Chapter 105 [To Shrek Academy]


The emperor of Tianhun Empire looked pale.

The aura of the demigod made his heart beat faster and his legs and feet became weak.

The emperor of the Tianhun Empire was kneeling on the ground.

I can't even stand up anymore.

He looked at the two demigods in front of him, frowned slightly, and asked: "You two...can you...take your breath away? I...I can't stand up!"

"Hey hey hey!"

"Your Majesty the Emperor, you are too cowardly!"


The two demigods smiled grimly.

The gaze he looked at the Emperor of the Tianhun Empire was filled with contempt.

The so-called emperor.

They are just people who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Not worthy of their respect, just like ordinary people.

Even Wei Na, who was standing next to him, frowned slightly and looked at the emperor of the Tianhun Empire.

A little more contemptuous.

However, she strengthened her previous thoughts.

One's own strength is the foundation of everything.

If you are strong.

All threats are false.

On the other hand, power, status, and wealth are in the face of absolute power.

Not worth mentioning.

Shaking her head, Vina glanced at the two demigods and said, "You two! Follow His Majesty's orders, do you understand?"


The aura of god bursts out from Vina's body.

Heading towards the suppression of the two demigods.

The two demigods, who were still laughing wildly, suddenly stopped laughing.

The two people hurriedly knelt on the ground.

Cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

They all replied in unison: "Yes, we know! Lord Vina!"

"it is good!"

When Wei Na saw this, she was very satisfied with the reactions of the two people.


Li Anlan stood aside and glanced at a group of people.

Didn't say much.

He said: "Okay! I have one more important thing to do. Let's go first! Remember! The matter of my temple is very important!"

"Yes! Don't worry, Lord Beast God! I will definitely take care of the matters in the temple!"

The emperor of Tianhun Empire was almost pissed with fear at this moment.

He really walked around the gate of hell and came back with his life by luck.

Whenever there is a slight deviation.

He's dead.


Li Anlan didn't say anything, he turned and left.

The Ice Emperor on Huo Yuhao must be peeled off as soon as possible, otherwise, if it is penetrated by Tianmeng Ice Silkworm.

That would be a big loss.


This time, the other side.

Huo Yuhao's face looked decadent and full of helplessness.

He has taken as much time as possible to practice.

However, no matter how hard he tried.

In the end, it was all to no avail.

All the power he gained through cultivation was completely absorbed by the embryo.

No matter how hard you try, you will eventually find it difficult to make any progress.

Even more terrifying.

As Huo Yuhao practiced, the embryo in his body gradually matured.

A consciousness of its own has been born.

Go at this pace.

Once the embryo matures.

Huo Yuhao will be torn apart by the embryo without mercy.

There is no doubt that he will die.

And...this is already inevitable.

At this time, Huo Yuhao was in the sea of ​​spirit.

The Ice Emperor looked extremely angry.

She looked at Tianmeng Iceworm and said angrily: "Tianmeng Iceworm! You trash! If it weren't for you! I wouldn't be trapped in Huo Yuhao's body!! It's okay now! Huo Yuhao is dead! I will follow too Die together!"

"This this……"

Tianmeng Bingsi was also dumbfounded.

To be honest, he didn't expect Li Anlan to suddenly pop up.

Breaking all destiny paths. According to his prediction, Huo Yuhao is the son of the plane.

Become a god.

No problem!

However, because of Li Anlan's appearance, Huo Yuhao was directly eliminated.

At this time, most of the luck has been swallowed up by the embryo.

Without the blessing of luck.

Huo Yuhao's good luck has come to an end.

Basically dead.

The two of them will naturally die together with Huo Yuhao.

Thinking of this, Tianmeng Bingcan's face was filled with a wry smile.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say.

By now, they were at the end of their rope.

Can only wait to die.



At this moment, a powerful aura erupted.

The moment Huo Yuhao sensed this aura, his eyes turned blood red and he roared: "Behemoth! You are finally here!"

After saying that, Huo Yuhao rushed out of the room.


At this time, the outside world.

Li Anlan came to Shrek Academy again.

The eighty-meter body is as tall as a thirty-story building.

Ordinary human beings are just like ants in front of Li Anlan, extremely fragile.

"The Behemoth is coming!"

"Go! Get away from him!"

"What happened, why did he come again!"

"I remembered! It's Huo Yuhao! Because of him!"

"It was because of him that he hunted the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear in the Star Dou Forest, which led to the birth of the Behemoth Beast!"

"That disaster star! I told you before! We can't let him in!"


Many students in Shrek Academy were horrified.

Run around.

Many people ran and cursed Huo Yuhao.

And Li Anlan had no interest in killing ordinary Shrek Academy students.

This won't do him any good.

"Your Majesty the Great Beast God! I wonder why you visited Shrek Academy?"

Zhang Lexuan appeared in mid-air and looked at Li Anlan respectfully.

There was a look of fear on her face.

In fact, the news from Shrek Academy is very good.

Knowing that Li Anlan successfully conquered the three empires of Tianhun, Xingluo, and Sun and Moon.

Known as the beast god.

He has already gone straight to the Unified Douluo Continent.

For Li Anlan now, erasing Shrek Academy is just a matter of words.

No need for him to do it himself.

The three empires will work hard to complete this task.

Li Anlan was too lazy to talk nonsense. He glanced at Zhang Lexuan and asked, "Where is Huo Yuhao?"

Sure enough, he came for Huo Yuhao!
  Zhang Lexuan's heart skipped a beat!
  She had already expected that Li Anlan would not let Huo Yuhao go.

I just didn't expect that Li Anlan would come so quickly.

She raised her head, looked at Li Anlan, and said seriously: "Master Beast God! Huo Yuhao..."


A voice sounded, interrupting Zhang Lexuan's words.

Li Anlan turned his head.

Huo Yuhao's eyes were blood red as he rushed towards Li Anlan.

While charging, he roared: "Behemoth! Give Wang Dong back to me!"

"Hey hey hey!"

Li Anlan looked at Huo Yuhao and said with some surprise: "How courageous! How dare you rush out!"

Zhang Lexuan was also speechless.

She looked at Huo Yuhao and was completely disappointed with Huo Yuhao's IQ.

Originally, she was planning to say that Huo Yuhao was not here.

Let's see if we can save Huo Yuhao's life.

Unexpectedly, Huo Yuhao rushed out directly.

A pig teammate.

She whispered: "Forget it! You brainless idiot! If you die, you will die!"


Huo Yuhao didn't have the slightest fear.

A Zhuge Divine Crossbow appeared in his hand and was pointed at Li Anlan.

(End of this chapter)

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