Chapter 564: Professional misconceptions!
Listen to Lin Xi's words.

Chen Xiao didn't feel too surprised.

This is the reverse thinking that a detective often has!

But this kind of thinking often needs to be triggered when you are very calm and rational.

Because after people recognize a fact, their consciousness often enters a comfort zone and they are unwilling to move any further.

So Lin Xi was reminding Chen Xiao.

And this reminder made Chen Xiao think of another possibility at the first moment.

"Wife, if we analyze this according to your suggestion, what do you think is the reason why Zhu Nianying put aside the matter of the clinic and suddenly left Shenzhen?"

"Excluding the possibility that Zhu Nianying has other social connections, there is only one possibility, that is, someone from her hometown has come!"

Chen Xiao's eyes narrowed.

Although Chen Xiao's investigation into the case was not particularly in-depth, it can be said that he only had some free time to think about it.

But after Huang Zhao said that he had been to Zhu Nianying's hometown, Chen Xiao only thought about it after being reminded by Lin Xi.

Obviously, this is a very likely possibility.

Why did Zhu Nianying come to Shenzhen?

Because her family married her to an older man who was much older than her for a few thousand dollars.

The money was not repaid until Huang Zhao went to Zhu Nianying's hometown.

In other words, from the time Zhu Nianying came to Shenzhen until the time of the crime, the money had not been paid.

If Lin Xi's guess is correct, then this sum of money would be particularly conspicuous at this moment.

"Well, I have indeed neglected this aspect all along, but my wife, you have reminded me of it."

Chen Xiao's thinking has long developed the habit of drawing inferences from one example.

So, when Lin Xi proposed this possibility, Chen Xiao also thought of another possibility.

Lin Xi immediately became interested: "Tell me, what else?"

"Do you think it's possible that Zhu Nianying is still alive?"

When Lin Xi on the other end of the phone heard this possibility, he immediately fell silent.

Lin Xi was silent for a long time, and finally gave an answer:
"Until the truth comes out, anything is possible."

"Yes, that's what I'm thinking about now. It's been six years. If Zhu Nianying is still alive now, what possibilities can be extended?"

"If she is still alive, then it involves another attribute of the case."

"You mean imprisonment, right?"

"That's right! If this is the case, then there are still two possibilities for you. One: She still encountered a random suspect, and she still has no life of her own until now!"

"Two: This is also the most common one. She meets the person she trusts the most!"

When the second possibility was spoken, a name had already emerged in Chen Xiao's mind.

This person is none other than... Huang Zhao!
Before and after Zhu Nianying's accident, Huang Zhao was absolutely the person she trusted 100%.

But if it was Huang Zhao, then this matter would be contradictory.

The reason why Chen Xiao came to investigate this missing case was because of Huang Zhao’s invitation.

If it weren't for Huang Zhao, Chen Xiao wouldn't even come to Shenzhen.

As for Long Ding's involvement in Li Hai, Chen Xiao would definitely place all his hopes on Guo Qing.

But the key point is, who would do something and then ask others to investigate themselves?
Chen Xiao felt that this possibility was too low.

For anyone else, this possibility is almost impossible. Chen Xiao did not reply, but thought to himself.

Lin Xi on the other end of the video, after saying this, was repeatedly asking herself whether this possibility was really possible?

But as a criminal policeman, the cases I come across are often like this many times.

The more impossible, the more possible!

But, Lin Xi thought of this possibility. Is it the normal thinking that should be had after a case happened?

Whether it is Chen Xiao or Lin Xi.

At this moment, they suddenly felt that they had faced a professional challenge.

Whether you are a criminal police or a detective, what you do is the same in the end.

As long as you do this, you will encounter times of indecision.

Chen Xiao felt that the more he thought about it, the more he would become self-contradictory.

There may even be signs of self-doubt.

Thinking of this, Chen Xiao immediately said: "Wife, I think we are on the wrong path?"

When Lin Xi heard Chen Xiao's voice, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly:

"Are you thinking too much?"

"Every time, whether it's you or me, the cases we encounter now are not too many or too few. It is precisely because of past experience that I know that the truth of many cases is often unexpected!"

"So when a new case comes up, we will apply our previous experience to judge the current case! But if you think about it carefully, these actions are not subtraction, but addition!"

"Indeed, if we apply too much of our past experience, we will actually make things too complicated. However, I always feel that when you investigate Zhu Nianying's disappearance case, you may be able to combine your past experience and come up with a different approach!"

Chen Xiao never thought that what his wife said would be an obstacle to his existence.

On the contrary, since his rebirth, Lin Xi has enlightened his thinking many times, and played a role at critical moments.

So Chen Xiao also felt that he could no longer continue discussing the case with Lin Xi.

If they talk about the case again, the couple will start to have all kinds of suspicions.

So Chen Xiao immediately put on a serious expression and said with a smile: "Wife, how long do you think I will stay in Shenzhen this time?"

"Didn't you just go? Why are you thinking of coming back?"

"Well, I still feel at ease when you are by my side no matter what I do."

"You're not by my side, otherwise I would like to take a mirror and show you how fake you look!" Lin Xi snorted coldly.

Chen Xiao chuckled.

But soon, Lin Xi's expression became serious:
"Hubby, actually when you first told me about it I didn't agree with you going. But then you mentioned the matter of Long Ding and I didn't stop you. In fact, missing cases like Zhu Nianying's are very difficult to investigate, and there may even be no way to find out!"

"And if the news of your cooperation with Qi Wei gets out, as long as Qi Wei has a bad relationship with her two brothers, then it is conceivable that this case will very likely become a means for them to make trouble!"

Any time.

Lin Xi is Chen Xiao's wife.

Lin Xi always puts Chen Xiao first in her heart.

Besides, this did not happen in Dongzhou, so Lin Xi’s mind would only be on Chen Xiao.

Chen Xiao also seriously considered Lin Xi's words.

It was because of her words that Chen Xiao suddenly felt that he should not just lie there and let the night pass by like this!

"Wife, as a person investigating a case, when a case happens, no one should believe it!"

(End of this chapter)

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