The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 221 319 Identity Exposed

Chapter 221 San’s identity exposed

"As expected of the emperor's blood, even if its energy is exhausted, it still has such terrifying lethality!" Jiang Li endured the severe pain all over his body and moved his body to forcefully resist the blood of the emperor and the immortal mark of the immortal emperor.

This was a kind of hellish torture. Jiang Li kept letting out terrifying low roars. At this moment, his body became a battlefield, a battlefield between his own great path and the immortal mark of the Tai Huang and the Immortal Emperor.

The Taihuang was originally the emperor with the most terrifying attack power. The imperial dragon energy attack power he created was unparalleled in the world, comparable to the Nine Secret Dou Zi Secret and the Fei Xian Jue of the ruthless emperor.

Therefore, the brand contained in his blood also has extremely terrifying attack power.

Not to mention the Immortal Emperor, if the Mythical Age belongs to the Emperor, then the Ancient Era undoubtedly belongs to the Immortal Emperor, and his way is even much more powerful than that of the Emperor.

This was the ultimate torture. Jiang Li seemed to be trapped in a hell of swords, with his heart pierced by thousands of swords, enduring extreme pain and torture.

"So what if the Emperor, what if the Immortal Emperor, fight!!" Jiang Li's eyes were red, and he tried his best to use his Tao and Dharma to fight against him.

In his body, divine power and scriptures were running wildly, and blood was surging. At the same time, his physical body also underwent extremely terrifying changes.

The body of the enlightened man who had just recovered was being violently unlocked by Jiang Li and was about to return to its peak.

But this step is so difficult. This step means that he can truly become an emperor in the physical body. Even with physiques such as the Holy Body and the Tyrant Body, only the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor can do such a thing.

"Nothing can stop me, not even God." Jiang Li roared angrily, and then his boundless divine power exploded, activating the Bing Zi secret to restrain the Emperor's broken limbs.

In an instant, the laws of the emperor's law and murderous intent were added, and Jiang Li's powerful body suddenly broke inch by inch, blood burst out from the wound, and all the white bones were blown out.

At this moment, Jiang Li could feel that he was really on the edge of life and death. The laws of the two powerful emperors were almost crushing him. His soul was simply unable to bear such a burden.

"Heaven and earth are furnaces, all things are copper, Yin and Yang are charcoal, and creation is work."

Jiang Li activated the Emperor Fire at this moment, and continued to burn his body, tempering himself as a treasure pill, but although this made his body stronger faster, it also made him injured faster.

Just when he was about to lose his strength, Jiang Li finally used the reincarnation seal in the sea of ​​consciousness. In an instant, terrifying power filled his body, helping him stabilize his body that was about to be unable to support it.

Time flies, and it has been twenty years since Jiang Li entered the world of Zhongzhou Immortal Mansion.

The shocking blood and bones at this moment have now dissipated.

Jiang Li has been here for twenty years, constantly refining, constantly fighting against the remaining flesh and blood of the Emperor, and finally completely purified the emperor-level flesh and blood here. Eradicate the immortal mark in it and let the remaining flesh and blood transform into Dao and dissipate between heaven and earth.

For the past twenty years, Jiang Li has been sitting here cross-legged, fighting against the murderous intent and immortal mark of the Tai Huang and the Immortal Emperor. This is the most direct confrontation with the Ancient Emperor. During this period, he also digested all the fighting spirit left behind by the Fighting Saint Emperor's transformation into a Fighting Immortal, turning it into his own foundation.

And the skin of the Immortal Emperor that he wore had exhausted all its aura and seemed to have turned into a piece of tattered linen cloth.

After twenty years of hard training, his cultivation has grown rapidly, and he is about to enter a higher level of the quasi-emperor realm. As long as he is given another half a year to settle, he will definitely be able to easily break through to the seventh level of the quasi-emperor realm.

And this is nothing, what really matters is that his body has finally returned to its peak, and now he is a veritable imperial body.

"I did it. I finally did it. The darkness and turmoil are nothing to me anymore." Jiang Li said to himself.

This is really not something he is bragging about. Now his body has reached the realm of the Great Emperor, and his cultivation is about to break through the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor. This means that he can already fight against the unsublimated Supreme.

There are still seventy or eighty years before the dark turmoil. In such a long time, at least we can make another breakthrough. Even if there is another good opportunity, it is not impossible to break through the Nine Heavens.

All in all, he is now really capable of solving the dark turmoil, and everything is no longer a fantasy. This makes him who has been under heavy pressure suddenly feel a lot more relaxed, and suddenly he even feels that everything is at his fingertips.

No matter what difficulties he encounters in the future, he can always say "I am invincible, you can do whatever you want."

This kind of state of mind is shared by almost all the emperors and emperors in Zhetian. Among them, the reason why the Stone Emperor has bags under his eyes is actually because of his open mouth.

Jiang Li stood up with great ease, feeling his body relax a bit. If he hadn't been restrained enough, he would probably have to go to the seven restricted areas of Xianlu at this moment.

Jiang Li turned around and left the world of Immortal Mansion, and took one step back to the bank of Jiangshui. Then he turned around and looked at Zhongzhou in the distance, muttering: "Zhongzhou is not far from Donghuang. How can those people think that I have gone far away from Zhongzhou?"

Twenty years have passed, and the results of the competition between these women have come out. Huo Lin'er, Dragon Girl, Golden Goddess, and Zixia have all reached the peak of Saint Kings. Qi Qi and Xia Jiuyou are a little behind, but they are also Saint Kings. Eighth Heavenly Cultivation.

These girls were all the top geniuses at that time. Not to mention the four girls Zixia and Huo Lin'er, Qi Qi and Xia Jiuyou were also very talented, so Jiang Li didn't find it incredible that they were practicing so fast. What.

"Brother Li, do you think I'm so stupid because my cultivation speed is so slow!" Qi Qi cried with a sad face. The lively and arrogant charm in the past was gone now, replaced by full frustration.

In fact, she had not felt before that her cultivation level was always in the first echelon, but as her cultivation level got higher and higher, she felt that it was a bit difficult, and she gradually couldn't keep up with Zixia, Huo Lin'er and others, and even Xia Xia. Jiuyou is better than her.

"Why do you think so, dear Qiqi? Your current cultivation level is definitely the best among the younger generation. Why do you think your cultivation speed is slow?" Jiang Li comforted.

"Who wants to compete with those people? I...Sister Zixia and the others have broken through to the peak of the Holy King a few years ago. Jiuyou has also broken through to the eighth heaven for a while. I have obviously worked hard, but I just broke through to the eighth heaven this year. " Qi Qi said this, her red mouth curled up.

Jiang Li was speechless. He didn't even know what to say. Zixia was an innate Taoist fetus, and the further she went, the faster she would practice. The three daughters of Huo Lin'er were the daughters of the ancient emperor, and almost all of them recommended other people to become Taoists. Jiu Although You's Nine Nether Body is not particularly strong, there is a master who has deduced this body into a legend.

If you compare yourself with these people, you won't be happy! !

Of course, Jiang Li just said these words in his heart. If he really told Qi Qi like this, he would probably ignore him for half a year.

Finally, after he comforted her for a while, Qiqi was comforted by him.

In the days that followed, Jiang Li spent time with a few girls while improving his cultivation. Finally, half a year later, he arrived at Bianhuang.

Jiang Li stood at the edge of the universe, looking in the direction of the Big Dipper Star. He knew that he couldn't hide it anymore, because the fluctuations of this thunder tribulation were destined to not be small, and most importantly, the Emperor's Tribulation of the Immortal Furnace would also be Arrival, such a big movement, if it can be hidden from those supremes in the restricted area, then there is something wrong. But it doesn't matter, those forbidden supreme beings are destined not to be born, and the road to immortality is about to open. Even if they have noticed the threat from him, there will definitely be no one who will be generous to others and truly come out to be his tribulation.

"Come on then. Since I, Jiang Hengyu, have been hiding my identity for so long, I am destined to be unable to hide it, so I might as well give this world a chance to explode."

After that, Jiang Li threw out the Hengyu Furnace and the Immortal Furnace. He wanted to take these two imperial weapons together to overcome the tribulation and let them make initial contact with each other.

Then, Jiang Li did not hesitate and took off the Eternal Blue Gold Pendant. After putting it away, he directly triggered the Heavenly Tribulation.

In an instant, the edge of the universe was directly covered by the sea of ​​thunder. The appearance of the Great Emperor's Tribulation instantly made the universe feel suffocated.

Beidou, Donghuang, the seven forbidden areas of life.

"This aura, is someone trying to survive the Great Emperor's Tribulation? How is that possible?" sounded from the depths of the Immortal Mountain, with a majestic and overbearing tone.

"The wasteland of the universe? That's...Jiang Hengyu." A surprised voice sounded in the Taichu ancient mine. Even as a former emperor, seeing a person who had been dead for a long time suddenly reappear in the world was somewhat unacceptable.

"Stop him, and the road to becoming an immortal will be opened. At this time, there must be no more variables." The power of the extreme path is permeated in the Taichu ancient mine. Unlike the imperial soldiers, this is a true supreme taking action, and the laws are flying. , the earth trembled.

Suddenly, a big hand shot out from the Taichu ancient mine, carrying the immeasurable laws of the emperor's way, and the avenues were all wiped out.

The people in Beidou Ancient Star were all shocked. They did not expect that the people in the Life Restricted Area would take action. The most fearful people were actually those Quasi-Emperors. Their cultivation was very high, so they could fully feel the impact of this blow. Strong, how strong is the person who issued this blow.

On the bank of Jiangshui, the Jiang family.

"What's going on? How could there be a sudden riot in the Taichu Ancient Mine? They clearly have an appointment with the Emperor Ancestor, and the road to immortality has not yet been opened, so they must not be born!!" Jiang Jingyu frowned. As an old man from the Hengyu period, He knew that his emperor and ancestor had reached an agreement with the Taichu Ancient Mine, and that's why he let his emperor and ancestor leave "Zhongzhou".

Thinking of this, Jiang Jingyu didn't stop and walked straight to Hengyu Hall. But when he came here, he saw that Hengyu Hall was empty and there was no sign of the Emperor Ancestor at all.

"No way, did the emperor go to work in the Taichu ancient mine?" Jiang Jingyu looked tense and hurriedly went to see several empresses. There was movement in the Taichu ancient mine, but the emperor was nowhere to be seen at this time. This is a bit difficult. Don't let people think too much.

"What did you say? Brother Li is missing."

On the floating island behind Hengyu Palace, Qi Qi was a little confused after hearing Jiang Jingyu's words.

Obviously, this little girl didn't expect that what happened at the Taichu Ancient Mine had anything to do with Jiang Li.

"Well, some emperors and empresses may not know that in the past, the Taichu Ancient Mine had an agreement with the Emperor Ancestor. Before the road to becoming an immortal was opened, the Supreme Being could not be born. Now someone is taking action in the Taichu Ancient Mine, but the Emperor Ancestor has disappeared at this time. I'm worried Could it be that Emperor Ancestor went to the Taichu Ancient Mine?" Jiang Jingyu asked, clarifying the stakes.

"No." As soon as Jiang Jingyu finished speaking, Zixia spoke up.

The other girls didn't know what was going on, but before they could ask, they suddenly felt that a huge collision had occurred in an extremely distant place at the edge of the universe.

The cry of the phoenix resounded throughout the universe, and a divine furnace made of red gold with phoenix blood transformed into a huge phoenix. The imperial power exploded in full force and directly collided with a big hand.

"That's the Hengyu Furnace."

Everyone in the universe screamed. They didn't understand what was going on. First, they felt that someone was going through the Great Emperor's Tribulation, then there was a powerful being in the Taichu Ancient Mine, and then there was a polar collision in the wilderness of the universe.

On the floating island, Zixia stared blankly at the Phoenix in the depths of the universe, and said with an extremely solemn expression: "Jiang Li is going to overcome the tribulation."

Everyone felt suffocated, and they also thought that the sudden riot in the Taichu Ancient Mine might have been caused by Jiang Li's tribulation.

Among them, Huo Lin'er, Dragon Girl and Golden Goddess bit their red lips. Others may only know a little about the Taichu Ancient Mine, but they do know it very well, because their fathers were all in the Taichu Ancient Mine.

"Boom boom"

The heavens trembled, and the heavens fell. The Taichu Ancient Mine launched another attack, which was extremely terrifying. At the same time, as the Taichu Ancient Mine swallowed, everything around it turned into darkness, which was frightening.

"A person who has died a long time ago has returned to the world. I want to see how you do it." A voice came from the ancient mine, extremely cold.

The blazing Taichu Immortal Light cut through the universe, crossed the endless galaxy, and came to the edge of the universe.

Jiang Li, who was standing in the sea of ​​thunder, saw You Zhizhi strike out again. He didn't panic at all. He gently touched the Hengyu furnace with his right hand, opened its mouth, poured out the endless divine fire, and met the Immortal Light of Taichu.

Suddenly, the entire universe went silent again, and some weak-minded people fell to the ground in fear, their whole bodies twitching almost convulsively.

There were also people who looked at Bianhuang from a distance and recognized Jiang Li's identity. They were shocked and speechless.

"Is that Dongjun? Why is he about to attain enlightenment soon?" Someone yelled.

"No, Dongjun looks like a different person, with slight changes in appearance and demeanor."

"What's wrong? Maybe this is the true face of others, Hengyu Furnace, Ten Colors Immortal Furnace, who else besides Dongjun."

Everyone in the universe was discussing whether Jiang Li was the one who could overcome the tribulation. At this moment, a self-proclaimed genius since the time of Emperor Hengyu was stunned. It was not until a long time later that he spread the news.

"The man who is going through the tribulation is Emperor Hengyu."

This time, the universe shook again, but no one believed this statement. More people still believed that this was just the hidden son of Emperor Hengyu.

At this moment, the attack that shook the universe was fired from the Taichu Ancient Mine again. The difference was that this time, two Supremes attacked together.

(End of this chapter)

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