Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 19 Field Experience

Chapter 19 Field Experience
  "Holy crap, did you all know that after our training this quarter, we will start the mage training?"

After someone heard the gossip, he returned to class and said mysteriously.

"Outdoor experience? What is outdoor experience?"

"Just go outside the safe world, idiot. We learn magic just to fight monsters."

For a while, the students in the top class were discussing the field experience. Zhang Xiaohou ran into the classroom excitedly without knowing what news he heard.

"Brother Fan, Brother Ye, our top class is the first batch to undergo outdoor training." Zhang Xiaohou came back from outside with a face full of excitement. When he went to ask Teacher Tang Yue a question, he heard the topic of outdoor training in the office. .

Mo Fan raised his eyebrows: "What's exciting about going to the wild? Why, are you anxious to feed the monsters?"

Hearing Mo Fan's words, Zhang Xiaohou scratched his face and said, "I have never been out of Bo City since I was a child, so I want to see what the world outside Bo City is like?"

"The field experience, to put it bluntly, is to let us see monsters. After all, a magician's bounden duty is to fight monsters!" Ye Wuxin raised his head expressionlessly, with a hint of displeasure on his face. He was a little disturbed by the noise in the class. Can't sleep.


Zhang Xiaohou worriedly said: "They are those monsters that eat people, can we deal with them?"

"According to the book, you can still fight the demon to death if you go together. As for the actual situation, I don't know!" Ye Wuxin said while taking out Mu Ningxue's notebook, ready to appreciate it again.

In fact, he went out to the security world for a few days in the middle and late summer vacation. He had faced monsters such as running monsters, one-eyed monster wolves, and giant-eyed rats. Anyway, no one was complete in front of the fat-headed virtual dog cannon. !
  Ye Wuxin took out his phone and looked at vx, and sent his thoughts on the problem to Mu Ningxue - Mu Ningxue asked him another question the day before yesterday, why is the conduction speed of ice magic energy in the magic circle faster than that of water magic energy? Magic energy is slow?
  At the same time, he mailed some books about magic circles to him.

It is no exaggeration to say that Ye Wuxin is already halfway into the magic circle, an advanced subject that can only be accessed in a school.

He took out his notebook and began to organize his thoughts. Ever since Ye Wuxin answered a question to Mu Ningxue one day, Mu Ningxue discovered his clear and flexible brain. From then on, the two of them became friends. I have lived a life of "no shame and no shame".

After a while, Tang Yue, who can be called a beauty in the world, walked into the classroom. Her tall and graceful figure swayed slightly, and the majestic, talented and proud thing in front of her trembled with every step she took.

The slightly curly brown hair exudes crimson brilliance under the sunlight, and the red lips are as delicate and beautiful as a blooming rose!

After Zhang Xiaohou glanced at Tang Yue, he sighed: "It would have been better if I had awakened to the fire element. Brother Fan, I sincerely invite you to attend the wedding of Teacher Tang Yue and I in five years." ~~~"


Mo Fan glanced at him with disdain and said: "Come on, monkey, go back and have a dream tonight, Teacher Tang Yue is waiting for you in your dream."

He Yu, who was sitting in front of Zhang Xiaohou, heard what he said. He immediately turned around and wrinkled his cute nose and said, "Zhang Xiaohou, you toad still wants to eat swan meat."

"What do you mean? Ah! Is that a personal attack?"

When Zhang Xiaohou heard He Yu's words, he immediately broke his guard and threatened to challenge He Yu to a duel!

He Yu is one of the few students in the class who dares to ignore the Mu family's ban order. Her parents are both excellent mages and do not live under the Mu family, so she does not need to care about the Mu family's face.

Tang Yue stood on the podium, cleared her throat and said: "Students, after this training quarter, we will start outdoor training. After consideration by the school leaders, our top class will bear the brunt of this training and be divided into five teams. You can Let’s form a team freely first.”

As soon as Tang Yue finished speaking, the class instantly became noisy. The boys' eyes lit up and they all looked for their good friends. In their opinion, outdoor experience should be similar to camping, and it was finally time to show off their skills in front of girls.

In an instant, Xu Zhaoting and Mu Bai were crowded with people, all of whom wanted to hug them, because field experience was also linked to their grades and accounted for 20% of the magic college entrance examination.

On the other hand, Ye Wuxin and Mo Fan are surrounded by many people. As the first and second best in the class, their presence is not as good as that of Mu Bai and Xu Zhaoting, who are third and fourth.

The main reason was the Mu family. These two people were banned by the Mu family, and others were also afraid of being implicated.

Mo Fan held his head in his hands and said with a playful smile: "That's great, it's OK for us to be a group of three, and there will be no one else to drag us down."

Ye Wuxin felt that it didn't matter. Not having too many team members allowed him to hide his strength more. Fat Tou's strength had improved too fast, so he had to hold back, so as to leave himself another trump card!
  Mu Bai glanced at the lonely trio of Ye Wuxin behind him, with a proud sneer on his lips. The results of field training accounted for one-fifth of the magic college entrance examination. The three of them couldn't even gather the team members, so they were just waiting to be eliminated. .

No one wants to get involved with Ye Wuxin and Mo Fan. This is the result Mu Bai wants to see the most. He likes this feeling of being surrounded by stars.

Just like the original work, the location of the outdoor experience is Xuefeng Mountain Station.

Before setting off, Tang Yue counted the groups that had successfully formed a team. Only a few students had not completed forming a team, including Ye Wuxin, Mo Fan and Zhang Xiaohou.

In fact, someone wanted Zhang Xiaohou, but he didn't choose to go. Instead, he unswervingly chose Ye Wuxin and Mo Fan.

Tang Yue knew the reasons for the three of them. Her beautiful eyes softened and she asked with a smile: "What are your plans? Are you randomly assigned or what?"

As soon as Tang Yue finished speaking, Mu Bai spoke up: "Teacher Tang Yue, our team's temple is too small to accommodate those two giant Buddhas."

"Hahaha, Teacher Tang Yue, you don't have to worry about them. Maybe they will find a way."

Zhao Kunsan said sadly that thanks to Mu Bai's relationship, he also entered the top class.

Ye Wuxin glanced at Mu Bai and Zhao Kunsan indifferently and said, "No need to trouble Teacher Tang Yue. The strength of the three of us is enough to rival several other groups. This is fair to everyone."

Ye Wuxin's tone was very calm, as if he really thought so.

Mu Bai, Xu Zhaoting, and Zhou Min secretly clenched their fists. Damn it, let this guy do it again!

Tang Yue sighed and said nothing more, basically agreeing with Ye Wuxin's words.

In autumn and winter, a rare light snow fell in Bo City. The pink snow covered the tops of Xuefeng Mountain and Leiyu Mountain, like wearing a snow-white hat.

Among the three, only Zhang Xiaohou wore thick clothes. Mo Fan was a fire mage and was comparable to a small stove. Ye Wuxin had the breath of the ancient gods stored in his body and was not afraid of the wind and cold!

"Brother Ye, Brother Fan, I obviously saw the snow melting, why is it still so cold?" Zhang Xiaohou kept cheering at his opponents.

Mo Fan opened his mouth, how should he explain that melting snow absorbs heat? After all, in this world, physics is fantasy!
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  (End of this chapter)

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