Chapter 101 Nanling
  Jiang Li was startled. He didn't expect that the general stationed at the city gate didn't know him. However, after thinking about it for a while, he didn't find it strange. After all, his identity was considered a secret in Guhua and the Jiang family. Only his spiritual consciousness was hidden. The monks from the Sendai Secret Realm who set up the restriction knew that in the past, Lai Guhua had been directly teleported into the city and entered through the city gate. This was the first time.


Jiang Li didn't mind being blocked outside. When he was about to take out the token, an angry shout came from the city. The person who came was very powerful. He was a powerful peak cultivator wearing a python robe.

"See Linghou."

When the monks at the city gate saw the visitor, they quickly bowed and saluted. The visitor was Linghou, one of the thirty-six princes of the Guhua Dynasty, who had been loyal to the Guhua royal family for generations.

The middle-aged monk wearing a python robe ignored the soldiers, but came directly to Jiang Li and respectfully shouted: "See you, sir."

Luo Lingbin knew Jiang Li's identity and that this was the Emperor Hengyu, the first person of the younger generation, Dongjun. These were not the reasons why he was so respectful, but that he had met Jiang Li in Ziwei Palace. When it comes to Emperor Guhua's respect for his attitude.

The relationship between the Guhua Dynasty and the Jiang family, even these families that have been loyal to them for tens of thousands of years, is not very clear. They only know that the relationship between the two families is very close, but whether the specific relationship is as spread in the world, even they are not very clear. I'm sure this is a big deal after all.

"Okay, get up, I want to go to the city." Jiang Li retracted his hand that was about to take the token. Since someone knows him, it saves him trouble.

Wandering on the wide streets, I had never taken a closer look before, but now I felt a little fresh looking at this city where monks lived entirely.

The imperial capital of the ancient Hua Dynasty was not divided into inner and outer cities. The imperial city was located in the center of the city, and other buildings were built around the imperial city. Every building was exquisite. Judging from the records in the Yuantian Book, this is a kind of The method of fixing the dragon's veins can make the dragon's energy last for a long time and not fade away.

After watching for a while, he did not continue to pay attention, but entered the imperial city directly. After meeting a group of people in Guhua Palace, he directly asked Emperor Guhua to prepare to go to the domain gate of Nanling.

He came here just for a stopover. He just thought he was here and wanted to meet everyone by the way. Otherwise, he would be afraid that these people would have to worry about gains and losses again.

Nanling is the place with the most mountains in the five regions of Beidou. Unlike Donghuang, Zhongzhou and other regions where there are many plains, almost all of them are mountain peaks that shoot straight into the sky. This is also a large region where monsters gather. The mountains are suitable for their survival.

There is a palace complex located deep in the mountains. There are towering and tall peaks everywhere. In one of the palaces, a woman wearing colorful clothes is sitting cross-legged inside. She has a slender figure, a round waist and a full body. She is as crystal clear as jade, her hair is light and silky, her eyes are like water, and her teeth are crystal clear. She is known as a witch who brings disaster to the country and the people.

"Huh, what's going on? I feel uneasy. Did something happen?"

A crisp and sweet voice sounded in the hall, and Liu Mei frowned slightly. He didn't know why he suddenly felt this way, but then he seemed to think of something.

"I don't know what that bad guy is doing. Recently, there are rumors about him and the witch from Donghuang. He didn't know he came to see me. Humph, I'm so angry."

There was some resentment in the voice, as if he was complaining about a lover he hadn't seen for a long time. His long white fingers clenched into fists and punched the air in front of him, as if he thought it was some hateful man!

"Qiqi, calm down and practice hard."

A majestic voice came from the main hall, a majestic and tall man, with a body as strong as a dragon, thick hair, eyebrows flying into his temples, and a majestic and calm man who seemed dissatisfied that his sister thought of that man again.

"Brother, I just miss him. He is so calm and practicing!" Qi Qi said coquettishly, with a soft voice. She was forced here by her brother.

Qi Lin looked helpless. He had heard similar words more than once. Sometimes he couldn't understand. Although Jiang Li was extremely talented, he also had many beauties around him. Not to mention the saint in Zifu Holy Land, such as Yan Ruyu, Yaochi The Saint and others all have an unclear relationship with him. Why would my sister never forget such a person?

"Qiqi, you know that there are so many women around him, why are you still so obsessed with him?" Qi Lin sighed. He couldn't control what others thought, but for his sister, he hoped that there would be a man who could devote his whole heart to her in the future. .

"Brother~, how can you control yourself when you like someone! I don't want to see so many women around him, but I just can't help liking him!" Although Qi Qi was still acting coquettishly, there was still something in her voice. Sour, her ideal person, completely conforms to her childhood fantasy of a partner. The only flaw is that there are too many women sharing one person with her.

"Then you should go into seclusion. Time will dilute everything. If it doesn't work in one year, then a hundred years." Qi Lin has not fallen in love with a woman, and he doesn't know what it feels like, but even if it is something that is unforgettable, it will be a hundred years. It will become dull under the power of time. What's more, Qi Lin doesn't think Qi Qi's feelings for Jiang Li are so unforgettable.

In fact, what Qi Lin didn't know was that the more you suppress feelings, the more intense they will become.

In the Guhua Dynasty branch, divine light descended from a high platform. The elders stationed there seemed to have received the news a long time ago and were now greeting the visitors below.

As the divine light restrained, Jiang Li's figure appeared on the high platform. The elder below looked solemn, bowed and shouted: "See Xiao Zu."

He is the person in charge of the Guhua Dynasty stationed in Nanling. He has a high status and background. He is the younger brother of the current Guhua Emperor. His cultivation has already reached the level of the ultimate holy master. He is naturally qualified to understand Jiang Li's identity.

"No need to be polite, prepare a map of Nanling for me." Jiang Li handled this process skillfully.

He knew the general appearance of Nanling, but that was more than 200,000 years ago, and it might have changed a lot now.

“This is the map of Southridge you need.”

Prince Xuan took out a parchment and handed it over respectfully, as if he had expected that he would ask for a map of Nanling.

Jiang Li took it over and opened it, and found that nothing could be seen at all. On the entire map, apart from mountains, there were even bigger mountains. Almost all the forces were built on the mountains.

But there is still something to gain, at least the direction of the Demon Emperor's Palace is clearly marked on it.

"Oh, you know what I came to Nanling for."

Although Jiang Li knew that his behavior was a bit obvious, he was a little unbearable when someone saw it at a glance, still using a map.

"Don't dare to speculate on Xiaozu's thoughts." Prince Xuan said in fear.

In fact, this is completely wronged. Nanling is very mountainous, and the map can only depict it roughly. As the largest force in Nanling, the Demon Emperor Palace naturally needs to be marked carefully.

"Okay, I'm not blaming you!" Jiang Li comforted the other party, and he didn't react until he finished speaking. Saying this to the children of the Jiang family and Gu Hua was equivalent to putting them on the fire.

"Send me a greeting card to the Demon Emperor's Palace, and prepare a gift for me."

Seeing that Prince Xuan was still panicking, Jiang Li simply arranged some things for him to keep him busy so that he would not think about these things randomly.

The next things were all prepared by Prince Xuan. Jiang Li went directly to the arranged palace and waited for things to be ready. After all, he wanted to plot someone else's pearl, so naturally he couldn't just rush over there.

After a while, Prince Xuan, who had recovered a little, walked into the hall, bowed and said: "Xiaozu, the matters you arranged have been taken care of. An elder will deliver the invitation in person, and it will be delivered today. The gift. I have also prepared a piece of demon blood jade, which can improve the bloodline of the demon clan."

Prince Xuan took out a palm-sized wooden box with gorgeous carvings and patterns on it to form a restriction to prevent the essence inside from leaking out.

Jiang Li took it and weighed it in his hand. It was a suitable gift that could improve the bloodline of the demon clan. He couldn't help but be satisfied with Prince Xuan's efficiency.

(End of this chapter)

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