The supreme journey that covers the sky

Chapter 263 The pinnacle in the field of humanity

Chapter 263 The pinnacle in the field of humanity
Some huge creatures from foreign lands and primitive ancient worlds manifested themselves after their death, like a sacred mountain that stretched across this place, bigger than some stars! The blood flowing down is like a surging red star river!
After Emperor Yan followed Chang Ming and rushed to the battlefield, he was originally ready to follow the team, but the people around him went directly to find their opponents after rushing into the battlefield.

After secretly cursing Zhenlang, he also found a Supreme, whose realm was almost at the level of the Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level, and started fighting with him.

After fighting for more than a dozen moves, the Supreme Being was directly killed by Yan Emperor with one punch. Then Yan Emperor turned into a divine light and spread out on the battlefield. There was no enemy wherever he passed.

During this time, Emperor Yan modified Xing Zi Jue and Immortal Light Escape to make them suitable for use in the Immortal Ancient Era.

Now, just by relying on the world's fastest speed, he is enough to kill many supreme powerhouses in an instant.

Also, although he is only in the realm of killing me, it is dispensable to him at the moment, and the extra mana is only enough to make him twice as big as when he transforms into a dragon body.

But after the realm breakthrough, the World Tree grew again, which really helped him a lot. The World Tree took root in his body, and every punch was followed by ten thousand ways.

Emperor Yan used his dragon fist to directly kill through the battlefield, killing countless Dunyi and Supreme.

Such an amazing performance naturally attracted everyone's attention. A genius soon appeared from the foreign land. He was so powerful that Tianyu was shocked with every step he made.

"It seems that you are the disciple of the real dragon. Watch me kill you."

"you wanna die."

He also noticed the situation on Emperor Yan's side, because so far, one young supreme had died on the primitive ancient world, and two had died on the other side of the foreign world.

Therefore, Chang Ming and the strong man from the foreign land played the role of controlling the situation and prolonging the battle of the young geniuses as much as possible.

All the true immortals were stunned. He did not automatically ignore Yun Mo's self-deprecation, but thought about the previous sentence.

Yes, True Dragon has never accepted a disciple in several eras. It's not that he doesn't want to, but that he doesn't catch his eye at all. And Emperor Yan is obviously the only one who has caught his eye in these eras, so how could he not be outstanding.

Chang Ming's face was cold, and he waved the battle flag in his hand. A Supreme from the primitive ancient world directly greeted him and let the other Supreme pass.

The young supreme saw the scene of Emperor Yan taking action to kill the purple creature, but he was not afraid because he thought he was stronger than the purple creature.

And those two people both fell at the hands of Emperor Yan, and it was difficult for people not to notice.

This punch was so strong that many of the people fighting around him couldn't help but feel terrified. This was the peerless genius of the younger generation from a foreign land. Although his cultivation had not yet reached the pinnacle of humanity, his strength was really not that bad.

The primitive ancient monks in this world were boiling. Their morale was greatly shaken. The young invincible man from the foreign land fell and became the first young genius to be killed.

Then, with a faint clear light, Emperor Yan stood in the broken world. Beside him, the purple creatures had been torn in half, the soul was completely extinct, and purple blood spread all over the world.

Killing two young supremes one after another was too high-profile. More and more creatures noticed him and were approaching him.

"Yunmo, which junior brother of yours is a bit strong!" Qijia sighed.

There was a real dragon hovering over his fist. The terrifying real dragon aura swept through the surrounding star field, and the runes in the sky submerged the fist. There, only a real dragon was left roaring.

The exotic purple creature roared, and a blazing light burst out from his whole body, intending to collide with the dragon fist and break the myth of the invincibility of the true dragon lineage.

"It's just you, it's better to let He Wushuang come." Emperor Yan sneered disdainfully, not afraid of the other party at all, and even taunted him: "You are a piece of rubbish. You shouldn't even be qualified to see He Wushuang. I want you to call him." It’s a bit unrealistic.”

On another battlefield, the young man in charge of the battle flag in the foreign land, the Dao Juedian monk, saw the Yan Emperor's vertical and horizontal figure, and waved the battle flag in his hand directly in that direction.

"The Emperor Yan is invincible!"

At this moment, the world was turned upside down, chaos was surging, and with Emperor Yan's punch, the whole world seemed to be overturned, and the atmosphere was horrifying.

"Joker, I saw you being provocative as soon as you came up. I thought you were very talkative, but it seems that's all." Emperor Yan sneered.

Only then did everyone notice that a big hole was opened in his chest, blood and flesh were flying, and the white bones were exposed.

The genius of the foreign royal family was completely angered. The aura on his body exploded, and purple light blazed all over his body, like a sun. It was so dazzling that it made people unable to open their eyes. However, the cold murderous intention covered up the original warmth of the sun.

After killing the purple creatures, Emperor Yan did not stop moving forward. He rushed into another world and fought with a genius who was slaughtering the primitive ancient world there.


Yun Mo raised the corners of his lips and said proudly: "He is my father's disciple. As for my son, I don't have a choice, but my disciple must have been carefully selected."

Emperor Yan turned around and killed the purple creature again. He was bathed in golden divine fire and carried a monstrous momentum. In front of his fist, it was as if there were stars in the sky rotating, pulsing and resonating with him.

They are old rivals. At this moment, their eyes are fixed on each other. If it were not for the restraint of the battle flag in their hands, they would have killed each other long ago.

"What is the power of the Great Perfection of the Holy Spirit!" Emperor Yan felt a little pressure in his heart and did not dare to be careless. The World Tree in his body glowed, and the laws of ten thousand ways blessed him. The Dragon Fist in the True Dragon Treasure Technique directly faced the purple sun.

Immediately, all the young geniuses from the foreign land noticed Emperor Yan. Behind the young strong man, two supreme beings came out to kill Emperor Yan.

The figures intertwined, and the purple creature roared in pain.

This is like a game of raising gu, the one who kills through the whole battle in the end is the strongest, and Chang Ming and the young strong man from Yiyu are undoubtedly the two people who killed through the battlefield in the last war.

The young strong man on the foreign side had a cold and terrifying look on his face. He did not continue to send more supremes. Both sides intended to train the younger generation of geniuses. Once one side sends out men endlessly, the war will soon escalate.

The shouts resounded through the starry sky. The monks from the foreign land were in disbelief. They couldn't believe that the scene before them was real. Their morale was greatly damaged, and they were quickly killed and retreated, and were being cannibalized by the army of the primitive ancient world.

A terrifying collision broke out, and the world was shattered into pieces, with cracks in the void everywhere.

He is very domineering and does not take Yan Emperor seriously at all, with a condescending attitude.

But soon, the facts gave him the answer. It was an illusion. In just a few moves, he was blown away. The soul tried to escape, but was directly caught by Emperor Yan and torn into pieces.

With just one blow, this young prodigy from a foreign land was seriously injured. Although he recovered quickly, it also meant that he suffered a big loss from that blow just now.

This foreign royal family is very strong. Although he has not yet reached the peak of the extreme realm, he has already kicked Lingmen. At this moment, his eyes are red.

At this moment, the foreign supreme being covered with purple scales couldn't help it anymore and took action directly. He punched out, like the purple sun exploding, the blazing divine light was unparalleled.

At this time, there were cries of sorrow from the primitive ancient world, and the supreme being on a battlefield was torn to pieces, with blood splattering and bones and flesh flying everywhere.

"Haha, such wonderful blood is really intoxicating."

This is a creature that emits silver light. He has the body of a human, the head of a snake, divine wings like a yaksha, and a shiny snake tail.

"Snake Yaksha, good job." Someone cheered in the foreign land. Two of their own were killed just now, which shocked them a lot. They are all royals, how could they allow themselves to be defeated by those soft-footed shrimps in the primitive ancient world.

But before they could be happy for too long, the other side rioted again. Jin Chi used his ant fist to blow up the royal genius in front of him, and was killed on the spot.

There is no doubt that the Skyhorned Ant clan is extremely powerful.

"Who dares to fight with me!" Jin Chi's blood was boiling at this moment, and the terrifying power made the surrounding space unbearable and collapsed directly.

At this point in the battle, the casualties among the young and powerful men were slowly increasing, and the battle situation inevitably began to expand, and Emperor Yan's side was also in a bitter fight. The humanoid monk he was fighting against at the moment was very powerful, especially the strange mark behind the scales between his eyebrows, which could reveal all the illusions in the world.

Moreover, the cultivation level of this creature is very powerful, reaching the pinnacle of human nature. It will be very troublesome for Emperor Yan to deal with it.

Fortunately, he had already practiced Xing Zi Mi and Immortal Light Escape to an extremely advanced level before. Relying on the extreme speed, he was inseparable from this humanoid creature.

Even though the mark of the foreign creature was very strong, there was still nothing he could do against Emperor Yan. A blazing light erupted between his brows, trying to locate Emperor Yan, but to no avail, the speed was too fast.

Suddenly, a ray of divine light passed by him, and then the foreign creature's shoulder was directly smashed. But at the same time, the mark between his eyebrows also captured the trajectory of Emperor Yan. He cut it with one palm, directly breaking Emperor Yan's forehead bone. .

After the two people were separated, they were both severely injured, and their blood was like pillars, shooting thousands of miles away.

Needless to say, the two of them started fighting again without waiting for their injuries to recover.

The power of extreme speed was unleashed again, and Emperor Yan would not let himself stop at all, because he was at a disadvantage in a head-on confrontation, and his shortcomings in mana were clearly exposed in a battle of the same level.

The alien creature also knew that the person he was fighting was not even a supreme being. This made him feel ashamed and angry, but also felt a little lucky in his heart.

If Emperor Yan had reached a higher level, even if he only escaped to one level, this alien creature might have been destroyed both physically and mentally.

But at this moment, Emperor Yan's realm is just to kill me. Every time he repairs his injured body, his mana will be reduced by a large amount, and then he can only slowly recover by widening the distance at extreme speeds.

This foreign creature has obviously seen his weakness. The mark between his eyebrows is very powerful, much more powerful than the martial arts eye. After knowing why Emperor Yan keeps traveling at speed.

Now he no longer blindly pursues Yan Emperor's position, but instead fights back to the battlefield, intending to force Yan Emperor to fight him at the cost of the lives of the monks from the primitive ancient world army.

Naturally, Emperor Yan would not take the bait of such a clumsy provocation. Although he wanted to save the lives of these monks, that was only based on his own safety.

Of course, this doesn't mean that I can't deal with it. After all, I can kill the monks from the primitive ancient world. Can't I kill the monks from the foreign land? Moreover, for the Emperor Yan who is in the extremely fast state at this moment, these monks are like the ground in front of him. of leeks.

He didn't need to use other means at all. The extreme power brought by the speed force allowed him to directly defeat the monks from the foreign land even if he hit them.

In less than a blink of an eye, those foreign monks exploded into tens of thousands of people. Their flesh and blood exploded, and blood splattered like fireworks, and there was a series of explosions.

In just a moment, almost tens of thousands of monks exploded into a blood mist on this day. Many foreign monks did not even react to what was going on, and their vision dimmed directly.

The creature with the scaly eyebrows saw this scene, and his face turned completely gloomy. It was not because of the heavy losses of the foreign army, but he simply felt humiliated.

This method was obviously used by him to contain Emperor Yan, but now he was suddenly used in the opposite direction. Make him feel like he shot himself in the foot.

The rise of Emperor Yan's killing was started by the foreign creature anyway, so he felt no guilt when he started.

"Stop." Finally, after realizing that no matter how hard he killed, the number was less than half that of Emperor Yan, he couldn't hold back anymore and went straight to kill Emperor Yan.


Just when this foreign creature made a move, a ray of divine light crossed the endless galaxy and came to him. The scales between the creature's eyebrows opened, and the marks under the scales emitted a blazing fairy light, and a figure was vaguely captured. Come.

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to resist, but he noticed that this time was different from the past. The creature was holding a black halberd in its hand, and its level was truly the pinnacle of humanity.

"Sure!" As soon as this thought flashed through his mind, he felt his body explode, and a black dragon-patterned halberd shattered half of his body.

After Emperor Yan's halberd passed by, he didn't give the strange creature a chance to breathe. Instead, he seized on the flaw and attacked fiercely, without giving her a chance to recover.

Whenever the strange creature wants to reorganize its body, it will be hit by the halberd. He wants to escape, leave this world and find a chance to recover.

But his speed was so different from Emperor Yan that he didn't even have a chance to escape.

This is the role of escape speed. It is not only used in combat, but also when you are at a disadvantage and want to avoid the edge, you must have super escape speed.

The strange creatures roared unwillingly, and the sound resounded across many worlds, attracting the attention of many monks, and the expressions on those in the foreign land even changed.

The creature with the mark between his eyebrows was the most powerful prodigy of the Crimson Demon Eye royal family in the foreign land. He was truly the pinnacle of humanity, but now he was at a disadvantage and was killed several times.

That is an extremely talented person who can rank in the top fifty in a foreign land!
"Who is that person? When did such a monk appear in the primitive ancient world?"

Everyone is shocked, not only in the foreign land, but also in the primitive ancient world. Many people know that the true dragon has accepted a disciple and is called Emperor Yan, but not many people really know what Emperor Yan looks like.

"This is a powerful man from the ancient world."

The morale of the monks in the primitive ancient world was greatly boosted, their combat power increased greatly, and they began to gain some advantages.

Everyone in Diguan who knew the identity of Emperor Yan was sighing at this moment. The true dragon lineage had seen the treasure. As long as Emperor Yan did not fall in the future, he would definitely be no worse than Yunmo, Changming and the others.

"No, it's impossible for me to lose. How could I lose to a creature from the primitive ancient world." The alien creature shouted hoarsely. At this moment, his origin was almost exhausted, and even his soul began to dim.

Although a quick reorganization of the body is nothing to the supremely powerful person, there is a limit after all. He has been beaten too many times and his vitality has been wiped out bit by bit.

After hundreds of rounds of fierce fighting, the foreign creatures were once again blasted to pieces. Before they could regroup, Emperor Yan's halberd struck directly at its soul. For the first time, Emperor Yan thought that the time had come to truly launch a killing blow.

Runes are overwhelming, and the power of destruction is everywhere. This is a powerful attack. The black halberd bends like a steel whip and swings its tail like a dragon.

In the True Dragon Art, the tail of the divine dragon was swung. In the last years of the Immortal Age, An Lan, the King of Talkers, was struck by the true dragon's tail and his immortal shield was shattered. His body exploded, blood stained the void, and he flew hundreds of billions of miles away. This shows the impact of this blow. powerful.

Although Emperor Yan used this attack with a human body at this moment, the power was far less than that of a dragon body. However, the dragon-marked black gold halberd was very compatible with the true dragon bloodline, which made up for some of this gap.


The terrifying loud noise resounded across several worlds, and the souls of the foreign creatures were directly exploded, completely destroyed physically and mentally.

"It's a beautiful thought, but it's just a defeat. You have no chance of living at all."

Emperor Yan looked at the foreign creature with a broken body, and took action to absorb the blood essence that escaped from him, and gathered it into a great elixir. This was truly a blood elixir that was at the pinnacle of human nature, and its effect on cultivation was no less than that of an elixir.

Looking at the blood pill in his hand, he threw it directly into his mouth. In an instant, an unimaginably vast amount of energy exploded in his body. This was not the blood-dried Supreme Being in Zhetian. This was the life force that was at its peak. The emperor in his heyday.

The majestic essence is turning into mana at an extremely fast speed, pushing his realm, and the World Tree rooted in his body is also rapidly absorbing its essence and growing continuously.

His realm also improved rapidly in the Killing Me Realm. He quickly passed through the early, middle and late stages, and reached the peak of the Killing Me Realm.

Even so, the blood pill he swallowed still had a vast amount of energy, a blood pill that was at the pinnacle of humanity. The energy was so majestic that it seemed like there was no end in sight.

Emperor Yan's actions undoubtedly angered many foreign creatures. Even the creature holding the war flag was so angry that he waved the war flag directly and let a creature with the highest level of humanity kill him.


But as soon as he waved his battle flag, he had just killed a snake yaksha who was the pinnacle of humanity in the primitive ancient world and he went straight towards Emperor Yan to kill him.

(End of this chapter)

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