Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 254 King versus King

Chapter 254 King versus King

In the dark plane, the armored and sharp Pagoda King rushed into the Shadowborn Kingdom of the Shadowborn King like a bloody meteor.

Countless shadowborn giants were evaporated on the spot by the monstrous blood flames, and then were resurrected and reincarnated in the shadow of the shadowborn king.

The Shadowborn King's dark eyes were full of anger and fear. He looked at the Buddha King in front of him and said: "Butcher, are you crazy? What are you doing here in my territory!!"

The Butcher is what many dark kings call the Buddha King, simply because he is one of the few dark kings who has become a saint through killing. A human emperor's flag is filled with the souls of several planes.

And at the beginning of his sanctification, he was able to fight against the three kings of darkness without falling behind.

"Nothing's wrong, I'm here to try my hand at you. Someone comes over and asks me to slap you twice so that you can remember it for a long time!!"

Chi You, the King of Pagoda, said with a sinister sneer. As he spoke, a fiery abyss light emitted from his eyes, and the space along the way could not bear this terrifying power and instantly fell into pieces.

Anger instantly ignited on the Shadowborn King's pale face: "Butcher, no one can humiliate a king. You will pay the price for your words and deeds."

The Shadow King's words were very beautiful, but when faced with Chi You's attack, he still chose to escape. What he was most proud of was his movement skills. After all, the shadow system was best at evasion, deception, etc.

But Chi You was not frightened by his words, but sneered solemnly: "Okay, clown, let me see your power."

After saying that, Chi You dragged a red sun burning with blood-red flames and smashed it directly into the Kingdom of the Shadowborn King.

The Shadowborn King could turn into hundreds of millions of blood bats to escape, but the residents of the Shadow Kingdom were in trouble. The blood-red sun set and directly annihilated a kingdom capital.

"Didn't you say you would make me pay the price? I'm waiting for your revenge!!"

In the magic plane, the shadow transformed by the Shadowborn King suddenly gradually dissipated for unknown reasons. Only Ye Wuxin among the people present knew the reason.

"Is this—is your mentality broken after being scolded?"

"How do I know, but this shadowy abyss is indeed dissipating!!"

Yao Ting and Lu Huan looked at Ye Wuxin with strange eyes. Neither of them had done anything. Only Ye Wuxin had spoken rubbish to the King of Shadows. Could it be that such a few words were enough to scold the King of Darkness? Guarded?

Ye Wuxin spread his hands and said innocently: "Don't look at me, I don't know what's going on. Maybe there is something wrong with his family."

Is there something going on at the Dark King's house?

Why don't you bother quarreling with me?

But Ye Wuxin was really right. He was the one who asked King Pagoda to find the Shadowborn King to cause trouble. If you are so arrogant with me in the magic plane, I wonder if you can be arrogant in the dark plane.
But no matter how the Shadow Throne disappeared, as long as it disappeared. In this way, Yao Ting, Lu Huan, and Ye Wuxin can have their hands free to deal with other shadowborn giants.

Although the Tianyuan Shadow Pillar disappeared, the shadow giants who separated from the shadow pillar did not dissipate, but the power that had been supporting them suddenly dissipated, and the strength of all the shadow giants instantly dropped by a small level.

The Evil Shadow Dragon and the demon Mo Fan, who were close to the outer city wall of the ancient capital, fought until the earth shattered. Mo Fan, whose body was wrapped with the power of flames and thunderstorms, suddenly found that the power of the Evil Shadow Dragon was much weaker.

Mo Fan looked up to the sky and roared, like a demon wolf king, he broke through the silver moon and jumped onto the head of the evil shadow dragon. He used his hands to condense two huge chain blades with purple thunder, and the violent thunder blade hooked the evil shadow dragon. His wings prevented him from flying.

"Get down!!!"

In the demon form, Mo Fan's physical strength has also been greatly strengthened. He waved his fists containing demonic powers to fiercely beat the evil shadow dragon.

The huge force directly dragged the Evil Shadow Dragon's body forward, and its body covered with bone spurs pulled a deep ravine on the ground. The Evil Shadow Dragon was like a dead dog being pressed outside the city wall. The shadow monsters that originally surrounded the ancient capital found that one of their leaders had been shot down to the ground by humans. They all rushed over with low roars, trying to save the evil shadow dragon!
It's just that they looked down on the demon Mo Fan a little too much. Mo Fan raised his hand, and two purple lightning blades extending for a hundred meters closed from the two sides as far as the eye can see to the middle!
Just like a pair of huge scissors, an area was cleared of shadow monsters, at least hundreds of them.

Then the little loach frantically absorbed the essence and remaining soul to make up for its sorrow of losing the immortal demon lotus!

Mu Ningxue and Astraea on the inner city wall opened their mouths in surprise. In the past, Mo Fan's aura was always covered up by Ye Wuxin, but if he were to reveal it alone, Mo Fan might be a heretic.

Astraea murmured: "It's bad, you three perverts appeared in Donghuang this year, how can we compete in the national competition?"


Mu Ningxue turned to look at Astraea, with a rare cunning look in her beautiful eyes and said: "If we encounter you, I will be gentle on you."

Astraea pouted, hugged Mu Ningxue and said: "We can be regarded as comrades in the trenches. Is this how you treat me?"

"Then why don't you leave the Parthenon and join us in Donghuang?"

After Yao Ting, Lu Huan, and Ye Wuxin freed up their hands to help other super mages, the Shadowborn giants were defeated. They never expected that the Shadowborn King would suddenly disappear and disappear on the spot.

With the super mages taking the lead, military mages, hunter mages, and free mages all came out of the safe world to sweep away the weak shadow demons.

Light magic, which is very effective against undead, is also very effective against shadow monsters, and the ancient capital is one of the cities with the largest number of light mages.

Many junior light mages raised their brilliance to contribute their part to protect the city.

Finally, under the joint sweep of all the powerful men, there was no more Shadowborn monster to be seen in the outer city.

Of course there will definitely be fish that slip through the net, but when the time comes, it will just be left to the military mages and hunter mages to clean up.

At least from the overall perspective, the ancient capital was successfully preserved.

From today on, the ancient capital will become the city of divine love in Donghuang, surviving the successive destructions of two emperors. What better luck could there be?

In the well-preserved inner city, countless people who survived looked outside the city. When they saw that there was no more trouble, their hearts suddenly dropped, as if they were exhausted.

The strong men standing in the airspace on the west side, you look at me, I look at you, with a long-lost smile on your face.

The catastrophe in the ancient capital—is finally over! !
They lived up to expectations and finally saved this thousand-year-old city.

The gloomy and dark clouds gradually disappeared, and the mess in the outer city was exposed to the bright sunshine.

The outer city has been completely reduced to ruins.

But it doesn’t matter, because the people who built it are still there.

 Chapter 2 of No. 8

  Those who started to make up for it will also make up for it on the 9th. Let’s see how much we can make up today.

  The ancient capital chapter is almost finished, and we can wrap it up later.

(End of this chapter)

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