The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 218 316 The Ultimate Imperial Pass

Chapter 218 Three One Six Ultimate Imperial Pass

The universe is very big. If you don't use the five-color altar, the divine light platform and many other "vehicles", even a saint will be lost. This cold universe is so big that countless monks feel their own insignificance; this vast universe is so vast that all monks feel a kind of loneliness.

But for advanced monks, the universe is actually very small. With Jiang Li's current speed, if he wants to, he can visit every corner of the universe within a few years, and as the former Emperor Hengyu, he is a Just within two days.

Why the emperor in Zhetianli is so confident actually has something to do with this. When you are strong enough and so powerful that the universe is small in front of you, then how can you be so high above others.

The environment made the emperors of Zhetianli special. If these emperors had lived in chaotic ancient times from the beginning, knew the vastness of the nine heavens and ten earths, and knew that there were countless other cosmic seas, then they would really have such invincible belief and Will.

Jiang Li continued to advance along the levels of the ancient human race road. He did not hide it, nor did he deliberately leap forward. Instead, he spent about a month understanding each level.

Because this place is a checkpoint on the ancient road of the human race, it has its own unique aspect, not inferior to the ancient golden road and the ancient mythical road. Among them, there are traces left by the ancient emperors of the past dynasties, as well as many sages of the human race.

Although Jiang Hengyu has already walked this road, after all, nearly two hundred thousand years have passed. After him, there have been many amazing and talented emperors, which are worthy of his reference.

Along the way, Jiang Li's figure also caused countless sensations and sighs.

The battle between Tianzun Lunhai and the Divine Realm has long been spread throughout the universe. Now who doesn't know that this Dongjun has come to dominate the universe. Not only the younger generation, but also the entire universe, he is now the well-deserved number one strong man.

Jiang Li walked forward alone, carefully looking at every trace on these pillars. He also felt the feeling of the great emperor standing here. Especially when he came to the stone pillar engraved with Hengyu, he felt in a trance.

Both the Hengyu Furnace and the Immortal Furnace felt their master's emotions, and they kept roaring for a while, wanting to fight the sky with their master and shake the Nine Netherworld.

This countless news made countless geniuses sigh and shattered countless people's dreams of becoming emperor. Now this golden age has just begun, and there is a person who is about to reach the end. How can others not sigh. Now, it’s not just the ancient road of the human race.

The reason why the sages of the ancient human race did not repair these cities was actually because they noticed one thing.

"Dong Jun is invincible, alas! What a great golden age, but it ended like this. Fortunately, Dong Jun is the genius of our human race, and he can fight the ultimate battle on behalf of our human race's ancient path. With Dong Jun here in our human race, other ancient Does anyone dare to fight for the road?"

This level is unknown, but the names of Taiyin Human Emperor Amitabha, Ruthless Emperor, Void Emperor, Wushi Emperor, Qing Emperor and many other great emperors are engraved on the stone pillars that tower into the clouds.

At this moment, he seemed to have passed through endless time, and his eyes met the ancient Jiang Hengyu. Both of them had firm eyes, and a kind of spirit that they would give up on each other.

That is, there are basically few weak monks who have reached this point, and those who need to experience are almost done. The final journey that follows is actually an experience of asking questions.

I wish I could be born before the era and travel with the Emperor of Desolate Heaven. I wish I could be born in the age of myths and compete with the Emperor. I wish I could be born in the ancient times and compete with the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor. I wish I could attack the Immortal Road with the Demon Emperor. I can't live in ancient times and discuss Tao with the most amazing and talented woman...

And it just so happened that Jiang Li lacked these the most. His mind was flawless, his Taoist heart was stable, and he had already clearly understood his belief in cultivation.

Dozens of pillars stand proudly here. Each stone pillar has its own shape. The traces of ancient emperors, great emperors, and various races are imprinted here.

It was not easy for the Soaring Snake Tribe and the Holy Spirit to have a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse appear, and they were about to rise, but before they could be happy, they were immediately dealt with. It was really tragic.

It seems that the ultimate imperial path in this life has been decided in advance.

Jiang Li stared at the stone pillars again and began to walk.

At this moment, Jiang Li's heart was extremely high-spirited. He longed for an opponent, eager to catch up with his predecessors and fight the strangeness together.

In fact, it is normal to say that he was originally a player who deleted his account and re-trained his foundation. Now that the foundation has been laid, the rest is to quickly level up.

Amidst these constant praises, Jiang Li moved forward steadily, and his cultivation and Taoism were also improving rapidly. It had only been more than a year since he broke through to the Quasi-Emperor, and his cultivation was already on the verge of breaking through again.

It requires monks to abandon all distracting thoughts and go straight to the heart; this journey is actually a heart experience. There are no other opponents and they only fight against their own hearts.

In fact, most of the human race's ancient roads are deserted in the second half of the journey. Many ancient cities have been ruined, and only an altar is left on the ruins. It is necessary for future generations to find a way to connect the road before they can continue to move forward.

Finally, after spending ten years, Jiang Li finally broke through the final level of the human race's ancient road and came to a great pass surrounded by chaos.

Throughout the starry sky, the ancient roads of countless races are wailing. With such a quasi-emperor, no one can compete with him, and no one dares to compete with him.

This level is majestic, but no one is guarding it. It is the first level of the ultimate ancient road.

Jiang Li stepped forward, but just as he was approaching the place, a stone tablet suddenly appeared and blocked him.

This stone tablet towers into the clouds. Its front is like a mirror, which can reflect people's figures. It exudes a shuddering aura, and there are vague fluctuations of the Great Emperor level spreading.

Jiang Li stared blankly at the name on the stone tablet. He did not expect that someone actually arrived before him and left his name on the stone tablet.

In Taichu, he was very familiar with this person. He was a very outstanding strong man in the original work. He was originally a fairy child born in the ancient mines of Taichu. He was originally destined to become a powerful emperor; but as the major supreme beings took over the ancient Taichu Mine, Taichu had to hide until now.

The two words "Taichu" on the stone tablet are flowing with hazy precious light, and there is also an extremely terrifying aura of the avenue, which suppresses all directions.

"The inscription on this stone tablet is also a different kind of confrontation! In the beginning, you dominated and suppressed the descendants? You think so!" Jiang Li chuckled and casually left the word "Jiang Li" on the stone tablet.

As soon as these two words appeared, there was a unique domineering power, like a peerless sword swinging across the sky, not only sweeping away the suppressive power of the two words Taichu, but even going a step further, as if it was going to cut the two words "Taichu" into pieces. Open, there is an aura of opening up the world and breaking through the Hongmeng.

"The human race's ancient road has reached its end. There is no need to look at other ancient roads. Anyway, in this era, no one is my opponent on all kinds of ancient roads." Jiang Li looked back and looked at the many ancient roads, but he could no longer find any. An opponent who is enough to compete with him.

With his current fighting prowess, he has definitely reached the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor. No matter whether the opponent is the son of the ancient emperor or a peerless true dragon, no one can compete with him in this realm.

"Next, it's time to go to Beidou and the Earth, meet with the Headmaster and the others, and organize the wedding." Jiang Li turned around and left the Starry Sky Ancient Road.

There are only a hundred years before the dark turmoil, and time is becoming increasingly urgent for him. He wants to deal with these things that need to be dealt with clearly, and then start practicing with all his strength to improve his cultivation as much as possible. If he could raise his cultivation to the ninth level before the dark turmoil, then the turmoil would be nothing to him.

The Ultimate Imperial Pass is extremely far away from Beidou, but to Jiang Li, who is already a quasi-emperor, it is nothing.

After leaving the Ultimate Imperial Pass, he directly tore through the void and headed towards the Divine Realm, where he was going to pick up the Dragon Girl and the Golden Goddess and return to Beidou.

Before doing it again, he had already sent a message back to the Jiang family through Hengyu Lu, asking Jiang Jingyu to prepare for the wedding.

Fortunately, Zixia and the others had to continue training on the ancient road, otherwise the scene might not be pretty. Thinking of this, even Jiang Li, who was already invincible in the world, felt a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately for Zixia, she is very similar to Qingyi. They both have graceful and noble personalities, and they have a mother-in-law personality, but Qi Qi and Xia Jiuyou are different.

He can now imagine Qi Qi pouting her little mouth, and the arrogant Xia Jiuyou looking at him with cold eyes and jealous look.

No, we have to add Huo Lin'er. She was obviously the one who came first, but now she is being caught up by the other two. I'm afraid this little girl is also dissatisfied.

Time passed very quickly. Jiang Li was now rushing through the universe. The red fairy light seemed to have frozen time in the universe. In just a few days, he returned to the Divine Realm from the Ultimate Imperial Pass.

As soon as they came back, the Dragon Girl and the Golden Goddess flew out of a palace, like baby swallows returning to their nests.

"What's wrong? Are you so impatient? Do you miss me?" Jiang Li teased the two women with a smile.

Originally he was just joking, but who knew that the two women actually nodded seriously this time, their beautiful eyes full of longing.

They have stayed together since they got together. Jiang Li left this time for less than two years, but it also made the two women who were used to staying with him a little uncomfortable.

Jiang Li felt a little hot in his heart for a moment. It is often said that a long separation is better than a new marriage. He immediately did not care about anything else. He just took the two women back to the palace and helped them to clear up their longing for each other.

After the clouds cleared and the rain stopped, Jiang Li was about to return to Beidou to hold a wedding for them. The two girls also happily agreed. They had already made preparations for marrying Jiang Li.

After staying in the Divine Realm for two days, everyone left the Divine Realm. The Dragon Girl and the Golden Goddess returned to Beidou under the escort of the two great saints, while Jiang Li went directly towards the ancient road of the Qilin Clan.

King Lin Tian had already figured out the location of Huo Lin'er by contacting the Qilin Staff through the summoning platform, and Jiang Li went here specifically to pick up Huo Lin'er.

After arriving at the ancient road of the Qilin Clan, Jiang Li inquired a little and found out the specific location of Huo Lin'er. After all, as the biological daughter of the Qilin Emperor, no one else on the ancient road of Qilin except Huo Qi'er could match her combat prowess. As the enemy of his three moves, his reputation naturally spreads throughout the ancient roads, attracting attention wherever he goes.

And the most important point is Huo Lin'er's appearance. This woman with high talent, high combat power and high background is very popular in the ancient road and has a lot of fans.

Along the way, Jiang Li heard a lot of gossip, nothing more than the story of a certain prodigy professing love to Huo Lin'er and then being beaten to a pulp by Huo Qizi.

This uncle is really good. He actually helped me block so many toads. Jiang Li is in a very good mood.

Jiang Li simply believed that Huo Qizi blocked those toads because of him. Little did he know that in the eyes of a sister control, anyone who tries to get close to his sister is heresy.

That is to say, Huo Qizi knew that the gap between him and Jiang Li was too big, otherwise he would have taken out his anger on Jiang Li with the Qilin Sword.

After all, compared to those who coveted his sister, Jiang Li was truly offended.

At this moment, Huo Qizi saw his sister looking like she had no intention of practicing, and became very angry. Ever since she learned from Yan Qi that Jiang Li was going to take her back to Beidou to get married, Huo Lin'er had been like this. look.

"Okay, don't look like you're in a hurry. I've made it clear that you're not in a hurry. What's the point of being so anxious!" Huo Qizi said with some yin and yang.

Hearing this, Huo Lin'er just glanced at her brother lightly. If it were before, she would definitely want to coax this childish brother, but now, she really doesn't have that intention.

"Oh, now it's troublesome to even deal with it. After you have your lover, my brother is really not important anymore."

Huo Lin'er: "..."

"That's all, that's all. Who am I? I'm just an insignificant person. How can I compare to Jiang Li's peerless talent? I heard that he has now become a quasi-emperor and is among the strongest people in the universe. How can I be compared to a little holy king?"

Yan Qi: "..."

He didn't know why, since the princess and Jiang Li got together, the previously majestic and steady prince became like this. Is he jealous? He is still a child?
Except for the prince, everyone else in Huolin Cave was very optimistic about Jiang Li's son-in-law. In his opinion, even if the ancestor emperor was born now, they would definitely be 100% satisfied with this son-in-law.

So as for the prince's nagging, just listen to him. He is a talented man and a beautiful woman, and he is in love with her. How could it be your turn... What did my brother say?

"He's here." Huo Lin'er, who had been silent all this time, suddenly smiled, her aqua-blue hair fluttering like the most beautiful fairy flower.

Who is coming?

Huo Qizi and Yan Qi didn't understand, but suddenly they realized who else could come with the expression on their sister (the princess)'s face.

At this moment, a red fairy light suddenly appeared in the sky, tearing through the void.

At the same time, a magnetic voice sounded: "My Lin'er seems to have missed me so much that he knew I was coming from such a distance."

The immortal light converged, revealing a figure that was slender and majestic like a divine mountain, especially in Xunyi Xunyi, with all the avenues manifesting beside him, like an immortal king overlooking the nine heavens, making people dazzled.

(End of this chapter)

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