The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 23 4 poles grab the emperor’s soldiers

Chapter 23 The Four Extremes Seize the Imperial Soldiers

Ye Fan was taken by Jiang Li, and Pang Bo got a blessing in disguise. At this time, he already had Taoist palace cultivation and did not need anyone else to take him, so he followed Jiang Li and Duan De.

The four of them hung Yan Ruyu and others from a distance. The distance was so that Jiang Li could sense them, so they could not find Jiang Li and others.

The divine rainbow flashed across, and Jiang Li stopped and gloated: "Here he comes."

"Who is that group of people?" Ye Fan asked.

Duan De looked at it carefully and said with certainty: "He is from the Ji family."

His tone was full of confidence, as if he had absolute authority in this regard.

"How can you be sure?" Pangbo habitually stood up and found fault.

This sentence seemed to insult Duan De, as if it denied his ability in archaeological knowledge.

"Of course I'm sure. I've excavated many tombs of the Ji family, and the stripes on the clothes are the same as those of the old man opposite," Duan De said in an indignant tone.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and said, "The Taoist priest is an archaeologist."

Where does the archeology of Beidou come from? Pang Bo, who didn't react at first, almost laughed out loud at Duan De.

"Isn't he just a tomb robber?" Pang Bo's tone was full of embarrassment, as if he had trouble with Duan De.

Ye Fan looked at Pang Bo in surprise and said, "Pang Bo, why do you like to quarrel with others so much now?"

It doesn't matter if I hate people, the main reason is that I am afraid of the sequelae if the demon king seizes my body.

"I don't know, I just feel very irritable and want to vent it out." Pang Bo saw that it was Ye Fan who asked, and his tone was not so aggressive.

"I think he wants to fight." Duan De was a little eager to give it a try. He still knew how to deal with Pang Bo.

"Okay, stop making trouble, the show is about to begin." Jiang Li interrupted the quarrel between several people.

When you press the seal with your hand, the Tao will permeate the air, and the message from the front will be transmitted from the seal in front of you.

"My divine body is now small, but I need a weapon. I heard that the Qing Emperor's holy weapon was born, so I came here to get it."

"Here we go, luckily we didn't miss the famous scene of fighting for the emperor's soldiers in the Four Extremes," Jiang Li thought to himself.

When the three people next to him heard this, they all clicked their tongues. This arrogant tone made them inexplicably want to go up to him.

"What is this man's background?" Ye Fan asked curiously.

After all, those were the Ji Dao Emperor soldiers. If they were so easy to grab, Donghuang would probably have started a war long ago, filled with blood and fire.

"I heard that a divine body was born in the Ji family in this life, it should be him," Duan De said.

"The divine body known as the invincible Donghuang" Ye Fan asked curiously when he heard the familiar physique.

Outside the ancient forbidden land, the elders of Lingxu Cave once said that this kind of physique was invincible to the Eastern Wilderness.

"Why is the divine body so invincible?" Jiang Li said disparagingly.

"Didn't the Jiang family have an invincible god-king five thousand years ago?" Pang Bo also chimed in beside him.

"That's just an exception. With a physique like the Divine Body, you will become a king when you reach it. If you can't break the constraints brought by the physique, you will be trapped in the realm of kings for life," Jiang Li explained to Ye Fan and Pang Bo.

"What is the realm of a king?" Ye Fan has always been interested in the division of realms. He only knows that the Holy Body is completed and can be invincible in the world, but he does not know the specific realm to go to.

Even the Great Emperor only knew that it was the highest state of cultivation and knew nothing about the others.

"Ahem, let me educate you on this," Duan De interrupted forcefully.

"The beginning of practice is the Wheel Sea, the place of life three inches below the navel, and there are four small steps, the Sea of ​​Suffering, the Spring of Life, the Divine Bridge, and the other shore."

"After that, there is the secret realm of the Dao Palace for cultivating the five internal organs, which is divided into"    "At the end, you will be the legendary emperor. At this point, you can rule the world and travel across the universe in your thoughts."

Duan De talked eloquently about the realm of cultivation. Ye Fan and Pang Bo next to him were already stunned. Even the demon king in Pang Bo's body listened with interest.

Ye Fan thought for a while and asked in surprise: "Then, after you become a saint, you can travel across the universe."

"Yes, if you want to cross the universe, you can also use the five-color altar, but you have to know the coordinates of the planet you want to go to." Of course Jiang Li knew that this was Ye Fan's obsession and his early training goal.

So I simply said it clearly, which can be regarded as giving some motivation to Ye Fan's cultivation path.

"The fight is about to begin," Pangbo shouted excitedly.

The three of them stopped chatting and looked forward. They saw a bright moon hanging on the sea. The bright moon set against the rolling blue sea was extremely holy.

"The vision of the ancient power, the bright moon rising over the sea," Duan De shouted in surprise.

Just after shouting, golden lotuses bloomed, scattering a faint golden light, like the other side of the boundless sea of ​​suffering.

"Ancient vision of golden lotus planted in the sea of ​​suffering" Duan De shouted out again without any hope.

"Okay, it's just a vision. Don't get so excited and concentrate on watching the show." Jiang Li was really speechless by Duan De's surprise.

The bright moon behind Ji Haoyue turned slightly, and a crescent moon flew towards Yan Ruyu. A faint white frost emanated from the bright moon, and the surrounding air was dyed with frost.

The golden lotus bloomed in the sea of ​​suffering and met the crescent moon. There was no shocking fluctuation. After the two collided, they disappeared invisible.

It looks beautiful, but it exudes deadly threats everywhere.

Jiang Li watched the battle between the two and made an estimate. Both of them were in the four extremes of perfection. Ji Haoyue was in the fourth level, but she was far away. She might be in the fifth level in the next moment. Yan Ruyu was almost there, but both at the same level.

"Yan Ruyu is not Ji Haoyue's opponent yet. It seems that the imperial soldiers will be used," Jiang Li analyzed.

"Then we're sure to win." Pang Bo had been possessed by the demon king, and his knowledge was much higher than that of Ye Fan. In the demon king's memory, he also knew what the imperial soldiers represented.

"Impossible. Since the divine body dares to challenge, it must be prepared to face the imperial soldiers. The Ji family also has imperial soldiers," Ye Fan retorted.

"Hey, you have some knowledge, kid." A clear and sweet voice sounded.

The corner of Jiang Li's mouth curled up. He had already noticed someone approaching, but he probably guessed who it was, so he didn't care.

Everyone looked back and saw a smart and lively girl in purple clothes. Her starry eyes exuded smart light and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, making her look lively and cute.

"It is indeed her. Even so, we still found her." Jiang Li looked at the bronze ring on Ji Ziyue's hand and wondered if this was the sister-in-law chosen by the ruthless emperor for him.

"Who are you?" Ye Fan asked after being slightly stunned.

"I haven't asked you who you are yet? Why are you sneaking around here?" Ji Ziyue opened her lips lightly.

"We are looking at it openly, there is nothing sneaky about it," Ye Fan retorted.

Just when Ji Ziyue was about to speak, a terrifying coercion swept over her, and the aura of the ancient emperor filled the air.

"Sure enough, the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers have been used. The Ji family's divine body is in danger." Duan De looked at the Qing Emperor's soldiers with shining eyes, his eyes filled with greed.

Ye Fan and Pang Bo also watched the battlefield attentively. They never tire of a battle of this level.

Ji Ziyue saw that everyone's eyes were attracted, and she hummed softly: "What's this? My brother also brought a void mirror."

As soon as he finished speaking, another wave of extreme divine power also appeared, and a simple bronze mirror appeared on Ji Haoyue's head, exuding a hazy light.

"Your brother is that godly body"

(End of this chapter)

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