Demonic instructor from the Kingdom of Light! Beginning jeep training

Chapter 128 Endless torture! Lingji, you've had enough

Chapter 128 Endless torture! Lingji, you've had enough

Time flies to night.

At this moment, everyone was lying in the training ground with numb faces.

The body was shrouded in fire, then revived, and finally shrouded in resuscitation again.

The process of being killed and resurrected has been repeated.

Ling Ji was also a little depressed.

No, are they immune to death?

It really makes no sound when hit.

This was a little different from the script he expected.

Brothers, you can't do this, you must be frightened.

Didn’t you say that you want to defeat this evil force like me?

Why did you give up first?

The only person in the audience who persisted the longest was Zero.

As for the others, they had long been killed and numbed.

The jeep driven by Ling Ji was extremely cruel.

As for how cruel it is?

Briefly describe it.

Previously, I was hit by a jeep and suffered only scratches, even if it was a head-on collision. That's just a few thousand meters away and then sleep for a while.

Even if it breaks a few ribs, this is already the limit.

But this time is different.

The difficulty of Ling Ji's purgatory was not at the same level as they imagined.

Not to mention being knocked down head-on this time.

Even if it was a scratch, he would die on the spot.

Are you saying the attack was poisoned? No, the Jeep is relatively old after all, so it is not impossible to get tetanus in a crash.

What's more, as we all know, everyone who has studied junior high school physics knows this.

The faster the flow, the smaller the pressure, and Ling Ji was traveling faster than the speed of light.

Once you get close, you can't escape.

The whole person will be pushed into the jeep instantly by the pressure, and then suffer continuous injuries.

For a moment it felt like a lifetime had passed.

But in the eyes of others, you were just sucked in, then turned into particles of light and dissipated.

He couldn't even scream.

As for where the screams came from...

Very simple.

The reflex arc was a bit long, everyone was killed, and Ling Ji returned to life with a backhand.

Feeling the pain of the previous life, he screamed.

Die once, then scream.

Called after the first person dies.

Ling Ji really understood this thing.

No, it’s not as torturous as you.

We all need to see a psychiatrist.

The Ultra brothers still wanted to struggle, so they got up one by one and angrily scolded Ling Ji for his inappropriate behavior.

This is no longer training, this is torture.

The previous training still has the possibility of passing the level.

But this time, Ling Ji didn't release the water at all. He couldn't even see where the jeep was. They couldn't avoid it, and their perception was maximized, but they still couldn't keep up.

How could they avoid it if they didn't even know where the opposite side was? ?

I've died 10 times, and I can't adapt to the extremely fast pace.

As for Cero, he was even worse.

Although I persisted until the end, I still don’t want to give up.

But he also had the most deaths.

Everyone could see clearly that Ling Ji was only targeting Sero from the beginning to the end, and the others were here to practice together.

Hell difficulty!

What is hell difficulty?

The easy difficulty of Demon Instructor can be called hell difficulty!

The devil instructor's hell difficulty is completely the power of hell difficulty!

There is no possibility of passing the level at all.

When everyone understood.

Everyone distanced themselves from Zero.

In order to avoid it, Zero rushed toward them like a headless fly.

Their mentality is about to collapse.

Not only did Zero have to dodge, but when he was in a hurry, he bumped around like a headless fly.

Sometimes he even rushes into the crowd.

Then others suffered along with it...

Sailuo introduced the Japanese into the village alone.

They all wanted to beat up Zero.

Zero is now someone everyone can bully.

Cero, who was wearing a training armor, was no match for everyone.

Anyone can easily figure it out.

Sero also felt like crying.

Facing the angry rebuke from everyone, Ling Ji waved his hand disapprovingly.

Oh so what?

Report it!

You can also look for Ultra's father.

You can also look for the Ultra King.

If any one of them objects, I will stop training immediately.


It is impossible for the father of Ultra to object.

The King of Ultra also expressed his support.

Why bother with legend?

As for Ultra's father, he did not succumb to Ling Ji's power, but supported him sincerely.

Since Ling Ji has the ability to resurrect others.

Ok, those participating in the training don’t need to go to the hospital.

Now killed and now resurrected. There is no need to go to the hospital at all.

Of course, the psychiatrist still needs to see what he should see.

But this is nothing compared to previous expenditures.

And personal happiness is often based on the pain of others.

Ultra's father installed surveillance cameras at the training ground.

Not for anything else, just to find some fun in the boring work of seeing other people being tortured.

It costs next to nothing.

Something that can be used for free.

The father of Ultra wished that Ling Ji would do this.


If the father of Ultra is willing, others will be different.

Wait until the training is over.

Everyone lay helplessly on the training field.

Ling Ji gets off work on time and doesn't work overtime at all.

Wait until he opens the door.

Seeing that everyone was indifferent, even Ling Ji was a little confused.

what happened?

Aren't you in a hurry to escape?

Ok, the door is open.

Now you can run.

Why are you lying there without moving?

Faced with Ling Ji's urging.

Everyone was indifferent.


I just suddenly ran out of energy.

I want to think about life.

Don't bother me.

Instructor, rest when you need to, don't worry about us.

Been tortured for a long time.

My heart became numb along with it.

Lingji can restore the strength of their bodies.

But it cannot restore a numb mind...

Ling Ji was speechless on the spot.


What's going on with the brothers?

Didn’t you say you would never give up?

And your combat effectiveness has indeed been improved.

What's wrong with this?


Zuo Fei stood up weakly, pointed at Ling Ji and scolded.

You still have the nerve to say it.

It wasn't you who did it.

Think about it carefully.

Getting stronger is a good thing.

At least twice as strong.

This means that their combat power can rise rapidly.

I thought that after being tortured, I would endure it for a few more days and wait until one day when I became stronger, I could defeat Ling Ji.

who knows.

Ling Ji is also getting stronger.

The kind that can always overwhelm them.

Moreover, the training methods are not suitable for people at all.

It turns out that what they experienced was normal difficulty.

Good guy.

There is also average in the middle.


extremely difficult.


There are 4 difficulties in total.

Good guy.

A project has a total of 5 difficulties.

How many projects has Ling Ji created now?

A jeep.

Identify one by listening to the sound.

Kill one with your bare hands.

Tennis one.

A basketball.

Baseball has one too!

A few days ago, I saw Ling Ji holding a football.

So is football.

7 projects, 5 difficulties!

in short.

35 reincarnations.

This is without Lingji combining the projects.

If you want to combine.

More difficult.

More tricks! !

(End of this chapter)

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