The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 249 247 Feixianxing

Chapter 249 Two Four Seven Flying Immortal Star
Time flies, and the younger generation of geniuses continue to grow. The entire starry sky is now dominated by Jiang Zihan, Xiao Zi, and Dou Zhan Little Saint Monkey.

They were really amazing. Even if they cut off their cultivation and let them rebuild, they would soon come back to practice again. Each one of them became a saint when they were less than fifty years old.

This kind of cultivation speed is really much higher than that of their parents. This is actually normal, because their starting point is too high and they have the top cultivation resources in the entire universe.

The most powerful evolutionary fluid specially created for them by the Eternal Star Territory assists them in their training. It is normal for them to have such achievements.

Compared with their parents, these younger generations are really much happier. In order to give them enough training, Jiang Li and Ye Fan even created a secret realm and captured many vicious holy beasts and imprisoned them. Inside, and then let these juniors go in and experience it, letting them experience the trials of life and death.

For this reason, Jiang Li also took action to block the consciousness of the holy beasts, leaving them with only violent instincts, just because they were afraid that these holy beasts would not dare to attack with all their strength.

These juniors were fighting inside, and their strength was growing rapidly. Soon the first batch of holy beasts put in would not pose much of a threat to them.

Jiang Li asked the emperor to be responsible for this matter, and asked the emperor to capture some ferocious beasts that were ten steps higher than theirs and send them in. As soon as one of them broke through, he would continue to let in more powerful ferocious beasts.

After such manipulation, Ye Fan was a little speechless just looking at them. With such a high level, those children could only be killed if they triggered the divine ban.

But as a person who has experienced it, Ye Fan knows that the divine forbidden realm is not so easy to trigger. He only figured out some of the divine forbidden rules after entering the realm of the Holy King, but he only entered it for one or two breaths.

"It's up to you. If you call the Emperor of Heaven, you might be able to do it." The man in the ancient cave spoke without mercy.

"Holy Body, why are you here!"

Ye Fan stood on a cliff, with a vast waterfall falling at his feet. The land was lush and green, and wild beasts were rampant. He knew where the Ba Ti Ancestral Cave was with just a moment of induction.

Since nothing will happen in terms of safety, then just endure more hardships. He, Lao Ye, has also endured hardships.

Fu Ming Jing is worthy of being dozens of supreme masters and ruthless men. The heavenly skills created by him and Ye Fan are indeed very powerful. But as soon as he started practicing, he felt his body slowly transforming.

There has never been a life like this. Less than a thousand years apart, the road to immortality has been opened twice.

In that ancient cave, dense purple gas boiled and rolled out, and a voice came out like wind and thunder, echoing in the sky.

Jiang Li couldn't be happier about this. His body is slowly getting stronger, which means that his body can hold more mana, so that when he breaks through the level in the future, the success rate will be higher.

Jiang Li had already asked people around him if they wanted to enter the Immortal Realm, and the answers he received were always that they would not go. After all, although his current inner world cannot be compared with the Immortal Realm, it can still make people live forever, and there is no need to be attached to the Immortal Realm.

"What is that? Is it the Holy Body Ye Fan? Or is the Emperor of Heaven traveling?"

On Ye Fan's side, Jiang Li also told him the news early, but he was also the same, preferring to wait until his life span is approaching to enter the inner world.

Ordinary monks dare not get close because it is difficult to display their true combat power here.

"This is going to the Overlord Ancestral Star" someone exclaimed.

A golden avenue runs through an unknown number of galaxies, reaching directly to the galaxy of the Overlord Ancestral Star.

Now that he had found the right place, Ye Fan didn't hide it, and his breath was naturally exposed, and he walked inside. These people all trembled, shivering under this breath, and knelt on the ground involuntarily.

Everyone was excited. They had almost reached the level of quasi-emperor and began to approach the Feixianxing. They looked forward to successfully becoming a Feixianxian in this life.

After all, no one knows what is going on in the Immortal Realm now. After entering, you may live forever, or you may be killed directly by the aborigines. The risk is too great.

This road to immortality is different from Beidou's time that only allowed those who were enlightened in this world to enter. This time, anyone can enter the road to immortality, but the number of places is limited and only three people can enter.

From that day on, Jiang Li began to practice the Immortal Sutra like crazy. As for containing the magic power, he let his body do it instinctively. Currently, his main purpose is to practice the Immortal Sutra.

Although this would slow down the process of accommodating mana, he still chose to practice the Immortal Sutra first.

On this day, in the 583rd year of the Emperor's Calendar, Jiang Li, who was practicing the Immortal Sutra, suddenly felt waves of immortality rushing out of the universe. He knew that this should be the beginning of Feixianxing's path to becoming an immortal.

Under the mountain peak, there is a cave that sprays auspicious colors all year round. Hidden there are all the strongest people in this star from ancient times to the present.

This is a big star with surging vitality, magnificent mountains and rivers, vast land and abundant energy, which is very suitable for practice and enlightenment.

Of course, supreme figures are not restricted. The golden avenue spreads to the front and then disappears. Ye Fan takes one step forward without making a sound.

And at this moment, Ye Fan moved, the stars were shining brightly, rising above the divine rainbow, taking one step forward, the stars moved, and the heaven and earth changed.

Behind the giant mountain is an open land, like a grassland, except for a divine peak standing in the middle, emitting purple energy.

The fire clouds in the sky were exceptionally bright and red, like a piece of blood spattered on the cloth. Five moons had already risen in the sky.

Now that the forbidden area of ​​​​life has been eliminated, the weirdness has also been eliminated. The only remaining ones are the three overlords and the semi-finished product in the underworld that is slightly threatening. But now Ye Fan is in charge of this world, plus Gai Jiuyou, Ning Fei, Jiang Li Don't worry about anything going wrong.

With a glance, Ye Fan saw that the people in front of him exploded, and the blood mist floated up, making the place look scary.

The road to immortality that everyone once longed for, now no one around them is willing to enter.

And this time, many powerful people are ambitious. Because there is no Supreme, they don't have to worry about being affected. And if they really break into the fairyland, they will really reach the sky in one step.

The ancestral star of the Overlord Body is very extraordinary. It has endured countless tribulations and is still engraved with their own Dao marks. Any Dao fruit will be suppressed here.

In today's universe, there are only two of them who are worthy of such a way of traveling. One is the Emperor of Heaven, and the other is an ancient emperor who can kill the most sublimated ancient emperor. They are both emperor-level figures.

A blazing rainbow bridge spans across the universe, crossing the heavens and all realms, and leads directly to a certain star realm. This Hongqiao is too bright, connecting the two sides of the starry sky.

"Who's stopping?" shouted the group of people guarding the mountain gate.

Ye Fan came to the world and came to the mountain gate.

After settling the children's matters, Jiang Li began to practice the Immortal Sutra with all his strength, and let his body instinctively store mana.

This was the breath of the Supreme, sweeping across the vast land in an instant, and all living beings screamed. Whether it was birds, animals or people on the Tyrant Ancestral Star, they couldn't help but tremble and fell softly to the ground.

"I came to see you and prevent you from going to the road to immortality." Ye Fan calmly replied.

But complaints are complaints, and he had no objection to this arrangement. After all, he just said that he would ignore them, but if something unexpected happened, there would still be an enlightened person outside guarding them.

Something happened to Feixianxing, and even before its secrets were truly revealed, restlessness began to spread all over the universe.

"Hmph, don't anger me. I'm not here to kill you, but to watch over you on behalf of my disciple. When he becomes a master in the future, he will come to take your lives."

"Everyone can talk big words, but can you do it?"

"If you want to die early, you can try it."

The two sides faced each other tit for tat, showing no mercy to each other. Their constitutions were based on blood feud. When Ye Fan went through the Great Tribulation, if they had not taken Jiang Li's attitude into consideration, they would have taken action long ago and would not show mercy at all.

The same goes for Ye Fan, because these people didn't attack him in the first place, so he didn't mind leaving these people to Yang Xi and letting him personally avenge his ancestors.

"If it weren't for the Emperor of Heaven, you would have died." A voice came from the ancient cave again, but this time it was another person.

But they were just talking, and they didn't really want to fight Ye Fan. As mortal enemies, they all knew how strong the Overlord Body and the Holy Body were at their peak.

Now that they are old and frail, if they really want to fight, all of them will be dragged to death by the Dacheng Holy Body, which is now at its peak.

Ye Fan did not tolerate them. He dared to shout when he saw these three great hegemons. He took action directly. His body swelled up and he stood on the plain like a god. His hair was as black as stars and his eyes were shining with blazing light. His Dharma Appearance The body towers into the clouds, stepping towards the ancestral mountain of the hegemonic lineage.

This is a kind of spirit of self-centeredness. Even if you come to the Ancestral Star of Tyrant Body and face more than one Supreme Being, you still dare to do this, step on it as soon as you raise your foot, and step on it.

The divine peak was majestic and full of scenery, surrounded by clouds and flowing purple clouds. At this moment, it suddenly started to shake, and there was a roar of wind and thunder. No one had ever dared to rise above this place like this since ancient times.

"If you don't accept it, come out and fight. I don't mind dealing with you first." Ye Fan yelled, his whole body full of momentum.

A powerful aura instantly surged in the ancient cave, resisting Ye Fan's Dharma. The two sides' tentative fights shocked the entire Hegemon Ancestral Star. If it weren't for the unique avenue here, it would probably be broken at this moment.

After fighting each other, the three great masters in the ancient cave also became quiet. They didn't want to go out and fight because it meant death. No matter what the reason was, since they declared themselves, it meant that they didn't want to die.

After Ye Fan vented his anger, he did not continue to take action. Although Yang Xi never told him that he wanted to kill these three Dacheng hegemons, he knew that Yang Xi definitely wanted to kill them personally. To comfort the ancestors.

After all, one of Yang Xi's ancestors died among these three people.

As a master, although Ye Fan has never formally taught his disciples, he will not be shy about what he can do for them.

In the days that followed, the Feixianxing became more and more extraordinary. The entire ancient star seemed to begin to sublimate, and from time to time there would be fairy lights taking shape, which meant that the time for the road to immortality was getting closer and closer.

On Feixianxing, there are many wild beasts, savage birds, dense primitive forests, majestic mountains, and waterfalls like the Milky Way hanging from the sky. This is a magnificent world.

But recently, it has been restless. All the strong men are uneasy. All the strange beasts and ferocious birds are roaring and singing. The anomalies in the center are getting more and more terrifying. I can directly hear roars, ancient monuments, demonic energy and fairy mist. Transpiration together.

Jiang Li's arrival without any cover-up shocked the sea of ​​​​stars. All the spirits on Feixianxing were greatly touched. The arrival of a true emperor of heaven was more terrifying than the ancient supreme being.

He saw that the sealing monument was loose, and it was almost impossible to suppress this place.

Jiang Li watched for a long time without taking any action. He entered space, sat cross-legged in the void, looked at the big stars below, and guarded.

Time flies like this, and a full fifty years have passed, and he has remained motionless, except for practicing the Immortal Sutra and looking at the Feixianxing.

Naturally, he came here not because he wanted to enter the Immortal Realm, but because the road to immortality was opening. It was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him. When the Immortal Realm opened, the aura of the Immortal Realm would spread, and Jiang Li could borrow it. Take this opportunity to save some mana.

In the past two or three hundred years, although he has been filling his acupoints with mana all the time, until now, he has only been able to fill more than 10,000 acupoints.

This is actually not slow anymore. These more than 10,000 acupoints have increased his magic power several times. He now has infinite power when he raises his hands and feet. If it were not for the success of practicing the Immortal Sutra during this period, , he is afraid that he will not be able to withstand such huge divine power.

This is the road of fighting immortals. Break through the level in the most domineering way. Without absolute foundation, walking on this road will only make you die faster.

Emperor Huangtian lived for more than 20,000 years in his first life, but when he transformed into a war immortal in his second life, he only lived for 10,000 years. From this, we can see how difficult the road to war immortality is.

Of course, this also varies from person to person, and everyone takes a different path. He doesn’t know the path taken by Emperor Huangtian, but the path taken by Douzhan Saint Emperor is to condense the heavenly Dharma, use Dharma to accommodate divine power, and wait until the divine power is enough At this time, it depends on the fusion of Dharma.

The advantages and disadvantages of this path are obvious. It uses the law to accommodate divine power. In the early stage, there is no need to consider whether the body can bear it like he did. Therefore, this path takes the shortest time. Douzhan Shenghuang only took thousands of years to complete this step. There is no need to consider anything else at all.

But this path is good in the early stage, but it is extremely difficult to integrate the Dharma later. To accommodate that huge divine power, the requirements on the body and Taoism are too high, and the Dou Zhan Holy Emperor was obviously not satisfied at that time, so He failed to transform into a war immortal.

The path Jiang Li took will take a long time, and the mana will be filled slowly, and as the body's endurance increases, it will become slower and slower. At this time, you need to cultivate your body, which also takes a lot of time. , and then he has to spend a lot of time to improve his Taoism. According to his own estimation, it will take at least a hundred thousand years to complete these three steps.

In terms of Taoism, because there is an inner world, the supreme beings inside will help him improve, which saves at least 30,000 years, but even so, it will take 70,000 years to achieve success.

In this Dharma-Ending Age, no one except him has 70,000 years, so the road to transforming into a war immortal is almost a dead end for others.

Just like this time, if everything goes well and he fills his mana to the current limit of more than 14,000 acupoints, he can save at least hundreds of years. In the next few hundred years, he can practice peace of mind without any worries. To extinguish the sutra, there is no need to be distracted by anything else.

For him, this is absolutely worry-free and labor-saving. After all, the road to becoming an immortal lies here. He just needs to come to the door to practice and solve some troubles, and he can save hundreds of years of time. So why bother? No.

And as the emperor of this world, it is also his duty to deal with the three supreme beings.


The last giant monument appeared on the Feixian Star. It was taller than the others. The runes on it flashed and were densely packed. With its appearance, the entire forest of monuments seemed to come alive.

The earth was rumbling, all the stone tablets were moving, and earth-shaking changes had taken place. Jiang Li sat in the starry sky and looked down, and the mountains, rivers, and earth had changed.

The forest of steles in the central ancient land moved, outlining a vast territory, with nine dragons in it, making the appearance of soaring!
The terrain undulated, the mountains and rivers changed, and the original appearance was revealed. Nine dragons were crouching in the central ancient land, and countless hills were rising around it. It was like thousands of dragons taking flight, submerging underground or entering another world.

This is the true terrain of the Feixianxing Sealed Land, which is now revealed. The dense air is steaming, and the roars of immortals and demons are faint, shaking the sky.

No one expected that the shock would change so quickly, and it would continue to evolve for fifty years. The last moment would directly open up the overall situation, and the seal of Feixianxing would soon be lifted.

The demonic energy rushed up, the immortal energy burst out, and tens of thousands of dragons seemed to be resurrected. They opened their teeth and claws, transforming from mountains and rivers to entities, trying to break eternity and enter the fairy world. .
The sound of iron chains broke the silence and became increasingly clear. This was not the sound of a door lock, but like the shackles were moving and someone was trying to break free.

Jiang Li knew that the suppressed Supreme inside had awakened.


There was a loud noise, and a brilliant light erupted from the underground world, tearing the void apart, a passage appeared, and a large rain of light flew out.

"The Immortal Road has appeared." I don't know who screamed in surprise.

Anyone who has experienced the Great Tribulation of the Beidou knows that it is the Immortal Road Light Rain, and the passage is the Great Crack in the Immortal Realm, which appeared back then and appears again now.

"It's really related to becoming an immortal. This place is about to open up another path," someone lamented.


Finally, an earth-shattering roar came, and along with the sound of huge shackles, a huge creature broke free and was about to be born and manifest in the human world.

"I want to become an immortal in this life"

This was a huge wave that shook the sky. Jiang Li opened his eyes and saw where he saw at a glance. Underneath the bottom layer was a giant snake that looked like a galaxy. It was too huge and dazzling, but it was covered by immortal iron chains. Penetrated the body and locked underneath.

In addition, there is a piece of fairy source, which is far less big than its body, but it broke free from it. Apparently, it only revealed its huge body after getting out of trouble.

Hua She, one of the ancestors of the Kunlun clan, was suppressed by Emperor Zun on the road to immortality. He has gone completely crazy for tens of millions of years.

Then, Jiang Li glanced around again, and there was a disheveled Taoist who just broke through the immortal source. His limbs were shackled and he raised his head and roared.

At this moment, the mountains and rivers were extinguished, all things withered, and the endless essence of vegetation and the vitality of all spirits flowed out and gathered towards him.

This is the Nirvana Heavenly Lord, one of the Nine Heavenly Lords in the Mythical Age, the founder of the Linzi Secret, and also a poor bastard who was suppressed by the Emperor.

Jiang Li turned his eyes again and saw a fairy well with gurgling water.

The dazzling fairy energy is mysterious and unpredictable. The fairy clouds fly up from the center of the earth, with thousands of auspicious lights and millions of runes. They are densely packed and shocking.

This is no longer a pure formation secret, but also has a powerful personal imprint. Someone has sealed this place with his own traces, showing his unparalleled power.

It is precisely because of this that the Immortal Well appears to be terrifying and boundless. Jiang Li has experienced such power. It is the aura of the Huangta, or in other words, it is the aura left here by the Huangtian Emperor.

In the ancient era of chaos, Emperor Huangtian was resurrected in his burial ground. At that time, his soul was silent, and his body instinctively wanted to enter the immortal realm. The young Zhang Bairen also met Emperor Huangtian at that time.

The Huang Tower should be the last layer of the small tower. Emperor Huang Tian also entered the Immortal Realm soon after finding it accidentally.


The central seal was torn apart, the runes shattered on their own, the iron chains clanked, glare flew, and a tattered mountain of flesh flew out. I don't know what kind of creature it was, but it was wrapped in old skin.

Moreover, there is a crystal substance splashing, which is something like a fairy source, which was originally used to seal it.


As the meat mountain disintegrated, a prehistoric creature was revealed. It was as red as blood and covered with dense scales. It had the head of a redbird, a wolf god, and a dragon tail. It had a fierce aura. It does not exist in ancient history, and it may not even be from the mythical era. biology.

Among the three creatures at this moment, the only one who is still normal is the Nirvana Lord. The other two are crazy at this moment and are almost unconscious.


The formation patterns are breaking, the fairy light is becoming blazing, the earth is rumbling and sinking, the big cracks in the fairyland are spreading, and the depths of the seal are exposed.

The Road to Immortality reappears.

The light rain is flying, accompanied by large white petals, crystal clear. This is a dreamy and blurred world that makes people tremble and intoxicate.

A huge monument stands under the Milky Way, floating slowly from the seal, standing on the light path, looking so unattainable.

At this moment, Feixianguang had begun to vent, and Jiang Li did not waste any time. He took one step forward and came to the three statues. He shot out a palm directly and hit the huge body of the snake.

At this moment, the transformed snake has revealed its true form, like a galaxy stretching across the starry sky. Jiang Li was too small in front of him, but with this palm, the transformed snake was directly cut into two pieces by the waist, causing bones and blood to splash.

"Roar!" The snake roared in pain, and its already delirious mind became confused.

"The road to immortality in this life is mine." It shouted, then reunited its physical body, and ignored Jiang Li and rushed directly towards the road to immortality.

Jiang Li shook his head and sighed: "Totally crazy."

Originally, it seemed that it was an imperial figure and was going to be sent to the inner world to work for him, but if it was a lunatic, that would be unnecessary.

Jiang Li stretched out his hand and grabbed the snake that had escaped at high speed. Then he slapped it with his palm. It was very ordinary. With just such a slap, half of the snake's body was blown away again.

(End of this chapter)

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