The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 228 Chapter 326 The Road to Immortality Ends

Chapter 228 The road to immortality ends in three, two, six

The voice of this ancient supreme being was low, and his words were full of sorrow and sorrow. After waiting for eternity, this was the result. In the end, he failed to become an immortal. What kind of mood does it feel like?!
Not only him, but also others, just seeing this result makes him feel sad. It is such a pity that he paid such a heavy price, but in the end it was all in vain.

"What happened?" All the quasi-emperors in this universe were frightened, and all of them felt chills, restless, and felt terror.

A total of six Supremes entered the first batch of people. There is nothing that cannot be broken. Why is he like this? Logically speaking, he must become an immortal. No one can stop them.

However, this was not the case in fact. This ancient supreme man ended up in tragedy. He obviously suffered something unimaginable, and the result was very bad.

Even Jiang Li was actually curious about what they encountered inside. Although he knew the outcome of the matter, it did not mean that he knew the specific scene in the Chaos Cave.

"At the last moment, I will no longer be in my prime, otherwise I am destined to become an immortal in this life!" He roared loudly. He was originally a wise and supreme Supreme, but at this time, due to extreme disappointment, he became a little depressed, unlike his usual self. The look is quite different.

He has lost the aura of having everything in the world in my palm, and is left with nothing but unwillingness and despair!
"If the other supreme beings haven't come out, can it be said that they have all become immortals?" Someone said in shock.

At this moment, there was a loud noise in the chaotic cave, and blood splattered everywhere. The bright and dazzling color made people's hearts tremble, and the pores all over the body felt like needles pricking them.

Bright red blood splashed up from the chaotic hole like red diamonds, and the misty white bones fell out, which was shocking.

There was another loud roar, and the third Supreme One rushed out, covered in blood, shaking there, about to fall, and the mournful voice resounded throughout the sky and the earth.

"Why is this happening? Killing the cause and effect of a hundred generations, reversing the years of eternity, just for this life, where is my way, my road?!"

The world of supreme mourning is so desperate. They were once the protagonists of the world in an era, and they were the most powerful people in history. Their glorious years illuminated the entire ancient history.

However, in the end, it was so sad and deplorable that the lifelong pursuit came to nothing in the end.

"I am the only one in heaven and on earth..."

Another old voice came, refusing to surrender to the years and wanting to compete with the sky, but a defeat is a defeat after all. If you fail to become an immortal, after all the vicissitudes of time, what else can you say!
"On the road to becoming an immortal, listen to my own funeral song and destroy the eternal dream!" The fifth ancient supreme appeared, with endless sorrow and sadness, which made people feel sad when they heard it.

"I'm not willing to give in!"

"This is the ending. Is it wrong? Is it right? Whoever becomes enlightened in this life will be an immortal!"

"There is no right or wrong, it's just that we were born in the wrong era. Maybe it can be said that we shouldn't pursue becoming immortals, haha!"

The supreme sorrow echoed throughout the world, warning future generations. Is this the end of the road to immortality? Everyone wants to know what happened.

"Those who are waiting, you are also wrong. This life is neither right nor wrong. The right time and the right place are just missing the right person!"

Two of the Supremes who entered were bleeding and exploded at the entrance of the Chaos Cave. They were dripping with blood and shockingly bright red. It was not that they were weaker than others, but that they were too old. After all, they were in their final years and could no longer hold on.

The ending was tragic. Several people came out, but there were still others inside, who didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

"This life...this life."

This life makes people miserable, this life makes people helpless, and this life makes people sad!

There was a loud noise, and the ancient forbidden land exploded. The pair of huge stone doors opened, and a peerless and graceful woman in white appeared. Her clothes were ethereal and like a fairy. She looked towards this side and was about to take action.

And the majestic man with golden hair all over his body was also standing not far away, advancing and retreating with her, with the same goal.


In the distant Western Desert, a Buddha's chant resounded throughout the heaven and earth, and the Buddha's light flourished throughout the entire Western Desert, especially Mount Sumeru. Thousands of rays of light circulated, and the avenues rumbled, suppressing the human world.

Mount Sumeru reaches the sky, as if it can separate the world of heaven and man. At this time, the Great Thunder Sound Temple located on it is glowing, emitting a huge Buddha's name, and then the sound of chanting can be heard.

At the same time, a bell rang in the North Territory, and the Wushi Bell in the Purple Mountain swayed with thousands of bell waves, directly exploding the Purple Mountain.

Jiang Li also looked playfully at a cave halfway up the mountain below. There, the Conferred Gods List bloomed with thousands of glorious lights, and the aura of Wu Shi filled the air. The expression of the undead Taoist who was suppressing it changed drastically.

"Ah... no, Wu Shi, you don't treat me like this!"

The light there soared into the sky, and the aura was unparalleled in ancient times and today. A dazzling divine list quickly loosened, and then fell off from the most majestic main peak.

Moreover, at the next moment, a total of 365 talismans flew up, and then exploded, turning into 365 rays of fairy light and disappearing into the list, making it even more brilliant, making people unable to open their eyes.

"No, don't!" shouts came from inside the holy cliff, but nothing could be changed.

The holy cliff cracked open, and a huge fairy source appeared. It was full of auspiciousness and rays of light. The soul was struggling there, and then another sarcophagus flew out, and a body was buried in it, which was an old Taoist.

"What. My body is still there, so close at hand!" The immortal Taoist was full of regret and hatred, and his soul, which had been cut into several parts, was struggling.


The list of gods glowed, rolled up several parts of the soul, and then wrapped the Taoist corpse, directly turned into an immortal fairy rainbow, rushed into the fairy road, the divine light shone unparalleled in the world, and penetrated the chaotic cave!
The fairy source exploded to pieces, the soul struggled, and the brilliance overflowed. The Taoist corpse trembled, and its body seemed to be composed of billions of stars, turning from lifeless to extremely brilliant.

The List of Conferred Gods wraps up all of this and sinks directly into the Cave of Chaos, which is shocking.

"Do not!"

The immortal Taoist roared for the last time, and his voice dimmed. In the list of gods,
A total of three hundred and sixty-five talismans were glowing, and they were suppressed together, imprisoning him and the ancient corpse, and filled the despairing Feixian Cave.

The whole world was shocked!
It's so shocking. Emperor Wu Shi is indeed a generous person. This is definitely an invincible Taoist, but he was sacrificed with blood. What did he take it for? The demon-suppressing stone, or a sacrifice, was filled into the Immortal Cave like this!
"Immortal Taoist, he was a behind-the-scenes initiator of the dark turmoil and a source of great disaster. I never expected that it would end like this!"

Everyone was in shock. Many old saints outside the territory were trembling. Countless religious ancestors couldn't help but kneel down. Facing the mighty divine power, their bodies and minds were throbbing.

"Who is the peak at the end of the fairy road?!"

In the Conferred God List, a voice came, shaking the sky, causing all the heavens and realms to shake, rumbling, and spreading throughout the eight wastelands.

In the big crack in the Immortal Road, some of the Supreme Beings who came out alive sneered. Although they have reached the end of their lives and have reached the end of their lives, they are still self-centered and disrespectful to heaven and earth.

"It's just a god with a secret weapon, but he dares to challenge the world and let Wu Shi come!" Stone Emperor said coldly.

He was covered in blood, with his shiny white bones exposed. He was holding a black great halberd. He was still extremely powerful and majestic. His thick black hair was stained with blood.

Come, come, Stone Emperor's "Let Wu Shi come" finally came out. Jiang Li raised the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but curse in his heart. You are so courageous. The ruthless man is not far away now. You Why don't you go up and make a noise. She had taken away the magic medicine of enlightenment.


The world has changed. The immortal laws of Emperor Wushi have reappeared in the human world. The horror has reached the extreme. The long river of time and the sea of ​​space have turned into chaos, boundless, and they have been suppressed together.

"This is. What a beginning!
On the road to becoming an immortal, someone sighed softly, and the eyes of the ancient supreme being stared at all this with a bright light.

"Wu Shi is no longer in this world, but through his weapon, he shines with his due brilliance, which is equivalent to his own action!

This is a vast power. Blood sacrificed a supreme being and entered the Chengxian Cave, and then the Conferred God Ranking was burning, extremely brilliant, and the runes all over the sky were clanging and overflowing from the cave.

A person is no longer in this world, but his Tao and his runes are still there, which is still equivalent to a Supreme Being taking action and sacrificing the immortal Taoist alive!
Emperor Wu Shi was very strong throughout his life. It was not just words that sealed a great figure from ancient times to this day. He was not afraid of his rebellion or his escape. Even if he was no longer in the world, he could still be controlled.

Leaving behind a legendary figure and filling him up into a fairy cave is shocking. Who dares to do this? That is a figure who shocked the past and the present.


The big bell was long, the universe was shaking, and the Beginningless Bell flew in, raining down the supreme immortal principles and hitting the Chaos Cave, causing a great collapse in this place.

In the Western Land, there is a huge Buddha statue erected, more than hundreds of millions of feet high. It has transformed from virtual to solid, just like the real body has come to the world.

On Mount Sumeru, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and the Great Thunder Sound Temple bursts out with unparalleled power of life. The Buddha statue transformed into a giant that created the world and then stood up, reached the immortal road in one step, and attacked the Chaos Cave.


The fierce battle and the boiling of infinite Buddha power made the Chaos Cave even more damaged and shattered into pieces. He also rushed in!
The sky collapsed, and a big explosion occurred in the Chaos Cave. It was obviously violent. The list of gods seemed to be destined to be destroyed on the road to immortality. It was sacrificed along with the immortal Taoist, and turned into a ball of origin, where the world was created.

Between heaven and earth, there is only a bell of no beginning shaking, hanging at the entrance of Chengxian Cave, and falling rays of light one after another.

Unfortunately, all the light disappeared in the end, and blood lingered in the Chaos Cave. It was the blood of the Supreme Being, and it was the fleshy mud of the immortal Taoist. It still could not penetrate the immortal realm.

"Is Wu Shi really dead?" A supreme leader spoke up. Looking at the scene of Wu Shi Bell attacking the Immortal Realm, it was really hard to believe that Wu Shi was dead.

No one answered him, because everyone continued to stare at the Cave of Chaos. Amitabha's Dharma Body was re-condensed in the void and was directly punched in. Unfortunately, it failed in the end and failed.

However, things did not stop there, and the shocking changes in the Western Desert continued.

Mount Sumeru is shining, with boundless power of faith. A huge Buddha's name is emitted from inside the mountain. A real giant Buddha appears in the Great Leiyin Temple, sitting cross-legged, with the eternal blue sky above his head! There, the auspicious air is steaming and the rays of light are shining. .

The immeasurable power of faith is surging, vaster than the ocean, sweeping across the Western Desert and everywhere.

Mount Sumeru is like a huge life body giving birth to a giant Buddha. For endless years, it has been worshiped and kowtowed by all living beings. No one knew that such a change would occur.

"The body of faith, this thing is really magical. Have they ever wondered why they can have such a long lifespan?"

Jiang Li's understanding of faith is only at the level of an ordinary great emperor. He is far from being a master of the faith like Amitabha, so he doesn't understand it very well at all.

"That's... Amitabha, he has reappeared!"

"He is really the great Buddhist emperor. He is still alive. That kind of blood and power are clearly the peak of his golden years!" Many people were frightened. How could this be possible? A statue that had already been confirmed to be Nirvana. The Great Emperor, he actually appeared again, and he was so powerful, at the pinnacle of life!
Everyone knew that once the road to immortality was opened, many incomprehensible things would inevitably happen, but they never expected that a person who had been confirmed to be incarnation would appear again.

It was an old monk, with a huge sky above his head, manifesting on Mount Sumeru, with a face of compassion and compassion, as if he had been sitting there cross-legged before eternity.

"Are we going to take that road?!" Changsheng Tianzun raised his eyebrows and coughed out a mouthful of blood.

The Stone Emperor sneered again and again, with disheveled hair and a black halberd in his hand. He still had an unparalleled aura and looked at Xi Mo indifferently without making any comments.

On Mount Sumeru, the Buddhas were shocked, and even they didn't know it. Only a few old monks understood it, and the others were in a daze. Then they all performed Buddhist rituals and worshiped devoutly.

A venerable man recited sutras and sang in a Zen voice: "The world is a sea of ​​suffering, and Amitabha Buddha has made a great wish to save all living beings, resolve all catastrophes, and let the Buddha's light shine forever!"

"If I become an immortal, if there are still three evil realms of hell, hungry ghosts, and animals in my immortal land, I will not take the position of supreme immortal.

If I become an immortal, I will not take the supreme immortal position if any of the heavens and people in my immortal land still fall and experience the three evil realms after their lifespan ends..."

The old monk sitting cross-legged on Mount Sumeru also kept making great aspirations for Amitabha. This sound was so majestic that it resounded throughout the heaven and earth and spread into the universe.

At this moment, in the endless ancient realm, on the other side of the starry sky, on the edge of the universe, wherever Amitabha Buddha has walked, wherever there are Buddhists, everything is shining, and the endless power of faith is condensed, overwhelming the sky and the earth!
The golden rain of light converged towards Beidou from all corners of the universe and landed on Mount Sumeru, turning this place into a fairy land on earth, extremely peaceful, with billions of auspicious auras, extremely astonishing.

This kind of auspiciousness is rare and hard to find in the world.

With a roar, the entire Sumeru Mountain rose from the ground, and the old monk sitting cross-legged turned into a six-foot-long golden body, exuding the overwhelming power of the Buddha and pervading the world.

He actually flew here with Mount Sumeru and the Great Thunder Sound Temple in his hands, and wanted to use the power of all living beings to forcibly open the path to immortality. The power of Buddhist thought in the entire universe came to bless him at this moment!
Through the void, through the endless star field, countless Buddhist believers are chanting Amitabha. The light rain is endless, like divine rivers converging, reaching the Beidou and submerging Mount Sumeru.

Gathering the power of all sentient beings to open the Immortal Realm, this method is unnatural and powerful enough to make people scared. Coupled with the presence of Emperor Amitabha, it is truly terrifying to the extreme.


In the end, Mount Sumeru shrunk and crashed into the Immortal Cave. All living beings chanted sutras, shaking the entire immortal road.

Immediately afterwards, the empress of the Ancient Forbidden Land took action. She was dressed in white and had an unparalleled aura. As soon as she appeared, she hit the Chaos Cave with her palm. Many people were confused and didn't understand why she behaved like this.

But when the Supremes saw this scene, they really understood that the Empress was not trying to break into the Cave of Chaos, she was trying to break into the Immortal Path!

"What do you mean?!" The Stone Emperor was furious. He revealed his true body at this time. He was a tall and powerful middle-aged man. Although he was covered in blood, his unparalleled energy was still there. His eyes were as sharp as lightning, and he held a black hand. The most absurd point points to the empress.


However, the empress was stronger than him. When she saw him coming with a big black finger, she slapped him down with a slap. She was simple and direct, violent and powerful. Ruyu's palm finger collided with Dazai, emitting a bright brilliance. The stone emperor was shocked and vomited blood, because he had been seriously injured before and almost died inside. At this moment of shock, the emperor's blood naturally spilled out.

Shocking to the whole world!
Jiang Li looked solemn, but he was actually happy, that's it! Use up one more wave of them, and I will pick them up when the time comes... to turn the tide.

"Okay, although I am old and injured, I don't believe that anyone in this world can kill me!" Stone Emperor roared, his thick black hair standing on end, his eyes were stunning, the light was brighter than lightning, and he held his hand The black Tianhuang Euphorbia erupted with unparalleled light. Chaos Qi Mi walked forward and started the most terrifying decisive battle.

"There are no mortal enemies on the road to immortality, so you two should stop fighting," Changsheng Tianzun advised. He didn't want to start losing men before he entered the road to immortality.

At this moment, the Chaos Cave exploded, interrupting the external grudges. Terrible things happened inside, and a violent explosion occurred.

In Feixian Cave, the sound of explosions came violently, and the fairy light became more powerful, and colorful lights flew out, as if they were flying from another world.

"No, there has been a change!" An ancient supreme said indifferently, quickly dodging to the side.

"Failed!" Jiang Li sighed inwardly. The Western Desert is different from the other five regions. The people here have evacuated the least, and now almost all of them are buried with Amitabha.

At the same time, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered. In the originally dilapidated Chaos Cave, rocks pierced through the air. Mount Xumi, the largest mountain in Beidou, tore into pieces, collapsed, and rushed out.

The most terrifying thing happened inside. I could vaguely hear the lamentations of all living beings. There was endless blood. Life was dying one after another, and most of the Great Leiyin Temple collapsed.

The bronze plaque of the Great Thunder Sound broke apart, and one piece flew out, hitting the road to immortality, and settled in the chaos. It was dripping with blood, including the blood of all living beings and the blood of Amitabha Buddha. It was shocking.

If they fail, Buddhism is also greatly defeated. They cannot pass, and they are not the right people. Although the god-self created by the power of thought is in the peak state, it is not the emperor Amitabha himself after all!
"If we lose, even Buddhism has failed by relying on the power of all sentient beings. Who else can break in?"

"Only by becoming enlightened in this world can one become an immortal!"

"Where is the Golden Crow Emperor? He may not be able to do it either. It's a pity that the Hengyu Emperor has not yet become enlightened. Otherwise, with his peerless combat power, he is destined to be able to break in."

Really no one can become an immortal, which shakes everyone's confidence.

Are there immortals?
Can you live forever?
How to do it?
This is surprising. This result not only wipes out the life of the ancient supreme being, but also wipes out the hope and expectation of the world.

Mount Sumeru was torn into pieces and stained red with blood. Most of the Great Thunder Sound Temple on the top of the mountain collapsed. All the buildings on it were damaged. The Hanging Temple and other temples were also dilapidated and were about to be wiped out.

Inside the mountain, the endless power of faith seemed to have dried up, and no trace of it spilled out. The cracked Mount Sumeru carried the ruined temple, flew away, and landed again in the Western Desert.

Starting today, the entire western land is in deathly silence. There is no more Buddhaland for hundreds of millions of miles, no light, no sound of chanting sutras, and no peace.

The Western Desert has become a dead place!
At this time, the empress wanted to take action again, to smash the path to immortality and wipe out this place.

At the same time, the Dacheng Holy Body next to her walked forward and wanted to take action against the owner of the Immortal Tomb, the Immortal Lord.

Jiang Li did not hesitate, took one step forward, and came to the Dacheng Holy Body. He was surrounded by immortal light, wrapped around the divine chain of order, the laws of the emperor were flying, and he was aiming at the Stone Emperor from a distance.

"Slow, I know what you mean. The Golden Crow was injured by the Great Dao and will not be able to recover for at least a thousand years. I think it is impossible to become an immortal in this life, so I destroyed this place. But I am not willing to accept it and am determined to try again." A great emperor stood up Come out, he is the great emperor of the human race. The Immortal Platform is bright and clear. It is not as resentful as those Immortal Platforms that have launched the Dark Supreme. It is obvious that there has been no turmoil.

He killed himself just to become an immortal, similar to the Ancient Qilin Emperor and the Wanlong Emperor.

"That's right, I'd rather fight to the death on the path to immortality!" Another ancient supreme said. Their fate was already determined and they wanted to end in battle.

"I don't want to die, and I don't want to give up on the road to immortality now!" Stone Emperor said coldly, holding a spurge against him.

"Okay, I'll give you time. If you die fighting on the immortal road, that's it. If you come back, you can settle your grudges!" Dacheng Holy Body said to Changsheng Tianzun.

"It's fine if you die inside. If you come out, you won't be able to decide your own life or death." Jiang Li also said to the Stone Emperor.

The Stone Emperor's expression was cold, and his eyes were full of murderous intent, but looking at Feixian Cave, he did not take action after all. He had been waiting for eternity, and he did not want to be delayed by other things.

"Kill!" Emperor Yougu jumped into the Immortal Cave again and began his final fight for his life.

"I am like a moth to a flame, listening to funeral songs on the road to immortality. I feel unwilling to do so, but I have no regrets. I will confirm my path and step on the road to becoming an immortal. I am still alive and I will move forward!" someone roared sadly.

"This life, this life, I have passed through, I have existed, death is nothing!"

"Use my dying life to verify the magic of immortality, and use my still warm blood to water the path to immortality. My way, my life, and my life will burn and bloom in the light of fire!"

...The Supreme Sorrowful Heaven and Earth once ruled the ancient universe, fought with invincible opponents in the sky and on the earth, and looked down upon the human world. There was nothing they could not do, and there was no enemy they could not suppress. But now it is going to end like this.

All the Supremes rushed in for the final wave.

In the end, this place became chaos, with blood blooming and tragic songs heard. Even the powerful Supreme Being could not change this ending. No one in this life can become an immortal!
Everyone has lost. After all, they can't change the outcome of this life, and they can't break in!

Eternity is empty!
"My road has come to an end. Now that it is like this, let me return to this world." Some supreme beings are free and easy. When the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, there is no trace of blood anymore. The soul is decayed and sits cross-legged on the ground. Transformation of the Tao, light and rain transpiration.


Others had no time to say anything, and they had actually reached the end of their lives. As soon as they left the Chaos Cave, they exploded into blood and bones.

"Who else hasn't come out? There is also an Immortal Lord among them!"

These supreme beings are almost dying, and they all have very little life. In fact, they have been like this since the first time they entered. The second time they went to the immortal pass, they consumed even more.

All are dying, and two people in succession have passed away.

"The death of the great human emperor means that the blood of the human emperor has dried up, and it ended sadly like this!"

Outside the territory, people lamented that it was such a pity that the eternal invincibility ended in regret like this.

On Earth, Kunlun Fairy Mountain, a fairy furnace in the fairy pond trembled, and then burst out with immeasurable divine power. As the fairy law swayed, it broke through the imperial formation and rushed into the starry sky of the universe.

On the road to becoming an immortal, the Stone Emperor sneered and scanned the world indifferently, saying: "Death? I am unwilling and unwilling. My fate is very hard. This life should not end yet!"

Not counting the divine self of Emperor Amitabha, there are ten supreme beings who have embarked on the road to immortality. Four of them have died now. It is those who claimed to leave the immortality method for future generations and used their lives and blood to verify it. The Emperor and the Supreme.

Before they died, they had stamped their insights on the road to immortality into the universe and left them to future generations!
The people who are left now are almost all the biggest initiators of the dark turmoil, who once bloodbathed all regions, or are the mysterious ancient gods from the mythical age.

"That's not up to you!" Jiang Li shouted angrily.

"Limited to ten moves. If I can't kill you, I will kill myself." Jiang Li... said in his heart.

A Dark Supreme who has regained his former fighting power. He is really invincible with ten moves now. At least he won't be able to kill him until he reaches the Nine Heavens... maybe he can.

"Hahaha, I am invincible in the Imperial Palace. Even if you are old, you cannot be bullied. They all think that you have emperor-level combat power.

But no matter what, I have never seen an immortal back then, otherwise, the immortal would have died in my hands. "The Stone Emperor laughed, arrogantly, his black hair fluttering wildly, and he slashed forward with a big halberd in his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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