The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 245 Chapter 243 Killing strange creatures

Chapter 245: Two, four, three, killing strange creatures
In the Hengyu Palace, Jiang Li looked at the suppressed Holy Spirit and felt the disgusting feeling emanating from his body.

"I want to know how you exist in the world now, whether you are a puppet or your darkened self." Jiang Li asked curiously.

Originally he thought that the Holy Spirit would not answer him, but unexpectedly, the Holy Spirit actually answered his question.

"That weird dark power eroded me." The sealed Holy Spirit raised his head and said.

Jiang Li was slightly stunned and asked directly: "Do you know where he is?"

The Holy Spirit shook his head and said, "I don't know. He just used that weird power to contaminate me and never appeared again."

"That kind of power is very powerful and speeds up the process of my pregnancy. Originally, according to normal time, it would take me at least millions of years to reach consummation, but because of the weird darkness, it only took me a hundred years to reach consummation."

"I actually never knew why that weird figure did what he did. He seemed to have no reason at all. He didn't ask me to do anything for him. It's incomprehensible."

Jiang Li looked at the appearance of the Holy Spirit and felt helpless as he realized that the Holy Spirit was not lying. He knew that he would gain nothing this time.

"Is there anything else you want to say?" He asked, and at the same time, the law of God's body emerged and he was ready to send this holy spirit to its death.

"I don't understand why you want to kill me. Is it because of this weird power in me?" Holy Spirit asked with a puzzled look.

Seeing him asking this question, Jiang Li looked at how sensible he had just been and said calmly: "This is one of the reasons, but it is not a reason to kill you."

After a pause, Jiang Li asked, "Why did you kill all the people on that ancient star and drain the entire ancient star of its life force?"

This actually puzzled him. Logically speaking, if the Holy Spirit had not been interrupted in its conception, it would not have killed innocent people as soon as it was born. Otherwise, the entire universe would have been slaughtered by him during the twenty or thirty thousand miles that Emperor Stone lived. All gone.

And this Holy Spirit has obviously achieved Great Perfection, but it still killed the lives of an entire ancient star. If it is said to be caused by dark forces, that's fine, but looking at his current appearance, it doesn't look like he is being controlled.

The Holy Spirit was a little surprised. He didn't expect that he would take the blame, so he quickly explained: "I didn't do it. The reason why the ancient star became like that was because the dark power escaped."

After saying that, he reached out and touched the center of his eyebrows, tearing out a piece of memory, and then stretched out his hand to make the secret to reveal the memory.

After Jiang Li read it, he also put away his murderous intention. This Holy Spirit did not lie. At his level, the Divine Sense will clearly see whether others lie.

But if this Holy Spirit didn't lie, then he definitely couldn't be killed. Although this Holy Spirit was contaminated by darkness, he didn't cause trouble, so killing him directly would definitely not be appropriate.

Looking at the Holy Spirit, Jiang Li thought for a while and took him directly to the ancient forbidden land.

After entering the Bronze Immortal Palace, Jiang Li recounted the incident concisely and clearly, and asked the ruthless man if there was anything he could do.

"Okay, not only that, maybe, we can try to find its location through the power of this source this time." The ruthless man stood beside the Holy Spirit, the starry eyes of the bronze mask dazzling.

Jiang Li asked with some surprise: "Are you sure? Will this origin leave this world directly like last time?"

He still remembered that he had followed the source of darkness to find it last time, but in the end it ended in vain.

It's ridiculous to say that they searched for Weiwei for almost three hundred years, but they only found some miscellaneous fish left behind by him, but they didn't get any information about his true identity.

"Since the last time the weird black mist disappeared out of thin air, I have no intention of letting the weird black mist take us to the main body again."

The ruthless man turned around and looked at Jiang Li, nodded and said: "With your current cultivation level, you can cooperate with me to increase the success rate."

Jiang Li was a little confused and asked, "What are you going to do this time, and what do you need me to do."

The Holy Spirit on the side looked at the woman in front of him, feeling a little uneasy and couldn't help but take a few steps back, trying to stay away from her.

But before he had even taken two steps, he felt his body sink, the bronze wall erupted with light, and the gods formed a large formation, directly imprisoning him.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Li had some enlightenment in his heart and said thoughtfully: "You are not going to pull out the darkness in his body, but are going to let him take us there."

The ruthless man nodded, then his brows glowed, and he used his spiritual consciousness to pass a piece of magic to Jiang Li, which she created after experiencing what happened last time.

The technique is called 'Sealing the Heaven and Locking the Earth'. This time, not only will she not pull out the strange black mist, but she will seal him in the Holy Spirit. She doesn't believe that this is the case, that the strange black mist can carry the Holy Spirit away from this place. Square heaven and earth.

After browsing the spells in his mind, Jiang Li looked happy and said, "It works, let's get started!"

This plan is perfect so far. The only victim is the Holy Spirit, because doing so will burn the dark matter in his body, and his Dzogchen cultivation will definitely be in jeopardy. And know it.

The two came to the yin and yang position where the Holy Spirit was trapped, and made secrets in their hands. The chaotic energy surged, and the fairy light flew, accompanied by light rain from time to time.

At infinite heights, the avenue roars.

A rusty but magnificent bronze palace emerged, with an immortal charm flowing through it.

The Bronze Immortal Palace erupted with the light of immortality, and countless gods turned into chains of order and wrapped around the Holy Spirit, forming dense runes on its body.

When Jiang Li and Henren saw this, the seals in their hands changed, and billions of rays of immortal light bloomed. A golden figure could be vaguely seen sitting cross-legged on it, the sound of chanting came out, and the sky was full of supreme scriptures.

In the core area of ​​the seal, in the void, the dense array patterns originating from the ruthless man were all burning, releasing the power of an immortal.

Suddenly, the darkness that was originally safe and sound in the Holy Spirit's body erupted with an extremely powerful force, trying to fight against the Sealing Heaven and Earth Lock.

It was really terrifying. The dense immortal light surged like thousands or tens of thousands of sword energies crisscrossing the area, unleashing brutal murderous intent. It was bloody and full of evil energy.

If Jiang Li was alone at this moment, he might not be able to hold it and could only let it go.

But now Jiang Li was not alone. In the Yang position of the formation, the ruthless man stood there. She slapped her hand, chaos energy surged, and the strange black mist was immediately hit.

The sky of the Bronze Immortal Palace is filled with divine clouds, and streaks of chaotic fairy light fall down.

The strange black mist was hit again, unable to resist, and was tightly locked into the Holy Spirit's body using the secret technique of Sealing Heaven and Earth.

After blocking the black mist, the ruthless person did not stop. She made another seal and used the pulling technique last time. In an instant, the Holy Spirit took off and rushed out of the Bronze Immortal Palace.

"I hope I can really gain something this time and completely deal with the enemy on the side of the bed." Jiang Li exhaled and followed the Holy Spirit with the ruthless man.


In a crack at the edge of the universe, here is a crack in the void, chaotic, disorderly, illogical, and void.

But behind this void, there seems to be a little starlight, where the laws of immortality flow.

That is also a crack, and the fairy light escapes from that crack, forming a stream of fairy light, which is beautiful and magnificent, and contains fragments of the avenue.

And at the crack, there is a group of black mist, exuding a strange aura, constantly eroding the gap in the crack.

In the center of the black air, there was a humanoid creature. If Jiang Li were here at this time, he would definitely be able to identify him at a glance. He was the Supreme One who left the Immortal Mountain.

His origins are very ancient, dating back to the Ancient Era, and may be even older than Zhang Bairen.

The figure who was closing his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, looking through the endless darkness and looking at the world outside. The aura on his body also seemed extremely violent for a moment.

"Damn it, I didn't expect it to be discovered." The strange creature's eyes were cold, revealing a crazy aura that made people shudder even if they just faced him.

In front of the crack at the edge of the universe, Jiang Li and Henren looked at each other. They both looked at the world in front of them. There was no place like this and this world, which was similar to a strange world.

No wonder the two of them searched for it for so long, but there was no trace of the strange creature from beginning to end.

Jiang Li grabbed the Holy Spirit and unlocked the seal that sealed the sky and the earth. When he came here, the other party had no effect, so there was no need to follow them in.

The seal was released, and the strange black mist left the Holy Spirit's body like a tiger escaping from its cage, trying to rush into the gap created by the two men in front.

Jiang Li punched out, and the supreme god evolved, drowning the strange black mist and directly evaporating it.

And the state of the Dzogchen Holy Spirit was like a deflated ball at this moment, falling directly to the state of the quasi-emperor.

His cultivation level was originally forcibly raised by dark matter. At this moment, the strange black mist left his body, and his realm fell directly.

Looking at the unconscious Holy Spirit, Jiang Li flicked out a celestial light. After passing the Holy Spirit's Heaven-Mending Sutra to the opponent, Jiang Li waved his sleeves to create a crack and threw it directly in.

In the dark space, strange creatures quietly looked at the outside world.



Two figures shrouded in eternal fairy light easily broke through the formation here and descended into the deep and dark space.

The supreme aura filled the air and completely illuminated the gap. Both Jiang Li and Wuren looked at the strange creature in front of them.

"Two despicable creatures, I originally didn't want to talk to you, and I even made some trash fish to play with you, but I didn't expect that you didn't have the slightest sense of gratitude, and you came here to die." The strange creature Leng Youyou. Said, his eyes were dark, like two black holes without a trace of light.

His posture is very arrogant, but the authenticity of his words is open to question. As for what he said about creating some trash fish to confuse people, that's just for listening. His real purpose is definitely not that simple.

After all, if this weird creature didn't leave so many clues to the outside world at the beginning, but just stayed in hiding, it would be almost impossible for Jiang Li and Henren to find him.

"Why should you go against me? What's worth protecting in this shattered world? Join us and go to heaven with me in the future. By then, you may have the chance to become a high-ranking Taoist ancestor." The strange creature bewitched.

Silently, gray mist slowly emerged, covering the entire strange space, making it difficult to find the true identity of the strange existence.

But the next moment, a white palm slapped forward, and the power of Feixian hit Bahuang, breaking the fog in an instant, and slapped on the arm of the strange creature that was blocking.


Almost in an instant, this gap seemed to be destroyed, and everything in the world withered away. Only the bright fairy light illuminated the darkness and never fell.


Jiang Li roared loudly, Zhan Yin thought about this space, the Hengyu Furnace appeared above his head, the immortal law burst out, and cut out a shocking attack. The most terrifying large crack and the world-destroying brilliance splashed across the eight wastelands.

There was another loud noise, and the strange creature was hit by the immortal law, its body fell back, and blood spattered everywhere.


A ray of flying fairy light burst out from the crystal fingers of the ruthless person and pressed against the chest of the strange creature. As the darkness came over, the void of the universe around her collapsed. Her hair was dancing upside down, as if in a It faced a huge ocean wave, but its body remained motionless, as quiet as a rock. The Ancient Flower Ruler in Jiang Li's hand cut across the ninth level of the sky, falling down an endless waterfall of chaos, and struck directly at the face of the strange creature, with unparalleled ferocious power.

The strange creature struck the sky with its palm fingers, hitting the side of Guhua Ruler, making a metallic trembling sound. He easily blocked the blow, but at the same time, his chest was struck by a ruthless palm and exploded.


Painful wails sounded, strange creatures flew around, and there were rules left in the wounds. The blood flowing out was like the most poisonous poison in the world, corroding the surrounding void.

On the other side, Jiang Li's tiger's mouth was also open at this time, and blood was dripping. In that blow just now, a strange and inexplicable force hit him through the ancient flower ruler.

His current cultivation level is undoubtedly the lowest in the field compared to the two people who are fighting, and he can only play support.

This is because of the Hengyu Furnace. The Hengyu Furnace, which has been transformed into an immortal weapon, hangs overhead and integrates offense and defense. It also protected Jiang Li's body, otherwise his body would have exploded just now.

On the other side, after the strange creature was severely injured, the ruthless man continued to open and close, his body was enveloped in fairy light, and he transformed into nine clones, all of which were attacking forward.

This is an immortal technique created by ruthless people. It is compared to the Ji Zi Mi among the Nine Secrets. Although it only has one hit, it is not as full of uncertainty as the Ji Zi Mi.

As long as it is used, it is equivalent to the full blow of ten ruthless people.


There was another painful roar, and the strange creature's shoulder exploded. Half of its body quickly retreated, and it took out a spear. The same immortal law burst out, and it was an immortal weapon.

But ruthless people have no fear, she still has a pair of white jade hands, constantly slapping the spear, and every blow makes the fairy weapon tremble.

Jiang Li also stepped forward at this time, using the Immortal Law of Hengyu Furnace to protect himself. The Ancient Flower Ruler in his hand slashed out thousands of sword energy, constantly slashing forward.

The strange creature made a demonic sound that filled the ears. It blocked the ruthless man's Flying Immortal Technique with a spear in one hand, and collided with the ancient Chinese ruler with the other hand.

The three of them were all bleeding, and the supreme god was spraying in this space, causing the heaven and earth to shake, and the heavens in all directions were shattered.

Blood is scattered all over the sky, and the drops are as crystal clear as blood diamonds, with infinite laws and murderous intent spreading out.

Jiang Li swung the Ancient Flower Ruler with his right hand to contain the strange creatures. Every time he collided, his arm would split.

The strange creatures were also severely injured. After all, Jiang Li was a Heavenly Emperor-level warrior, so he couldn't ignore it. This also resulted in ruthless people finding opportunities to attack him twice.

But this is a true immortal after all. Even if the two of them try their best, they can't kill him in a short time and can only grind it slowly.

After arriving in the Immortal Realm, unless the other side really makes a qualitative change, it would not be surprising at all to fight for several years or even decades.

The battle was very fierce, and Jiang Li was bleeding continuously. This was the first time he had encountered such an energy-consuming enemy since he created the Inner World.

That is to say, the inner heaven and earth are now complete, forming a cycle of their own, endless, otherwise his current situation would be dangerous.

The strange creature felt irritated as he watched the blue-gold ruler recover again and hit him. The tenacity of this humane creature simply exceeded his expectations. Coupled with the fairy weapon, he could not inflict serious damage at all.

The woman he was fighting with was a bit more powerful than he expected. She obviously didn't have the light of a true immortal, but her fighting power was terrifying.

Every time he needed to defend himself against another attack, this woman would give him a heavy blow, causing him unbearable suffering.

Jiang Li held the Ancient Flower Ruler. This weapon was bathed in the blood of the true immortal. At this moment, it began to slowly transform, starting the process of transforming into an immortal weapon.

This time, the strange creature became fierce. Instead of resisting Gu Hua Chi, it tried its best to resist the ruthless man's attack and allowed Gu Hua Chi to hit him.


If the Ancient Emperor had been hit by this blow, I'm afraid it would have exploded by now, but if it hit the strange creature, it would only leave a terrifying wound.

The black mist surged, shaking down the chaos, flowing with fairy light. The strange creature raised its hands with a solemn expression, evolving into the supreme divine law in the void, forcing the two people back.

The war spear struck across the sky, piercing the nine layers of the sky, and the avenue screamed, and the shadow of a fairy appeared in the world, lifelike.

The blue dragon winds its way and swings its tail, as if it can sweep down the heavens. The sacred Suzaku roars, transforming into a sea of ​​​​fire, burning up the corpse mountain and sea of ​​blood. There is also a huge Kunpeng who manifests his true form, covering the sky and the sun. Swallowing the world with anger, he opened his mouth to swallow everything into his belly...

The strange creature was going to fight hard. He knew that if he continued like this, he would be killed sooner or later. The woman opposite was too powerful. If it was one-on-one, he could still remain undefeated.

But unfortunately the opponent had helpers, and they were not weak either. In addition, he was protected by an immortal weapon, so he could not defeat the opponent in a short time.

At this moment, the strange creatures are moving with all their strength, and their movements are full of fairy light, as if they have broken some barrier and want to evolve into immortality in the world of mortals.

This time, even the ruthless person didn't slap her directly. She moved her hands, and three thousand worlds appeared around her, blessing her with supreme divine power.

This move is actually similar to Jiang Li's Immortal Realm, but it's just the direction the two are taking.

The ruthless man took action, using the superimposed divine power of three thousand worlds to suppress her, and she stood in the three thousand worlds, shrouded in fairy light, like a female fairy king.

Jiang Li was not to be outdone. He evolved nine supreme divine arts, each of which was the highest achievement in a field.

Lin, Bing, Du, Zhi, all, group, number in front, line.

The Nine Secrets are the supreme secret techniques created by nine, and they have almost reached the forefront in their respective fields. At this moment, their way was used by one person, and the nine secret techniques were superimposed on each other, erupting with supreme fairy light.

With the blessing of the nine secrets, Jiang Li's body became more and more crystal clear, and the spirit of Xiantai became clear and pure, exuding almost immortal energy.

The Hengyu Furnace also exploded with the power of immortality, blessing Jiang Li, causing his strength to increase exponentially at this moment.

As Jiang Li slapped it down with a palm, the supreme Tao evolved, and this perfect and unparalleled magic technique fell forward.

The face of the strange creature changed drastically. He felt the instinct of life trembling. An unprecedented threat enveloped him. Even if he began to burn the origin of life at this moment, he could not stop the magic of the three thousand worlds and the nine secrets.

The fairy spirit exploded, and the Three Thousand Worlds and Nine Tribulations Immortal Techniques penetrated the field and bombarded the bodies of strange creatures.


A shocking collision occurred. The laws of immortality wiped out the strange creatures, making his fire of life almost extinguished, and the dark soul became dim.

Even though he regrouped again, his aura was sluggish and he was almost unable to maintain his combat power in the immortal realm.

The strange creature tried his best to make a comeback, but he misassessed Jiang Li's strength and did not expect that the opponent had the Nine Secrets in One move.

This almost caught him off guard. As the saying goes, one wrong step led to another wrong step. Because of this mistake, he had no ability to resist in the future.

Naturally, Jiang Li and Hen Ren would not let go of such an opportunity. Both of them raised their combat power to the limit and continued to destroy the strange creatures.

After being blown up and reassembled again and again, the life of the immortal creature was indeed strong. Even though it was already like this, he was still not really killed.

The gap in combat power between them was not big, so they could only be wiped out again and again. Finally, after defeating strange creatures countless times, his combat power fell into the Immortal Realm.

Reaching this point means that he no longer has the power to resist.

"You despicable ants, do you really think you have won? This is just a ray of my origin and soul, my ancestor."

"You guys wait, I have marked this area of ​​the world, and when I find the weak spot in the seal in the boundary sea, I will definitely come in my true form and drive you into reincarnation."

"At that time, this world will be occupied by me, and all living creatures will be sacrificed."

The strange creature roared, and his body was almost wiped out, leaving only the soul looking at the two of them resentfully. He did not expect that his plan would be ruined by two creatures who had not yet become immortals.

He waited for countless years for the tide of the world sea to cause a ripple in the sword light, and then sent a large amount of original power and soul into this world.

Unfortunately, when passing through the sword light, the original power and soul were strangled, leaving only a wisp of dark matter passing through.

Now I still want to wait for the sword light to create ripples, but I'm afraid it will take endless years.

He was unwilling to give in. When he saw the sword light, he felt that it was the handiwork of the leader Huang.

And since this side of the world is so valued by Huang, and he deliberately left Jianguang to rule for eternity, it proves that it must be a place he cherishes. If he can capture this place, it will definitely be a blow to Huang.

It's a pity that he failed. He originally wanted to pollute the outside world, but when the time came, he quickly cultivated some immortal creatures to tear this crack apart with him and fight to the other side.

After hearing the words of the strange creature, Jiang Li and Wu Ren's hearts sank. As they thought, this strange creature was just a branch of a more powerful being.

This is the worst news. Although he has killed a true immortal Wei Wei, he has learned that there is a terrifying existence above the true immortal outside that is greedily watching this world.

However, both of them are tough-minded people, but it only took a moment to cut off the emotions in their hearts.

Jiang Li looked at the strange creatures that were about to dissipate and said, "Don't blather. If it were so easy to land in this world, you wouldn't play any tricks with me."

After saying that, without giving the strange creature a chance to reply, Jiang Li directly activated the Hengyu Furnace and fired out a large swath of fairy light, completely obliterating its divine form.

The ruthless man looked at the cracked space, and the immortal light that was still inside was escaping, proving that this place was very close to the immortal realm.

It is much closer than the Beidou Road to Immortality, but the Road to Immortality here is difficult to break, at least not by a true immortal.

"Do you think what he said is true?" the ruthless man asked.

"It should be. We have also speculated before that traveling through time and space should not be something that a true immortal can do." Jiang Li said.

He looked at this crack and couldn't help but want to go in and see the real fairyland.

The ruthless person looked at Jiang Li with a ripple in the depths of her starry eyes. She asked, "Do you want to go to the Immortal Realm?"

She didn't know how she felt at this time, struggling in the world of mortals, living life after life, burying herself, and waiting for someone to return.

And if another person wants to leave now, she doesn't know what to do. Waiting for her brother is her obsession, which she couldn't let go of in the past.

But if the person who belongs to the future now wants to leave and enter the fairyland, how should she choose...

She didn't like to be separated in her life, so she never had any karma with anyone. Those who helped her when she was young would use supreme heavenly power and imperial weapons to return the karma and cut off the karma.

(End of this chapter)

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