The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 153 Chapter 160 The King Arrives in the Blue Demon Abyss

Chapter 153: One Hundred and Sixty Comes to the Blue Demon Abyss

"No matter what they do, I will destroy the Blue Demon Clan, and it will be useless even if the Immortal Emperor comes, I said so." Jiang Li said domineeringly.

"Then be careful." Zixia said. She knew that she couldn't help much in this kind of matter, and she didn't say anything about taking her with her. She tried not to distract Jiang Li.

"Don't worry! I have now broken through to the saint realm, and with the addition of the two imperial weapons, no one in Beidou can hurt me except the life zone." Jiang Li comforted me softly.

"Yes, I know." Zixia said, stepping forward and hugging Jiang Li gently, then took two steps back and looked at the man in front of her tenderly.

Jiang Li smiled knowingly, stretched out his hand, and a black and red ancient mirror appeared in his hand. Although the aura of this legendary holy weapon was damaged and it was no longer at its peak, it still had the power of an ordinary great holy weapon. Give it to Zi Xia's self-defense was more than enough.

"This is the Yin-Yang Mirror, the handed down holy weapon of the Yin-Yang Sect. I can no longer use it, so I will give it to you for self-defense." Jiang Li handed over the ancient mirror in his hand.

Zixia thought for a while, then accepted it directly without any pretense. She knew that Jiang Li was worried that he would be in danger. If he didn't accept it, it would only make the other party worried.

"Okay, then I'll deal with the Blue Demons first." Jiang Li was in a good mood when he saw Zixia put away the Yin-Yang Mirror.

"Pay attention to safety and don't show off." Zixia said.

Jiang Li nodded, turned around and stepped forward, disappearing directly from the spot. He left the Zifu Holy Land in an instant. After leaving the Zifu Holy Land, he rushed towards the ancestral land of the Blue Demon Clan at lightning speed.

Blue Devil Abyss, this is a very special place. It is located in an extremely famous grand canyon in the Eastern Wasteland. Blue mist often rises from here. Although this place is very famous, there is nothing People dare to come close to this place because they may lose their lives at every turn.

, the Northern Territory is desolate and desolate, but here in Blue Demon Abyss, this feeling will be ten times more intense. Desolation, desolation, horror, and weirdness are the themes of this place.

The Blue Demonic Abyss was broken neatly, as if a peerless strong man had cut it open with a knife, straight up and down, and thousands of miles deep underground.

Especially after getting closer to here, you can see countless corpses piled up into a white ground. These bones have been accumulated for countless thousands of years. Many of the bones have turned into ancient powder. The accumulation here is shocking and daunting.

There is a race here that is so notorious that it can scare a three-year-old child to stop crying in ancient times.

The Blue Demon Clan has never produced an ancient emperor, but its foundation is extremely profound and it has produced a great sage. They are not only the top ten vicious clans, but also one of the top ten most powerful royal clans except those royal clans.

Deep in the Blue Demonic Abyss is a vast underground world, with flashing lights and fire, and you can vaguely see an ancient city in the distance, shrouded in blue mist.

The ancient city built in the underground world has existed since ancient times. This is the habitat of the Blue Demon Clan, and has given birth to generations of fierce demon kings.

A red divine light appeared in the Blue Demon Abyss, and the divine light converged. Jiang Li stopped above the Blue Demon Abyss, looking down calmly. He did not go down rashly, but laid out a heavy formation in secret to prevent any leakage later. The fish escaped. One advantage of this man is that if he wants to destroy his entire family, no one will be left behind.

After the arrangements were completed, Jiang Li dropped down and fell straight towards the Blue Demon Abyss.


A member of the Blue Demon Clan noticed someone breaking in and shouted angrily, but before he could launch an attack, a big hand surrounded by red fairy light fell from the sky, directly beating him to death.

"Who is coming?"

Hearing the noise here, several streams of light flew over. Before they could see the situation clearly, their eyes went dark and they lost their voice.

Jiang Li walked leisurely in the underground palace of the Blue Demon Clan. Along the way, he neatly dealt with all the ancient creatures of the Blue Demon Clan that he encountered.

"Where is this brat from nowhere who dares to provoke me, the Blue Demon Clan, for his long life!"

"If you want to die, don't commit suicide like this, it will make your life worse than death!!"

At this moment, several king-level ancient creatures rushed out of the palace passage, with extremely majestic aura. But when they saw the coming person, they were like ducks caught by the neck, and they were frightened and prepared to flee to the rear.


Jiang Li's face was stern, and he slapped them down without giving them a chance to escape.


Landslides and tsunamis, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed. This was an arrogant and domineering aura, like a vast ocean exploding, and the waves swept across the sky. The few king monks of the Blue Demon Tribe were like ants, they were all submerged, and their bodies collapsed. .

Jiang Li stepped into the ancient cave and stepped on the white jade stairs step by step into the ancient cave.

The cave was filled with formations of ancient sages, but a gorgeous divine ring appeared behind Jiang Li. Along with wisps of red light, the chaotic sword energy slashed through, and all the formations collapsed.

These formation patterns were nothing to mention in front of Jiang Li. In the eyes of others, the profound and mysterious formations were full of flaws in his eyes, and his virginity was easily broken by him.

"Human Race Dongjun, why did you break into my Blue Demon Abyss and kill my Blue Demon clan members wantonly? If you don't give me an explanation today, even the Jiang clan behind you will not be able to protect you." Three people appeared on the ancient giant city. The majestic figure, with eyes as cold as lightning, stared at Jiang Li with murderous intent.

Jiang Li looked up at the three people in the ancient city. These three were all ancestors of the Blue Demon Clan, two saints, and one was an early stage saint king. What was inconsistent with their cultivation was that the power of their souls was extraordinarily powerful. Although it was not as good as Not as good as him, but still better than many monks in the same realm.

"What are you barking at? Today I'm here to wipe out your Blue Demon Clan." Jiang Li went straight to the point. As soon as he finished speaking, a black-winged gold-plated boring bar appeared in his hand.

He planned to make a quick decision, using the magic power of the Saint's Fifth Heaven and Divine Forbidden to completely revive the Black-winged Gilded Boring, a hand-me-down holy weapon. At this moment, he was like grabbing a living Golden Crow, locking the three ancestor kings with his momentum. The black-winged gold-plated boring machine chopped away.

Suddenly, there was a crow of a golden crow, and a golden crow spread its wings and tore toward the sky angrily, as if it disrupted time and space and turned the dark Blue Demon Abyss into a golden light.

The three ancestor kings looked at the shocking divine rule with horrified expressions, and quickly summoned their Taoist soldiers, bells, bells, and jade drums. The holy soldiers had strong auras, trying to block the Golden Crow Divine Feather.


A shocking explosion sounded, and the Golden Crow Divine Feather was like a heavenly sword, slashing at the defense formed by the three holy weapons. The sound wave was so powerful that it instantly obliterated the surrounding array patterns and destroyed all nearby palaces.

"Ah!!" A horrified roar sounded, and the holy weapons in front of the three ancestor kings were shattered. The golden crow divine feathers did not lose their sharpness and struck the three of them with unstoppable power. They almost killed the two ancestor kings with one blow. Huh, even if the saint king was injured much better than the two saint-level ancestor kings, there was still a long gap in his chest.

After Jiang Li struck a blow and saw that the result was good, he did not waste the opportunity. He swung the black-winged gilt boring machine in his hand and directly passed the head of an ancestor king, shattering his Immortal Platform and Yuanshen.

"Ah!!" After roaring in despair, an ancestor king in the middle stage of the saint perished directly.

After Jiang Li started to drill, he was not satisfied with killing an ancestor king. He jumped directly towards the other ancestor king who was closest to him.

The Xing Zi Jue is unparalleled in the world, a red light flashes across, time seems to have stopped, the black-winged gilded boring machine screams, leaving a golden rainbow light in the void, in the horrified eyes of the ancestor king of the Blue Demon Clan, the boring blade breaks the body protection The divine light continued to expand in his eyes.


A pillar of blood soared, and the blood containing divine principles spread in the void, smashing countless deep craters into the earth, as if it was bombarded by meteors falling from the sky.

Under the horrified gaze of the Saint King of the Blue Demon Clan, the withered, headless body that had lost its soul fell directly to the ground.

It was too fast. It all happened so quickly. In almost an instant, the two ancestral kings overlooking the earth died directly in the hands of one person.

The Sage King of the Blue Demon Tribe looked at Jiang Li as if he were a demon king. The fear in his heart made him dare not stay here, and he just wanted to leave this man-eating place.

He no longer had the anger of being offended just now, and only had the idea of ​​​​struggling to survive, even if doing so would shatter his pride into pieces and make his Taoist heart no longer perfect, because he knew that he would never be Jiang Li's opponent. He tried his best to defend, but was still able to break through without any strength, which already made him aware of the gap between himself and Jiang Li.

But how could Jiang Li give him a chance? Before the Saint King of the Blue Demon Clan could escape too far away, a red divine rainbow seemed to be wandering in time. In just a blink of an eye, it stopped the Saint King of the Blue Demon Clan. ahead.

Jiang Li looked at the frightened Saint King of the Blue Demon Clan with indifferent eyes, without any disturbance in his heart. He came to the Blue Demon Clan to kill all of this race.

"Dongjun, you, you wantonly slaughtered the ten royal clans, aren't you afraid of breaking the agreement between the human race and the ten thousand clans, thus starting a war between the two clans?" The Saint King of the Blue Demon Clan said anxiously. He can only hope that this killing star will be better. I'm a little worried, or I might delay for a while until the clan leader comes to support me, otherwise I'm afraid that I will be doomed today.

"Then you secretly plundered the human race and used it for cultivation. Did you ever think that you would be liquidated in the future?" Jiang Li said coldly, and the movements of his hands did not stop. He lifted up the black-winged gilded boring machine, like a divine judgment. Guilty people.

The palace was shaken by this tyrannical force, and collapsed piece by piece. Boring blades fell from the sky, and the chirping of the Golden Crow rang out. With the crow of the Golden Crow, the emperor fell over the years.

Just when the black-winged gold-plated boring machine was about to hit the Saint King of the Blue Demon Clan, a small bell appeared above the Saint King's head, exuding the aura of the Great Saint. As it swayed slightly, the bell rang loudly, making people's souls faint. stable.


The black-winged gilt boring machine collided with the small bell, and the god was like a sea wave, and the terrifying aftermath spread everywhere.


The Saint King, who was protected by Xiao Zhong, was the first to bear the brunt. He was so shocked that he vomited blood. His body was covered with dense cracks. Even his soul was severely damaged, and his breath suddenly became weak.

Jiang Li also staggered back two steps, and the tiger's mouth holding the black-winged gilded boring machine was numb from the shock, but after stopping his body, he instantly swung the black-winged gilded boring machine and continued to chop.

"Shuzi, you dare me." The head of the Blue Demon Clan who rushed over had his eyes about to split, but he didn't dare to be careless at all. He quickly urged mana to pour into the little bell. With his cultivation at the peak of the Saint King, he could naturally Fully revive the clan's legendary holy weapons.

"Humph, I don't know whether to live or die." Jiang Li took action with all his strength, and the black-winged gilded boring machine in his hand was swung tens of thousands of times in an instant, shattering the sound waves emitted by the small bell, and the remaining attacks continued to hit the light shield. , the little clock kept shaking.

The Blue Demon Clan leader's body trembled, and the aura that was as heavy as the abyss on his body fluctuated slightly. He did not expect that a junior in the middle stage of the saint could actually fully revive a great holy weapon, and judging from his appearance, he did not feel weak at all.

This situation scares the leader of the Blue Demon clan a bit. Even if he is the peak Saint King, he can barely use the Great Saint Weapon. If he maintains full recovery, even his magic power will be somewhat insufficient. .

"I don't believe it. How can a saint have more powerful magic than me, the saint king?"

The leader of the Blue Demon clan looked fierce and urged Xiao Zhong with all his strength.


Suddenly, the bell wave was mighty, the heavens in the ten directions trembled, the endless Tao principles were constantly arising and dying, and as the sound waves spread, there were terrifying gods intertwined.

This power is so terrifying that monks below the Great Sage are hit and have almost no room to fight back. However, Jiang Li is not afraid. The caster of the black-winged gilded boring machine is a peak Great Sage, and he can faintly touch it. After reaching the Golden Crow in the Imperial Realm, this also makes this great holy weapon the first echelon below the imperial weapon. It is not afraid of this great holy weapon of the Blue Demon Clan at all.


Under the desperate eyes of the leader of the Blue Demon Tribe, Jiang Li struck the Holy Bell with his black-winged gold-plated hammer without any pause. His magical power was majestic and he had been trying his best to revive a great holy weapon for how long, but he didn't show any signs of it at all. Fatigue made the leader of the Blue Demon Clan secretly curse what kind of monster this was.

"Come here and help me." The leader of the Blue Demon clan said to the ancestor king behind him.

Blue blood was flowing out of his mouth at this moment, and his aura was fluctuating violently. He was obviously injured by the power fed back by the holy soldiers.

The young ancestor king of the Blue Demon Clan hurriedly stepped forward. Even the seriously injured Saint King ignored his injuries. The two of them surged with divine power and sent their mana towards the Holy Bell with all their strength, making this great holy weapon even more powerful. , blocking Jiang Li's continuous attacks.

The chirping of the Golden Crow and the fluctuating sound waves of the Holy Bell echoed under the Blue Devil Abyss. The aftermath of the battle between the two continued, completely destroying the formation here. Only the area near the Blue Devil Ancient Tree was still intact.

That ancient tree is too important to the Blue Demon Clan. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the lifeblood of the clan. It is the center of the formation. Jiang Li also noticed the difference there.

Because there were three ancestral kings urging the Great Holy Soldiers, Jiang Li was unable to take down the Blue Devils for a long time. In a flash of thought, he left the turtle shell behind, ran the Xing Zi Jue, and turned into red light directly towards the Blue Devil Ancient Tree. Where to go.

This approach made the three ancestors of the Blue Demon Clan extremely angry. This was the foundation of their clan. Without this tree to assist in cultivation, the Blue Demon Clan would directly fall into the top ten royal families.

"You're looking for death." The leader of the Blue Demon Clan yelled crazily. He no longer cared about his own safety and directly activated the Holy Bell to fly towards the Blue Demon Ancient Tree. But in the next second, he regretted it.

(End of this chapter)

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