Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 287: 1 inch of time, 1 inch of gold

Chapter 287 Every inch of time is worth an inch of gold
Unable to sleep with Mu Ningxue, Ye Wuxin had to share a dormitory with Mo Fan.

"Brother, what happened to the fire magic you used today? When did you awaken the fire magic? Have you already surpassed the level?" Mo Fan kept talking like a machine gun.

Ye Wuxin didn't really want to explain to Mo Fan, mainly because it was very troublesome to explain. He could only say: "Brother, do you know there is an old saying in Donghuang that every inch of time is worth an inch of gold?"

"I know, one inch of time is worth one inch of gold, and three inches of time is worth one xin." Mo Fan rushed to say.


Ye Wuxin's face suddenly darkened, can you get out of here.

It was common for the two brothers to quarrel. Mo Fan chuckled. Sometimes he wanted to be a bitch, especially when it came to Ye Wuxin.

After talking for a while, Ye Wuxin and Mo Fan started meditating. The West Guard Pavilion had a magic circle bonus, and the efficiency of meditation was several times higher than usual.

In the middle of the night, a ray of warning red light suddenly shone from the upper pavilion of the West Guard Pavilion, followed by a harsh sound, whistling like an air defense siren.

"what happened?"

Ye Wuxin and Mo Fan woke up immediately, opened the window and looked outside, and found that there was a light similar to the Blood Alert.

Mo Fan's eyes suddenly sobered up at this moment. It was obvious that he was deeply impressed by the bloody realm of Bo City. Fortunately, after he carefully identified it, he found that it was not a warning light.

The patrol team outside was busy walking around, and they could be seen heading towards the upper pavilion.

"Brother, something big seems to be happening outside. Do you want to go out and take a look?" Mo Fan asked with a yawn.

"Let's take a look. It's not impossible, but how should we explain it if we are discovered." Ye Wuxin pursed her chin and said.

He knew that the warning was triggered by the Totem Overlord's accidental intrusion into the security world, but in the original work, Mo Fan also accidentally discovered his demon cold device - the Red Demon Evil Bead.

Originally, the Red Devil was supposed to be the first in line to become the Evil Saint King, but Mo Fan somehow became a devil and pushed the Red Devil down.

Although I know the plot, I still have to be famous.

Mo Fan closed his eyes and thought for a while, then he opened his eyes soon and said: "This is easy to handle. If we are discovered, we will be said to be sleepwalking. And even if we are discovered, these little devils will not dare to kill us."

Ye Wuxin: 6
Although Mo Fan's excuse was terrible, it was indeed an excuse.

The two of them got dressed and took advantage of the large number of neon people going to Shangge to get in.

On the towering white sentry tower, General Takagi and Mochizuki Mingjian stood on it, with a group of Western Guards behind them, looking cautiously at the sea area that was about five or six kilometers away.

Under the bright moonlight, the sea surface is glowing with a cold moonlight, as if something is rolling, and the waves are carving the rocks again and again, turning into natural art thousands of years later!

The formation reacted to a sea area, but looking away, there was only the constantly churning sea water.

"What on earth is that?" Wangyue Famous Sword's eyes were deep, with a look of horror on his face.

"I don't know, but he must be a big guy!" General Takagi replied in a deep voice.

The sea area near Xishou Pavilion has been sprinkled with sensor buoys by neon people. Each buoy is three or four meters apart. Just now, more than a hundred buoys popped up at once. This shows how huge this sea beast must be!
Ye Wuxin and Mo Fan were also looking at the sea from the sentry position. Ba Xia may have sensed the aura of the big green dragon, and then they retreated.

After all, humans alone cannot make it retreat. As a veteran supreme overlord who has traversed the sea for hundreds of years, it has never been afraid of any creature. Even Yadi dared to touch the tiger's beard!
The two of them were hidden in the shadows created by shadow magic, and no one really noticed them.

Seeing that Ba Xia had retreated, Ye Wuxin patted Mo Fan on the shoulder and said, "Let's go. It seems like it was a mistake. Let's go back to sleep."

"Oh! Brother, do you think this sea beast is the one we saw before? Otherwise, why would the probability of encountering a huge sea beast be so high?" Mo Fan finally had an idea.

The main reason is that the probability of huge sea beasts appearing is too high.

Ye Wuxin seemed to have gotten to know Mo Fan again: "You are right, the huge sea beasts we encountered along the way are actually one!"

What! ! !
Mo Fan took a breath of air. He was just joking, but he didn't expect this to be true.

It's terrifying to think about it. The huge sea beast followed it all the way from Donghuang to Daban. What does it want to do? Is it trying to eat someone in the team?
At this time, in Jiang Yu and Zhao Manyan's room, Zhao Manyan wiped the wooden fish utensil with wet toilet paper and said: "It can still shine. It seems to be a treasure. I am really lucky."

"Let's go, stay a little longer and let these two old men discover us."

Ye Wuxin greeted Mo Fan and carefully moved the shadow. When walking down the stone steps, he happened to pass the suspension bridge between the two guard towers.

The two of them had just walked halfway when the restriction in the East Guard Pavilion was suddenly triggered, and thick, violent yellow thunder and lightning erupted. The densely packed restricted thunder and lightning opened their teeth and claws, as if they were going to tear the entire night into pieces.

"I'll wipe!!!"

Mo Fan was frightened by the sudden forbidden thunder. The mountain where the East Guard Pavilion was located was illuminated brightly. Especially the East Guard Pavilion, which was like a white castle and was shrouded in yellow lightning, seemed to be destroyed by natural disasters at any time.

After the ban broke out, the footsteps in Xishou Pavilion suddenly became noisy, accompanied by rapid neon words.

"Hide first!"

Ye Wuxin shouted low, and the two of them joined forces to use shadow magic to completely cover their figures.

Then several figures suddenly appeared on the suspension bridge corridor. They seemed to be the guards of the West Guard Pavilion. They fled in embarrassment, trying to return to the West Guard Pavilion.

However, several ghost trees with blue and white platycodon flowers suddenly protruded from the forbidden light. The ghost trees seemed to have life. They suddenly grew, then restrained the fleeing guards and slammed them onto the cliff.

Ye Wuxin had excellent eyesight and could clearly see the tragic scene.

"Brother, have you noticed that the ghost tree looks familiar?" Mo Fan whispered.

"Of course I know, isn't that the special plant species of Wang Yue, but how could she attack the guards of the West Guard Pavilion? Doesn't she claim to be a holy place? Isn't she also sleepwalking?" Ye Wuxin said.

"Don't make trouble, brother!"

Mo Fan whispered: "Is it that old lady Wangyue? Let's go to her room and have a look. I've already figured out the location of her room during the day."

(End of this chapter)

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