The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 201 Chapter 209 Breaking through the Great Sage

Chapter 201 Chapter : Breakthrough to the Great Sage

"That kind of lightning tribulation was actually blown up by someone's punch? How could it have such a strong attack power?"

"I have never heard of someone actually destroying Thunder Tribulation with one punch? How strong is he? Is this person the peerless fierce man who has been hunting the geniuses near Yunmiao Continent in the past five years?"

"It's terrible, it's too terrible. Is the person who has overcome the tribulation a peerless saint?"

No words can describe the shock in these people's hearts.

Although Xu City is extremely far away from Yunmiao Continent, the scene in front of you, even across half of the star field, is enough to make your hands and feet feel cold and your heart torn.

"It seems that the previous guess is correct. That red fighting spirit, coupled with the unique majesty of the emperor, should be the Dongjun of the human race! It seems that in the past five years, he has been using various methods near Yunmiao Continent. He is the fierce man who uses the clan’s pride as a whetstone!”

Immediately, some people sighed in their hearts. This Dongjun had almost blocked the paths of all ancient geniuses before, and now he had survived such a terrible thunder disaster, which made countless people feel helpless.

"There have long been rumors in the world that Dongjun's cultivation is the ninth level of the Holy King. Now he has passed through the tribulation again...could it be that Dongjun has broken the Great Sage's Heavenly Chasm." Someone exclaimed, feeling incredible, and even his voice was trembling.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible. The distance between the Holy King and the Great Sage is so easy to bridge. No matter how talented Dongjun is, he can't break through the Great Sage's chasm in just a few years after breaking through the Nine Heavens of the Holy King. "Some people have raised objections, thinking that even monsters cannot cross such a huge chasm in just a few years.

"It's really weird. Could it be that the road to immortality is about to appear, and even the underworld of Jiuyou has entered the human world, causing such a scene?"

"One breath..."

But at this moment, someone suddenly looked in the direction of Yunmiao Continent, their eyes filled with shock.

The sea of ​​thunder in the sky was extremely huge, but Jiang Li couldn't do anything about it. He didn't blame others for thinking that this was not his Great Holy Tribulation, because he acted too relaxedly.

"Stop, or die!"

But hearing and seeing it with my own eyes, this is really not a conceptual thing.

I saw a large yellow river falling down, flowing into the distance. There was no life, no hope, and the air of death filled the air, making the entire star land look desolate and deserted.

"Then...could it be Jiuyou Huangquan?"

Some people looked at the scene of Jiang Li smashing a sea of ​​thunder with his palm in stunned silence and murmured.

"Who can prove that the Tomb of the Great Emperor was opened because of you? Dongjun can say whatever you want for this incredible opportunity." The Great Sage Silver Horn was dissatisfied, obviously not thinking that Jiang Li had the ability to interfere with the operation of the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

"You are too arrogant." The Great Sage Yinjiao was frightened and left the place in the form of a stream of light. He just stubbornly left behind a sentence to forcefully restore his respect.

This is the Great Holy Tribulation, the last realm of the Holy Realm. Reaching this realm means that the cultivator has officially embarked on the qualifications to pursue the Emperor Realm. One can imagine how powerful the Heavenly Tribulation in this realm is.

Jiang Li opened his mouth and took a breath, and the thunder tribulation flew towards his mouth like a swallow returning to its nest. The lightning that filled the sky was sucked up by him, and he kept it in his body and quickly refined it.

The power of thunder was like a galaxy, blocking the alien great sage with silver horns on his head, making the other party afraid to act rashly for a while.

"Two breaths..."

"We have to hurry up, the news here can't be hidden for too long!" Jiang Li has now broken through to the Great Sage. He thinks that no one is his opponent in this realm, but he still doesn't want to drag it out forever.

No one has ever seen the complete corpse of the Great Emperor. Today, we may have a chance to see such a thing!
Immediately, a great sage flew out from the Ruins City and rushed directly to Yunmiao Continent.

"If this is really the Great Holy Tribulation, Dongjun's performance is too exaggerated."

"I'm too lazy to explain to you. You don't deserve to hear it. Give you three breaths. If you don't leave, then never leave." Jiang Li was very domineering and did not give the other party a chance to entangle.

But then he turned his eyes and looked at the great sage who wanted to pick peaches. A murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Without stopping, he pulled out a bolt of thunder and crossed directly in front of the great sage's path.

How can it be difficult for a person with the greatest fighting power of the Great Sage to overcome the Great Sage Tribulation? Although there is a reason why Jiang Li is so relaxed. The combination of all these encounters should have created such a powerful monster. fetal.

"Boom boom boom"

"Dongjun, what do you mean? You really think I'm afraid of you." King Yinjiao was furious, and the aura of the Great Sage filled the air, making the air crackle.

"How could this happen? A yellow spring falls from the starry sky, as if it has penetrated the Jiuyou Underworld, where the Yin Qi is surging."

"It is impossible for the underworld to appear out of thin air. There must be an emperor's tomb nearby. This is the emperor's mausoleum that has cracked, and wisps of Qi leaked through the void and soaked into the water, turning into yellow springs and flowing out of the tomb."

Before Jiang Li took his third breath, he saw the Great Sage Silver Horn quickly leaving several nearby ancient stars.

Everyone present couldn't help but feel frightened after hearing that the Silver Horn Great Sage's uniform was weak. After many days, Jiang Li's reputation in the starry sky had already spread far and wide, and the rumors about him killing the Great Sage had long been confirmed.

Even if he died, he would have to save face. He really thought that the Great Sage Silver Horn was going to have a fight with him, but it turned out that he was just pretending.

"Human Race Dongjun, I know your reputation and I don't dare to offend you, but I should have a share in this opportunity. Isn't it a bit too much for you to be so domineering and want to monopolize it?" The Great Sage Silver Horn said in a deep voice. said.

The time was finally ripe for Jiang Li to look at the Demon King's Tomb, and just when he had just broken through to the Great Holy Color, he couldn't help but sigh that all this was God's will.

"Huh!? Look, what is that?"

Countless people spoke one after another. At this moment, no one paid attention to Jiang Li, but focused on the Nine Netherworld. Compared to Jiang Li's catastrophe, things like the Emperor's Tomb were more shocking.

This big river flows out of the void, as if it has no source and falls out of thin air. The yellow water is like corpse liquid, and it has a soul-stirring power.

"Humph, this is really too much of a lie..."

"I've passed. I've been here for several years, working hard to cultivate a fruit tree. It's about to bear fruit. You actually come to pick peaches at this time, and you actually say that I've passed." Jiang Li was speechless. road.

And Jiang Li acted so relaxedly that it didn't feel like he was crossing the Great Sage's chasm.


In fact, all this seems exaggerated. In fact, the reason for this is actually because Jiang Li's current combat power is too exaggerated. After further improvement in the inner world, his combat power is already a bit abnormal. Although he has not tried it, But his own experience told him that the ordinary Great Sage Juedian would not be his opponent.

"Then can you explain that besides the Great Holy Tribulation, there are such powerful heavenly tribulations in other realms."

At the same time, above the Yunmiao Continent, Jiang Li also saw the yellow spring above the sky, and finally showed a smile: "I have worked hard for five years and finally completed the layout of the Demon Emperor ahead of schedule. The Demon Emperor's tomb will finally be revealed. It melted out.”

Then, all kinds of catastrophes came one after another. It seemed that the world was going to be destroyed here. The saint kings who were watching from a distance suddenly turned pale. Just feeling some of the aftermath of such a thunder catastrophe from a distance made people feel sad. They were frightened.

Finally, after the appetizers were finished, the thunderclouds in the sky changed again. With the sound of a great bell, a chaotic bell that seemed to swallow up the world appeared and headed towards Jiang Lizhen.

"With the brand of an imperial weapon, I dare to challenge the world and let Wu Shi come!!" Jiang Li roared, and the bright fist light burst out, directly piercing the sky, shining on the universe, and the avenue was wiped out.

There was a loud sound in the sky, and the Beginningless Bell that covered the sky was shaken and flew millions of miles. The vibration of the bell shattered countless stars, and the power of various laws collapsed.

Endless light burst out, and the thunder sea was covered by the fist light. At this moment, everyone felt an invincible will. This was true invincibility.

Jiang Li's fighting spirit reached its peak, and his domineering fist power continued to permeate the air. The Bell of Beginning of Fighting continued to tremble, and countless cracks opened in the wall of the bell. If Lei Hai hadn't restored it every time, the bell would have been broken long ago. "boom"

At this moment, a ray of fairy light shot out from the sea of ​​thunder. There was an ancient mirror there, and the chaotic energy fell from the mirror like a waterfall. The scene was magnificent.

But before this fairy light got close to Jiang Li, it was swallowed up by a ten-color fairy furnace. The lid of the furnace was wide open, and the mother energy of all things flowed inside, as heavy as a mountain.

At this moment, the thunder sea boiled up again, and several majestic weapons, such as furnaces, bottles, towers, tripods, swords, halberds and other weapons rushed out and jointly suppressed Xiang Jiang Li, carrying thousands of mighty powers, which was frightening.

But Jiang Li was not afraid at all. He grabbed the already broken Wushi Bell and swung it with all his strength, sending the incoming Hengyu Furnace flying millions of miles away.

The aftermath of the collision of the two Imperial Weapon Brands caused the void to collapse, but Jiang Li did not pause at all, as if he felt that the Wushi Bell in his hand was quite easy to use, and regardless of the big clock's resistance, he swung it and smashed it.

Every collision would shake out terrifying clock waves, and the Wu Shi Clock in Jiang Li's hand, which was already broken, was finally completely shattered by the constant collisions and turned into the law of the sky.

Jiang Li, who lost the weapon in his hand, was definitely not used to it. The ten-color fairy furnace above his head urged the light to protect his body. He also found the right opportunity to grab the dragon-marked black gold spurge that was coming towards him, and once again hit it. The Hengyu Furnace flew millions of miles.

Jiang Li, who was holding a black gold halberd with a dragon pattern in his hand, transformed into a berserk warrior. He stepped on the Xing Zi Jue and walked in the sea of ​​​​thunder, constantly slashing at the marks of these imperial soldiers.

"This is someone who can survive the calamity like this, using the enemy's spear and attacking the enemy's shield." Someone exclaimed.

"Except for this one, who can do this? Those are the marks of the imperial soldiers. The murderous intention alone is enough to kill the person who is going through the tribulation." Some people are very calm and think that not everyone can do this. step.

"Yes, apart from this freak who is already the number one of his generation, there should be no one else who can do such a thing."

Everyone was impressed by what they saw. This man was like a majestic divine mountain that straddled the sky and the earth. He was rooted deep in the ground, and when he looked up, he could see that he was piercing the sky to the infinity.

Jiang Li obviously didn't expect that he had gained a group of followers who might become his fans in the future, and he didn't care about them at the moment.

After surviving the Imperial Army Tribulation, this great calamity was finally coming to an end. A building that could not be described in words suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth, which was different from the vague feeling in the past.

As the people who overcome the tribulation become more and more advanced, the ancient heaven that has always appeared in legends becomes clearer and clearer, and almost the entire appearance of the ancient heaven can be seen.

The Heavenly Palace was shrouded in chaos and mist, making it difficult to see what was inside. But at some point, a sound of footsteps sounded like a bell. The footsteps were loud, stepping on the veins of the avenue. The nine palace doors opened wide, and someone walked out from inside. Nine people who look exactly the same are said to have ten-color immortal furnaces on their heads.

"Nine Hengyu Emperors!!"

"No, why would Emperor Hengyu have Dongjun's weapon on his head?"

"What's going on? It's unprecedented. Shouldn't the Hengyu furnace be made of phoenix blood red gold?"

"Could it be that Dong Jun's Taoist Enlightenment Soldier was too extraordinary and was marked by the Heavenly Tribulation?"

Everyone was talking about it and felt it was incredible, because this had never happened in the history of spiritual practice.

Looking at the nine figures stepping out of the Heavenly Palace, Jiang Li's heart sank slightly. Unlike those who didn't know the truth, he knew that it was himself who came out of the Heavenly Tribulation this time.

His appearance has been slightly adjusted so that people can tell at a glance that he is similar to Heng Yu, but there are some differences in the details. The face Jiang Li now wears is a little more soft and less majestic.

"Made, if this kind of scene is seen by those supreme beings in the restricted area, they can determine my identity almost instantly. Countless calculations, but this point was missed." Jiang Li's inner alarm bell rang loudly. He is just going through the Great Holy Tribulation now. He is not even an ant to the Supreme Being and will not pay attention to him.

But in the future, his catastrophes will be stronger than those of ordinary people. After reaching the mid-stage of the quasi-emperor, they will probably be even more exaggerated than those in the late quasi-emperor stage. By then, some supreme beings will definitely cast their gaze occasionally. If his identity is really exposed, then the game is over. He is confident that he can kill the Supreme in the quasi-emperor ninth level, but in the seventh and eighth heavens, he can only fight with the Supreme who has not fully sublimated.

Jiang Li fell into deep thought. He seemed to have thought things too simply before. Although this kind of calamity branding oneself would not happen every time, as long as it happened once, it would be extremely dangerous. Those Dark Lords will not sit back and watch a person who has re-cultivated as a great emperor return to the status of great emperor again, because the last person to achieve this step was called Emperor Zun.

Just when Jiang Li was thinking deeply, his energy was obviously derailed from the battlefield, and he was directly hit in the back by a ten-color fairy furnace. Thanks to the fairy furnace above his head, he resisted most of the damage, otherwise he would have been afraid of this blow. It won't make him feel better.

Jiang Li staggered forward a few steps after being beaten. The place where he was hit by the Immortal Furnace had already begun to bleed, and the wound was accompanied by the secrets of ten kinds of Immortal Gold. Neither the Secret of the Enlightenment nor the Phoenix Tribulation Regeneration Technique could recover quickly. It can slowly obliterate the divine rules above.

"Holy shit, it hurts so much to hit someone with this broken furnace." Jiang Li felt distressed, feeling the feeling of being hit by him with the Ten-Colored Immortal Furnace.

This turn of events made Jiang Li not dare to think about things distractedly, but concentrated his mind to face the attacks of the nine brands.

As the battle progressed, Jiang Li began to bleed continuously, and his body began to be covered with scars. Even the damage caused by the Zhe Zi Mi and the Phoenix Tribulation Regeneration Technique could be recovered in a short period of time. He was very embarrassed, and he had never been more embarrassed.

Jiang Li began to recall the last time he was seriously injured to this extent. After a while, he remembered that the last time he was in such a mess, nine of him appeared in the catastrophe.

But that time was different from now. The catastrophe he had overcome at that time was completely different from this time.

Nine immortal furnaces with ten colors rise and fall between heaven and earth. The beautiful fairy light gathers the most brilliant nine immortal golds and the mother energy source of all things in the world. They are the most beautiful things in the world, and at the same time, they are also the most dangerous. , the finance of the nine immortals is integrated into one, using the thickness of the root of the mother energy of all things as the carrier, ten different mysteries seem to be perfectly integrated, leaving horrific injuries in Jiang Li's blood and bones.

Finally, after being hit by the Immortal Furnace again, Jiang Li could no longer hold on, and the Immortal Gold Secret was like a gangrene attached to his bones, crushing towards his soul again.

"Hengyu's reincarnation wheel shines on my immortal body."

A red divine wheel rose up, shining brightly and flowing with red glow. Jiang Li did not hesitate and destroyed his physical body first. His soul escaped into the divine wheel and moved to other places to reorganize his physical body.

This was originally the forbidden secret technique of Emperor Yuan. He had been studying it continuously since he obtained it. After so many years of hard work, he had slightly improved it to make it more suitable for him.

And Jiang Li, who had reorganized his body, had reached the peak, and the immortal gold secrets had been expelled. After experiencing the feeling of being tortured all the time, Jiang Li felt extremely relaxed at this moment.

"You're done!!" Jiang Li was very confident.


after one day.

The onlookers were already stunned at this moment. Jiang Li, who was already invincible in their eyes, continued to bleed during this period of time. He did not achieve an overwhelming victory as usual, and was not even considered a tie. He was suppressed unilaterally.

"Behead the sky, behead the Dao, behead me, behead my Ming Dao Jue!!"

Jiang Li, whose body was broken, couldn't hold on anymore and resorted to this method of exchanging his essence for combat power.

A Dao sword as frightening as the Dao of Heaven soared down from the sky, killing Jiang Li's broken body, leaving only a piece of Yuan Shen that escaped into the distance to reorganize his body.

After Jiang Li reorganized his body, he looked directly at the four brands on the opposite side. This was his achievement of exchanging lives for lives.

"Huh, fortunately these fakes can't match me in terms of battery life, otherwise it would be difficult to fight."

"Okay, everyone turn their eyes to me. I'm going to make an announcement. From now on, I alone will dominate the battlefield." Jiang Li's blood boiled in his heart. He punched out, and the bright light of his fist covered the world, and he began to truly fight back.

From nine brands to only four brands left, Jiang Li's pressure was greatly reduced at this moment, and he could deal with it more freely. The ten-color fairy furnace above his head kept defeating the four humanoid brands.

The battlefield ushered in a turn. This time, Jiang Li was no longer scarred. The shadow of Jiang Li who had lost his five brands could no longer put pressure on Jiang Li. In the next few hours, he was all suppressed and killed by Jiang Li.

After the disaster was over, the ancient heaven in the sky disappeared, and Jiang Li officially entered the last realm of the holy realm. He had broken through to the Great Sage.

(End of this chapter)

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