Chapter 102 [Amazing Reward]

However, she does not regret the direct choice.

In comparison, it becomes a vase, a tool for marriage.

Combine yin and yang with Li Anlan and become Li Anlan's woman.

On the contrary, it is the best choice.

He stood there and waited patiently for a while.

The familiar system beep sounded again.

"Ding dong! System prompts! The combination of yin and yang is over! Start organizing rewards!"

"Ding, congratulations on the successful combination of yin and yang between the host and Vina. The yin energy belongs to the woman, Vina's soul power has increased by thirty levels, and the god-given soul ring*7; the yang energy has returned to the host, triggering a tenfold return, and the reward is being converted."

"Reward 20: Bloodline Evolution. Congratulations to the host Golden Behemoth for increasing the bloodline progress to %. The current level is in the late stage of a first-level god."

"Reward 2: God-level talent skill. Soul deprivation. Can deprive any object of its soul. Cooling time is one day."

"Reward 3: You get the artifact. God-Splitting Armor! After equipping it, your defense will be increased three times!"

"Additional reward: Vina Wuhun Snow Lotus upgrades. Evolves into Divine Snow Lotus, and the healing effect increases tenfold!"

"Additional reward: Vina obtains the first-level divine status. God of Healing!"

"Additional bonus: Vina gains immortality!"


I heard the system prompt sound coming from my ear.

Li Anlan was suddenly startled, and his whole body was stunned.

What a joke.

There are actually three additional rewards.

You know, Dugu Yan next to him didn't get any additional rewards.

This gap is too exaggerated.


Almost the moment the system sound fell.

A powerful force poured into Li Anlan's body.

This caused his body to begin to change rapidly.

However, this time, Li Anlan's body did not grow larger, but began to shrink.

One hundred meters from the original.

It shrank directly to about eighty meters.

The hair on the body surface also changed from silvery white to a golden pattern.

Quite gorgeous.

"Fuck...I'm getting smaller?"

Li Anlan looked at his paws and couldn't help but be stunned.

But soon, he reacted.

Although his body seemed to have become smaller.

In fact, the force becomes stronger.

The ten percent blood concentration almost increased his strength by thirty percent.

This is already scary.

With Li Anlan's current strength.

Even though it's only a 30% improvement.

That is almost close to the strength of 300,000 kilograms.

In other words.

Only ten percent concentration.

It has allowed Li Anlan to increase nearly the full power of three demigods.



This time, the other side.

Wei Na's strength also began to soar.

On her body surface, eleven soul rings all emerged at the same time.

Snow Lotus Spirit of God: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black
  Brain Wuhun: black, black, black, black, black, black
  "Twin martial souls?"

Li Anlan was startled before he realized what he was doing.

Wei Na is really a twin martial soul, at the same level as Xiao Xiao.

No wonder Vina brings rewards.

so amazing.

Just three additional rewards.

Moreover, the system directly gave away seven god-given soul rings.

I thought it was a system convulsion.

Now it seems that the system is well prepared.


After releasing the martial spirit.

In Weina's body, the soul power began to surge, and in the blink of an eye, it had reached level seventy.

"I...reached level seventy?"

"So fast!"    "It's less than a second!"

Wei Na was extremely shocked and murmured to herself: "Perhaps this soul ring needs to... wait?"

Before Wei Na could react.

Two god-given soul rings exploded.

A powerful force surged into Vina's body.


The seventy-level barrier was directly breached.

Two red soul rings appeared on both sides of Wei Na's body.

Feeling two hundred thousand year soul rings outside his body.

Vina was completely dumbfounded.

Before she could react, a new round of surge in soul power began.

Level seventy-one!
  Level seventy-two!

Level seventy-three!

Level seventy-four!


In a few breaths, Wei Na's soul power reached level eighty.

Then, two more god-given soul rings exploded.

Wei Na's soul power experienced a surge.

At this time, Wei Na was completely immersed in the joy of soaring strength.

The whole person is in high spirits.

One is the illusion brought about by soaring strength.

The other is security and contentment.

She has always been worried that she would marry some disgusting noble due to marriage.

At this moment, she could finally relax.

Experience life!
  A quarter of an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Vina soared directly to level ninety-eight, and then slowly stopped.

Her eyes were confused, then quickly became firm.

Looking at Li Anlan in front of her, Wei Na suddenly bowed slightly and said seriously to Li Anlan:
  "Thank you!"


Li Anlan looked at Wei Na below, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He was speechless and said: "Throughout this time, there are almost no people who have combined with my yin and yang who don't hate to kill me! You two are exceptions! Well... there is also Tang Ya!"

"Tang Ya was also taken away by you?"

Wei Na looked at Li Anlan, a little surprised.

"Not bad!"

Li Anlan nodded, and then said: "I promised to help her revitalize the Tang Clan and complete her revenge! She is one of the few people who doesn't want to kill me... but that's not necessarily the case! Give her a chance, maybe she will actually do it! Kill her I!"

After hearing Li Anlan’s candid words,
  Vina was speechless.

But she also knew that the thinking of soul beasts was completely different from that of humans.

Looking at Li Anlan, Wei Na took a deep breath.

She looked serious and asked, "I...I want to know why you arrested us?"

"Produce offspring!"

Li Anlan's answer was very concise.

"That's it!"

Wei Na was startled, shook her head, and did not continue to ask.

She looked at her belly and said a little strangely: "What if you and I had an offspring! Do you think... is it a soul beast! Or a human being?"

"do not know!"

Li Anlan shook his head and replied: "The gestation period of Behemoth is very long! It is measured in years! You want to know the answer to this question! Do you want to give it a try? Hehehe!"


Wei Na was stunned.

Just when she was about to refuse, her expression suddenly changed.

Inside her body, there seemed to be a life that was about to be born.

Realize this.

Wei Na touched her belly and murmured to herself: "No way? Just one time is enough? There seems to be a life being born in my belly."

Hearing what Vina said.

Li Anlan was stunned for a moment, and then felt ecstatic.

Very good!
  I don’t know how lucky I am.

Wei Na's level is extremely high, so she won directly the first time.

This thing is just a matter of metaphysics.

Until now, Li Anlan still can't figure out the rules.

It can only be summarized in two words:


(End of this chapter)

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