The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 258: Practicing Scripture and Creating Dharma

Chapter 258: Practicing Scripture and Creating Dharma
For a moment, the sky collapsed and the earth collapsed. Their world was also shattered and about to explode. A terrible turmoil occurred in the universe, and the laws of order were chaotic.

Kunpeng stopped the time of that starry sky, which also indirectly affected the time of this area. Emperor Yan's expression changed drastically, and he quickly fled, escaping from this area of ​​the world, not daring to stay.

If Jiang Li were here, he would have no fear in the face of such aftermath and could handle it, but he couldn't. He was now only a quasi-emperor in the Ninth Level, and he had not yet formally practiced. He only relied on his natural combat power.


The terrifying roar shattered countless stars, and the whole world seemed to be overturned. However, for such a terrifying existence, at this moment, a hole was opened in the forehead bone by the halberd, blood flowed out, and endless murderous intent broke out.

Kunpeng was indifferent, and the Tianhuang Halberd in his hand struck down again, surrounded by infinite laws, which was dazzling to the extreme, and the terrifying energy and blood shook the world.


Sparks flew everywhere, the immortal's clock erupted with terrifying fluctuations, and the divine light flooded the sky. The vast immortal power was overwhelming and terrifying.

But in the end, Kunpeng had the upper hand in this attack. The big bell was pierced by the Tianhuang Halberd. The snow-white halberd went in and pierced the Immortal's shoulder.

Kunpeng twisted his white jade hand, and the Tianhuang Halberd directly tore the immortal's body apart. Among the pieces of flesh and blood, the immortal's soul wanted to escape far away and regroup, but it was destroyed by Kunpeng's halberd.

He did not aim too high, but settled down and started from the most basic. In order to fully understand the ancient immortal method, he even read all the most basic cultivation scriptures.

That is the World Tree, one of the most powerful divine objects in the world. It can anchor an ancient world and make the power of the laws of the ancient world stronger, making it easier for monks in the ancient world to practice.

Anyone who is from the Tianjiao Mountain can enter at will, and the truly precious scriptures and secrets are stored in other places.

Regardless of whether Emperor Yan is of the blood of a real dragon, his talent lies here, and it is worth making friends with him.

When Emperor Yan heard this, he immediately felt moved. He really needed a place to settle down temporarily at this moment, and then he could learn about the ancient immortal method. The Skyhorned Ant Clan was indeed a good choice.

"No, let's go then." Jin Chi said.

After Gu Feng left, Emperor Yan looked at the piles of scriptures, including bone plates, tortoise shells, stone tablets, etc., and looked up, and the more amazing it became as he went to the back. There were even scriptures recorded on immortal gold and stars. .

Emperor Yan did not refuse and readily agreed. After all, it would take more than ten years to cross the stars, which was a waste of time.

Emperor Yan looked at the sacred tree standing in the center of heaven and earth, his eyes couldn't help but blazing. This was one of the two things he wanted to obtain most and would be of great help to his path.

The Tianjiao Mountain is vast and vast. The tall mountain reaches straight into the sky. There are even the sun, moon and stars within it. The essence here is so rich that it can be directly transformed into the source of the gods. It is even more amazing than the Eternal Dragon Cave in Zhongzhou.

Seeing Kunpeng disappear in a flash of light, Emperor Yan also put away his thoughts and prepared to cross the void and follow Kunpeng's direction to the primitive ancient world.

Gu Feng didn't say anything and took the two of them on their way again.

Gu Feng on the side had a strange look on his face. The scriptures collected by the Skyhorned Ants were all very powerful, and some of them even included true immortal-level secret techniques and scriptures, which were useful for a true immortal like him. His son agreed readily.

"Then why don't you, Brother Shennong, come with me and the Sky Horn Ants as guests? Maybe I can ask my father to introduce you to Lord True Dragon. After all, Brother Dao, with your bloodline, it would be a bit of a waste if you can't practice with Lord True Dragon." Yes." Jin Chi said his suggestion directly.

Emperor Yan looked at everything in front of him and kept saying in his heart that it was too extravagant. Even a powerful man of the supreme level would definitely benefit from practicing here.

Gu Feng was very fast. He brought Jin Chi and Yan Emperor to an ancient world of life in just a short time.

Hearing this, Emperor Yan's heart was moved and he couldn't help but ask: "I wonder if I can enter the place where the cultivation method is placed in the sacred mountain."

He thought Emperor Yan would go to True Dragon Ridge to seek refuge with the True Dragon, but to his surprise, Emperor Yan actually shook his head.

"I don't know either, I'm not familiar with the primitive ancient world, so prepare to wander around first!" Emperor Yan told the truth and did not hide that he was not from the primitive ancient world.

After the two chatted for a while, Jinchi went to see his father. As for Emperor Yan, he entered a small world under the leadership of Gufeng.

"Thank you very much." Emperor Yan thanked him sincerely and did not refuse, because he really needed such a place.


And Emperor Yan believes that with pure true dragon blood, he will only grow more terrifying in the future.

What he wants to do most now is to browse some ancient immortal methods so that he can understand the creative methods, and then start practicing.

"So powerful!" Emperor Yan was a little surprised. This is the most powerful creature he has seen so far. It deserves to be called Kunpeng. No wonder it can rival the king realm before becoming a king.

In the Great Red Sky, the void in Tianjiao Mountain vibrated and roared. Many strong men in the mountain felt it, but when they saw Gu Feng bringing the golden pool, everyone stopped moving forward.

The death of the immortal figure caused this tunnel to become instantly chaotic.

Jinchi is the parent and son of the Sky Horn Ant Ancestor. His status is as high as that of the Immortal King. If anyone else acts like this in the sacred mountain, they will definitely be knocked down. But facing Jinchi, even a true immortal must behave respectfully. Please speak politely again.

After all, he had just heard from Gu Feng that the bloodline of the self-proclaimed Emperor Yan was actually comparable to his. This meant that Emperor Yan could at least become an immortal figure in the future and would have a high chance of becoming a quasi-king.

What comes into view is a huge sacred tree. No matter where you are, you can see a huge sacred tree.

Not to mention, if he can really get to know the real dragon through this, it will save him a lot of trouble. After all, if he really has to go on his own, it is still unclear whether he can get in front of the real dragon.

"What's the matter? I'll let Senior Gu take you there later." Jin Chi said cheerfully.

"You don't have to be so polite." Jin Chi waved his hand casually. Ancient scriptures and ancient books were all trophies obtained by his father after defeating the enemy. They were not very precious.

But just as he was about to leave, Jinchi on the other side said: "Brother Shennong, why not come with us? This place is still some distance away from the primitive ancient world. With the supreme speed of escape, I am afraid it will take more than ten years to reach it."

If you have this time, it is better to go to the primitive ancient world as soon as possible, and then start practicing the ancient immortal method, and the Tao seed will be real.

"Thank you." Emperor Yan thanked him. In fact, he didn't have high hopes at all, but he never expected Jin Chi to agree so readily.

"Master, you can visit here at will. If you need anything, you can come to me and I won't disturb you."

"I wonder where Brother Shennong is going next." Jin Chi asked curiously.

The ten evil creatures are all like this, and each of them has terrifying and astonishing talents.

"Brother Shennong is coming to our sacred mountain as a guest. You can feel free to visit other places except some forbidden areas." Jin Chi said with a smile.

This is an amazing ancient world, much larger and more powerful than the Cangwu Realm. As soon as you come to this world, you can feel that dozens of powerful Immortal King Laws are engraved in the world.

While watching, he also gradually figured out the specific cultivation path of the ancient immortal method, instead of just a general understanding of planting immortal seeds.

In fact, the realm behind the Immortal Ancient Method is the same as that of the Ancient Law, but the front realm is different.

The first state of practice is to transform from the ordinary. This state is actually to temper the body, which is the basis of practice. The second state is to concentrate, specifically to train the spiritual consciousness.

The first two realms are the foundations and preparations for planting the seeds of the Tao. But in the third realm, you can truly embark on the ancient immortal method.

The third realm is called planting the Tao. As the name suggests, it means planting the seeds of the Tao. However, this realm has three smaller realms, namely planting the Tao, engraving patterns, and returning to unity.

The first small realm is to plant the Tao seeds, and the second small realm is the inscriptions. However, unlike the runes of the Luan ancient method that are inscribed on the precious bones of ferocious beasts, the inscriptions of the Immortal Ancient method require the Tao seeds to be planted. The runes are engraved into the flesh and blood to better fit with the Tao. The last step of unification is to practice the inscription pattern to the extreme, then sublimate it to the extreme, and initially merge it with the Tao seed in the body to unify it.

At this point, the Tao Seed has been marked with its own symbol. Even if others kill you, it will still take endless time to wear away the aura of the Tao Seed that belongs to you.

Then after unification, the state of cultivation will be accomplished, and then the state of Nirvana.

The Tao seeds in the body will begin to truly act on the body, constantly increasing the user's power, and the monks themselves will feed the Tao seeds back, allowing them to continuously transform and reach nirvana.

At this stage, the monk's strength will skyrocket, and if he can cultivate three immortal energies before the end of Nirvana, he will be a true immortal.

After Nirvana comes flowering. At this stage, the sown Tao seeds will take root and sprout and produce flowers, so that the monks can begin to comprehend the Dharma on the Tao seeds and realize the first leap in life.

Then, it is the virtual way in the ancient law, kill me, escape...

Soon, these basic scriptures were read. The ones below the Supreme were too simple for him, and he often read them all in just two glances. Soon he started to read the few true immortal scriptures, and he got here. , his speed of enlightenment has obviously slowed down and sometimes he even has to stay on a symbol for a long time.

At this moment, in a large hall, Jin Chi was finishing the story about Emperor Yan, and the Sky Horn Ant Ancestor opposite him was also deeply moved. The significance of a young man with pure blood comparable to that of a true dragon cub was too great.

"Father, can you recommend me to Brother Shennong? With such a strong bloodline, if he can train with Lord True Dragon, his future achievements are bound to be limitless," Jin Chi said.

He believed that based on his father's relationship with Lord True Dragon, if he could be recommended by Emperor Yan, there would be a high probability that he would be accepted as a disciple by True Dragon.

The Sky Horned Ant Ancestor was sitting cross-legged on the futon, with an astonishing appearance. After hearing his son's words, he did not answer, but thought for a while and said: "Gu Feng, come and see me."

The sound was not loud, but it was like God had issued a decree. Almost instantly, the ancient voice sounded outside the hall.

"My lord, I would like to see you in Gufeng."

Outside the main hall, Gu Feng stood outside the hall door. When he heard the Sky Horn Ant Ancestor summoning him, Gu Feng hurried over.

The Sky Horn Ant Ancestor asked ancient questions, all about the man who calls himself Emperor Yan. If he really wants to introduce a disciple to the real dragon, he must make it clear that not only his talent, but also his conduct must not be too bad.

After understanding it clearly, it is not too late to tell fellow Taoist True Dragon that a creature whose bloodline is comparable to that of a True Dragon's own child, how much does the True Dragon have to thank him for?
But after thinking about it for a while, he felt that this was inappropriate. If the real dragon really fell in love with it, he would have to investigate it himself. What was going on with this on behalf of the investigation?

After figuring out this link, the Sky Horn Ant Ancestor directly ordered Gu Feng to go to Zhenlong Ridge and truthfully tell Zhenlong about Yan Emperor to see if he could make up his own mind whether to investigate by himself or his brother should investigate on his behalf.

At this time, Emperor Yan, who was meditating on the scriptures and creative methods, didn't know that the Alicorn Ant father and his son were so fast-paced in their work that they directly notified the master to pick up the people before they even met them.

In Wuliang Tianlong Ridge, Gufeng came to see the real dragon with the decree of the Sky Horned Ant. This made many real immortals sitting in Zhenlong Ridge confused as to what was going on.

The relationship between the Skyhorned Ant and the True Dragon is very good. Because they have similar temperaments, the two of them can chat easily. Generally, if it is not a big deal, the two families will not use laws and decrees to interact with each other, unless there is something serious. , will act like this.

Only a few quasi-immortal kings were qualified to listen to the conversation in the True Dragon Palace. The other true immortals could only guess among themselves.

"Could it be that these two adults are bored and want to arrange a fight with the Immortal King from a foreign land?" You Zhenxian guessed.

As for the Immortal Kings in the primitive ancient world, the True Dragons, Kunpengs, Alicorn Ants, Qilins, and Spider Ancestors are all extremely warlike people. They are originally a race of ferocious beasts, naturally warlike, and it is really boring for them to be idle. thing.

In the past, these few people had the opportunity to have a fight, but after the war with the foreign land, just as a precaution, they stopped fighting. Now there are tens of thousands, and these militants are afraid that they will go crazy. .

"I think it's impossible. If we really want to go, Lord Horned Ant will come by himself that day." A true immortal raised an objection, and what he said was very reasonable. Everyone present was convinced, including the true immortal who spoke at the beginning. This is true.

Just when everyone was discussing in full swing, a tall figure appeared above the Zhenlong Palace. His aura was extremely terrifying. When he opened and closed his eyes, countless galaxies were disillusioned. The imperial dragon energy around him was majestic. Just looking directly at him, he felt like he was Incredibly small.

The terrifying figure didn't say anything. With one step, he crossed several days and arrived at Tianjiao Mountain.

The Heavenly Horn Ant Ancestor in the Heavenly Horn Hall was not surprised that the real dragon came back and looked at him to signal.

The real dragon did not speak, but followed the gaze of the Sky Horn Ant Ancestor. With just one glance, he was slightly startled. Even if he was an Immortal King, it would still be inevitable.

"What a rich true dragon bloodline, and it belongs directly to me." The true dragon was surprised and tried to remember if he had left any bloodline somewhere.

But in an instant, he gave up this unrealistic idea. If his bloodline was really born in the world, he would definitely feel it.

For the Immortal King, even if someone else pronounces their name, the Immortal King will feel it and pay attention to it, let alone the person born by blood.

"What's going on?" he asked.

If he didn't believe it at first, and the reason why he came was just because the Alicorn Ant said it, if it were anyone else, he would just sneer at it.

Comparable to his own children, you know how difficult it is to pass on the blood of the true dragon lineage. He has grown up several epochs ago, and after so long, he is only two sons and one daughter.

On the other hand, the blood of the Skyhorned Ant clan has been passed down for many generations!

"Ask me! If I hadn't known that he could never be your heir, I would have doubted whether he was an illegitimate child!"

The Sky Horn Ant Ancestor thought for a while and continued: "Could it be that the descendants of other branches of your lineage are comparable to your own children because of their awakened bloodline?"

The real dragon thought for a while and said with some uncertainty: "I actually don't know much about my lineage. My father and the previous real dragon died fighting for the title of the real dragon. I don't know much about many things. "

The Sky Horned Ant Ancestor nodded when he heard this. He did not ask about the bloodline anymore, but asked about recruiting disciples: "Then what are your plans? Do you want to investigate?"

"No, my true dragon disciple, if he is really a treacherous person, I will take action myself."

The real dragon looked at Emperor Yan who was creating magic in the small world. Of course he would accept such a good seedling. If there was a problem, he would teach him. If he couldn't teach him, he would beat him. If the beating was useless, he would just suppress it.

Anyway, it is impossible to give up. With such a strong bloodline, the realm of Immortal King is really not difficult for the Dragon Clan with strong bloodline. When he grows up, he is an Immortal King. His three children are, and the Emperor Yan is almost the same.

"This name is well chosen and has a certain temperament." Thinking of Emperor Yan's name, Zhenlong secretly praised it in his heart.

So what if the word "Emperor" has cause and effect? ​​He is a true dragon and is not afraid of any cause and effect.

The two powerful men of Immortal King level just said nothing, watching Yan Emperor create magic in the small world.

Of course, creating a method here does not mean creating a cultivation system, but creating a heavenly skill of your own.

Because of Jiang Li's memory of practice, creating magic is nothing to Emperor Yan, not to mention there are so many scriptures for his reference.

Soon, three years passed. During this period, Emperor Yan stayed in the small world and read all the scriptures here. He successfully created his own method.

Not only that, he also created the last two chapters of the Immortal Sutra based on the physical training skills here. After the immortal energy is restored and the connection between him and Jiang Li is reborn, Jiang Li can go smoothly. Naturally obtain the memory of this heavenly skill.

And when he was creating the scriptures and preparing to start practicing, Jinchi's message came from outside the small world.

Emperor Yan was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then became ecstatic. The real dragon had come and wanted to see him.

This was something he had always envisioned. He put aside his plans to practice and followed Jinchi directly to Tianjiao Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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