Versatile Mage: Ancient God Supreme

Chapter 309 Don’t go out at night

Chapter 309 Don’t go out at night
The oil lamp is so small that it really feels like traveling back to primitive society. There is a stone bed in the stone fortress, but everyone is definitely not used to it.

So they simply set up a tent in the stone fortress. By 11 o'clock in the evening, the conditions of Lao Zhao and Nan Jue had improved a lot.

Their physical constitutions are better than Guan Yu and Mu Tingying, so they adapt faster.

"Where is this place?" Zhao Manyan looked around with a distracted look.

"Even if I die, I should go to heaven, right? Mo Fan, I'm not surprised that you end up in hell after death!"

Mo Fan's face darkened: "Are you talking like a human being?"

Nanjue sat up firmly, touched the cold marble, and after regaining some strength, he said, "Where is this place?"

Ai Jiangtu handed her the water and said, "We are still in the uninhabited area of ​​Australia, but now we are in a primitive society."

Mo Fan couldn't help but tell Lao Zhao about the erotic scene during the meal, which made Lao Zhao very greedy.

The life of wine, women and pleasure was what he had always dreamed of, but he didn't expect to miss it.

In order to recover quickly, Zhao Manyan forced himself to do push-ups despite feeling dizzy. As long as his body recovered well, he could catch up with the next feast.

However, before Zhao Manyan could do two more, the stone fortress suddenly shook slightly twice.

Ye Wuxin's eyes flashed.

The others looked at Zhao Manyan in fear. How much strength did he use? The ground started to shake?
Mo Fan shouted directly: "Old Zhao, even if you didn't make it in time, you don't have to be so angry. If this place collapses, wouldn't we all be buried alive?"

“Don’t talk nonsense, I didn’t make that noise just now!!” Zhao Manyan cursed angrily.

Ye Wuxin raised his hand, signaling everyone to be silent for a while.

Nan Jue also frowned. She majored in sound magic and was very sensitive to sounds. She could hear every movement around her.

“Are you sure this is a primitive society? Not a land of demons?” Nan Jue said with a frown.

"what happened?"

The others noticed that Nan Jue looked strange and asked immediately.

“Out there are demons roaring everywhere, not a single human voice.” Nan Jue said dimly.

"how is this possible?"

Jiang Shaoxu said subconsciously: "When we came in during the day, we saw how strong the city walls here are, and there are guards inside the city."

Ye Wuxin suddenly said: "Wu Yongshisan said before that it would be best to return to Stone Fort before dark. Did he know something about the situation——"

Before he could finish his words, the door of the stone fortress began to shake violently.

The door, which was carved entirely of stone, made a dull sound, as if there was a monster ramming wildly outside.

Mo Fan jumped up and said, "Damn it! What kind of monster is so arrogant? I'm going to kill him with one punch!!"

Ye Wuxin stopped him and said, "Wu Yongshisan said it's best not to open the door in the middle of the night. Even if there really is a monster outside, as long as it doesn't break through the stone door, there's no need to worry about it."

Unexpectedly, before he finished his words, the wooden stick that was blocking the stone door suddenly broke, and the heavy stone door slowly opened, and the moonlight shone the hideous and evil demon shadow in.

Outside the stone gate was a three-meter-tall chaotic demon. It had the characteristics of many demons, but they were perfectly integrated together.

"Fire Fist·Hungry Sky!!"

Mo Fan didn't say much and started with Nebula. The blazing flames wrapped around his right fist like a whirlwind. As Mo Fan swung his fist violently, a flaming fist like a locomotive rushed out.

The firelight illuminated the stone fortress for a moment, then flew out and hit the mixed demon outside the door. Although the mixed demon had the characteristics of many demons, it was still a servant-level demon and was smashed into a pool of ashes by the fierce fist.

It turns out there are really monsters in the city.

But during the day, they had seen how majestic the walls of this primitive city were, and it shouldn't have been so easy for the demons to break in.

Mo Fan walked forward and wanted to check the ashes of the demon!

But when he got close to the ashes, his eyes suddenly widened and said, "Brother, come and take a look."

Jiang Shaoxu was a little curious, but she didn't dare to go and see it by herself, so she could only hold Mu Ningxue's hand and go and see it together!
After hearing Mo Fan's voice, Ye Wuxin walked over immediately.

In the ashes of the burning Fiery Fist, there lay a naked blonde girl of the ancient human.

The girl's brows were tightly furrowed, as if she was enduring some kind of pain, and her body was covered with sticky mucus.

"What's going on? Why would a person suddenly appear?" Jiang Shaoxu exclaimed.

Among the puzzled looks of the crowd, only Mo Fan's look and expression were the most complicated.

Because this was not the first time he had seen this situation.

When he first entered Mingzhu Academy, he had to deal with a parasitic demon called the [Scale-Skin Demon Soldier]. This demon could possess a human body and complete the transformation from a demon body to a human body by shedding its skin.

And the scene before me is so similar to the parasitic demon before.

"Brother, do you still remember what happened in the gymnasium of Mingzhu Academy?" Mo Fan approached Ye Wuxin and whispered.

“Some impression.”

There was a dark light flashing in Ye Wuxin's eyes. After the stone door was opened, the sounds from outside could no longer be blocked out.

Everyone clearly heard the roar of the demon, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts. Could it be that the original city was really breached by the demon? ? ?
When everyone was wondering, an agile figure suddenly fell from the sky. Everyone looked and saw that it was Wu Yong Thirteen, the guardian of the Primitive City.

Wu Yong Shisan looked at the ancient human at the door in surprise, then looked at everyone.

"What's going on?!" Ye Wuxin asked curiously.

Wu Yong Thirteen shook his head, picked up the ancient human girl and said, "It's too dangerous at night, let's talk about it during the day. Go back quickly."

After he finished speaking, he carried the girl away.

"Brother, what's going on? Did he tell you?" Mo Fan walked out and said casually.

Ye Wuxin said: "No, but there must be some secret hidden in this primitive city. Come with me to check it out. The others stay in the stone fortress."

Both of them have shadow magic, so there is no need to worry about not being able to enter the stone castle.


The figures of the two disappeared into the vast night like rain merging into the sea.

The magnificent primitive city is filled with crazy and chaotic demons, each of which has characteristics of many other demons.

For example, a wolf demon actually had a pair of bat wings and a lizard's tail, as well as some other small features in other places.

"Strange, so strange, how could there be such a weird monster!" Mo Fan muttered in a low voice.

Ye Wuxin didn't say anything, but he already had some guesses in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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