Chapter 242 Born on th

Entering the Bronze Immortal Palace, a ruthless man dressed in white sat on a futon with a pot of tea on the white jade table beside him.

As Jiang Li got closer, he saw the teapot steaming with mist and glowing light. Just by smelling the fragrance of the tea, he knew it was the tea leaves from the Ancient Enlightenment Tea Tree in the Immortal Mountain.

Now this elixir is still in his inner world. Unfortunately, it has only been a few hundred years since it was last picked, and now the ancient tree is bare.

But now in the entire universe, who has the most tea leaves for enlightenment, it must be the ruthless person.

During the tens of thousands of years she had been alive, she had taken away almost all the tea leaves grown on the ancient tea trees of Wudao. The supreme beings in the Immortal Mountain did not dare to say anything.

Jiang Li remembered that except for the first few times he came here, he didn't get any tea. Almost every time he came here, the ruthless man would make a pot of tea and pour two cups of tea.

Narrowing his eyes, he sat on the futon on the other side and said, "Thank you for the hospitality."

He behaved very politely this time, for fear of angering the female devil again.

Those slender hands were obviously very ornamental, but when pressed against his body, they almost killed him.

The topic was changed, and the atmosphere in the Bronze Immortal Palace relaxed a little.

"What, it's impossible, that's not something a true immortal can do, and besides, it's just a ray of original power."

"No need to try, it is indeed no longer here." said the ruthless man.

Seeing Jiang Li return to being as polite as when they first met, the ruthless man turned his eyes and looked at him without any expression.

But then, the Bronze Immortal Palace flashed, and the supreme Immortal Law erupted, suppressing the strange spirit in an instant.

Jiang Li also suddenly understood. If this is the case, then everything makes sense. The real weirdness of that statue is because the realm is too high and cannot come to this world.

As soon as it was released, this soul erupted into darkness and wanted to self-destruct.

The reason why the strange black mist merged with the Supreme Immortal Mountain is because it is an original force.

After hearing what ruthless people said, Jiang Li said it was impossible. He knew that if he wanted to travel through time and space, he must at least be an immortal king.

Xing Zi Mi has practiced to the extreme that she can touch time, and she has created an incarnation of fairy light that can compete with Xing Zi Mi, which is enough to prove that she is also involved in the field of time.

Feeling the cold gaze, he calmly put down the tea he had picked up and sat upright.

"Impossible, it's impossible for a true immortal to do such a thing!"

As a veteran immortal weapon, the Bronze Immortal Palace may not be as good as the Hengyu Furnace in terms of combat, but when it comes to suppressive power, it is definitely the best among the few immortal weapons that exist in the world.

Jiang Li quickly used the Prescription Secret to capture the trajectory of the black mist, but as expected, there was no gain at all.


"Keep up with it."

Jiang Li didn't believe that the strange one was the Immortal King. If it was really the Immortal King, it would have taken direct action to capture this world, where would it be dormant?

The ruthless person made a guess that this was very possible. Since the true immortal couldn't do it, why not separate part of the origin from a higher level and throw it into this piece of ancient history.

The two of them followed behind the dark mist unhurriedly, and the Hengyu furnace emitted the laws of immortality, covering up their auras.

Soon, after arriving at an ancient star with no signs of life, the strange mist seemed to have traveled through time and disappeared into this world.

A cold voice sounded. After Jiang Li heard it, he quickly summoned the Hengyu Furnace and released the strange soul suppressed inside.

Although I didn't find the strange black fog this time, I gained something and gained a preliminary understanding of some situations.


The moment the strange black mist disappeared, Jiang Li might not have sensed it, but she felt it clearly that it was the power of time.

But even so, there was still no trace of the strange black mist, and it disappeared without a trace.

"Perhaps we were wrong from the beginning. That strange black mist was not the original entity from beginning to end, but was separated from a higher-level existence."

After preventing the weird soul from self-destructing, the ruthless man made a hand seal, and bursts of fairy light bloomed between his eyebrows, so bright that everything in the world lost its color.

The strange soul seemed to feel the threat, and began to twist wildly, emitting a piercing scream.

"So now that he is caught, he does not return to the strange black fog, but returns to his true body along the long river of time and space."

"I'm not wrong, that's the power of time." He said confidently.

He is still too weak now, and has no power to resist when facing a Heavenly Emperor who has lived for six lifetimes.

Jiang Li breathed a sigh of relief silently, cursing himself that he was really worthless for being intimidated by a woman.

"What's going on!" Jiang Li was shocked. He didn't even bother to hide his body, and directly blasted the world with one palm.

Wherever the big hand passed, the void was shattered inch by inch, and the entire universe was still separated from the sky and the earth, becoming a vast expanse of deep darkness.

I just don’t know where the weird black mist really hides. It’s so capable of hiding that even the whole world is covered by it.

The bright immortal light was dazzling, illuminating all the heavens and the world. The strange soul was directly dissolved, and then turned into a source and flew out of the Bronze Immortal Palace.

But no matter what it does, the suppressive power of the Bronze Immortal Palace is always like an immovable sacred mountain. When suppressing the strange soul, a large formation is also raised to protect it from being detonated by external forces.

After the ruthless man finished speaking, Jiang Li quickly tore apart the space and followed the power of darkness.

After the two made their guesses, Jiang Li couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, because this was the best outcome. If there really was a being in this world who could be king in the realm of immortality, it would be the end of the world.

"Ahem, I came here on business this time!" Jiang Li straightened up and continued: "I have intercepted some strange powers here and am ready to investigate."

"Where's the stuff?"

So far, only some clues about it have been found, and it is not known whether the nails it planted in the universe have been cleared away.

Jiang Li has always found it a bit strange that the strange black mist has only taken action a few times over the years. First it polluted the Supreme, then he discovered it, and then it polluted low-level monks, trying to pollute the Tianxin Mark.

These things seem normal, but they are a bit too petty.

This weird and dignified clan has sacrificed countless times to all the heavens and worlds, and now they are in an overall upper hand in the battle with God.

In this case, shouldn't we be open and close when doing things?
On the other hand, this weird one hardly caused any major disturbance.

But the more this happened, the more Jiang Li felt that this strange person had a big agenda, but it just hadn't caused any trouble yet. The ruthless man looked at Jiang Li who was deep in thought and couldn't help but said: "You are in a state of confusion."

"Hey!" Jiang Li, who was thinking about something strange, looked at the ruthless man in confusion, wondering why she said that.

"Instead of worrying about weird things all the time, it's better to calm down and practice."

"I have always believed in one thing: as long as I am strong enough, all threats can be suppressed with a backhand."

The ruthless man spoke confidently, and even if he was wearing a bronze mask, he could not hide his peerless grace.

"Your path has already been perfected, and the inner heaven and earth are about to be completed."

"At this time, what you should do most is not to worry about the strange backhand, but to break through the emperor as soon as possible."

"At that time, your combat prowess will be comparable to that of me in my second life, and you can handle any danger calmly."

Under the starry sky, the ruthless figure seemed to stand tall in the sky, the heaven and earth revolved around her, and all the surrenders were trampled under her feet. Her powerful combat power was enough to kill immortals, just like a female fairy king coming to the dust.

"Yes, I am indeed confused. Only with strong combat power can we eliminate all disasters, instead of worrying about the lack of power now."

Jiang Li took a deep breath. Because he knew how powerful the Weird Clan was, he was always worried about the fall of this world.

But if it is just such unnecessary worry, then we can protect this world.

Instead of thinking about what happened to the weird clan now, it is better to break through the Great Emperor quickly and face the unknown danger with the strongest combat power.

After thinking about it, Jiang Li felt that his soul was suddenly bright, and the fairy light in his soul burst into brilliant light, and there were some subtle changes.


By the time Jiang Li returned to the 40th level of the human race, the battle had come to an end.

In the end, it will definitely end with Ji Chengdao winning. Although Yan Di is very strong, Ji Chengdao has the bloodline of the Void and the supreme bloodline of the Gods, making him the first echelon under the stars of this generation.

Seeing Jiang Li's arrival, Ye Fan summoned the Immortal Cauldron, looked at the suppressed dark soul inside and asked, "This is the weird clan you called."

Ye Fan still remembers that when Ji Chengdao killed Yan Di, he suddenly felt a sense of horror.

After thinking of the strange clan that Jiang Li mentioned, he used the Immortal Cauldron to suppress Yan Yi Yuanshen without hesitation, preventing him from dissipating.

After looking at the dark soul, Jiang Li shook his head and said: "This soul is no longer useful. I know what I want to know, so burn it!"

Ye Fan nodded and directly activated the Immortal Cauldron. The Immortal Law exploded and directly killed the suppressed weird soul.

Soon, the Jiang family and Gu Hua took action and wiped out all 108 people, leaving no one alive.

After solving this matter, Jiang Li returned to Ziwei again. He also prepared magical pills for Zixia and Xia Jiuyou, which were enough for them to take for ten years before starting to retreat.

But the starry sky did not calm down because Jiang Li retreated from the world. This golden age has just begun. Almost all the geniuses in the golden generation headed by Ye Fan have broken through to the quasi-emperor and have gone a certain way on the road to the quasi-emperor.

The golden second generation who are a generation behind them, such as Xiaosong, Yang Xi, Huahua, Yao Jiang, Jiang Tingting and others, have already broken through to quasi-emperor status.

And now, among the three golden generations competing for hegemony in the stars, Ji Chengdao is leading the charge, and he has now surpassed the Great Sage.

The brilliance of this life is unimaginable. Quasi-emperors are really springing up one after another.

Ten years passed in a flash. Huo Qizi left the ancient palace long ago because his father returned to the world, and now he is practicing beside the ancient emperor Qilin.

As for uncle Qi Lin, he also left the ancient palace some time ago and returned to the Ziwei Star Territory.

In the past ten years, the outside world has been changing, and Ye Fan has been rapidly moving towards success, almost far ahead of his peers.

Others like Jiang Yifei, Huo Qizi and Qi Lin, although they have cultivated very quickly and are now quasi-emperors in the fifth level, they still can't see Ye Fan's back.

Several of Jiang Li's emperors and concubines were also women. Among them, Long Nu and Huo Lin'er, because of the guidance of two ancient emperors, also moved very fast on the road of quasi-emperor, and are now in the fifth level.

The Heavenly Lady, who is also the daughter of the ancient emperor, is slightly worse, but she also broke through to the quasi-emperor fifth level a year ago and has not been distanced.

In addition to these three women who are far ahead in cultivation, Yan Ruyu, Yaochi Saint, Qi Qi and others have also recently broken through to the level of quasi-emperor.

As for the two girls, Zixia and Xia Jiuyou, their cultivation was stuck at the peak of the Great Sage because of their pregnancy, and they were distanced by their peers.

On this day, the entire Ziwei Star Territory was shaken, a massive amount of energy was poured in, and the avenue was manifested in the sky, among which immortals such as the True Dragon Soaring, Qilin Treading the Sky, etc. appeared.

This huge phenomenon covered the entire Ziwei Star Territory and did not disappear for nine consecutive days.

It was not until the baby's milky cry that the mutated phenomenon disappeared that day.

Until this moment, everyone knew that the Emperor's son (daughter) was born.

In the sky above the Jiang family, numerous formations have been set up. Jiang Li personally took action. Even if the Supreme Being came personally, it would take a lot of effort to break the terrifying formation.

A few days later, in the Hengyu Palace, everyone was looking at the two children. They were very special. They were able to run and jump right after they were born. They were so lively that they seemed to want to vent the frustration that had been in their mother's belly for the past ten years.

However, because Jiang Li was worried that the two children were too fast, he directly sealed their bodies and bloodlines.

A group of adults looked at the two little guys, and the women made no secret of their love for them. Everyone gathered around them.

The two little guys were born almost one day apart. Zixia gave birth to a girl, the eldest sister, while Xia Jiuyou gave birth to a boy.

Jiang Li also named his two children, the eldest sister Jiang Zihan and the eldest son Jiang Youxuan.

As Youxuan's grandfather, Gai Jiuyou naturally came to Hengyu Hall, and the idea of ​​being a relative of another generation was vividly demonstrated in this old man.

Even when Xia Jiuyou was pregnant, Lao Gai only came to see her, but after Youxuan's birth, the old man moved directly into the Jiang family.

For this reason, Xia Jiuyou often complained about her master's favoritism. She was also brought up by her master, and she never saw his master loving her so much when she was a child.

Seeing that Lao Gai was teasing Jiang Youxuan at this moment. Lao Gai, who had always been calm and calm, was smiling with wrinkles on his face. Xia Jiuyou couldn't help but roll his beautiful eyes.

"Okay, jealous little kid, you're jealous of your own children. You don't look like a mother at all." Jiang Li scratched Xia Jiuyou's nose in a funny way, making the beauty squeal.

On the other side, Jiang Zihan, who was watching her brother being held and played with, turned her little body and walked toward Zixia with some unsteadiness. As she walked, she opened her little hands and said in a milky voice: "Mother... hug."

Jiang Li looked at this heartwarming scene and couldn't help but become more determined to become stronger. No matter how the future changes, he will turn it into the strongest barrier to block the people he cherishes and loves behind him.

He would never allow things like parent-child sacrifice and death in battle to happen to him again.

(End of this chapter)

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