Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 280 Vacuum Hometown

Chapter 280 Vacuum Hometown
Manying Mountain is located in the other direction of Xixiong City. It is an isolated mountaintop with nothing but stones. Generally, few people come here.

Yunju Xianlu turned into a stream of light and flew in this direction with Ye Wuxin. In less than a minute, he rushed from the mountain behind Yanming Temple to Manying Mountain.

And there is already a bloody light on Manying Mountain. The strange blood light floats from the blood-colored stones, forming a strange and awe-inspiring curse. The curses carved many years ago and the blood shed are finally completed now. .

The monks were invited to Manying Mountain to perform rituals, but unexpectedly they came to redeem themselves.

All the monks from Yanming Temple have arrived here, including the old monk Xinyu and the fat monk in charge of the kitchen. Only a girl and a monk died that year, and the others are still alive.

And the blood glowed, and this scene obviously frightened the monks who were doing the work.

"Ah - what happened? How did it become like this?!" the fat monk screamed, with a look of horror on his face.

"The ghost is Nara. Nara must be back."

The cursed blood map has been completed, and in the middle is a bloody skull tombstone. The aura of terror spreads and envelopes the entire mountain.

"Nara, we know what we are doing is wrong, but we are chanting sutras for you and Miyata every day. We hope you can reach the Paradise of Paradise as soon as possible."

“What’s the use of keeping an ear that can only hear rumors?”

"What's the use of eyes that don't know right from wrong?"

Monk Qihai pointed at the bloody skull tombstone and roared crazily as if he had lost his mind.

"That's all, what is supposed to come will come sooner or later."

Narahara Sora issued his own curse again. Although he killed wantonly, his sadness was far greater than his anger.

“What’s the use of keeping a heart that doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong?”

The monks were trembling in pain, but the more so, the more cold Narahara Sora's aura became, and the cold wind brought by the roar sent chills down the monks' spines.

But after hearing Nanami's words, he could only say that he was looking for death.

Ye Wuxin actually arrived at the sky above Manying Mountain with Yaoyao, but he did not choose to enter the venue, but looked at the choices of the group of monks on the ground.

"Ah!! Ah!!"

Two lines of blood and tears streaked down Narahara Sora's face, and his dark eyes were empty and sad.

It was an old monk who saw things clearly and knew that Narahara Sora would never let them go no matter what, and prayed that they would die happily.

"Nanami, please admit it quickly. Maybe Nara can let you die more happily."

The monks were just a group of ordinary people. They had never seen such a terrifying and strange scene. They panicked after seeing the ferocious and terrifying curse formation.

Narahara Sora's cold and evil voice floated down from the sky, and then the bright scarlet curse power turned into threads and fell on the monk's body.

"Why is this happening? Why is this happening?"

Although the old monk's eyes also turned to blood, he sat there as steady as a bell and murmured.

"You are pretending to be a ghost. You shameless thing, Narahara Sora, is actually pretending to be a ghost. You and Miyata are originally having an affair, and you are trying to frame me. You deserve your death."

Sure enough, Narahara, who maintained his human appearance, was floating in the air, but the two giant ghosts beside him showed that he was not in disguise.

The monks suddenly screamed in pain. It turned out that their eyes suddenly shrank for some reason. Their flesh and blood rolled and squeezed, and blood poured out.

The monks who were imprisoned by the power of the curse wailed and screamed. They watched their flesh and blood being cut open, and the evil spirits cut open their chests, took out their hearts, and tasted them.

"How does revenge feel like?"

Ye Wuxin and Yaoyao slowly fell from the sky. All the monks were dead. A few monks who were still breathing were looking at Ye Wuxin hopefully, hoping that he could save them. But Ye Wuxin only focused on Narahara Sora.

In just a few years, Narahara Sora has transformed from an ordinary person to a cursed demon at the level of a minor commander.

Sure enough, the character of the little devil is suitable for transforming into a fierce ghost. With such resentment, I guess Narahara Sora will become more and more angry as he thinks about it, and then his strength will increase!

"They deserve this, but they are not the only ones who forced Miyata to death." Narahara Sora's face was very pale, his eyes were scarlet, hiding a strong murderous intention.

Ye Wuxin stood in the middle of the mountain road: "That's enough, your revenge has been avenged. Return my friend's soul and I will spare your life."

"Hahaha, spare my life? Foreigner, this matter does not involve you, so just retreat. As for your friend's soul, it has become the nourishment of my strength."

Narahara Sora laughed and said.

"Yao Yao, take it."

The sacred and majestic immortal deer took two steps forward. Its antlers like swords and halberds condensed with dazzling light. Vast light elements filled the air. The holy power instantly suppressed Narahara Sora's curse.

【Demon-breaking Holy Light】

Yaoyao didn't even use the power of the jade medal on her back. The two sword horns became more and more brilliant, and the light group condensed in the center of the sword horns shot out a radiant sharp blade.

The rays of light with the power of purification, demon breaking, and destruction were obliterating the curse formation. Narahara gritted his teeth and endured the pain and threw out four curse locks, trying to bind the soul of Yunju Xianlu!
It's just that Yaoyao has the power to be immune to the curse, and if the curse chain falls on it, it will be like a stone sinking into the sea.

【Field·Vacuum Hometown】

Ye Wuxin clasped his hands together and opened his spiritual realm. The power of transformation appeared in the form of Sanskrit sounds, and the familiar voice of reciting scriptures appeared in Narahara Sora's ears again.

"This is this?"

Narahara was stunned, his eyes were glazed over, and he saw the true Buddha's appearance behind Ye Wuxin.

As if sensing the pure Buddha's light, the demonic and evil energy wrapped around Narahara Sora's body began to boil, biting and gnawing at his flesh and blood.

"How could this happen? I can obviously become a great monk, but why on earth have I become like this!!!"

Narahara Sora seems to have experienced another ending in a fantasy world. In that world, Miyata did not die, and he finally became a generation of eminent monks.

Those were two completely opposite endings to the present. Why on earth, why did he become like this?

Narahara Sora knelt on the ground, cried bitterly, and kowtowed to the real Buddha: "My Lord, I beg you to teach me, what should I do?"

"Why am I like this?"

The true Buddha looked at him with kind eyes and all-embracing eyes, and said gently: "Idiot, put down your butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

The Sanskrit sound is tolerant and vast, washing Narahara Sora's body like a spring breeze. The black energy on his body is also disappearing bit by bit, revealing his own appearance.

"Put down the butcher's knife and become a Buddha immediately."

Narahara Sora murmured.

In the outside world, when others arrived, they saw an extremely horrifying scene.

The corpses of the monks were scattered on both sides of the mountain road. Ye Wuxin stood in the center of the curse array, pressing Narahara Sora's head with one hand and praying with the other.

Narahara was sitting cross-legged, with his hands clasped together, and his face became gentle from the ferocious look at the beginning.

(End of this chapter)

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