The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 108 105 Shame (1 month ticket plus more updates)

Chapter 108 One Hundred and Five. Shame ( monthly votes plus more updates)
  A funny scene in Ziwei Ancient Star happened like this. The Golden Crow clan stood in front of the Holy Queen and showed off their power, while the humans watching the battle in the distance were indifferent and had no intention of helping out their fellow clan members who were being bullied.

"Great Elder, let me go out. You can't bring down the entire Sun Sect because of me." In an attic, Yao Yu looked at the old man in front of her, listening to the harsh shouting outside, her fists clenched tightly.

"Okay, Yu'er, calm down, they just want you to get out." The old man said calmly.

Yao Yu is now the hope of the Sun Sect. Even if everyone dies, she must be allowed to live. This is the silent understanding between the elders and the disciples.

"The Sun Cult, the bloodline of the Human Emperor, has a great reputation, but they are a group of cowardly people."

Outside the Sun Sect, the few Golden Crows were still shouting, and the words they said were getting more and more unpleasant. What's more, one of the Golden Crows said next: "Are you of the blood of the Sun Holy Emperor? There may be a mistake, the Sun Holy Emperor is actually the ancestor of my Golden Crow clan."

These words made the disciples present unable to bear it. Immediately, a disciple from the Four Extremes Secret Realm stood up and cursed angrily: "How dare you insult the Holy Emperor, you stupid bird."

This disciple was obviously angry, and his words were garbled, allowing the opposite Jin Wu to grasp the situation.

The man opposite Jin Yu raised the corners of his mouth slightly. Knowing that the opportunity had come, he said coldly: "If you dare to insult my Golden Crow clan, your name will be on the reincarnation monument."

As soon as he finished speaking, the scorching sun fire spirit appeared behind him, bringing with it a rolling heat wave that made the air crackle with fire. Then it turned into a golden crow, directly extended its claws to hit the Sun Sect disciples indiscriminately, and the attack was ruthless and completely No holding back.

The golden crow's sharp claws transformed from the sun fire spirit tore through the space, came to the disciples at lightning speed, and enveloped them all. The hot flames immediately made a low-level disciple scream in pain.

No one expected this scene. Even if a few disciples from the Four Extremes Secret Realm reacted and used their magic power to resist, they and Jin Yu were far different from each other, so how could they resist.

In just an instant, he was beaten backwards, his bones were broken, and his tendons were broken. The most serious thing was that the flesh and blood on his body were not burnt, and his bones were exposed.

"So cruel." A loud shout came from the Sun Cult station, and an old man with gray hair rushed out, his face as ugly as an angry lion.

This person was the elder who advised Yao Yu to calm down. He sensed the fluctuations of the battle inside and knew something was wrong. Now that he came out and saw his disciples in such miserable condition, how could he bear it anymore.

The Great Elder was always a grumpy person, but at this moment he suddenly got angry and struck Jin Yu with a palm, trying to vent his anger on his disciples.

This palm is astonishing. It carries the most powerful force, plus the great elder's half-step powerful cultivation. If it really hits, Jin Yu will definitely not be able to resist it.

This is exactly what happened. A palm surrounded by golden aura directly destroyed the golden crow formed from the essence of sun fire. Before the giant palm could fall, the escaped aura injured the golden feather.

Seeing that this palm was about to kill Jin Yu, the great elder woke up from his rage and knew that if he really beat the opponent to death, he would fall into the scheme of the Golden Crow clan.

After thinking clearly, the great elder was about to close his palm, but at this moment, a fierce offensive met the giant palm. The timing of this attack was so clever, blocking the retreat of the palm, as if he was sure that the great elder did not dare to If Jin Yu is killed, his palm will definitely be withdrawn.

"Ah!" A shrill cry came from the great elder's mouth, covering his broken arm and hind leg. This blow actually broke his arm directly.

All this happened so fast, and everyone just woke up from a dream. Looking at the other old man who appeared in the field, they understood what happened at that moment. "Despicable and shameless." The great elder didn't know that he had fallen into a trap at this time. The other party just expected that he would not dare to kill Jin Yu, and was waiting for him to take action when he stopped his strength.

"Oh, you guys from the Taiyang Sect have the same habit of bullying the small. Where do you get the confidence to say that I am despicable and shameless?" The old man from the Golden Crow looked joking. He clearly got an advantage and did not forget to attack the enemy at this moment.

The elder's expression suddenly changed and he wanted to refute, but he really wanted to attack the junior and couldn't even utter a rebuttal.

"There's no need to talk nonsense to them. The Sun Sect has repeatedly provoked our Golden Crow clan, thinking that we don't have masters, and has repeatedly attacked the younger generations of my clan. Then we will kill a few of their younger disciples in our own way. .”

At this moment, several more masters from the Golden Crow clan appeared, and an old man with a gloomy face spoke, his voice full of joking.

Several other strong men from the Golden Crow tribe were also laughing, with expressions of eagerness to try.

The Great Elder looked at this scene with an ugly expression. The Golden Crow clan was obviously prepared for such a battle, just waiting for an excuse to take action.

This is actually a conspiracy. If you don't take action if the elders are strong, then the younger generation of the Golden Crow Clan will provoke the disciples of the Sun Sect. As long as they dare to talk back, they will attack fiercely and take their lives. Even if the older generation doesn't take action. , they were also happy to see their disciples die tragically.

But if it really continues like that, I'm afraid the people of the Sun Sect will lose their hearts and their anger will be completely vented.

The great elder who wanted to understand the purpose of this level no longer expected that today's matter would be good, and immediately used his magic power to re-condensate an arm.

At this moment, he had prepared for the worst. If he really got to that point, he would drag these people with his life, hoping that Yao Yu could leave safely.

Yes, the Great Elder actually knew that the Golden Crow tribe really wanted to destroy the Sun Sect. It would definitely be unrealistic for everyone to run away, but Yao Yu had to survive.

With Yao Yu's talent in cultivating the fourth secret realm at the age of twenty, there may not be any hope of killing the Tao after thousands of years. Not only can the Sun Sect be restored, but there may also be a chance to help them get revenge.

The few masters of the Golden Crow tribe on the opposite side obviously don't know what the great elder is thinking. At this moment, they are still attacking the disciples of the Sun Sect with great pleasure, hoping to break their pride, hurt their Taoist hearts, and interrupt their path of cultivation. .

"Don't resist. Grandpa Jin, I promise to be gentle and won't cause you too much pain, Jie Jie Jie."

Several strong men from the Golden Crow tribe laughed wildly and taunted them without sparing any effort. They wanted to attract more people so that they could catch them all at once. It would be great if they could take the opportunity to kill the leader of the Sun Sect.

The disciples of the Sun Sect are now looking a little gloomy. The leader and the great elder have been injured one after another, which has dealt a huge blow to their morale. At this moment, when they hear the ridicule of the Golden Crow tribe, even their anger is almost gone, leaving only frustration and... numbness.

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(End of this chapter)

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