The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 186 194 Killing the Great Sage

Chapter 186 Killing the Great Sage in

After hearing the Azure Bull Python Clan leader's cry for help, Jiang Li stopped attacking and turned to be on guard in case there was a secret enemy coming out. However, after waiting for several breaths, no one showed up.

"Phew, it seems you have been abandoned. What a pathetic pawn!!" Jiang Li sighed softly.

These words were like a dagger made of black gold with dragon patterns, piercing into the heart of the leader of the Azure Bull Python Clan.

"You bastards, you promised to be my front line, and you are secretly supporting me. You have betrayed your trust, and you will die badly!!"

Until now, he still didn't know that those people in the dark must have seen Jiang Li's power and thought that even if they took action, Jiang Li would not be able to be saved, they were still willing to take risks and continue to take action. But in this way, wouldn't he Has it been set up?

"Your Majesty, please let me go once. I swear with my Taoist heart that I will never be an enemy of Your Majesty again in this life." He was really frightened. When death was so close in front of him, even the great sage who had practiced for thousands of years , is also inevitable.

Jiang Li didn't reply, but just punched out to express his attitude.

To be honest, he was very disappointed when he saw the leader of the Azure Bull Python clan looking like this. This was not the opponent he wanted.

Facing a desperate situation, he didn't even have the courage to fight. He didn't know how this bull snake cultivated to become a great saint.

After a while, a great sage, the first echelon of powerful people in the starry sky, was directly chopped by Jiang Lili. The monks who were watching were not surprised by this result. When the leader of the Azure Bull Python Clan begged for mercy, The outcome of this battle is already determined.


At this time, the entire area, including the ancient human city in the distance, all fell silent, and you could hear a needle drop.

It is different from ordinary beast cultivators. It is very powerful and has extraordinary immortal roots. It is said that in the past years, he killed more than one saint, seized the ancient cave here, and obtained the inheritance here.

Jiang Li stood quietly in the void, with a heroic figure, thick black hair scattered on his chest and back, red energy and blood rushing up to the sky, energy and blood collapsing into the clouds, he looked like a great mountain standing, like an abyss stretching across the sea, swallowing hundreds of thousands of miles. , like a god overlooking the vast earth.

Soon, Jiang Li's figure appeared again, arriving at the other end of the planet and finding a pure place, which was adjacent to a vast and vast lake.

But just when everyone was paying attention to Jiang Li, he quietly performed the Great Void Technique and disappeared from everyone's eyes in an instant.

"It's really disappointing. A great sage can be so unbearable." Jiang Li shook his head in disappointment.

Jiang Li looked calmly at the creature in the lake. It was a nine-tailed crocodile dragon. Its body was made of gold and resembled a crocodile. It had a dragon head and nine tails.

Such an opponent was not what he wanted, but there was nothing he could do about it. His consciousness spread out and he did not notice the slightest trace of the person in the dark.

This battle ended too quickly. A great sage, a true powerhouse in the first echelon of the starry sky, was killed in the starry sky, which shocked the entire human race. The news came almost extremely fast. Speed ​​spread.

When tracing his traces using secret techniques, Jiang Li had changed directions several times in succession and completely lost all traces.

Its existence makes countless monks fearful.

However, when facing Jiang Li, the aura that was as majestic as a mountain gave him a frightening feeling, as if he was being stared at by a supreme being, and his whole body was extremely cold, as if he had fallen into hell.

"Impossible, I have been hiding my strength for so many years. I have real dragon blood in my body, and I am the strongest species in all eternity. How can a human give me such a feeling?" While the Nine-tailed Crocodile Dragon was frightened, he also felt Somewhat angry and wild, he was used to being the king and hegemony. How could such a strong man appear in his own territory? The nine-tailed crocodile dragon drew out from the lake, revealing its huge and powerful body. "Sure enough, this is the right place." Jiang Li whispered to himself. When he saw the nine-tailed crocodile dragon, he knew where this place was.

Its entire body is over a thousand meters long, and its scales are as if they were made of gold, blooming with golden light, extremely bright, and containing an explosive power.

Just when the nine-tailed crocodile dragon was about to strike first, Jiang Li took the lead. He stretched out a finger, and in an instant, endless fairy light burst out and rushed forward.

"This...this is." The nine-tailed crocodile dragon was shocked. Seeing that gorgeous fairy light carrying the unparalleled suppression down, it almost trembled completely, and it could not produce the slightest resistance in its heart.

The Nine-tailed Crocodile Dragon was trembling all over. This was the first time it was so frightened, and countless regrets arose in its heart, regretting that it had encountered such a terrible old friend.

"I am willing to surrender!" the nine-tailed crocodile dragon exclaimed, not daring to say anything. He immediately lowered his body and crawled to the ground without even the slightest resistance.

As the Nine-tailed Crocodile Dragon finished speaking, the brilliant fairy light carrying terrifying murderous intent suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Li retracted his offensive and sneered: "I didn't go to find you, but you came to attack me instead."

Jiang Li came here not just for sightseeing, but specifically for this crocodile dragon. If he remembered correctly, the place where the nine-tailed crocodile dragon was located was the Demon King's cave.

Yao Xing is extremely talented and beautiful. When he traveled across the starry sky, he did not follow the ancient path of the demon race, but followed the ancient path of the human race. He also retreated on this ancient star, leaving behind a cave and creation.

The most important thing is that he left a treasure in the cave, which is what Jiang Li wants.

"I am willing to surrender, and I am willing to ride for you!" The nine-tailed crocodile dragon responded sincerely.

There was no longer any resistance in his heart, and all the dissatisfaction in his heart was dissipated by Jiang Li's wave of energy and blood just now and his invincible momentum.

The most important thing is that he has reacted and recognized Jiang Li's identity.

It was also because of this that it took the initiative to propose a mount.

Along the way, Jiang Li's legend has long been spread here. He is the most promising genius of this generation, and his record is extremely strong. He has never seen such a record from other geniuses so far.

"Mount? Haha, it would be too ugly to ride a crocodile..." Jiang Li was speechless.

This nine-tailed crocodile dragon is really a bit of a thief, and the first thing he thought of was hugging his thigh.

But he already has a dragon horse as his mount, and he doesn't need another mount. Although the damn horse is a bit unsightly, it really can't stand up to its handsomeness. This crocodile is indeed a bit worse in appearance.

"There is no need to mount the mount. When the dragon blood flows all over your body and you truly transform into a dragon, then you can pull the cart for me!" Jiang Li waved his hand, temporarily accepting such a beast that could pull the cart, which happened to be in his own hands. There is also a chariot belonging to Emperor Luan Gu.

However, it is not worthy of pulling an ancient chariot yet, at least not until it truly transforms into a dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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