Demonic instructor from the Kingdom of Light! Beginning jeep training

Chapter 76 I have arrived! Just pay the copyright fee!

Chapter 76 I have arrived! Pay the copyright fee!

The remaining three looked at each other nervously as if facing a formidable enemy.

You are not afraid that the enemy is right in front of you, but you are afraid that the opponent will flicker and then suddenly appear! !

"It's your turn!"

"Are you ready to die?!!"

Although Ling Ji snorted coldly and raised his hand to launch an attack!

Oops, this wave is going to wipe out the group!

Everyone groaned and could only open their shields to defend themselves desperately.

I thought that this time I would have the advantage of playing more and less.

Who knew that Dark Lingji's strength had already exceeded imagination! !

Seeing that the attack is close at hand.

Just at the critical moment...


The light flashed past, repelling the darkness on the spot! !

"Ling Ji!!"

After taking a closer look, everyone was relieved! !

I'm here! !

Ling Ji really doesn't behave like a human being when he tortures others.

When he really appears in a crisis, he can always give people an inexplicable sense of peace of mind.

"Three people plus Zero, on our side."

"Six have been killed!!"

"We must not let him go!!"

Zuo Fei clenched his fists in pain. If it weren't for his lack of ability, he would have wished to go on stage and tear Dark Lingji into pieces! !

"Don't worry, nothing will happen to anyone here! I can revive those who die, but before that, let me get rid of this thing first!"

Ling Ji opened his arms in a fighting stance.

Dark Lops Lingji? Good guy! !

Ling Ji is really angry this time! !

Beria, who co-authored it, also hid something from him! !

There is no sense in copying others.

But copying yourself is going too far! !

His image rights have been infringed without permission, and I don’t know how many people in the universe Beria lives in have created a bad impression of him?

Can this be tolerated?

This is completely unbearable.

"I'll deal with you in ten seconds."

"I hope you can last longer!!"

Ling Ji snorted and launched a decisive attack! !

"It's no use even if I'm here!"

Dark Lingji was completely unaware of the seriousness of the matter. When he saw the opponent launching an attack, he stepped forward without fear!

"Today I will kill you and then take my place!"

"I will personally dedicate the entire Kingdom of Light to Lord Beria!!"


The two sides collided, then flashed wildly and kept changing positions!

Every impact will produce a devastating impact! !

For a moment, the surrounding meteorites were turned into powder under the impact! !

Seeing this scene, Zuo Fei exclaimed.

"Good guy, Dark Lingji still hasn't used all his strength?!"

"Presumably now is his true combat power!!"

Everyone was shocked.

Just now I was fantasizing about using defense to resist.

Now it seems impossible to stop it.

Dark Lingji can easily tear everyone apart with every attack he makes in the face of him! !

In a real head-on collision, the consequences may be completely unpredictable.

Whether or not the whole body can be preserved is a question.

"By the way, can Ling Ji beat the opponent?"

"Not only has this kid copied Ling Ji's appearance, he even has strong melee combat abilities."

"To be able to persist for such a long time, Ling Ji must not be easy either."

The first generation looked at Severn with some confusion.

Severn shook his head.

"No! Far from it!"

"It's not enough. Dark Lingji is definitely no match for me."

Seven pointed at Ling Ji and explained carefully.

"Didn't you notice?"

"Ling Ji didn't use any extra moves at all."

"And he was able to do so with ease and was not touched by his opponent at all."

"On the other hand, Dark Lingji."

"Various moves appear frequently, and they look powerful and complex."

"But in the end it's just a hype."

"We would have died a long time ago, but if Ling Ji comes, don't deal with it too easily!!"

"Ling Ji is not in a hurry to kill the opponent."

"It's about taking advantage of the fighting opportunity to gradually understand the opponent's moves and analyze more intelligence for the next battle."

Seven saw through Ling Ji's intention at a glance.

The first generation panicked instantly!

"Damn it." "With this fighting rhythm, Ling Ji can still do it with ease."

"Isn't he a monster?"

Without a suitable reference, they had no idea of ​​Ling Ji's combat power.

I thought that Ling Ji could only reach the legendary realm in seconds.

But when the other party transcends the boundary between life and death and resurrects them at will, the concept is refreshed again! !

No one knows Ling Ji's true combat power.

I thought this person was a pervert, but I didn't know that Dark Ling Ji could kill them in an instant.

In the same instant, Ling Ji seemed so relaxed.

"Dimensional light cannon!!"



Dark Lingji was knocked back a step, and then he released his ultimate move to blast Lingji into another dimension!

Who would have thought that a move capable of distorting space would be completely unsatisfactory in front of Ling Ji! !

"You are too weak."

"A machine is just a machine after all, and it can't copy my skills at all!!"

Originally, Ling Ji was a little happy, thinking that Beria was promising and could copy his moves.

Even if you copy three melons and two dates, that will do! !

But now it seems.

Copy the yarn.

The person opposite just has his handsome face.

Co-authored The Killer Only with Extradimensional Light.

Just change the word for the different dimension to two.

He can also go to the second dimension for a wander.

It's too low.

Ling Ji raised his hand indifferently. There was no energy attached to his palm, and he just relied on the strength of his body to scatter the light.


Dark Lingji was shocked.

I thought it was a devastating move, but Ling Ji should have avoided it if he didn't defend himself.

But the other party didn't bring much at all.

Just a light palm completely dispelled this move.

"Just say it's too weak."

"I don't have any good qualities in my body, except my good looks."

"This color scheme is not very good."

"It seems too cold."

"It really doesn't work. I'll change to this color next time and pretend to be a devil, Dangdang?"

Ling Ji was still looking at Dark Lingji up and down, not in the same state as when fighting.


It's not very harmful, but it's very insulting.

"Don't be complacent."

"Do you think I don't have a killer move?"

Darkness Lingji snorted coldly and wanted to continue his death struggle.

"The energy is hidden on the back, start it!!"

Seeing that he was invincible, Dark Lingji was too lazy to continue the fight.

He is just a program.

Seeing that you can't compete with him, you might as well blow yourself up and injure your opponent as hard as possible! !

"Just follow the vanishing space and get lost in the endless void!"

Drop drop!


For an instant, the entire space became still.

Dark Lingji is also gradually collapsing! Powerful energy fluctuations covered the entire field.

Severn suddenly felt bad and shouted loudly.

"not good."

"Stop him quickly."

"Once it self-destructs, all of us here will die!!"

The energy fluctuation alone caused Seven to panic on the spot! !

Seeing the darkness Lingji collapse into a ball of light, the light became very dazzling!

Everyone suddenly felt something bad and turned around to escape.

But the speed of space collapse far exceeds the speed of their flight and escape! ! !

broken! This wave is going to be cool! !

Everyone's hearts were in their throats, and they watched helplessly as the space collapse gradually approached everyone!

"What a thankless job!"

Ling Ji had no expression on his face and raised his hand to throw the light into the sky!

"Brilliant Star Drive!"

(End of this chapter)

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