The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 251 Chapter 249 Fire Qizi vs. Golden Crow

Chapter 251 Two-forty-Nine Fire Qizi vs. Golden Crow

Ning Fei nodded and said matter-of-factly: "Apart from that, what else do they ask for? As high-level quasi-emperors, status is no longer a problem for them. The only thing that can make them willing to surrender is immortality."

Xianhuang agreed with this statement. It cannot be said that there are not many things that can impress a quasi-emperor, but there are certainly not many. For example, the seven great generals of the Immortal Emperor all want nothing more than a promise given to them by the Emperor. When they are short of life, , using the royal blood to renew their lives.

As for these quasi-emperors, the Emperor of Heaven has not even made any promises, and has not even met them in person, yet they are here!

But it is not difficult to understand. After all, it is immortality. Who doesn't want it? Even countless ancient emperors chose to kill themselves for this. It is indeed not difficult to understand that a quasi-emperor would fight for a chance of immortality by serving his life.

Immortal Phoenix's heart was surging at the moment. This was power. The power brought by the supreme power simply fascinated her. At the same time, she became even more attached to the Emperor of Heaven.

At this moment, the forces of several emperors and queens are like this without exception. Even Yaochi is visited by a female quasi-emperor. She is also the top talent of Ye Fan's generation and now has the strength of a high-level quasi-emperor.

Now in the Ziwei Star Territory, I have really experienced what it means for quasi-emperors to walk everywhere. During this period, hundreds of quasi-emperors came to the Ziwei Star Territory.

It looks scary, but this is actually the sum total of most of the quasi-emperors in the entire universe, as well as some self-proclaimed quasi-emperors who stayed behind.

The major forces did not refuse the quasi-emperors who came to their door. As long as they were sure that they were not guilty and murderous, they would be recruited and become honorary elders.

At the edge of the universe, Huo Qizi and the Golden Crow Emperor did not argue too much and directly chose to take action.

Everyone was shocked. Huo Qizi's purpose was self-evident. It was impossible for him to cross countless galaxies to find the Golden Crow Emperor just to drink tea.

Compared to the two people who were fighting, the onlookers were even more speechless. Is this also the Great Emperor? Why does it feel like they are evenly matched?

"That's not true. You think that alternative enlightened people are weak. Think about the number one divine general in ancient Heaven and Ning Fei, the number one divine general today. They are both figures who can fight against the Supreme."

Many people don't know Ye Fan's true combat power, because there is no Supreme to prove that he is at that level. The only Supreme battle was between Source God and Source Ghost, but it seems that it can't explain anything if it is just a Supreme.

In fact, Jin Wu was even more frightened and angry at this moment. He knew his combat power very well and was definitely not weak. However, Huo Qi Zi on the opposite side had too many tricks. Forget about his own taboo chapter and secret technique. Jin Wu thought that his own taboo was His secret skills are no worse than those of the Ancient Qilin Emperor.

When they had enough longevity to serve him, Jiang Li naturally had to protect their retirement life, and then let them enter the inner world and continue to serve him implicitly.

When the Nine Secrets are mastered by one person, the various secret techniques mutually support each other and are far more powerful than a single secret technique. If nothing else, it is just a secret technique.

So now in the universe, there are different opinions on who is stronger between Jinwu and Ye Fan, but when Huo Qizi challenges Jinwu, it seems that he is also implicitly telling everyone the answer.

He is the son of the ancient emperor, and the power of his bloodline is already terrifying. In addition, the ancient emperor Qilin has been practicing with him for hundreds of years since his return. In terms of cultivation, he is indeed faster than his peers. Now he is the second person to break through to another form of enlightenment.

In the nine hundred and eighty-fourth year of the Emperor's Calendar, Huo Qizi, his uncle, took another step forward in the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor. Half of his body entered the realm of the Great Emperor and became an alternative enlightened person. He was the second alternative enlightened person in the world besides Ye Fan. .

This kind of secret technique that enhances one's own combat power by ten times requires luck. If it is just a single secret technique, except for Emperor Zun who can activate ten times the combat power at will, even if other ancient emperors know it, the triggering depends on the probability.

Moreover, many forces in the universe have now joined the forces of the Emperor of Heaven. They do not participate in the battle for the territory of the universe. Ye Fan's Heavenly Court is also a transcendent force, higher than Jiutian, and also does not participate in the conquest.

A single type of Nine Secrets is actually nothing, because they are all latecomers. Even if they practice the Nine Secrets to perfection, they are definitely not as good as a great emperor personally using his own forbidden secret technique, but the complete Nine Secrets are different.

What's going on in this life? It's okay to meet the Emperor of Heaven, but let him encounter this unreasonable alternative state of enlightenment.

There are both opinions, but most still think that the Golden Crow has a better chance of winning, and those who think that Huo Qizi can win are almost all quasi-emperors who have taken refuge in Huolin Cave.

"I wonder what the outcome of this battle will be!"

It's just that many people don't understand why Huo Qizi wants to challenge the current emperor. Rather than Holy Body Ye Fan, logically speaking, although Dacheng Holy Body can be called the Great Emperor, it is definitely weaker than the Great Emperor.

Therefore, even if other forces attack each other because of various resources, it is only a small fight and cannot rise to the cosmic level.

But in addition, this Huo Qizi also masters the Emperor of Heaven's Hengyu Jin and the complete Nine Secrets, which is a bit scary.

The only thing that I know is that he stole the chicken to prove the truth. He was once despised by many people, who thought that he did not have the courage that a great emperor should have. Unlike the Emperor of Heaven, he just told the Supreme Being of the Forbidden Zone that I am going to break through and you are coming. Fuck me, come quickly.

When Huo Qizi arrived outside the Huosang Star, he heard a cry, and then a golden light flashed through, which was more dazzling than the sun. In a trance, he could see a three-legged golden crow transforming into the sun and giving the sky a zone. Come to the light.

In this general environment, the universe has become strangely peaceful. Everyone is focused on immortality, and few continue to attack each other.

Everyone is discussing, and now most of the quasi-emperors have gathered near the Ziwei Star Territory, so there are naturally a lot of people discussing.

The Golden Crow Emperor has been enlightened for a thousand years, and the injuries he suffered during his enlightenment have also recovered. However, during these thousand years, people have suddenly discovered that they have paid too little attention to this great emperor.


The two of them didn't say anything, and walked toward the edge of the universe in tacit agreement.

But no matter what, this is a great emperor in this world. Although he certainly cannot be compared with the Emperor of Heaven, he is certainly not weak.

Huo Qizi is the son of the ancient emperor. He is the strongest Qilin clan in the universe. Coupled with the ancient emperor's bloodline, his strength is terrifying.

The growth of the inner world just needs the filling of monks. Although these quasi-emperors cannot compete with the Supreme, if they have enough quality, it will also be a great help.

After Huo Qizi broke through, he spent decades stabilizing his cultivation, and then left the border directly, and his destination was Huosang Planet.

Many quasi-emperors looked there, and this battle attracted a lot of attention.


The Golden Crow Emperor is weak. It also depends on who he is competing with. Compared with the Emperor of Heaven, he is naturally weak, but that does not mean that he cannot even deal with a Supreme. This is what everyone thinks.

"After all, he is a living emperor, so he shouldn't be unable to defeat an alternative enlightened person!

Now is the real golden age. Almost all monsters have gathered in this world, and several emperors coexist. This is almost something that can be expected.

Compared to old age and death, such a price can be exchanged for millions of years of life, which is definitely not a loss. It is a decent and high-paying job. Don't you see, the entire universe is now proud to join the Emperor of Heaven's group of forces.

After the fight, Jin Wu found something incredible that he could not defeat the opponent in a short period of time, which made his already sad Taoist heart even more sad.

As soon as the Golden Bell of Dao Tribulation rang, the terrifying imperial power instantly swept across the wilderness. On Huo Qizi's side, the Qilin Staff was not to be outdone, and also erupted with terrifying power.

Huosang Star, this is the ancestral star of the Golden Crow Clan, and almost all of them are from the Golden Crow Clan. The Golden Crow of Ziwei was moved from this ancient star.

What's more important is that the Emperor's attempt to rob him was very poor, causing problems with his Tao. He was not able to imprint all of them into the Ten Thousand Taos, which greatly affected his own combat power.

But if someone collects all the nine secrets, the situation will be different. After the nine secrets complement each other, the user can trigger all the secrets at will.

Facing an alternative enlightened person who can trigger the Secret Secret at any time, this is simply a shame. In this case, Huo Qizi, who was supposed to be weaker than the Golden Crow Emperor, suddenly felt that he was evenly matched.

Moreover, in addition to the Nine Secrets, Hengyu Jin is also powerful. This secret technique has been strengthened countless times by Jiang Li. The posture that almost threatens the world makes Jin Crow's eyes twitch.

He is the great emperor of the world and is in charge of the Seal of Heaven's Heart. It stands to reason that he could have cut off the blessings from Heaven and Earth to Huo Qizi. Even if it continued, he should have suppressed it at the worst.

But he had no choice but to do it. Hengyu Jin's power was too overbearing. When Huo Qizi performed this forbidden secret technique, he forcibly robbed the power of heaven and earth and took charge of the Tianxin mark in an alternative way.

After all, it is the forbidden secret technique of the Emperor of Heaven, so it is not surprising that it has such terrifying blessings.

The two fought for a long time. This was the longest supreme battle in the past thousand years. Neither side could defeat the other. Huo Qizi also relied on Jie Zimi and his brother-in-law's Hengyu Jin to take control. Tianxin Seal and Golden Crow can fight hard without falling behind. Everyone in the Golden Crow is numb. Should secret techniques like the Nine Secrets really be collected? The nine secrets after gathering are not secret arts in the human realm at all, and the strengthened Hengyu Jin far exceeds the level of the emperor's forbidden secret arts.

Nine days after the battle, the two fought from the edge of the universe to the depths of the universe, and by coincidence, their direction happened to be where Jiang Li was retreating.

The quasi-emperors who were watching had playful expressions on their faces, as if they were looking for a good show. Even the quasi-emperors of Huolin Cave had a smile on their faces. Anyway, they were not worried about Huo Qizi suffering a loss. Well, Jinwu, then It really depends on how the Emperor of Heaven feels.

The two men who had already fought so hard that they couldn't tell the difference between heaven and earth obviously didn't realize this. Soon, they reached a place very close to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li, who was practicing the Immortal Sutra, had long been awakened by the movement of the two people. At this moment, he was speechlessly looking at the two people who were only a few star fields away from him.

This distance is very far, so far that the Holy King may not be able to complete this distance in his lifetime, but for a supreme person, this distance is really very close, and it can be reached in just one or two breaths.

Seeing that the two of them were still fighting here, Jiang Li also stretched out a palm.

In an instant, the universe became clear, and the roar of the avenue caused by all the battles disappeared. A giant red hand encompassed the entire universe. The laws of the extreme were lingering. The terrifying mana instantly made it difficult for the two to resist. The Golden Bell and Qilin of Dao Tribulation The battle was defeated, and then came the Golden Crow Emperor and Huo Qizi.

There is no resistance at all. This has surpassed the ordinary emperor. It is not the same magnitude. The difference in quantity between the two sides cannot be calculated based on reason.

"If you want to fight, get away. If you come to me again, I will suppress you and wait for ten thousand years!"

The whole world was shocked. Everyone knew that the Emperor of Heaven was very powerful, at least much stronger than the Great Emperor, but they had never known it before. Until now, when they saw two great emperor-level warriors being sent flying across countless galaxies with one blow, without the slightest resistance, Only then did people have a preliminary understanding of the fighting power of the Emperor of Heaven.

Very strong, so strong that it may surpass all the great emperors of ancient and modern times!
It is simply incomprehensible, because no legend left by any great emperor can compare with the current Emperor of Heaven. Everyone said that the Emperor Wu Shi was strong, but even Emperor Wu Shi could not defeat the Supreme One with one palm like this.

But soon, people got used to it. This Heavenly Emperor had created a small fairyland. There was nothing else he couldn't do. Even if there really were immortals in this fairyland, the Heavenly Emperor would be the most powerful among the immortals.

At this time, the two people who were beaten back to the wilderness of the universe looked at each other and did not continue fighting. Firstly, they knew that there would be no results if they continued fighting like this. Secondly, they were seeing Jiang Li's current fighting power. In the end, they also felt a little boring.

In this battle, Huo Qizi's prestige skyrocketed, and finally, after a thousand years, he was considered comparable to Ye Fan!
But only a few people know that today's Ye Fan is not just as simple as Dacheng. The Holy Body plus alternative enlightenment can really be compared with the Great Emperor. What's more, Ye Fan, the Holy Body, is the first to break the curse. His foundation is really strong. .

Deep in the universe, Jiang Li looked at the starry sky and did not continue to practice. In fact, even without the interruption of Huo Qizi and Golden Crow, he was ready to leave seclusion. Now that his body has been tempered by the Immortal Sutra, he can now accommodate more Mana, it’s time to continue looking for good fortune and increase the mana first.

After what happened in the Immortal Realm, Jiang Li no longer wanted to practice hard and slowly. The feeling of getting it right in one step was simply not that satisfying.

After finishing the retreat, he returned directly to Ziwei, intending to spend some time with his family first, especially now that his two daughters have grown up, and he spent too little time with them due to his cultivation.

What's more important to me is that the cultivation of these women has made great progress. Qi Qi, who has the lowest cultivation, is now a quasi-emperor in the sixth level.

The smaller the cultivation level of both parties, the easier it is to conceive children. Now that Ye Fan is pregnant with his third child, he cannot afford to miss too much.

Jiang Li's return naturally caused shock in the Ziwei Star Territory. Those quasi-emperors were eagerly looking forward to it, preparing to perform well during the period when the Emperor of Heaven was here, and strive for the opportunity to enter the Little Immortal Territory and enjoy the road to immortality in the future.

It was night, in the Hengyu Palace, all the girls had put down their reserve after not seeing each other for hundreds of years, and Jiang Li also enjoyed the ultimate happiness. This was the first time that they were so neat.

The most over-the-top time in the past was when the Zixia Party and the Imperial Party were fighting each other. At that time, the two sides fought together to compete for favor, allowing Jiang Li to take advantage.

I didn’t expect that it would be useful even in the world of cultivating immortals after a long separation. Of course, it was only this time. In the following days, I would never get this kind of treatment. During this period, Jiang Li put down everything, did not practice, and took time to accompany a few people. female.

As for their children, they would rather stay with their friends. Both Jiang Zihan and Jiang Youxuan only stayed at home for a few years before running out.

But something happened that soon made Jiang Li unhappy. His eldest son and second son became very close to the eldest son and second son of the Ye family. He was very supportive of Jiang Youxuan and Xiao Zi getting close.

Jiang Li liked Xiao Zi very much. If they could get together, he would support it with all his hands, but he was not happy about his daughter and Ye Hao getting close.

Ye Fan is so frivolous, what good thing can his son be!

When it comes to why Jiang Li can play so well with Ye Fan, he thinks so, and so does Ye Fan.

Both of them hope that their son and their daughter across the street can be together, and that their daughter should stay away from the pig across the street.

Jiang Li and Ye Fan had discussed the matter of their daughter several times, asking each other to take care of their own sons, but they ended up unhappy every time.

The women on both sides looked at their men wrangling in amusement. Unlike Jiang Li and Ye Fan, they were very open-minded about their children's affairs.

Jiang Youxuan and Ye Hao have suffered greatly from their respective father-in-laws, but they are both satisfied with their mother-in-law. After all, they have watched them grow up since childhood. Compared with others, they are the best choices.

The only bad thing is that the relationship is a bit messy. The brother and sister are indeed more complicated!

Jiang Li didn't get angry for long. After his jealousy dissipated, he stopped targeting Ye Hao. After all, he was the person Zi Han liked, and he couldn't really do anything outrageous.

The same is generally true for Ye Hao, and without the obstruction of his old father, the development of the young people is on the right path, and they are not sneaking around.

After Jiang Li felt deeply that the little cotton-padded jacket was leaking air, he also concentrated on making a trumpet.

Finally, when Ye Fan and An Miaoyi's daughter was born, Qi Qi became pregnant successfully. This little coincidence made Ye Fan alert, fearing that this was his son.

But this time, nothing happened that worried Ye Fan. This time Qi Qi also gave birth to a daughter.

Jiang Li named his daughter Jiang Siqi, and then transformed into his daughter's slave again. It wasn't until Siqi was ten years old that he cut off her bloodline and sealed it for a hundred years!

After nearly a hundred years of leisurely life, Jiang Li also began to appear in the universe. He had visited many ancient stars and left his footprints in many places.

Now, as the Immortal Sutra becomes more and more profound, the speed at which he can replenish his mana has gradually failed to keep up. This time he is traveling in the universe, hoping to find a place of creation.

At the same time, the quasi-emperors who had taken refuge in Jiang Li's power group also moved into action. Hundreds of quasi-emperors spread into the universe. They understood the needs of the Emperor of Heaven and knew that this was the opportunity to express themselves. One and two of them were very active. Want to make meritorious deeds.

It is very reasonable to say that the power of people is greater. Even though Jiang Li's divine will is astonishing and can cover nine heavens and ten places with a single thought, it is only on the surface. Many places that dominate the world will have formations. Wen, Jiang Li's spiritual thoughts cannot be found in those places.

Hundreds of quasi-emperors quickly found a few places that initially met Jiang Li's needs after a carpet search, and Jiang Li also extracted massive amounts of energy from those places. Although it could not compare with the time in the Immortal Realm, it was still It is much faster than usually slowly absorbing the essence of heaven and earth.

It was just a few places of creation, but it helped to open up hundreds of acupoints. The improvement was not small, and the few quasi-emperors who found these places also received Jiang Li's 'reward', as long as they kept going , you can enter the Immortal Realm to practice in the future.

This was the first time that Jiang Li had promised that Quasi-Emperor cultivators could enter the Inner World. Not only those Quasi-Emperors who had received the promise were excited, but even those who had not received the promise felt that they had hope for the future.

If they were still wishful thinking before, now they have really seen that immortality is waving to them, and after receiving practical promises, the quasi-emperors are obviously more motivated. However, in just a few years, there are Several quasi-emperors found a blessed land that met the requirements.

Not only that, the news of Jiang Li's resignation quickly spread throughout the universe. Those quasi-emperors who were still waiting and watching could no longer sit still, and they all chose to join the Celestial Emperor's group of forces.

As a result, the team grew bigger and bigger, and Jiang Li filled the acupoints faster and faster, from only fifteen thousand acupoints to more than 19,990, until this Only then did Jiang Li's body begin to feel swollen.

From the last experience, Jiang Li knew that this was about to reach saturation, and he had a hunch that when the number of apertures exceeded 20,000, his combat power would undergo a transformation. By that time, He will correspond to the level of Hongchengxian Road and live to the fourth life.

In fact, this shouldn't be the case. The 20,000 acupoints on the Fighting Immortal Road he opened should correspond to the second life of the Red Dust Immortal Road. However, his own situation is different. He just broke through the Great Emperor and was equivalent to the Red Dust Immortal Road. In the third life, things were different.

And if he is about to face a breakthrough, the mana required this time is also extremely huge. Even though he has absorbed the energy of several places of creation, he is now stuck in 19,999 acupoints.

But Jiang Li could feel that he was already very close to the 20,000 acupoints. As long as he absorbed the energy of one more place of creation, he would be able to break through, and he had already targeted this place.

(End of this chapter)

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