Demonic instructor from the Kingdom of Light! Beginning jeep training

Chapter 90: The Unsolved Mystery of the World: How does a machine become stronger through training?

Chapter 90 The unsolved mysteries of the world - How can machines be trained to become stronger?

Well known.

The universe has a law.

If you are good, you will practice more. If you practice more, you will not be good. If you are not good, you will not practice. If you are not good, you will be good. If you are good, you will lose. If you lose, you will be good. If you are good, you will practice more...

Want to break this law.

Then practice more, keep practicing, keep practicing!

This way you get a very strong corpse...

No joke!

Ling Ji coughed twice and looked at the mechanical legions getting closer and closer, and said he was not angry.

"What are you still doing?"

"Clean up those little Karami for me!"

After giving the order, the three of them immediately took out their transformers!


Light filled the entire spacecraft.

Ling Ji raised his hand slightly to cover Xiao Zhi's eyes, while the princess closed her eyes and turned away!

Wait until the light fades.

Three people have already appeared in front of the spacecraft!

"Instructor, remember to keep track of the head count!"

"When we go back, we will get the rewards!!"

Ling Ji nodded slightly.

The three of them rushed into the battlefield without hesitation!

boom! boom! boom!

The next second, a series of explosions flashed ahead!

Thousands of mechanical warriors exploded on the spot one after another. Before they even reacted, they were turned into flames on the spot.

Wherever the three of them passed, not a blade of grass grew! !

"Oh my God."

"This, this, this, how come they are so powerful in combat?"

"You're kidding."

The Iron Warriors were frightened by this scene. The number of enemies on the radar dropped sharply. The enemies that could be detected just now were extinguished the next second! !


I thought that these three people could not face the mechanical army, but who knew...

Who exactly was surrounded by the mechanical army?

They clearly surrounded the mechanical army! ?


"It's nothing short of a miracle."

"Weren't they suffering from kidney deficiency just now? Why is it so powerful after being fully charged?"

The princess looked at the big screen in front of her and couldn't help but open her mouth wide. She wanted to exclaim but couldn't!

too strong.

It's a bit ridiculously strong.

Thousands of dark mechanical warriors were no match for the three of them!

"Where on earth did you come from?"

"Ordinary people don't have such terrifying energy!"

The Iron Warrior looked at Ling Ji warily.

Ling Jiqiang forget it.

I didn’t expect that the people under his command were also terrifying!

"What's surprising about this?"

"The apprentice I trained is just out of tune here, not useless!"

"These miscellaneous soldiers don't need me to do anything myself!"

Ling Ji looked at this scene very calmly!


Zero and the others have such strength.

In addition, after his training, I have been strengthened several times!

Even if it counts four times.

Two to the fourth power!

The overall strength is sixteen times stronger!

Can it not be strong?

Strictly speaking, he only needs to take Zero by himself to clean up.

If it weren't for the equal division of heads, he wouldn't have let the three of them take action at all.

Less than three minutes.

The three of them flew to the spaceship at the speed of light.

"Instructor, it's solved!"

Ling Ji closed his eyes slightly and felt it carefully.

After confirming that there was no problem, he nodded slightly.

"Thirty-one seconds."

"That's not good."

"I've given you energy, are you still acclimated?"

Ling Ji smiled slightly.

Unexpectedly, Zero and others complained.

"There are a lot of mechanical warriors here."

"Originally we wanted to clean it up, but in order to save energy, we have left some methods behind!"

Take a closer look.

None of the three of their energy timers flickered! ! !

The Iron Warrior suppressed the shock in his heart and deliberately spoke calmly.

"Everyone, are the three of you his disciples?"

"Were you that strong from the beginning?"

Zeta patted his chest and said proudly.

"Of course."

"We are already strong."

Zero quickly pushed Zeta away.

"Go aside."

"Why are you born so powerful?"

"You don't have to do drafts when you're bragging."

Zero quickly pointed at Ling Ji.

Really ignorant.

"If it weren't for the instructor's strong teachings, how would we have achieved what we have today."    "All of this is the credit of the instructor."

Compared to Zetta, Sero is quite sensible.

I know I can't take the credit for myself.

Ling Ji smiled slightly.

Where where?

It's all the result of everyone's efforts.

What a worldly person.

Ling Ji was stunned.

When did Zero become so sensible?

I still remember that a few months ago this kid was unruly and threatened to beat him up!

It's better now.

I was really obedient to him.

Everyone was very surprised and focused their attention on Ling Ji.


This time, their names for Ling Ji changed.

The three disciples under Guangshou were so terrifying, and with the spectacular scene of annihilating the intruder with one palm, they became particularly respectful in calling Ling Ji.

Ling Ji waved his hand.

"Don't be surprised."

"These are basic operations."

"You can come too."

"Anyway, after my training, your strength will improve a lot."

Unexpectedly, the Iron Warrior refused without even thinking about it.


"But! I refuse!"

"I am Her Royal Highness the Queen's personal bodyguard."

"I will not participate in training without Her Majesty's consent."

It is clear.

The Iron Warrior is still very wary of Ling Ji! !

For a person of unknown origin and from another universe, it is inevitable for him to be wary.

of course.

This is just stated.

To be honest, he didn't want to participate in the other party's training at all.

Who knows if this is a trick?

The tricks of the universe are very deep!

Who knows, the princess next to her said without hesitation.

"I agree."

Ling Ji was stunned for a moment and quickly waved his hand to refuse.


"I didn't tell you."

"You are a girl and there is a boy!"

"It's not good to fight and kill."

"I'm talking about his iron lump!"

The princess nodded.

"I'm right."

"It's just this lump of iron."

"He is my guard and must obey my orders unconditionally."


"I agree with him participating in your training."

your Highness……

It's not appropriate for you to do this.

The princess nodded very seriously.

"What's wrong?"

"It'll be good for me too if you get stronger by training you."

"Only the stronger can protect me, right?"

The Iron Warrior was speechless.


He is a machine!

Do you understand machinery?

How can a machine become stronger, and how can a machine be trained?

This is all set.

He was so powerful when he appeared on the scene, but there is no room for improvement!

Now Ling Ji told him that he could become stronger even through mechanical training.

Ha ha.

Who would believe it?

The key is that the princess believes it.

Iron Samurai is really speechless!

But it's useless no matter how speechless he is, the princess is his father, he must obey unconditionally, but he still wants to put up a final struggle!

"your Highness."

"You may not know that exercising to become stronger is the privilege of organic life forms!"

"I am an inorganic mechanical life form!"

"So, no matter how hard you train, you won't get stronger, and on the contrary, your lifespan will be lost!"

(End of this chapter)

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