Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 297 Dance of Fire

Chapter 297 Dance of Fire
The fierce fist drew a red mark and rushed straight towards the crying sleeping bag!

As luck would have it, a wave hit, and the sleeping bag just happened to be able to withstand the fierce punch bombardment.

Mo Fan raised his hand and pointed, and the thunderbolt fell quickly and accurately, directly hitting the sleeping bag!

At this time, the Sleeping Bag Siren finally stopped hiding. It was an extremely ugly and evil Siren, with a big sarcoma on its head, just like a Goblin in the ocean.

"It's the White Crying Demon!!"

Ye Wuxin and Jiang Yu said in unison.

【Tianshu Prison Punishment】

This is the primary level three magic of Thunder Vein Golden Pill.

Ye Wuxin clasped his hands together, and then sparks began to "sizzle" in his palms, and then a blue thunder whip appeared in his hand.


There was nothing to say. Ye Wuxin lashed out with a heavy thunder whip. The thunder light caused thunderbolts. The monsters in the sea felt a tingling feeling!

But the one who felt the deepest was the White Crying Demon!

A heavy lightning bolt struck down, and the White Crying Demon suddenly let out a pitiful cry, and a deep wound appeared from its upper body to its waist.

"Kill it while it's sick!!"

Ye Wuxin didn't need to say anything specifically, Jiang Yu's kitten Ye Luosha had already reacted.

With a single claw pull from a distance, the shadow dragon's beard appeared from all the shadows of the White Crying Demon and cut it into pieces of flesh.

"This kitten is awesome!!"

When Zhao Manyan was preparing the magic, he did not forget to give Ye Luosha a thumbs up.

But in the sea area where the White Crying Demon died, the blood had not yet stained much, and the water surface suddenly started to "gurgling".

Then there were green monsters with fan-shaped spiny fins on their heads, which looked like frogs turned into spirits.

Looks stupid and bad.

Nan Jue took a quick look and said, "Without the protection of scales, Mo Fan uses magic to cover it."

"No need, it's up to me." Ye Wuxin suddenly said in a deep voice.

He hasn't made a move for a long time, so he has to show off a few moves to the team once in a while. The captain is still the captain!
[Soul Road: Those who know the current affairs are heroes]

This is Yiran's high-level spiritual magic created by Ye Wuxin. It uses illusions, hypnosis and other means to directly change the mind of the sea monster and turn it into his own tame beast! !
Ye Wuxin didn't take action, and as soon as he did, he directly recruited dozens of jagged green monsters.

"Go and kill the other sea monsters!!" Ye Wuxin shouted, and the sawtooth green monsters immediately dived into the sea to attack the other sea monsters.

Judging from their size and appearance, the strength of these jagged green monsters should be warrior-level monsters. Letting them clean up the slave-level sea monsters is a perfect choice!

Another psychic mage, Jiang Shaoxu, opened his beautiful eyes: "No. Captain, are you still a human being, able to control so many demons in one breath?"

Ye Wuxin smiled lightly and said: "What does this mean? This trick is not worth mentioning among my many methods!"

"Stop talking about captain, there is a big demon!!"

Ai Jiangtu rolled over from nowhere, his whole body covered in dust, and said to Ye Wuxin.

His expression was sullen. Can't you see how badly he was beaten? He still has time to chat here!
I saw a ferocious shark leader appearing in the direction where Ai Jiangtu flew upside down. As a shark monster, its status among sea monsters is like that of tiger monsters among land monsters!
The ferocious shark monster is the most ferocious monster group among the sea monster group. The overall outline is like a human being, but its head is a triangular shark head.

The flat shark mouth occupied two-thirds of the face. "Damn it, where did you get the boss from, Lao Ai? There are so many blocks, why did you choose the place we are protecting?" Zhao Man stretched out his hand, and a huge golden shield appeared in front of Ai Jiangtu.

Block a sharp fish bone that looks like an expression!

The leader of the Caracal Shark is very cruel. After killing its enemy, it has a hobby of turning the enemy's bones into weapons.

At this time, the ferocious shark leader, who was nearly forty meters tall, opened his mouth in the abyss, and a poisonous tongue like a wild python suddenly protruded from its mouth.

I dodge!

Ye Wuxin and Jiang Shaoxu hurriedly dodge the python's poisonous tongue, and sticky venom dripped from the tongue, corroding part of the ground.

"You are riding a horse."

Ye Wuxin put his hands together, and a strange dark star map suddenly lit up under his feet. The seven star tracks were connected instantly, and flowers bloomed on the bones! !

【Undead·Undead Killer】

Undead magic is a sacrificial magic that sacrifices undead magic energy and then summons powerful undead from unknown planes.

This is somewhat similar to the super-level magic of summoning magic. The ancient magic gates of the super-level magic of summoning are the three holy places that communicate with the summoning plane. They may also open some doors in higher planes to summon demons from outside the world!
The mid-level magic of the undead system is to communicate with dark creatures and summon them to help you fight!

And now Ye Wuxin summoned a leader-level evil beast from an unknown plane. This evil beast didn't seem to come from the dark plane, but rather seemed to come from some wild plane.

Everyone was numb to the fact that Ye Wuxin reached out and summoned the leader of the demon, because they had never seen the leader of the demon around Ye Wuxin.

The wild evil beast pounced directly on the ferocious shark leader, and its moon blade-like claws left deep scars on the ferocious shark leader's thick skin!

[Fire of Divine Sacrifice]

After summoning the undead killer, Ye Wuxin did not sit idle, but instead summoned the monstrous fire of divine sacrifice.

The power of the divine fire of the fourth-level myth sequence is already as powerful as a heavenly seed. The golden fire falls like a sky curtain. It does not have a scorching temperature and will only silently sacrifice the life of the demon.

Many monsters fell in the fire of the gods' sacrifices, and they didn't know why they died until they died!

With Ye Wuxin around, it was not as difficult for everyone to deal with the commander-level monsters as in the original work. In this tide, Mu Ningxue and Mo Fan went crazy.

Ye Wuxin also used the fire of divine sacrifice to collect "spirits"!
The tide began to recede, and the demons began to flee crazily. Even if the tide did not recede, they would still flee.

Crazy, there are three crazy people in District 19! !
When you encounter monsters, you kill them in Kuku. After you finish killing them in your own area, you go to other areas to kill them, as if you are sick.

Ye Wuxin and Mo Fan had a great time killing each other. One of them had collected enough "spirits"; the other had accumulated a large amount of residual souls and could create a fourth-level mid-level magic.

The tide receded completely, slowly revealing broken buildings and dirty streets.

The little devils in Dongjing are already very familiar with this kind of thing. They drain the water first and then clean it. While cleaning, they count the number of monsters killed.

It's just that those who were sacrificed by the fire of divine sacrifice cannot be counted, because not even the corpse of the demon can be left behind after the sacrifice.

Monster corpses are also human wealth, because monsters are equivalent to moving magic stones and one of the power sources of magic technology.

It's just that the national team doesn't care about this issue now. They just want to go back to their residence, take a hot bath, and then have a good sleep.

After this mission is over, a substitute will be replaced.

But Ye Wuxin estimates that there will be no changes, because Mo Fan among the substitutes will never be squeezed out.

Since both the Mu family and the Zhao family are among the top families in the country, there is a high probability that the substitute players will "automatically" give up their quota in the national government, or simply disappear!
(End of this chapter)

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