are infected with colds, and they are all minor illnesses, but most of them are still very troublesome."

Chen Xiao nodded, thinking about waiting for Huang Zhao to finish before sitting down and chatting alone.

But no one expected that when he took a bottle of mineral water from Huang Zhao's assistant, he suddenly seemed to sense some danger.

He looked back suddenly and saw a figure with its tail between its legs rushing towards him.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

(End of this chapter)

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